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Unit 1: Human Body

1. The circulatory system consists of the heart, blood, and blood vessel.
- The circulatory system is …………………………………………………
2. Inside the head is brain, which is responsible for thinking.
- Inside the head is the brain, which enables ………………………………
3. The kidneys are concerned with urea excretion.
- The kidneys play …………………………………………………………
4. One function of the pancreas is producing hormone.
- The pancreas is involved …………………………………………………
5. The speech center of the brain enables us to speak.
- The speech center of the brain controls ………………………………….
6. The liver produces bile.
- Bile is ………………………………………………………………….…
7. The primary function of the heart is to circulate the blood through the body.
- The heart is responsible ………………………………………………….
8. The spinal column is made up 33 small bones called vertebrae.
- 33 small bones ……………………………………………………………
9. Cells are composed primary of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen.
- Cells consist ………………………………………………………………
10. What function does the heart serve?
- What is ……………………………………………………………………

1. made up of / composed of the heart, blood, and blood vessels.

(consist of … = be made up of …= be composed of …)
2. us to think.
( is responsible for + V-ing = enable s.o to do sth)
3. a part in urea excretion / excreting urea.
4. in producing hormone / hormon production.
(be involve in + V-ing)
5. speaking / our speech.
6. produced by the liver.
(Câu bị động)
7. for circulating the blood through the body.
(is responsible for + V-ing)
8. which make up the spinal column is vertebrae.
9. of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen.
10. the function of the heart?
Unit 2: Cardiovascular System
1. The medical instrument were made in Germany. We received them last week.
- The medical instrument, which we received last week, were made in Germany.
2. The nurse is very friendly. She is taking Tom’s temperature.
- The nurse, who is taking Tom’s temperature, is very friendly.
3. The vertebral column protects the spinal cord. It runs from the brain down
through the back.
- The vertebral column, which runs from the brain down through the back, protects
the spinal cord.
4. The bone is called the femur. It extends from the hip bone to the knee.
- The bone which extends from the hip bone to the knee called the femur.
5. The patient will be discharged tomorrow. He is having his blood pressure
- The patient who is having blood pressure will be discharged tomorrow.
6. Hue Central Hospital has a lot of experienced doctors. My mother works here.
- Hue Central Hospital, where my mother works, has a lot of experienced doctors.
7. The hospital is very clean. My sister is being treated there.
- The hospital where my sister is being treated is very clean.
8. The heart is controlled by nerves. These nerves originate on the right side in the
upper region of the atrium at the sinoatrial node.
- The heart is controlled by nerves, which originate on the right side in the upper
region of the atrium at the sinoatrial node.
9. One of the most important organs in our body is the liver. Bile is produced in it.
- One of the most important organs in our body, in which bile is produced, is the
10. Dr. Smith has been working in this hospital for 15 years. He examined you
- Dr. Smith, who examined you yesterday, has been working in this hospital for 15
Unit 3: Human Respiratory System
1. Many tiny blood vessels surround each alveolus.
- Each alveolus is surrounded by many tiny blood vessels.
2. The beta cells of the pancreas secrete insulin.
- Insulin is secreted by the beta cells of the pancreas.
3. Doctors may prescribe antiviral drugs to treat people who become very sick with
the flu.
- Antiviral drugs may be prescribed to treat people who become very sick with the
flu by doctors.
4. The WHO declared a worldwide swine flu pandemic in June 2009.
- A worldwide swine flu pandemic was declared by the WHO in June 2009.
5. A virus called HIV causes AIDS.
- AIDS is caused by a virus called HIV.
6. Scientists have discoverd many new antibiotics since the last century.
- Many new antibiotics have been discovered since the last century by scientists.
7. When did Sir Alexander Flaming discover penicillin?
- When was penicillin discovered by Sir Alexander Flaming?
8. Doctor Smith will operate on that patient tomorrow.
- That patient will be operated on by Doctor Smith tomorrow.
9. Dr. Nam is treating my father at the moment.
- My father is being treated at the moment by Dr. Nam.
10. The nervous system controls all life activities.
- All life activities are controlled by the nervous system.
11. People think that the accident happened because of the bad weather last night.
- The accident is thought to happen because of the bad weather last night.
12. It is said that he is infected with HIV.
- He is said to be infected with HIV.
Unit 4: Human Digestive System
1. The liver is a dome-shaped organ.
2. The kidneys are bean-shaped organs.
3. The heart is conical in shape.
4. The lungs are shaped like pyramids.
5. The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ.
6. The stomach has the shape of the sac.
7. The eye is spherical in shape.

