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Transformational opportunities for an equitable

ocean commons
Joachim Claudeta,1 , Diva J. Amonb, and Robert Blasiakc,d

A frontier mentality has been a defining aspect of starting some 370 km from coastlines) and vast (cov-
human history. Often this sentiment is optimistically ering nearly 40% of the planet’s surface). It is also the
framed in the language of aspirations and opportuni- subject of ongoing United Nations negotiations for a
ties. But it can also be accompanied by unsavory nar- treaty on the conservation and sustainable use of
ratives of over-exploitation, inequity, and conflict (1). marine biological diversity found in areas beyond
If any place on Earth can be considered a final fron- national jurisdiction (typically shortened to BBNJ,
tier, it is perhaps the ocean’s “areas beyond national However, if current trajec-
jurisdiction” (ABNJ), which are both distant (generally tories of expansion of human activities in the ocean
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To preserve the global ocean commons, we need to explicitly focus not just on scientific questions worthy of investigation but also on
building up the capacity of emerging and future researchers. Image credit: Shutterstock/LeQuangNhut.

National Center for Scientific Research, PSL Universit
e Paris, CRIOBE, USR 3278 CNRS-EPHE-UPVD, Maison des Oc eans 75005 Paris, France;
SpeSeas, D’Abadie, Trinidad and Tobago; cStockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, Kr€ aftriket 2B 114 18 Stockholm, Sweden; and
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-8657, Japan
The authors declare no competing interest.
Published under the PNAS license.
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this work are those of the authors and have not been endorsed by
the National Academy of Sciences.
To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email:
Published October 13, 2021.

PNAS 2021 Vol. 118 No. 42 e2117033118 j 1 of 5

(A) A high density and diversity of organisms inhabit areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ), including many species of coral in the deep
ocean. (B) Between 2002 and 2011, Antarctic krill accounted for 24% of catch on the high seas. (C) Mineral resources in ABNJ are gathering
attention, including in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone. (D) Marine technology such as remotely operated vehicles could form part of the
“research fleet for the work.” Image credits: (A) NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research; (B) Shutterstock/Tarpan; (C) Diva Amon
and Craig Smith (University of Hawaii at Manoa, Manoa, HI); (D) NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research. 2016 Deepwater Explora-
tion of the Marianas.
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continue, we are at the crossroad of deciding Frontiers are uncertain territory, characterized by
whether this rapidly receding frontier will bring the high risks and high rewards. In the case of ABNJ, the
economic and social benefits that drive progress financial and human capacity needed to participate
towards achieving the Sustainable Development are substantial and has encouraged a single-minded
Agenda or further cement global inequities (2). focus on production, leading to “blind spots” in the
Humanity has never benefited more from the ocean economy that are perpetuating inequities, and
ocean, but 60% of USD 1.8 trillion revenues of the are incompatible with international development
eight main ocean-based sectors were accrued by just agendas (7). Pivoting the current narrative of ABNJ
100 corporations (3). Almost half of these are oil and away from this status quo will require a new opera-
gas companies headquartered in 13 countries, tional logic. Here, we propose four transformational
emphasizing the distance between today’s ocean opportunities to reshape our relationship with the
economy and aspirations of a sustainable and equita- ocean and foster equity for people and nature, and
ble “blue economy” (4). Over the past 50 years, this we suggest two avenues for public and private sector
concentration has been accompanied by accelerat- actors to lead the way.
ing growth in the diversity and scale of claims on the
ocean’s food, material, and space, not only in coastal Equity as a Guiding Principle
areas, but increasingly in international waters [the Concepts shape policy, and our first transformational
Blue Acceleration (5)]. For instance, industrial fishing opportunity is to fundamentally reconceptualize the
fleets have expanded their focus to deeper and more ocean as a global commons. The fragmented nature
distant waters—the landed catch of ABNJ fishing of the ocean policy seascape is out of sync with the
operations was valued at USD 7.6 billion in 2014, but interconnected nature of the ocean’s biophysical pro-
only 47% of these operations would have been prof- cesses and the accelerating human footprint in ABNJ,
itable without perverse subsidies (6). Elsewhere, the leading some to embrace emerging conceptualizations
international seabed, which, together with its mineral of the ocean as a global commons (8). There is diver-
resources, is considered the common heritage of sity in these notions of a global commons, but they
humankind, is poised to shrink by some 37 million are distinct from the legal concept of the common
km2, twice the size of Russia, as a result of extended heritage of humankind, which applies for instance to
continental shelf claims that would bring these areas the Moon. Whereas legal concepts carry legal impli-
under national jurisdiction (5). cations and can cause international negotiations to

