Wind and Solar Farms Site Selection Using

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2019 Iranian Conference on Renewable Energy & Distributed Generation (ICREDG), 11 -12 June, 2019,

Shahid Beheshti University Tehran Iran.

Wind and Solar Farms Site Selection Using

Geographical Information System (GIS), Based on
Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Methods:
A Case-Study for East-Azerbaijan
Meysam Asadi Kazem PourHossein
Departmet of electrical engineering Departmet of electrical engineering
Tabriz Branch Tabriz Branch
Islamic Azad University Islamic Azad University
Tabriz, Iran Tabriz, Iran
Email: Email:

Abstract — Economic and industrial development raise the The development of electricity generation using renewable
demand for energy. Renewable energies have replaced fossil fuels. energy in ten years. Shown in Fig. 1 [4].
because the fossil fuels emission greenhouse gases and damage the
environment. The sitting of renewable power plants is of great Another disadvantage of renewable energy can be said that
importance because there is a direct relationship between the natural resources such as wind or solar radiation is not equal
production efficiency and the location of the renewable power everywhere on earth also different regions have different
plant. In this paper, using of multi criteria decision making economic and social challenges, and renewable energy
(MCDM) methods a suitable location for the construction of a production is intermittent due to climate change, so using it as a
renewable power plant is proposed. Prioritization map of the sustainable energy source will be difficult [5]. Therefore, the
hybrid power plant was prepared using AHP, VICORE and spatial analysis of renewable energies in recent years is
TOPSIS. The final map is obtained of the overlap of other maps. considered to be a popular field of research for this reason,
Planning and selecting the right place for renewable energy
Keywords — Renewable energy; Geographical Information provides a great opportunity for economic growth and
System (GIS); Multi-criteria Decision Making (MCDM); Analytic development [6]. That's why the choice of suitable locations for
hierarchy process (AHP); Echnique for Order Preference by wind farms is considered the most important decision in the
Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS); Vlse Kriterijumsk development of wind energy [7]. In general, locating methods
Optimizacija Kompromisno Resenje (VICOR)
use the geographical information systems (GIS) and in the recent
years the multi criteria decision making method (MCDM) is
I. INTRODUCTION being used. Miyulat Ayan and his coworkers found the
Renewable energies are obtained through natural resources appropriate location for the solar power plant in Turkey using
which can be renewed in a short period of time and also, they MCDM and geographical information systems [8]. Bitelan and
can be directly or indirectly obtained from solar or other natural coworkers used the ANP network analysis process to select
resources [1]. Nowadays, the renewable energies play an photovoltaic solar energy projects [9]. Alfredo and his
important role in our future energy system. And when it comes coworkers worked on the social factors determining the suitable
to some issues concerning the limited use of fossil fuels and their location which they used their name for this method [10]. Dong
irregular dispersion on earth, political instability in the regions John and his coworkers worked on locating wind and solar
having fossil fuels and the production of green house gasses, its power plants. In the paper mentioned, thirteen methods have
much easier to understand the importance of renewable energies been exploited in order to locate among seven cities [11]. All
[2]. above methods use geographical information system and for
generating data and mathematical models like MCDM which are
Hybrid systems are usually cheaper and more stable than of high accuracy.
independent systems which lie on a single renewable source.
The advantages of the hybrid systems using various renewable
resources are [3]: II. METHODOLOGY
In this paper, it has been tried to choose the most important
• More trustable factors in locating power and solar power plants and then the
• The reduction in the power saving capacity especially Restri maps of each factor is gathered in GIS. In the next step,
when the resources have a complementary behavior the research area was meshed with a resolution of 10km and 1km
and then the average of the cells for each restri maps has been
• The increase in the efficiency calculated and then extracted to have the original data for the
research. Next by using AHP method, we gained the average
• Long changes in the average velocity of wind
weight and finally, we have prioritized our data with

978-1-7281-4721-5/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

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Renewable Generation(GWh)

= (1)


3000000 ( − )
= (2)
2000000 ( − 1)

