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FACE Sample - Blank Form

Funding Authorization and Certificate of Expenditures (FACE) UNFPA Coding Date: DD/MM/YYYY

Country/Division: _______________________________________ Dept ID: Type of Request:

Programme Title and code (as appropriate) _______________________________________ Implementing Agency Code □ Direct Cash Transfer (DCT)
Project ID and Description: _______________________________________ Vendor ID: □ Reimbursement
Responsible Officer of UNFPA: _______________________________________ □ Direct Payment
Implementing Partner : _______________________________________

Currency of request/disbursement: __________________________ REPORTING (MM-MM-YYYY) REQUESTS/AUTHORIZATIONS (MM-MM-YYYY)

Actual Project Expenditures New Request Period & Outstanding

UNFPA ATLAS Coding Authorised Amount Balance Authorised Amount
Expenditure accepted by UNFPA Amount Authorised Amount
Activity Description from AWP
Activity ID Fund Account A B C D=A-C E F G=D+F

Activity Sub-Total

Activity Sub-Total

Support Cost (For NGOs only) _____ %

Grand Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The undersigned authorized officer of the above-mentioned implementing institution hereby certifies that:

□ The funding request shown above represents estimated expenditures as per AWP and itemized cost estimates attached.
□ The actual expenditures for the period stated herein has been disbursed in accordance with the AWP and request with itemized cost estimates. The detailed accounting documents for these expenditures can be made available for examination, when required, for the period of five years from the
date of the provision of funds.
Date Submitted: Authorized Officer of IP : Title:

NOTES: * Shaded areas to be completed by UNFPA and non-shaded areas to be completed by the counterpart.


Approved by: New Funding Release
ATLAS Activity ID Fund Amount

Name: _____________________________________________________

Title: _____________________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________________
Guidelines for use of the FACE Form
der Area
header area of the FACE allows the IP to report on the reason and purpose of the funding/ reporting request. This data are usually needed for correct coding
nancial and management accounting systems. The specific data elements include:
Date of the request
Type of request (direct cash transfer, direct payment, reimbursement)
Country where the programme takes place
Programme title and code (as appropriate)
AWP title and code
Responsible officer(s)
Currency of the request/disbursement

y of the Form
vity Description: This is a text field containing a short description of the activity as it appears in the underlying AWP, as well as its duration. This data are
ally needed for the Agency’s programme or project management systems.

ing Column: The second column will allow UNFPA to enter its own account codes. This data are required for the Agency’s financial accounting system.
PA may enter this data itself or it may require the IP to fill it in. If the latter, the training of the counterpart staff will be required.

orting Area
FACE form is a dynamic form that must balance and reconcile from one reporting period to the next. The first column on the new form, Column A, therefore
ats the last one, Column G, from the previously submitted and authorized FACE form. Note that Column C, D, F and G are shaded. They are blank when
FACE form is submitted to UNFPA. They are filled out by UNFPA prior to the financial processing of the form. All non-shaded Columns are to be completed
he IP.

umn A – Authorized Amount: Column A will be blank for the first request from an implementing partner. For all subsequent FACE forms, Column A should be
al to Column G.

umn B – Actual Expenditure: Column B reports the actual expenditures by the implementing partner IP for the period. The expenditures reported by the
lementing partner are, at this point, still subject to review and approval by the Agency. The designated official of the implementing partner is certifying that
e expenditures are reported in accordance with the stipulation of the AWP, CPAP and/or other related agreements with UNFPA.

umn C – Expenditures Accepted by UNFPA: Column C is used by UNFPA to review and approve, reject or request an amendment to expenditures reported
he implementing partner. If the amounts are accepted as reported, no further adjustments to this part of the FACE or communication with the implementing
ners about these expenditure is required. However, if changes are made (e.g., to query or reject a reported expenditure), then the amount recorded by
PA in Column C will differ from that reported in Column B. In this case, the change needs to be communicated with the implementing partners.

