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Why Students Drop Out of School: A Review of 25 Years of Research

Article · January 2008

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2 authors, including:

Russell W. Rumberger
University of California, Santa Barbara


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POLICY BRIEF 15 October 2008

Why Students Drop Out of School: A Review of 25 Years of Research

Russell Rumberger and Sun Ah Lim

alifornia and the nation are facing a dropout crisis. About one-quar-
Highlights: ter of all students who enter the ninth grade fail to earn a diploma
four years later. To address this crisis requires a better understand-
ing of why students drop out.
► Dropping out is more of a
process than an event—a Dropouts themselves report a variety of reasons for leaving school (see
process that, for some CDRP Statistical Brief 2), but these reasons do not reveal the underlying
students, begins in early causes. Multiple factors in elementary or middle school may influence stu-
elementary school. dents’ attitudes, behaviors, and performance in high school prior to drop-
ping out.
► Poor academic achievement,
as early as elementary To better understand the underlying causes behind students’ decisions
school, is one of the for dropping out, we reviewed the past 25 years of research on dropouts.
strongest predictors of The review was based on 203 published studies that analyzed a variety of
dropping out. national, state, and local data to identify statistically significant predictors
of high school dropout and graduation. Although in any particular study
► Preschool improves school it is difficult to demonstrate a causal relationship between any single fac-
readiness and early school tor and the decision to quit school, a large number of studies with similar
success, positively affecting findings does suggest a strong connection.
student outcomes, including
high school completion. The research review identified two types of factors that predict wheth-
er students drop out or graduate from high school: factors associated with
► Grades are more consistent individual characteristics of students, and factors associated with the in-
than test scores in stitutional characteristics of their families, schools, and communities.
predicting which students
will leave school without ► Individual Predictors
graduating. Individual factors that predict whether students drop out or gradu-
ate from high school fall into four areas: (1) educational performance, (2)
► Several behaviors both behaviors, (3) attitudes, and (4) background.
in and out of school—
including absenteeism, Educational Performance. Several aspects of educational performance
delinquency, and substance have been widely identified in the research literature as strong predictors
abuse—are strong indicators of dropping out or graduating:
of dropping out. • test scores and grades in high school;
► A stable home environment • academic achievement in both middle and elementary school (with
and access to social and grades a more consistent predictor than test scores);
financial resources strongly • non-promotional school changes (student mobility) during middle
influence the likelihood
and high school; and,
that a student will graduate.
• retention (being held back one or more grades), in elementary, middle,
and high school.
California Dropout Research Project Policy Brief 15

Read the full report at:

