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Assalamualaikum Wr, Wb.

Good Afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen,
To start this day, I would like to ask you all
Do you have the potential to be a leader? We must know that a leader needs to have own
characteristics that make they can be a good leader. Before that, a leader needs to follow a
role model before becoming a great leader. Do you know what can make you become a good
leader during your time in that position? 

If you feel that way, please raise your hand.

Thank you

Introduce Self
Hi, My name is Mohammad Nabil Bin Mohammad Rosli I’m majoring in the economy
industry, and I learn specifically about the industrial market sector.

Introduce topic
As a leader, we guide our followers and create the schedule for them. Before that we should
know our skills first, especially self-control and our mind, we must think about how we can
control reflection from followers if they are not happy working together.  

Because we, as humans, are not perfect and need to communicate with each other. Therefore
we good leaders have our own special skills to develop.

So, Ladies and gentlemen on this very occasion I would like to share with all of you about a
young man thinking how to manage develop a country. He think and think until he got an
idea to collaborate on other communities to help each other from that, a harmony life was
make because they helping each other on that region.



1. integrity
how to be a good leader
Before we jump into the talk about integrity, First, let me tell you about the life of Anwar
Ibrahim the 10th prime minister of Malaysia. He was a leader during his study in the
University of Malaya. He was a very integrity person until he is in his current position as
prime minister. One is an example of how to be a good leader who is very dedicated the
practical philosophy called integrity [Supporting details 1]

2. What is integrity
the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles is the definition of integrity. For
example, being honest with yourself to finish a work that you do my your own style, not copy-
paste by another leader work to pursue that your work is better than others.
. [Supporting details 2]

3. Practicing this play of integrity

we need to honest and happy with our work. because working on the community need a
collaboration from other leader.
[Supporting details 3]


2.Who is your role model

What is your icon leader [Supporting details 1]

When asking about this topic we have more specifically need to highlight who is icon leader
we want to follow. My personal icon is the one and only Datuk seri Anwar bin Ibrahim, he is
a good leader whom Malaysia chooses in the general election. He can conduct and manage
this country in his administration.

Why you want to be a leader [Supporting details 2]

The answer is I want be a leader is I was impressed and inspire by Anwar Ibrahim speech
which is during his speech if afraid a risk don’t talk about a crusade.

What an encouragement you to be a leader [Supporting details 3]

I would say myself in encouraging me to become a leader. Because as a man , we are a chief
on the earth, we must be taking care our community to ensure we are not weak on a region.


3. possess leadership
While you’re trying to developing yourself to the next leader of human being and making it a
habit, you should have :
1. Some skills easy can follow by your followers: [Supporting details 1]
You can be more followers because you have your own skills that special you have. And
by your skills can follow by followers that can be your next successor as a leader of your
office it can help you to retain the integrity that you turn to them.
2. What skills can you develop : [Supporting details 2]
You’re going to feel uncomfortable because you have an opposite leader who can bite
you out. This is a challenge every leader has happed. Self-control is the specialist skill to
make you are a good leader. Because self-control can defend your emotion.
3. Where your practice your leadership skills : [Supporting details 3]
Usually I practice leadership skills on my university, I join many club and association to
practice my skills, from that I comfort to lead a organization on my group.

To conclude this speech, we must know that we may not able to manage a big followers but
we can manage small group first and practice yo enhance your skills first.And by exercising
yourself to be a leader, you can help yourself to lead your followers in your office and
helping you to be a healthy competitors of your field industry . [MAIN POINTS

That is all from me

Thank you.
Assalamualaikum Wr, Wb.

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