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grind to a halt, a conceptual global commons does global infrastructure can accelerate the pace of dis-
not—and it finds resonance with moral and political covery and research advances, stimulating a deeper
concepts that capture a spirit of connectivity and sense of stewardship and engagement to foster
shared benefit as well as the imperative of collective transformative policymaking.
action. Accordingly, the ocean is of vital importance Our third transformational opportunity entails a
for present and future generations, implying a reordering of paradigms of conservation and use. The
responsibility by each State, economic actor, com- BBNJ treaty negotiations provide an opening to funda-
munity and individual to protect it. Such senti- mentally change how humanity approaches ocean
ments are implicit in the preamble of the United resources. The value of conserving biodiversity with
Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea marine protected areas (MPAs) is internationally recog-
(UNCLOS), which notes that “the problems of nized, as highlighted by the Convention on Biological
ocean space are closely interrelated and need Diversity (CBD) and Sustainable Development Goal
to be considered as a whole” (9). (SDG) target 14.5. Although a target of 30% of coastal
Our second transformational opportunity focuses and marine waters designated as MPAs (or other effec-
on the development of global infrastructure for fair tive conservation measures) is being considered for the
ocean research. Marine scientific activities in ABNJ CBD’s post-2020 Agenda, some have advocated rais-
are inherently costly owing to the remoteness and ing this to half the Earth’s surface. The potential for
associated technical challenges, hampering equity in large-scale establishment of MPAs in ABNJ rests largely
participation and knowledge production. The explo- in the hands of the states negotiating the BBNJ agree-
ration and study of ABNJ does not mirror the diver- ment, an uncertain prospect after some 15 years of dis-
sity of the world’s science community and has largely cussion and negotiations (11). Rather than binding the
excluded developing nations and vulnerable commu- future of ABNJ solely to this process, we propose a
nities, which are among the most reliant on a func- new operating logic whereby the entirety of ABNJ
tioning and predictable ocean (10). To make ABNJ a would become a de facto conserved area. In line with a
truly global commons, we need to explicitly focus not rights of nature approach (see below), this would entail
just on scientific questions worthy of investigation switching from an assumption that ABNJ is open for
but also on building up the capacity of emerging and business wherever it is most advantageous to assuming
future researchers by reversing inequity in marine it is closed pending collective decisions on where (and
research and education infrastructure. This can be when) to exploit its resources [see (12) for a proposed
achieved through three complementary elements of approach for fisheries management off Canada’s west
a new global infrastructure. coast]. Far from limiting human benefits from ABNJ,
First, the creation of a “research fleet for the this approach could sustain these, contributing to cli-
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world,” formed through the commissioning and/or mate change mitigation and adaptation, increased fish-
repurposing of vessels positioned strategically eries catch at national levels or in areas open to fishing
around the world, would allow for ocean science by (11), and potentially improved nutrition and food secu-
individuals from adjoining regions (10). This research rity in developing countries (13). Decisions on when
fleet could encompass not only ships but also sub- and where to allow further activities in ABNJ should be
mersibles, gliders, buoys, floats, autonomous under- made in an explicitly inclusive manner through an
water vehicles, or remotely operated vehicles. equity lens supported by benefit-sharing mechanisms.
Second, an international mobile deep-sea station— Our final, and perhaps most aspirational, transfor-
akin to the International Space Station, which has mational opportunity entails an expansion beyond
substantially expanded our understanding of the anthropocentric notions of equity and rights in ABNJ
solar system and beyond, and inspired millions of to explicitly encompass the natural world and its com-
people worldwide—would help humankind to under- ponents. Recognizing the intrinsic value of the ocean
stand the deep sea, its rhythms over time and space, and its biodiversity, and upholding their legal rights to
and its role in climate, via state-of-the-art instrumen- exist, flourish, and evolve, could provide the paradigm
tation with the promotion of diversity, equity, and shift we need (14, 15). This could transform the rela-
inclusivity as guiding principles (10). Third, a global tionship between humans and the ocean, with the
institute, with science advancement and capacity ocean respected as a rights-bearing entity rather than
development as interwoven core missions, would as a resource to be exploited (16). This could also lead
actively promote large-scale, fair, interdisciplinary to entities seeking restitution when nature in ABNJ is
collaboration between high-income and low-income harmed through regulatory failure (14). Successfully
countries for the co-production of knowledge, as well applying this approach depends on addressing funda-
as co-discovery, co-cataloguing, and co-stewardship mental questions, such as how exactly to define
of biodiversity. Distance-learning technologies are “nature.” If transformational change is the aspiration,
becoming increasingly effective, and the institute however, these are not insurmountable hurdles. The
would mobilize these to create an online global plat- “rights of nature” movement can provide a common
form that could assist with broadening access, includ- vision and encourage progressive interpretations of
ing to centralized and accessible data, in accordance key principles, potentially enhancing the effectiveness
with FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reus- and equitability of ocean governance instruments and
able) data principles (10). The emergence of regional normalizing a role for the global community as better
and global networks of expertise through such a new stewards.