Unit …
1. The manager was impressed by Jane’s work so he extended her contract for a
- Being impressed by Jane’s work, the manager extended her contract for a year.
2. He had invested much money for this company, so he didn’t want to give it
- Having invested much money for this company, he didn’t want to give it away.
3. Because he had started the course, Alan was determined to complete it.
- Having started the course, Alan was determined to complete it.
4. As we didn’t want to offend him, we said nothing about his paintings.
- Not wanting to offend him, we said nothing about his paintings.
5. As I haven’t seen all the evidence, I am reluctant to make a judgement.
- Not having seen all the evidence, Iam reluctant to make a judgement.
Một vài câu trong đề trước
1. The spleen destroys defective red blood cells.
- The spleen is responsible for destroying defective red blood cells.
2. These cells produce different enzymes.
- Different enzymes are prodeuced by these cells.
3. The lungs are conical organs.
- The lungs are shaped in cone.
4. Scientists who study these harmful effects of drugs and assess the probability of
their occurrence are called toxicologists.
- Scientists studying these harmful …
5. The pharmacist has invested much money for his company , the pharmacist
didn’t want to give it away.
- Having invested much money …
6. The drug was so bitter that she could not take it.
- The drug was too bitter for her to take.
(so + adj + that + clauses = too + adj + for s.o + to do dth)
7. The esophagus is a tube-shaped organ.
- The esophagus has the shape of tube.
8. The kidneys are concerned with urea excretion.
- The kidneys play a part in urea excretion/excreting urea.
9. Losing a lot of blood can cause shock.
- Shock can be caused by losing a lot of blood.
10. This boy is too young to use this drug.
- This boy is not old enough to use this drug.
(too…to…=adj + enough to + V)
11. All his relatives approved of his decision.
- His decision was approved of by all his relatives.
12. People say that a big tiger was killed last night.
- A big tiger is said to be killed last night.
13. A few days after the interview, a letter was sent to me offering me the job.
- A few days after the interview, I received a letter which offered me to the job.
14. My parents, not having much money, rarely took us to restaurants.
- My parents, who didn’t have much money, rarely took us to restaurants.
15. These drugs are so big that the child can’t swallow them.
- These drugs are too big for child to swallow.
16. We went on to finish second in the race although she fell heavily at the start.
- In spite of the heavy of feeling/the fact that she fell heavily at the start, we went
on to finish second in the race.
17. The students are donating blood to save those victims.
- The students are donating blood so that those victims can be saved.
18. The accident happened because the driver was careless when driving.
- The accident happened beacuse of the careless of the driver when driving.
19. Physicians are trained to know the potential toxic effects of medicinal drugs.
- Physicians are trained to be aware of the potential toxic effects of medicinal
20. Steveson is an architect and his design has won international praise.
- Steveson is an architect whose design has won international praise.
21. The function of the heart is to pump blood throughout our body.
- The heart is a responsible for pumping blood throughout our body.
22. The heart is conical in shape.
- The heart is a cone-shaped/cone-like organ.
23. Fortunately, these diseases are preventable.
- Fortunately, these diseases can be prevented.
24. The new is so expensive that we cannot afford it.
- The new drug is too expensive for us to afford.
25. The two drugs combined are more effective than a single drug.
- A single drug is not as effective as the two drugs combined.

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