CW1 - CV With Cover Letter - Assessment Criteria and Marking Sheet - V14.0 - 2

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Department of Professional Development & Humanities

Employability Skills Development - M2H124702
Course Work 1:
CV with Cover Letter

Student Name Student Number Programme

BEng _____________
Date Submitted Due Date
Tutor Name Dr / Mr / Ms

Coursework 1: CV with Cover Letter – Assessment Criteria & Marking Sheet

STUDENT DECLARATION: In submitting your work to CCE you are agreeing to the following statement:
“I declare that this assignment is my own work, that all sources of reference are acknowledged in full and no part of it is plagiarised or colluded and that it has not
been submitted for any other course / assessment.”

SECTION B: TUTOR TO COMPLETE: ASSESSMENT & COMMENT (Tutor to encircle appropriate mark in boxes.)
NOTE: Second Colum in each row depicts the standard criteria followed by criteria representing quality decrement in student work.
Strong purpose, company research, Good purpose, company Recognisable purpose, Suitable purpose, company Unclear purpose, lack
reference to CV; strong emphasis research, reference to CV; company research, research, reference to CV; of company research,
on how skills and competencies good emphasis on how skills adequate reference to indistinct emphasis on how poor reference to CV,
match job position; strong and competencies match job CV, adequate emphasis skills and competencies lack of emphasis on
expression of desire for an interview position; appropriate on how skills and match job position, how skills and
Cover Letter Content

and closing. Systematically expression of desire for an competencies match job expression of desire for an competencies match
distributed in 3-4 paragraphs with interview and closing. position, adequate interview and closing; job position,
logical and sequential connection. Appropriately distributed in 3- expression of desire for Some logic and expression of desire
The content and presentation is of 4 paragraphs with sufficient an interview, closing and sequencing seen in for an interview not
high impact. Strongly reflects CV. and sequential connection. distribution into 3-4 distribution into evident, inappropriate
paragraphs with paragraphs. closing. Awkward in 3-
noticeable sequential 4 paragraphs with
connection. logical and sequential
connection. This
section is plagiarised.
20 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
All details – complete name, postal Written with negligible errors Written with some errors Written with major errors Written poorly with
address, and (delete ‘and’) phone + and/or minimal omissions. and/or some omissions. and/or omissions. most of the details

country code, professional email- missing and/or with full

comprehensively provided with no of errors or are
errors. irrelevant. This section
is plagiarised.
5 5 4 3 2 1 0
Strong written competency Written well with negligible Written fairly well with Written with major errors Written poorly with full
/ Personal Profile
Career Objective

statement; covers who the errors and/or omissions. some errors and/or and/or omissions. of errors and/or
candidate is, job position and omissions. omissions. This
contribution of skills & section is plagiarised.
competencies comprehensively.
Sophisticated and articulate.

10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Employability Skills Development – Feb. 2021 CW1 – CV with Cover Letter Version 14.0 1|Page
Department of Professional Development & Humanities
Employability Skills Development - M2H124702
Qualification / courses mentioned Written well with negligible Written fairly well with Written with major errors Written poorly with
with period, name and place of errors and/or omissions and some errors and/or and/or omissions and less most of the details
Qualifications /
Other Courses

institution, key subjects studied, well-targeted to the job omissions and targeted to the job position. missing and/or with full

pass percentages / grades / GPA, position. adequately targeted to of errors and not
areas of specialization / academic the job position. targeted to the job
interest strongly targeted to the job position. This section
position. is plagiarised.

10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Strong competency statements on Written well with negligible Written fairly well with Written with major errors Written poorly with
technical / soft skills (not more than errors and/or omissions and some errors and/or and/or omissions and less most of the details

3 each) using PREP/STAR well-targeted to the job omissions and targeted to the job position. missing and/or with full
technique; strongly targeted to the position. adequately targeted to of errors and not
job position. Skill set presentation is the job position. targeted to the job
relevant, well thought out and of position. This section
strong impact. is plagiarised.
15 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Work history mentioned with period, Written well with negligible Written fairly well with Written with major errors Written poorly with
Work Experience / Training

name and place of institution; roles errors and/or omissions and some errors and/or and omissions and/or
(Mandatory for Working

most of the details

and responsibilities / if training - well- targeted to the job omissions adequately weakly targeted to the job missing and/or with
skills acquired strongly reflect position. Skills acquired reflect targeted to the job position. Skills acquired full of errors and

competencies; strongly targeted to well on competencies. position. Skills acquired weakly reflect poorly targeted to the
the job position. adequately reflect competencies. job positions. Skills
competencies. acquired do not /
poorly reflect
competencies. This
section is plagiarised.
Training history / College-wide / Written well with negligible Written fairly well with Written with major errors Written poorly with
Community Involvement

