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The Serious Impacts of Alcoholism

Angelica Gutierrez

Sport and Medical Sciences Academy

Mrs. Boutilier

May 24, 2023


Alcoholism, or alcohol use disorder (AUD), has been characterized by excessive and

uncontrollable alcohol consumption and has been a progressive disease. It is estimated that

approximately 15 million adults in the United States suffer from AUD (Substance Abuse and

Mental Health Services, 2020). Alcoholism remains a prevalent public health issue with severe

consequences for individuals and society. I aim to provide an in-depth understanding of a

person's life, health and relationships.

Long-term excessive use of alcohol is dangerous to your body. Excessive drinking can

cause heart problems, liver issues, digestive issues, and several cancers. According to the

National Cancer Institute: “The evidence indicates that the more alcohol a person drinks-

particularly the more alcohol a person drinks regularly over time-the higher his or her risk of

developing an alcohol-associated cancer.” These cancers include liver cancer, esophageal cancer,

throat cancers and more. The most common issues for long-term excessive drinkers are issues

with the liver and pancreas. According to NHS Inform; “Each time your liver filters alcohol,

some of your liver cells die. The lover can develop new cells, but prolonged alcohol misuse

(drinking too much) over many years can reduce its ability to regenerate.” This is why excessive

drinking attacks the liver and can result in permanent damage to the liver. Excessive drinking can

also be damaging to the brain. It can cause your neuron receptors to shrink and cause change in

mood, behavior, coordination and thinking. Alcohol interferes with the brian’s communication

pathways, and can affect the way the brain looks and works (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse

and Alcoholism, 2017). These changes can cause an excessive amount of anxiety, depression and

even suicidal ideations that draw them into the addiction even more. Another neurological effect

this disease can have on your life are strokes. Strokes are heavily common with those who drink

excessively or have been drinking long-term.


Alcohol use disorder can cause a lot of domestic issues in the home and affect the family

daily. Alcoholism is known to cause violent and non-violent domestic disputes over things like

blowing through a budget, neglecting family, excessive anger ultimately impairing happiness in

the home and keeping the addiction alive. Neglect of responsibilities and duties are a common

way a family may get hit with the effects of alcoholism. Responsibilities associated with work,

school, home etc. is likely to be a result of one’s cognitive function and physical capabilities

being altered due to alcohol (American Addiction Centers, 2023). Finances are another big thing

in the home that can cause serious marital problems. According to the American Addiction

Centers: “Because your inhibitions are lowered when you drink alcohol, you may be more likely

to impulsively buy things without thinking through the consequences of those purchases.” Like

being intoxicated and spending more money than planned at a bar. It’s common for the stresses

of a marriage to lead a person to; infidelity, domestic violence, jealousy and divorce. The mental

state of someone married to an excessive drinker can also trigger a range of emotions such as

feelings of abandonment, unworthiness, guilt, and self-blame (American Addiction Centers

2023). Spouses of those who excessively drink are usually roped into staying in the relationship

due to codependency. Spouses would much rather deny and enable the issue rather than leave.

According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, “1 in every 5 adult

Americans reside with a relative who misuse alcohol.” Children around this particular

environment are likely to have their own orbits with alcohol and have general emotional trouble.

Various therapies and treatments and likely to help with these emotional issues.

Excessive drinkers are known to be a public health safety issue and affect aspects of

society like property damage and increased traffic facilities. Every year alcohol misuse results in

increased criminal justice, law enforcement, and health care costs (Transformations Treatment

Center, 2021) Motor vehicle accidents involving alcohol can result in property damage, DUI’s,

and traffic fatalities. In a recent SAMHSA research, there's about 1 DUI every 51 minutes. Binge

drinking is a big factor in the financial cost of excessive alcohol consumption. Alcohol is

involved in more than 88,000 deaths per year. There is an estimate of $28 billion spent each year

on alcohol-related health care due to chronic diseases, psychiatric conditions, certain cancers,

and conditions relating to alcohol consumption. According to Buddy T, On top of the healthcare

cost of alcohol-related intentional violence in the United States, the estimated annual cost to the

criminal justice system is another $25 billion.

Alcoholism has far-reaching consequences on people and society. It physically and

mentally impacts your well-being and can impact the environment around you. It’s very crucial

to limit drinking, even on special occasions, to stay away from excessive drinking. You don't

have to be an alcoholic to still have an alcohol-related incident and negatively impact your

community. May you have a better understanding and awareness on how excessive drinking can

have an effect on your community.


Alcohol's Effects on the Body. (n.d.). National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism


Health, safety, legal and social consequences of drinking too much. (2023, Jul 17). SA Health.


Sharp, A. (n.d.). The Effects of Alcoholism on Families: How Alcoholism Effects Families.

American Addiction Centers.


Social Effects of Alcoholism. (n.d.). Transformations Treatment Center.


T, B. (2020, August 7). The Impact of Alcoholism on Society. Verywell Mind.

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