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 TABLE II. VALUE OF RANDOM INDEX VERSUS NUMBER OF CRITERIA
Hydropower Solar Biomass Wind Geothermal
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
RI 0 0 0.58 0.90 1.12 1.24 1.32 1.41 1.45 1.49
Fig. 1. Global Renewable Electricity Generation as a Percentage of Total
Generation [4]
CI, RI, n and λmax are consistency index, random index,
the MCDM method and the points obtained from each number of criteria and maximum eigenvalue of the comparison
method (AHP-TOPSIS-VICOR) was turned into the matrix, respectively. RI can be extracted from Table II.
prioritizations of the solar and wind power plants in GIS then
using covering Restri for the prioritization as a result of these C. VIKOR method:
data. This method is based on the whole acceptance with having
the opposite attributes and mostly used to solve the math
A. Multi-criteria-decision-making-methods (MCDM): problems. This method uses the whole acceptance to solve the
Multi criteria decision making deals with various and problems. The whole acceptance is a solution which is very close
sometimes contradictory data. MCDM is divided into two to the idea one. This method is accepted by all since owns the
methods including multi objective and multi attribute methods maximum favor of the whole and minimum disagreement of all.
[12]. Considering the Fig. 2, in the accepted area the closest point to
the ideal F+ is Fc which is said the accepted method [14].
B. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP): Vicor method steps:
AHP is one of the effective and widely-used tools of multi 1) Making the matrix of decision: making the matrix of
criteria decision making (MCDM). AHP has not complicated
data on the basis of m choices and n factors
mathematics and is easy to implement. It can be applied to multi-
objective problems to rank candidates via a decision structure. 2) Descalation and normalization of the decision matrix:
AHP divides a complicated problem to some small sub- which in the Euclidean norm is used to favor this.
problems through a hierarchical order to assign suitable weights
to the criteria. All criteria are compared pairwise by decision = (3)
makers to obtain weights for any criterion. The pairwise ∑
comparisons are done using Table I, introduced by T. L. Saaty
[13]. 3) Determining the vectors of the attribute weights: which
in we use the obtained data from AHP.

Score of criteria
i to criteria j
1 Criteria i and j are of equal importance + F+
3 Criteria i is slightly more important than j
5 Criteria i is moderately more important than j F
7 Criteria i is strongly more important than j c
9 Criteria i is extremely more important than j
2, 4, 6, 8 Intermediate values
Feasible set

To monitor inconsistency of judgements in pairwise

comparison of decisions, consistency ratio (CR) has been c +
defined as below [13]: f2 f2

Fig. 2. Ideal and compromise solutions

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4) Determining the ideal choices of positive and negative. 4) Calculate the weighted normalized decision matrix. The
5) Compute the values Sj and Rj; weighted normalized value vij is calculated (1)

− = × (8)
= × (4)

5) Determine the ideal and negative-ideal solution.

( )
={ , , , ⋯ } (9)

= × (5)

( )
={ , , , ⋯ } (10)
6) Determining vicor factor
6) Calculate the separation measures, using the
− − ndimensional Euclidean distance. The separation of each
= + (1 − ) (6)
− − alternative from the ideal solution and negative-ideal is given
Finally, we sort the options according to the vicor factor [14].

D. Topsis method::
= ( − ) (11)
In this method, prioritizing of choices is based on the
maximum similarity and closeness to the ideal point and the
minimum similarity with the negative ideal point. Which means
that the chosen point must not be far from the positive ideal point
and at the same time to have the most far away from the negative
ideal point. The ideal point is a point which has the maximum
amount of favor that can be also not real. = ( − ) (12)
Topsis method steps:
1) Making decision matrix: making data matrix on the basis 7) Calculate the relative closeness to the ideal solution
of m choices and n factors.
2) Descalation and normalization of the decision matrix:
which in we use rij: = (13)

= we sort the options according to the C index [13].


3) Determining the vectors of the attribute weights: which

in we use the obtained data from AHP.






Fig. 3. Determine the ideal and negative-ideal Fig. 4. Multilayer in GIS

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Fig. 5. Wind map of Iran for 80m above ground level (including East- Fig. 7. The networking of the province with scale of (10km * 10km) and
Azarbaijan) (1km * 1km)

A series of criteria and sub-criteria must be considered in
order to select the appropriate and sustainable place for the
construction of wind and solar hybrid power plants. In this
paper, to avoid damage to the environment, after searching the
literature and studies of the technical and economic criteria for
the production of maximum power, optimization of investment
and environmental criteria have been selected. Table III lists the
criteria and sub-criteria and their sources. The first and most
important task is to access data that have high accuracy to
increase the accuracy of site locating. Needed data for analysis
was collected in GIS after reviewing various sources. Then
Raster layers were created for each of the following specified
criteria by “ArcMAP” software. Four steps were taken to collect
Fig. 6. Solar radiation map of Iran (including East-Azarbaijan) [15] and create the Raster layers. In the first phase, the vector layers
of the maps were prepared from the provincial department of
environmental such as landuse, cities, villages, roads, rivers,
E. eographical information systems (GIS): seas, protected areas, mines and faults and were converted to
There are various definitions for the geographical Raster maps of landuse, distance from cities, villages, rivers,
information systems, but we can say the main definition in this roads, protected areas, sea, mines and faults. only in the land use
way: a computer multimedia which its objective is analysis, map after conversion to the raster map, raster value of
consulting, edit and location data saving in order to solve (agricultural and water and forests and residential areas) valued
schedule and complex management. This system is used to as zero and rain fed areas are valued as 8 and arid areas are
illustrate the location data from vector formats and restri valued as 10. In the second phase, some regions were selected
formats. GIS has been become a very important tool for as samples in the province and their corresponding latitudes and
management and location scheduling. The reason contributing longitudes were inserted into the NASA site. Then information
to this is the mixing power of this method with MCDM in order about humidity and temperature were taken, and entered in
to use the soil. In some countries, GIS method has been used Excel environment. Finally, the Excel file was converted to the
with the multi attribute analysis to establish wind power plants Raster's maps of humidity and temperature using the
in a stable area [16]. Therefore, GIS can be used to elicit data interpolation process in the GIS environment.
according to the different attributes.


