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Grammar Practice

Part A: Fill in the blanks:

Use the correct word/phrase in the relevant gap. There are 2 gaps that don’t need any extra
words or phrases
whereas on the other hand although despite different from similar

in common X (nothing) while due to likewise because

People wonder what U.S. Presidents Jimmy Carter, George Bush and Barrack Obama have
1. ___________. In addition to being elected president of the U.S, these men all there the
same birth order. Each one is the oldest child in his family. In fact many very successful people
in government and business have been ‘firstborn’ children. 2. _________ there is some
variation, some experts agree that birth order can have an influence on a person’s personality in
childhood and in adulthood.

Firstborn children often have 3. ______ traits. First,4. __________their siblings, they are more
likely to be responsible, ambitious and authoritarian. This is probably 5. __________ they are
born into an environment of high expectations, and they usually receive a great deal of
attention. They are used to being leaders, taking responsibility for others and sometimes
6. ____X___ taking an almost parental role.

Middle children, 7. ______, exhibit different characteristics from firstborns. They are not as
determined as firstborns. They tend to be more passive and solitary. 8. _______having to share
family attention with older and younger siblings, middle children tend to be more realistic,
creative and insightful.

Youngest children are more likely to be dependent and controlling 9. _______ being more
protected than their older siblings. They are often as creative as middle children, but usually
more easygoing and social.

A child with no siblings, or an ‘only child’, also exhibits some unique characteristics. Some
parents worry that an only child will have difficulties socializing and making friends, 10. ______
studies show that an only child is just as intelligent, accomplished and sociable as a child with
siblings. In fact, some research indicates that being an only child has some benefits. These
children tend to have better vocabulary, perform better at school, and maintain closer
relationships with their parents than children with siblings.

Nezaket, Ö. Aug. 2022

Grammar Practice

11.______ the assumption that birth order dictates some personality traits, individuals can free
themselves from the roles they played when they were young. In fact, it is important to acquire
new behaviors that help express one’s true self 12. ______ it can be difficult to let go of these
roles and behaviors.
______/12 pts.

Part B: Compound and complex sentences:

Combine the sentences below with the given phrases or the most appropriate Relative Clause
1. Some parents only focus on academic success. Their children may not be creative. (RC)
__________________________________________________________________ __

2. Progress has been made in recent decades, but it could be wrong to think that men and
women are treated equally in many countries. (despite)

3. Employers expect different roles from men and women in leadership positions.

4. Men are usually expected to be assertive, confident, and decisive. Women are expected
to be flexible, cooperative and deferential. (while)

5. In the U.S. many baby boys still receive blue clothes and blankets. Many girls receive
pink ones. (on the other hand)
6. Aggression and dominance are the expected behavious from boys in many cultures.
Girls are expected to be supportive and subordinate. (even though)

Nezaket, Ö. Aug. 2022

Grammar Practice
7. It isn’t appropriate to treat a Chinese business colleague informally. Americans may
have difficulty when doing business with them. (due to)

8. Chinese businessmen like face-to-face meetings rather than by e-mail. You should send
relevant company documents well before you go to their country. (even if)

9. People perceive time differently in different cultures. This may be one problematic
aspect of doing business. (that)
_____________ ________________________________________________________

10. Understanding local customs can be problematic for businesspeople. Some customs
may be inappropriate in some cultures. (why)

Part C: Multiple Choice:

Choose the best alternative to complete the sentences

Dear Mr. Jones,

I’m writing this mail to thank you for the lecture today. I really enjoyed it and I’d like to check if
some aspects I understood are accurate. That’s why, I’d like to share them with you below.
I’ll be happy if you can clarify the ones with questions. Thanks in advance for your response.
1. Although/However/Nonetheless shaking the head from side to side indicates no, ,n
India, people move their head from side to side to acknowledge what is said.
2. People shake hands in many countries to say hello. Despite/ Although/In contrast,
like Latin Americans, Turkish people hug and kiss each other to say hello.
3. Because of/In spite of/ Instead the many opportunities for cultural
misunderstandings, people continue trying to do business.
4. However, /Despite/Even though not being aware of the difference may result in
losing the opportunities.
5. Unless/If/Even if people want to do business with other cultures, they need to learn

Nezaket, Ö. Aug. 2022

Grammar Practice

these differences for effective communication.

6. It is interesting to find out that in contrast to/instead/while many Canadians can be
direct when sharing their opinions, they can be vague when making social plans.
7. Despite/Although/Even I understand that bowing is some sort of greeting in the Asian
countries, I don’t understand the conditions and reasons for bowing.
8. Do you suggest doing business with the Chinese who/that/whose traditions and
communication style is so different from us?
9. Can I get some more information about a specific factory in where/what/which so
many items are produced?
10. Can you let me know where I can get extra information so that/as/because I can
mitigate misunderstandings in communication?
11. An older sibling is someone on which/whose/whom you can always trust.
12. These days, the number of women starting/start/started their own business is

____/12 pts.
Part D Error Correction:
Find the error and write the correct form in the box on the right.

Although the use of corporate websites is universal, 0.but corporate 0__butX_____

website design differs from culture to culture. One example is 1. that 1._____________
the various designs of the company, Good Foods. 2. Even though it 2._____________
wants to appear as if it sells the same quality products in different
countries, their websites are different in different countries.3. This is 3._____________
because the company wants to appeal to the consumers 4. taking 4._____________
their preferences into account. For example, Good Foods in the US
tends to use a limited number of colors, 5. whereas, the company site 5._____________
in India uses a great deal of color. That is, the Indian version uses
bright colors,6. therefore, the US version uses only shades of blue 6._____________
and gray. 7. Because of the way people interpret colors is cultural, 7._____________
companies prefer having different colors in their websites. In another
example, in Switzerland, the company shows their products, 8. 8._____________

Nezaket, Ö. Aug. 2022

Grammar Practice

however, it rarely shows people using them. In other words, it doesn’t

show people 9. unless they are alone. 9._____________
10. In the other hand, the Good Foods site for Mexico shows families 10.____________
shopping together in large groups of people enjoying the products. 11. 11 ____________
As people in Mexico tend to prefer being with others. Even though the
purpose of a company’s website is to present important 12. ___________
information,12. but the site must include cultural values of different

______/12 pts
Total ____/46

Nezaket, Ö. Aug. 2022


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