Community Involvement / training errors and/or omissions and some errors and/or and/or omissions and most of the details
Training / College-wide /

(For Full-time Students)

mentioned with period, name and well- targeted to the job omissions adequately weakly targeted to the job missing and/or with
place of institution, skills acquired position. Skills acquired reflect targeted to the job position. Skills acquired full of errors and
strongly reflect competencies; well on competencies. position. Skills acquired weakly reflect poorly targeted to the
strongly targeted to the job position. adequately reflect competencies. job positions. Skills
competencies. acquired do not /
poorly reflect
competencies. This
section is plagiarised.
5 5 4 3 2 1 0
Achievements, honours, awards Written well with negligible Written fairly well with Written with major errors Written poorly with full
Professional Involvement

and/or Professional involvements errors and/or omissions. some errors and/or and/or omissions. of errors and/or
Achievement &/or

are given with comprehensive omissions. omissions. This

details (titles received with rank/title section is plagiarised.
and period, name and place of the
awarding body or donor,
achievement field/effort & job
responsibilities taken).

5 5 4 3 2 1 0
Interests (at least 2 technical) and Written well with negligible Written with some errors Written with major errors Written poorly with
Hobbies / Interests,

hobbies suit the job position; errors and/or minimal and/or omissions and and/or omissions and most of the details
Information &

personal information; 2 professional omissions and irrelevance. irrelevance. irrelevance. missing and/or with

referees with title, full name, full of errors or are

workplace contact details provided irrelevant. This section
comprehensively. is plagiarised.

5 5 4 3 2 1 0

Employability Skills Development – Feb. 2021 CW1 – CV with Cover Letter Version 14.0 2|Page
Department of Professional Development & Humanities
Employability Skills Development - M2H124702
CV & CL is professionally presented Written well with proper Written fairly well with Written with inadequate Written poorly with
CV and Cover Letter

as prescribed in guidelines. Logical content and organisation with adequate content and content and organisation most of the content
and easy navigation of document. negligible errors and/or organisation with some with major errors and/or missing,

CV and CL are complete and minimal omissions and errors and/or omissions omissions and/or unprofessional in
relevant in content, professional in irrelevance. and irrelevance. irrelevance. organisation and/or
all aspects of organising. CL is with full of errors
complete and relevant in structure and/or irrelevance.
and body.

10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Writing style is appealing; Writing style is fairly Sentences have minor Sentences are not written Sentences are not
Grammar, Spelling,

sentences are well-written; there are appealing; sentences are mistakes; there are properly; there are many written properly; there
and Writing Style

no incorrect word choices, the text is almost well-written; there are negligible incorrect word incorrect word choices, the are numerous
free of errors in grammar, very few incorrect word choices, the text has few text is full of errors in incorrect word
punctuation and spelling. Grammar, choices, the text is nearly free errors in grammar, grammar, punctuation and choices, the text is full
spelling, and writing style is of errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. spelling. of errors in grammar,
spotless. punctuation and spelling. punctuation and
10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Highly professional; Strong potential Very good. Good potential to Good. Promising potential Average. Remote potential Poor. NO potential to

to gain employer/stake holder’s gain employer/stake holder’s to gain employer/stake to gain employer/stake gain employer/stake

attention and interview. A high attention and interview. holder’s attention and holder’s attention and holder’s attention and
impact CV. interview. interview. interview.

5 4 3 2 1
Total: 100
First Date of marking
Date of marking (dd/mm/yyyy) Second Marker Mark Awarded (%) Grade Awarded
Marker (dd/mm/yyyy)

Plagiarism Status Completely plagiarised/colluded/ all from internet.


Employability Skills Development – Feb. 2021 CW1 – CV with Cover Letter Version 14.0 3|Page

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