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CUMARK Modbus Instructions

1、Date Set
Add(Hexa) Name

0001 Fieldbus control word (corresponding to monitoring parameter

address 06.05)
0002 Fieldbus setting 1 (corresponding to monitoring parameter
address 02.15)
0003 Fieldbus setting 2 (corresponding to monitoring parameter
address 02.16)
0004 Fieldbus status word

0005 Fieldbus actual value 1

0006 Fieldbus actual value 2

0007-0018 Fieldbus module input 1-12 (parameter 50.05-50.16)

0019-0030 Fieldbus module output 1-12 (parameter 50.17-50.28)

2、Start-stop control(Fieldbus control word)

2.1 Fieldbus Control Word ( Refer to drive parameters 06.05)

✓ The postion 15 of 06.05=1, means the “Reverse”;
✓ Postion 7& Postion 11 should always remain as word “1”;

2.2 Commonly used commands to write control word to register

address 0001:
a) Forward start command is 0882h;
b) Reverse start command is 8882h;
c) Stop command is 0881h;
d) Fault reset command is 0980h;

2.3 Example
Let us take the node address equal to 1 as an example. The final CRC

check code only applies to this example. After changing any data, the CRC

check code should be recalculated, which can be automatically generated

by the software.

1.Read drive status

Request frame:01 03 06 00 00 01 84 82;
Response frame:01 03 02 B4 81 0F 24;
2.Modify the given speed of the drive【Write
03E8h(1000rpm) to 0002h)】;
Request frame:01 06 00 02 03 E8 28 B4;
3. Start the drive (first modify the signal source of
the externally controlled start and stop commands
to fieldbus communication)
Request frame: 01 06 00 01 08 82 5F AB

3. Modbus Communication
For more instructions, please refer to Modbus_Application_Protocol_V1_1b3.pdf
Users can download this document from

The MODBUS communication protocol is based on the master-slave mode.

The communication is initiated by the master station, and the slave machine
receives the request and responds. The address of the maste and slave station must
be the same, and broadcast is also supported. At this time, the master station
address is 0.

MODBUS is built on the Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART), and

the baud rate and frame format of the master the slave station must also be
The MODBUS basic unit is one byte, and the RTU mode frame format is as follows
(the omitted part is determined by the function codes):

Node address Function Code … CRC checking code

1 byte 1 byte … Low 8 Bits High 8 Bits

Note: For 16-bit register addresses, numbers, and data, they are stored in big-
endian format. That is, the high byte comes first, and the low byte comes after.
However, the CRC check code (polynomial 0xA001) is stored in little end, that
is, the low byte is first and the high byte is behind.

3.1 Function code and frame format

Currently, only the following function codes are supported (the suffix H represents
hexadecimal, and the suffix D represents decimal)

03H Read holding Read the current value of N consecutive

register parameters
06H Write a single Rewrite the current value of a single parameter
08H Diagnosis It is used to test and check the communication link
status and supports the following sub-function codes:
0x00 Return query data;
0x01 Reset communication;

Initialize and restart the serial line port of the slave

device, and clear all communication event counters.
0x04 Mandatory to listen only mode

Mandatory to the designated slave to listen only

mode, and the slave will not respond to this
10H or Write multiple Rewrite the current value of N consecutive
16D registers. parameters.

42H or Read parameter

It is used to read the relevant information of the
66D related
drive parameters, and supports the following sub-
function codes:

0x00 Read the attributes of the specified parameter;

0x01 Read the default value of the specified


0x02 Read the minimum value of the specified


0x03 Read the maximum value of the specified


0x04 Read the number of parameters in the

specified parameter group;
0x05 Read the visibility of the specified parameter
55H or Read data log

3.2 Parameter address

The parameter address is 16 bits, the upper 8 bits are the parameter group number,
and the lower 8 bits are the group index. Parameter address calculation, 16-bit
address (decimal) = group number * 256 + index number.
For example, the passable address of parameter 22.01 is 22*256+01=5633; When the
master station is PLC HMI isochronous address, it need to add 40000 or 40001, for
example, the internal address of Siemens needs to add 40001 to get the correct
value; the specific value please refer to the PLC description.
Hexadecimal Decimal

00 Communication data 01-30 Data set 0001-001E 0001-0030

01 Parameter group 01 00- 255 parameter 01.00-01.255 0100-01FF 256-511

02 Parameter group 02 00-255 parameter 02.00-02.255 0200-02FF 512-767

… … … …

63 Parameter group 00- 255 parameter 63.00-63.255 3F00-3FFF 16128-16383

3.3 Modbus Communication Example
a) Use a PC to simulate the master station of the host computer, and control the
inverter through the USB485 transfer port.
b) Control requirements: The start and stop of the frequency conversion are
controlled by the PC, and the speed is changed.
c) Frequency conversion related parameter settings

Num Parameter Function Parameter value

Address Description
1 10.00 Start function 5 (Fieldbus control)

2 21.00 Speed reference 02.15(Fieldbus reference)

3 51.00 Modbus Enable 1 (Enable)

4 51.01 Node address 1

5 51.02 Serial port baud 1 (9600)

0 (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit)
6 51.03 Serial frame
d) The relevant settings and related commands on the PC side are shown in the

d.1 the data explain 1:01 03 00 02 00 01 25 CA

01 the node address,
03 the modbus read command,
00 02 is the 16-bit parameter address,
00 01 means the number of data read,
25 CA is the 16-bit check code calculated by software;

d.2 the data explain: 2:01 06 00 02 03 E8 28 B4

01 the node address,
06 modbus write command,
00 02 is the 16-bit parameter address,
03 E8 means the written value 1000rpm speed,
28 B4 is the 16-bit check code calculated by software;

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