umn D – Balance: Column D records the balance of funds authorized for use in the reporting period that remained unspent as of the date of the form. The
unspent can also reflect expenditures which are either known or on-going as of the date of the FACE, but which cannot be certified by the implementing
ners due to timing or internal reporting delays. The outstanding balance of funds authorized by activity can be carried forward, reprogrammed or refunded,
ending on the internal policies of UNFPA.

uests / Authorizations Area

umn E – New Request Period & Amount: Column E determines the period of the new request, which is normally contiguous to the last reporting period. The
umn contains the requests for the authorization to spend or receive funds, by activity and for that period. Each time a request for new or additional funds is
mitted, it will be accompanied by an itemized list of expenditures in line with the AWP. This column can also reflect any balance for an activity in column D,
ch is requested for reprogramming. This will reduce the total amount of the new disbursement request accordingly.

umn F – Authorised Amount: Column F is used by UNFPA to establish the amounts of funds, by activity, to be disbursed for the new reporting period. This
umn is filled in by UNFPA. It can be used to accept, reject or modify the amounts requested in Column E. Any credits for reprogramming will be reflected in
column for reconciliation of the amounts. The country office must check if the IP has outstanding unsupported amounts from a NEX audit report with qualified,
erse or disclaimer opinion. No advances can be made in these cases until the amount is cleared.

umn G – Outstanding Authorized Amount: Column G is the sum of Columns D and F, and indicates the total outstanding authorized amount. For subsequent
od reporting, the amount of this column will be carried forward to the column A of the new FACE form.

tification Area
Certification Area is used by the designated official of the IP to request funds and/or to certify expenditures. This area requires a date, the signature of the
ial and his/her title.

Agency Use Only Area

rovals Box: The “For All Agencies” box in the lower left hand corner of the FACE form should be signed by the appropriate UNFPA official. This indicates the
ew and approval of the request for funds and authorizes the recording of the reported expenditures. The official should sign, date and provide his/her title.

ounting Coding Boxes: The remainder of the form is used by UNFPA to complete the coding as required by UNFPA financial and management accounting

endar Quarters For Reporting expenses Due Date

nuary to 31 March 15 April
ril to 30 June 15 July
ly to 30 September 15 October
ctober to 31 December 15 January
FACE Sample - Blank Form
Funding Authorization and Certificate of Expenditures UN Agency: XXXXXXXXXX Date: DD/MM/YYYY


Programme Code & Title: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX □ Direct Cash Transfer (DCT)
Project Code & Title: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX □ Reimbursement
Responsible Officer(s): XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX □ Direct Payment

Currency: ___________________________ REPORTING REQUESTS / AUTHORIZATIONS

Actual Project Expenditures New Request Period Outstanding
Authorised Amount Balance Authorised Amount
Coding for UNDP, UNFPA and Expenditure accepted by UNFPA & Amount Authorised Amount
Activity Description from AWP with Duration



Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


The undersigned authorized officer of the above-mentioned implementing institution hereby certifies that:

□ The funding request shown above represents estimated expenditures as per AWP and itemized cost estimates attached.
□ The actual expenditures for the period stated herein has been disbursed in accordance with the AWP and request with itemized cost estimates. The detailed accounting documents for these expenditures can be made available for examination, when required, for the period of five years from
the date of the provision of funds.

Date Submitted: Name Title:

NOTES: * Shaded areas to be completed by the UN Agency and non-shaded areas to be completed by the counterpart.


Approved by: Account Charges Liquidation Information New Funding Release
Cash Transfer Reference: DCT Reference:
CRQ ref. no., Voucher ref. no. CRQ ref. no., Liquidation ref. no. Activity 0

GL codes: DCT Amount 0 Activity 0

Name: _____________________________________________________ Training 0 Less:
Travel 0 Liquidation
Title: _____________________________________________________ Meetings & Conferences 0 Amount 0
Other Cash Transfers 0
Date: _____________________________________________________ Total 0 Balance 0 Total 0

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