Behaviors. A wide range of behaviors cational expectations are associated family resources, and (3) family prac-
both in and out of school have been with lower dropout rates. tices.
shown to predict dropout and gradu- Background. A number of student Students living with both parents
ation. One of the most important is background characteristics—includ- have lower dropout rates and higher
student engagement, which includes ing demographics and past experi- graduation rates, compared to stu-
students’ active involvement in aca- ences—are linked to whether students dents living in other family arrange-
demic work (e.g., coming to class, do- drop out or graduate. Dropout rates ments. More important, changes in
ing homework) and the social aspects are generally higher for males than family structure, along with other
of school (e.g., participating in sports for females, and they are higher for potentially stressful events (such as
or other extracurricular activities). Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Ameri- a family move, illness, death, adults
Research consistently finds that cans than for Asians and Whites; yet entering and leaving the households,
high absenteeism—one specific indi- these differences may be related to and marital disruptions) increase the
cator of engagement—is associated other characteristics of students as odds of dropping out.
with higher dropout rates. Misbe- well as characteristics of their fami- Students in homes with more fam-
havior in high school and delinquent lies, schools, and communities. ily resources—as measured by paren-
behavior outside of high school are Some studies have found that sec- tal education, parents’ occupational
both significantly associated with ond generation students (one parent status, and family income—are less
higher dropout and lower graduation foreign-born), especially Latino stu- likely to drop out of school. A number
rates. In addition, drug or alcohol use dents, have higher graduation rates of parenting practices—sometimes
during high school is associated with than either first generation (foreign- referred to as social resources or social
higher dropout rates. Teenage par- born) or third generation (native-born capital—have been shown to reduce
enting and childbearing increase the students and parents). Higher Eng- the odds of dropping out, including:
odds of dropping out. Having friends lish language proficiency also lowers
who engage in criminal behavior or • having high educational aspira-
the odds of dropping out. tions for their children;
friends who have dropped out also
increases the odds of dropping out, One past experience—participa- • monitoring their children’s school
with such associations appearing as tion in preschool—has been the sub- progress;
early as the seventh grade. ject of extensive, rigorous research
and has been shown to not only • communicating with the school;
Finally, a number of studies have improve school readiness and early and,
found that students who work more school success, but also to affect a • knowing the parents of their chil-
than 20 hours a week are significantly wide range of adolescent and adult dren’s friends.
more likely to drop out. outcomes, including high school Finally, students are more likely
Attitudes. Although a substantial completion, crime, welfare, and teen to drop out if they have a sibling who
body of research has explored the re- parenting. dropped out.
lationship between student achieve- ► Institutional Predictors
ment and a wide range of student Schools. Although student and fam-
beliefs, values, and attitudes, far less Research on dropouts has identi- ily characteristics account for most
research has explored the links be- fied a number of factors within stu- of the variability in dropout rates,
tween these factors and dropping dents’ families, schools, and commu- about 20 percent can be attributed to
out. The dropout literature has gen- nities that predict dropping out and four characteristics of schools: (1) the
erally focused on a single indicator— graduating. composition of the student body, (2)
educational expectations (how far in Families. Three aspects of families resources, (3) structural features, and
school a student expects to go)—and predict whether students drop out (4) policies and practices.
has found that higher levels of edu- or graduate: (1) family structure, (2) Research finds that the odds of
dropping out are lower in schools

Page 2
California Dropout Research Project Policy Brief 15

with more advantaged students, dropping out, but not in a straight- dents, the process begins in early
but the effects appear to be indirect, forward manner: living in a high- elementary school. A number of
through the association with other poverty neighborhood is not neces- long-term studies that tracked
school characteristics. sarily detrimental to completing high groups of students from pre-
Research does not find that school school, but rather living in an affluent school or early elementary school
size has a consistent effect on dropout neighborhood is beneficial to school through the end of high school
and graduation rates. success. This suggests that affluent were able to identify early indica-
neighborhoods provide more access tors that could significantly pre-
Attending a Catholic high school to community resources and positive dict whether students were likely
improves the odds of graduating; yet role models from affluent neighbors. to drop out or finish high school.
studies have also found that Catho- The two most consistent indica-
lic and other private schools lose ► Summary and Implications
tors were early academic perfor-
as many students as public schools As interest in the topic of drop- mance and academic and social
because students attending private ping out has grown, so has the re- behaviors.
schools typically transfer to public search literature, especially in the last
schools instead of dropping out. 10 years; yet most research studies 4) Contexts matter. The research
focus only on specific aspects of the literature has identified a num-
Relatively few studies found sig- ber of factors within families,
nificant effects of school resources on problem. In contrast, this review of
the research—the most comprehen- schools, and communities that
dropout and graduation rates, at least affect whether students are like-
in high school. But there is strong sive to date—examines all the factors
that have been studied over the last ly to drop out or graduate from
evidence that small classes (15:1) high school. They include access
in grades K-3 improve high school 25 years, from individual factors to
institutional factors in families, school to not only fiscal and material re-
graduation rates. sources, but also social resources
and communities.
School policies and practices in in the form of supportive rela-
high school do matter. Students are The review yielded valuable in- tionships in families, schools, and
less likely to drop out if they attend sights: communities.
schools with a stronger academic cli- 1) No single factor can completely One implication of this review
mate, as measured by more students account for a student’s decision is that there are a variety of leverage
taking academic courses and doing to continue in school until gradu- points for addressing the problem
homework. On the other hand, stu- ation. Just as students themselves of high dropout rates. Intervention
dents are more likely to drop out in report a variety of reasons for in preschool and early elementary
schools with a poor disciplinary cli- quitting school, the research lit- school is clearly warranted. Rigor-
mate, as measured by student disrup- erature also identifies a number ous experimental evaluations of high
tions in class or in school. of factors that appear to influence quality preschool programs and small
There does not appear to be a the decision. classes in early elementary school
consistent effect of exit exams on 2) The decision to drop out is not have proven to improve high school
dropout rates, although more recent simply a result of what hap- graduation rates. Such programs are
high school exams appear to lower pens in school. Clearly students’ also cost-effective—they generate
high school completion rates. behavior and performance in two to four dollars in economic ben-
Additionally, requiring students school influences their decision efits for every dollar invested.
to attend school beyond age 16 leads to stay or leave, but students’ ac- But there are other leverage
to lower dropout and higher comple- tivities and behaviors outside of points as well. Even high school is
tion rates. school—particularly engaging in not too late—both targeted programs
deviant and criminal behavior— serving a limited number of high-risk
Communities. Communities play a also influences their likelihood of
crucial role in adolescent develop- students and comprehensive school
remaining in school. reform models have been proven to
ment along with families, schools,
and peers. Population characteristics 3) Dropping out is more of a pro- increase graduation rates and are also
of communities are associated with cess than an event; for many stu- cost-effective.

