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Unit I Part 2

Ex. 1
1) Досуг- Leisure
2) ходить в поход- to go hiking
3) бродить- to wander
4) багаж- a luggage
5) корзина- hamper/basket
6) закоренелый- inveterate
7) живописный- picturesque
8) растительность-vegetation
9) моросящий дождь- drizzling rain
10) удушающая жара-the heat is stifling
11) кухонные принадлежности- cooking utensils
12) сытный (завтрак)- nourishing breakfast
13) вкус- taste
14) пригоревшая мешанина- a burnt mess
15) не сомкнуть глаз- not to sleep a wink
16) нырять- to dive
17) грести- to row
18) причуда- whim

Ex.2 1) This isn’t a real walking tour, it’s just the name.
2) We were a little afraid of the forthcoming walking tour, as some of us were inveterate anti-
3) In a sudden ecstasy, we plopped into the water and splashed until we were exhausted.
4) We arrived at our destination on time.
5) We didn’t have any choice except for gathering our things and go home.
6) Modern people can be called "legless" because they are always in a hurry, they don’t have
enough time to stop and admire nature, they prefer speed.
7) If you spend time in the fresh air, you improve your health, train your body, let your feelings
to come over.
8) People of the 21st century live in constant emotional stress.
9) Trying to escape from the daily routine, people put themselves in circumstances that they are
not used to be, it’s a pressure for us.

1) sluggishness - медлительность
2) to mince- крошить, рубить
3) pace- темп, шаг, скорость
4) to trot - бежать рысью
5) dazzle- ослепить
6) comprehension- понимание
7) refuge- убежище
8) to avert the disaster- предотвратить катастрофу
9) to restore smb’s composure- восстановить душевное равновесие кого-либо
10) to vow-клясться
11) bitterly- горько

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