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Control work. Unit 1.

Ex. 1. 1) veritable- [ˈverɪtəbl] 2) wander- [ˈwɒndə]; 3) piquant- [ˈpiːkənt]; 4) contribution-

[kɒntrɪˈbjuːʃn]; 5) proceedings- [prəˈsiːdɪŋz]; 6) earnest- [ˈɜːnɪst]; 7) stomach- [ˈstʌmək].

Ex.2 1) He was a steady boy.

2) I don’t think he made his contribution of the work.
3) After dinner everyone's spirits rose.
4)The silly boy is always getting into a mess.
5)It took us much effort to scrape up.
6) You've made a mess of the job.

Ex. 3 1) of
2) through

Ex.4 1) gossip- conversation or reports about other people's private lives that might or might not

be true; idle talk.
2) to roam- to move around a place without any purpose;
3) to wind smb round one’s little finger - to be able to persuade someone to do anything that you

Ex.5 1) peel; 2) to put up at some place for the night; 3) to turn out; 4)a splendid opportunity.

Ex.6 1) We roamed about the city for about an hour and decided to stay in a hotel that was
riotous with flowers.
2) It started to drizzle and we decided to take shelter in a tent.
3) We need to listen a forecast on the safe side, before we are going to go camping.
4) That won't do. You've made a mess of all the work again. How can you neglect your duties
like this?
5) The more she was spreading rumours, the more her spirits were rising.
6) I should never have thought that such a balanced person could spoil his mood so quickly.
7) Although he was an inveterate anti-picniker, he's determined to go camping with us.
8) As soon as we sat down to eat, the weather immediately changed: a strong wind rose and blew
out the fire, it began to drizzle, and our clothes were soaked through.

Ex. 7 1) Иностранцы с трудом могут выговорить это слово.

2) Кто хочет съесть орешек, должен сломать скорлупу/ Без труда не вытащишь рыбку из
3) Он чувствовал, что начинает разбираться в той неразберихе, которая была в его жизни.
4)Она слышала настойчивый стук сердца: «Вставай и делай!».
5) Он рисковал попасть в какую-нибудь передрягу.

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