East Azerbaijan is one of the most important, populated and
well-developed provinces which is located in the north eastern
part of Iran and is geographically located in the range of 45
degrees 7 minutes to 48 degrees and 20 minutes east longitude
and 36 degrees 45 minutes to 39 degrees 26 minutes northern
latitude. average wind speed and solar radiation of Iran
(including East-Azarbaijan) are presented in Fig.5 and Fig. 6,
respectively. Fig. 8. Step of creating raster and avreging raster layer for the roads map

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Fig. 9. Results of data prioritization using multi criteria decision making methods

In the third step, the digital elevation map (DEM) of the After creating the grid Raster map, each layer is sampled. In fact,
province was prepared from the USGS (US Environmental the extracted points as sample are the numerical values of each
Science Site), and the intensity of radiation, duration of radiation grid in Raster maps that finally 452 samples for 16 criteria will
and gradient maps were extracted from the DEM map in the GIS, be obtained that are our main data for analysis. It will be difficult
and in the last step, Atlas map of the wind speed of the province to make decisions for prioritization due to confronting with a
were downloaded from the SATBA ( Renewable Energy and large number of options and criteria. Therefore, multi criteria
Energy Efficiency Organization of IRAN),and the color decision making methods were used to analyze data, which help
separation and valuation into the color spectrum were performed us make the right decision.
in GIS to obtain wind speed map. In this way, we have
transformed all our own sub-criteria into Raster maps by GIS A. Obtaining criteria weight using:
environment. After creating raster layers for each sub-criterion, At this stage, AHP method was used to obtain criteria
the studied area will be gridded or networked systematically or weight. So that in order to obtain the criteria weight, criteria and
regularly. So that the central points of each of the networks are sub criteria wer compared with each other according to the
10 km apart in longitudinal and transverse directions. After experts' opinions in pair wise manner by Supper decision
completion of gridding, 452 networks will be formed for the software. The weight of the sub-criteria obtained from “Supper
studied area. Fig. 7 depicts the grid pattern model for East decision” software is given in Table III.
Azerbaijan province.
Then the average of Raster layers of cells is measured for all B. Prioritization process using multi criteria decision making
grids, such that the value of each grid represents the average of methods (MCDM):
the sub-criterion values in a range with the area of the grid. Finally, using multi-criteria decision-making methods
Finally, we will have 452 grids for each Raster layers. In (VICOR-TOPSIS-AHP), the prioritization and rating process of
continue, the same process will be performed for all of the sub options was performed, and all options were prioritized based on
criteria. Fig. 8. shows the map for creation of Raster layer and the obtained score by Multi-criteria decision-making methods
then grid raster map for one of the sub criteria. and the results of the prioritization are shown in the diagram of
Fig. 9. Finally, for normal analysis, the obtained results are
TABLE III. LIST OF CRITERIA AND SUB-CRITTERIA IN TERMS OF normalized linearly, so that all the results are located within the
OBTAINED WEIGHT FROM SUPPER DECISION SOFTWARE range of zero and one. The used formula for normalization of
Criteria Layer
AHP and Topsis methods:
Num Criteria Layer name
weight weight

1 Wind spead 0.160178 =
2 Solar radiation 0.160 − (14)
3 0.420 Duration solar radiation 0.053733
4 Temperature 0.023169
5 Humidity 0.023169 The used formula for normalization of Vicor method:
6 Height 0.047462
0.237 Slope 0.094925

criteria =
8 Dis.road 0.094925 − (15)
9 Land use 0.075898
10 Dis.City 0.075898
11 Dis.Village 0.053402 Finally, the obtained results from the multi criteria decision
12 Environme
Dis.Protected areas 0.053402 making methods are reinserted into GIS softwere and creating
13 ntal criteria Dis.River 0.020916
14 Dis.Sea 0.020916
prioritization raster map for construction wind and solar power
15 Dis.Fault 0.020916
16 Dis.Mine 0.020916

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Fig. 10. Prioritization map of the wind and solar power plant in the province of East Azerbaijan with a resolution of 1 km

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