14.đáp Án Test 4 Cam 10

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Đáp án TEST 4 - CAMBRIDGE 10


Câu và đáp án Từ khóa trong câu hỏi Từ khóa trong passage

wildfires wildfires
compared to the past than in the past
occurrence: more frequent wildfires are becoming an
Câu liên kết
increasing menace
temperature: hotter are generally hotter
speed: faster faster
1. spread spread more unpredictably spread more erratically
size of fires the size of the average forest fire
2. 10 times
two decades ago 20 years ago
rainfall precipitation
3. below
below average below normal
more brush the consequence has been to halt
the natural eradication of
4. brush
as fuel now the primary fuel for megafires
increase in yearly temperature a 1-degree Fahrenheit rise in
Câu liên kết
average yearly temperature
5. seasons extended longer
more building increased construction
6. homes
vulnerable places wooded areas
the amount of open space has what once was open space is now
7. T diminished residential homes
over the last ten years for at least a decade
many experts many experts
readying itself to fight fires preparedness
8. F
believe California has made give California high marks for
little progress making progress
personnel personnel
in the past in the past
have been criticised stung in the past by criticism
9. T
mishandling fire containment bungling that allowed fires to
spread when they might have been
California State
has replaced a range of promises to provide more up-to-
10. T firefighting tools date engines, planes, and
helicopters to fight fires have been
to improve fire-fighting capacity the state has invested in better
command-and-control facilities
11. NG
more firefighters have been not given
citizens and government groups both government officials and
the efforts of different states the speed, dedication, and
and agencies working together coordination of firefighters from
12. F
several states and jurisdictions
disapprove of.. there is a sense among both... that
... are resulting in greater
Randy Jacobs Randy Jacobs
loss of life loss of life
13. F despite changes made the improvements we have
will continue at the same levels we will no longer suffer


psychologists psychologists
have traditionally believed that have long held that
personality a person's character
transformation was impossible cannot undergo a transformation
a person's character the key traits of personality
15. young age tends to be fixed are determined
by a young age at a very young age
this is not true according to researchers have begun looking
positive psychologists more closely at ways we can
Câu liên kết change
our personal qualities can be these qualities amount to habitual
seen as habitual behaviour behaviour
easiest qualities to acquire less challenging to develop than
16. optimism
it is necessary to... in order for a developing qualities requires...
17. skills/ new quality to develop
techniques learn a wide variety of different mastering a range of skills
in order to increase happiness to bring more joy and passion into
18. negative
must understand and feel some must be open to experiencing
negative emotions negative emotions
when first trying something new as a newcomer
must have to
19. E
accept that they do not know tolerate and laugh at your own
much ignorance
it is important the key to...; recommends...
20. C when good things happen good fortune
actively notice writing down
courage can be learned acquire courage
21. G
a sense of responsibility obligation
overcome shyness to be more outgoing
22. A when faced with the need to in the lecture hall
speak in public
achieve physical goals set nine world records and can
hold her breath for six minutes
23. E
rational thinking enabled learned to untangle her fears
someone to...
a sad experience he had an accident that put an end
24. C to his sports career
overcame took action despite his own pain
decided to rethink their his research wasn't compatible
academic career path with his curiosity; ... learned about
25. G
alternative healing techniques; ...
he switched labs
risked his career his own job security would be
26. H
a sense of duty speaking out against something
ethically wrong

the theory developed by Louis Louis Dollo; he proposed that...

biologists in the early twentieth early 20th-century biologists
27. C century
modified came to a similar conclusion,
though they qualified it in terms of
humpback whale humpback whale
caught off Vancouver Island caught off Vancouver Island
its unusual features with a pair of leg-like appendages
28. D
over a metre long, complete with a
full set of limb bones
the reason I can see no other explanation
'silent genes' silent genes
29. C re-emergence reappear
certain characteristics traits
the mole salamander mole salamanders
30. B suggests that Raff's theory is fits with Raff's 10-million-year time
correct frame
members of the Bachia lizard the Bachia family tree
31. A have lost and regained certain digit loss and gain
several times more than one occasion
the possibility of evolution 'evolutionary throwback'
32. F for a long time for the better part of a century
rejected have been reluctant to use those
opposing views Louis Dollo was coming to the
33. G
opposite conclusion
examples so many other examples have been
revolutionary throwbacks it no longer makes sense to say
that evolution is as good as
34. A
long-lost traits characteristics that disappeared
millions of years ago
reappear reappear
the shark and killer whale sharks and killer whales
exemplify such as
35. B the occurrence of arise
a particular feature in different similar structures in unrelated
species species
one explanation is... another more intriguing possibility
certain genetic information the genetic information needed to
36. D make...
the continued existence somehow survived for tens or
perhaps hundreds of millions of
Wagner biologist Gunter Wagner
South American lizards South American lizards
37. NG
do research on reported some work on
was the first person not given
Wagner believes that According to his analysis
Bachia lizards with toes the toed species
38. Y
had toeless ancestors re-evolved toes from toeless
embryos embryos
the temporary occurrence of long-lost traits be reactivated.. /
39. N
long-lost traits develop ancestral features
is rare many species
development problems if for any reason this does not
evolutionary throwbacks might leading to an atavism (ở đầu đoạn
40. Y
be caused 2 bài này có câu: "the technical
term for an evolutionary
throwback is an 'atavism')

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