Page 3
Research Reports and Policy Briefs in Print
California Dropout Research Project Staff:
1. The Economic Losses from High School Dropouts in Russell W. Rumberger, Director
California (August 2007) Beverly Bavaro, Editor/Web Manager
2. The Return on Investment for Improving California's Susan Rotermund, Research Assistant
High School Graduation Rate (August 2007) Shawndel Malcolm, Business Officer
3. Does State Policy Help or Hurt the Dropout Problem in
California? (October 2007) Policy Committee:
4. Can Combining Academic and Career-Technical Jean Fuller
Education Improve High School Outcomes in David W. Gordon
California? (November 2007) Marqueece Harris-Dawson
5. Student and School Predictors of High School Rowena Lagrosa
Graduation in California (December 2007) Lorraine McDonnell
Gary Orfield
6. California Schools that Beat the Odds in High School
Graduation (December 2007)
Darrell Steinberg

7. Alternative Pathways to High School Graduation: An

International Comparison (January 2008)
8. Giving a Student Voice to California's Dropout Crisis The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
(March 2008) The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
The James Irvine Foundation
9. Building System Capacity for Improving High School
The Walter S. Johnson Foundation
Graduation Rates in California
(April 2008)
10. Improving California's Student Data Systems to
Address the Dropout Crisis (May 2008) University of California
11. Struggling to Succeed: What Happened to Seniors Who California Dropout Research Project
Did Not Pass the California High School Exit Exam? 4722 South Hall, MC3220
(June 2008) Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3220
12. Can Middle School Reform Increase High School
Graduation Rates? (June 2008) Tel: 805-893-2683
13. Middle School Predictors of High School Achievement
in Three California School Districts (June 2008)
Project Web Site:
14. What Factors Predict High School Graduation in the
Los Angeles Unified School District? (June 2008)
15. Why Students Drop Out: A Review of 25 Years of
Research (October 2008)
All of the above Research Reports and Policy Briefs, as well as Statistical
Briefs, are available at

University of California Santa Barbara Non-Profit

California Dropout Research Project Organization
4722 South Hall, MC 3220 U.S. POSTAGE
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3220 Santa Barbara, CA
Permit No. 104

The California Dropout Research Project is an affiliated project of the University of California Linguistic Minority Research Institute
and the UC Santa Barbara Gevirtz Graduate School of Education

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