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“The overall impact of developmental projects on

tribes has been often loss of livelihood, massive
displacement and involuntary migration.” This is
the conclusion drawn by the High-Level
Committee on the Status of Tribals. In this light,
critically examine how tribals are affected and
what needs to be done to protect their interestsIn
the conclusion, it can be said that despite several
laws and legislations to protect tribal land, tribal
land alienation still continues in different states of
India, in general, and in case of Koraput district
(Odisha), in particular. Tribals have raised their
voice and have organised movements to claim
their rights over land, water and forest resources
as far as their life, livelihood, freedom and​ ​identity
are concerned. But, the post-independence state
has followed the colonial legacies and is trying to
suppress tribal voice through every possible
measures by suppressing their movement and
declaring the tribals as Maoists in the name​ of
peace, development and democracy as​ ​found in
case of Narayanpatna movement. Without solving
the real problem of the tribals, the state is waging
war against its own people. Therefore, after 70
years of India’s independence, tribals remained
underdeveloped and impoverished with lack of
freedom, rights and dignity​.

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