Claudet et al. PNAS j 3 of 5

Transformational opportunities for an equitable ocean commons
Beyond the BBNJ Agreement awareness among corporate actors that the limits of
Although there are attractive aspects of such trans- the biosphere are being breached, constituting not
formational opportunities, their feasibility may be only a threat to the Earth’s most vulnerable ecosys-
undermined by a fragmented ocean governance sea- tems but also to the future viability of entire indus-
scape and “treaty fatigue,” with states becoming tries. In the context of ABNJ, for instance, whereas
reluctant to engage in multilateral treaty-making, the Pacific island nation of Nauru applied in early
thus threatening to deflate the ambition level of new 2021 for approval to the UN International Seabed
policy instruments such as the BBNJ treaty. It is Authority to begin mining in two years, a handful of
therefore crucial to explore alternatives that can fit corporate giants committed to not source metals or
within this policy space, but be more agile and bold, minerals from the international seabed unless it could
ideally setting the stage for future binding instru- be clearly demonstrated that such activities can be
ments (2). We outline two avenues for action: one in managed in a way that ensures the effective protec-
the public sphere and one in the private, aligned tion of the marine environment (18, 19). Comparable
with the proposed transformational opportunities. leadership by seafood corporations might include
Proactive states have a role to play in leading the commitments to only source seafood from within
way for the international community. The High Level national jurisdictions (20). On a small scale, such
Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy provides efforts would carry little impact. But through vehicles
one promising model, whereby 14 heads of state—a of pre-competitive collaboration, small groups of
diverse subset of the global community seeking to influential actors can catalyze notions of corporate
position themselves as ocean leaders—have taken a biosphere stewardship and rapidly shift industry
step in unison with time-bound commitments to sus- norms with far-ranging impacts (21, 22). If such a criti-
tainable ocean management (17). The ink is still dry- cal mass is reached, key risks to ABNJ would rapidly
ing on the commitments made by the High Level dissipate.
Panel, but convincing progress demonstrating the A status-quo approach to ABNJ is a risk for
dividends of this approach could bolster broader humanity and the biosphere and would be a missed
regional and eventually global coalitions of states opportunity. Shifting and elevating narratives away
committed to comparable efforts. If the BBNJ nego- from the pragmatic and towards truly transforma-
tiations fail to conclude in a timely and ambitious tional change is urgently needed to make humanity’s
manner, we see value in the establishment of a High relationship with ABNJ an example of how action can
Level Panel of heads of state committed to transfor- spur equitable outcomes (2). We applaud the multi-
mational science-based leadership on ABNJ. ple efforts, including within the scope of the BBNJ
Similar to states, industry leaders can also appeal negotiations, to achieve such outcomes, and we
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to their peers in leading change for an equitable underscore the constructive role for public and pri-
ocean commons. The private sector is driving the vate actors to remain proactive in raising ambition
Blue Acceleration (5), with its good and bad practices levels and shaping an equitable future for humanity’s
shaped by public policy. Yet there is a growing relationship with ABNJ.

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Transformational opportunities for an equitable ocean commons

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