MGM4155 - Individual Assignment

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No Student Name Matrix No

1 Nurul Nadia Binti Kamaruddin EX03460

Lecturer Name:

Dr Norwan Ahmad



Acknowledgement ii
Executive Summary iii
1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Company Background 3
2.1 Introduction to Sunway Medical Centre Velocity
2.2 SMCV Organizational Structure
3.0 Work Culture Data Analysis and Discussion 4
3.1 Organization Corporate Values
3.1.1 Compassion
3.1.2 Humility
3.1.3 Excellence
3.1.4 Respect
3.1.5 Integrity
3.2 Centralized & Decentralized Decision Making
3.3 Individual Rewards
3.4 Cooperation
3.5 Stability & Innovation
4.0 Conclusion 11
References 12


First of all, we are grateful to God as finally we are able to finish the assignment that

have been given by Cross Cultural Management lecturer, Dr Norwan Ahmad. This task has been

done with all afford given even with limitation to divide the time between study and working

time. In the other hand there is also a limitation during the information seeking where we are

doing the online interview due to restriction of the company selection are still now advise to have

physical meetings. But because of the great enthusiasm and determination, we had finally

managed to finish this assignment on time.

Besides that, big thank to our lecturer Dr Norwan Ahmad, because without his guide this

assignment cannot be done properly. He had guided us on how to complete this assignment with

full commitment online and offline.

On the other hand, we would like to thanks to Ms Shameena on her informative info

during the fruitful meetings and to all of friends who had helped to guide me on the information

and they also gave me positives vibe, supports and advice. Without all these I cannot produced

the completed assignment report in timely manner.

Last but not least, I also want to thanks to my parents and partners who always prayed

well for me, giving support in term of time, money and always be by my side to lend a shoulder

and heard my problems.

Finally, I hope that all my afford that we have put to complete this assignment will give

a lot of benefits to me and also to other management students. Once again thank you to all.

Executive Summary

This research focuses on Organizational Cross Cultural Management. The effective cross

cultural teams can provide a source of experience and innovative thinking to enhance the

competitive position in the organizations. However, the cultural differences can interfere with

the successful completion of projects in today’s multicultural global business community.

Managers in today’s multicultural global business community frequently encounter cultural

differences, which can interfere with the successful completion of projects. To achieve project

goals and avoid cultural misunderstandings, managers should be culturally sensitive and promote

creativity and motivation through flexible leadership. Two leading studies of cross-cultural

management have been conducted by Geert Hofstede, and Fons Trompenaars. Both approaches

propose a set of cultural dimensions along which dominant value systems can be ordered. These

value systems affect human thinking, feeling, acting, the behavior of organizations and

institutions in predictable ways. The two sets of dimensions reflect basic problems that any

society has to cope with but for which solutions differ. They are similar in some respects and

different in others. The dimensions can be grouped into several categories. Internationalization,

often written as i18n, is the process through which products can be prepared to be taken to other

countries. It doesn’t just mean being able to change languages; instead it means being to accept

different forms of data, different settings to match local customs and different strings of data and

process it correctly.

1.0 Introduction

Cross cultural management is the study of the management in a cross-cultural

context. It is including the study of the influence of societal culture on managers and

management practice as well as the study of the cultural orientations of individual

managers and organization members. At the individual level, individuals' values as well

as their understanding of and reactions to their cultural context and experience figure

prominently. Contributing disciplines include cross-cultural psychology, sociology, and

anthropology as well as the broader disciplines of management and organizational

behavior and the related area of international human resource management.

National borders are no longer the barriers they once were. Even if some firm

does not sell internationally, but still likely need to have good cross-cultural management

when interacting with employees from different countries across the globe.  Recruiting

people from diverse cultural backgrounds offers a lot to the business. Firms will have

more access to a much wider pool of talent than ever before. Such recruits can offer

alternative ways of thinking and doing that can revitalize to organization, open up new

opportunities and take the business in directions that might never have contemplated. 

However, while the liberalization of international markets can remove legal and

regulatory obstacles, cultural differences remain. Such differences can show up in work

practices, expectations, etiquette, values, attitudes, and, of course, language.

2.0 Company Background

2.1 Introduction to Sunway Medical Centre

Sunway Medical Centres Velocity (SMCV) is a comprehensive and

specialized medical centre catered to serve the best in tertiary healtcare, from

inpatient and outpatient care to specialist consultation, wellness programmes and

24-hour emergency support. A 10-storey structure in first phase building

officially start their practice to public on 3 September 2019 and SMCV is

dedicated to providing quality patient care. Their facility equipped with a full

range of medical technologies complemented by the team of specialist. SMCV

have about 300 staff that working in multiple department including higher level

management, administration, IT specialist, doctors, nurses and other medical

practices. Mission of SMCV is to be “The Preferred Choice of Multi-Specialty


2.2 SMCV Organizational Structure

3.0 Work Culture Data Analysis and Discussion

3.1 Organization Corporate Values

By having a clear company values helps the organization to ensure that all

their employees are working towards the same goals. The core values support the

company’s vision and shape its culture. That is why every single business

decision should be aligned with these values developed for the organizations.

At Sunway Medical Centre Velocity the emphasize a CHERISH Values

as below. The last two alphabet S is Sunway and H is Healthcare.

3.1.1 Compassion - We are always sensitive to patient’s needs above our own

 In healthcare we believe that empathy and kindness is one of the

factor for patients healing is faster. While medicine holds the

power to cure, care delivered with kindness and compassion can

speed the healing process and lead to better outcomes for

patients and caregivers alike. Showing compassion, offering

reassurance, and listening actively calms patients, lowers blood

pressure, and enables faster recuperation, reduced pain, and

shorter hospital stays. The benefits have been consistently

demonstrated in cases ranging from traumatic injuries to

common colds. Treating each other with kindness is a powerful

way to influence health, and is reshaping the way we think about

quality health care.

3.1.2 Humility – We believe in being humble, polite & respectful

 In healthcare, the practice of humility can ensure the patient was

being charted correctly and received the proper treatment for their

pain, despite the potential role of implicit bias in their inpatient

record. The practice helps to create deeper connections and

understanding between patients and providers, which may

increase patient satisfaction and care outcomes.

3.1.3 Excellence – We take pride in all that we do

 Happy employees led to happy customers or patients. In

healthcare excellence services is one of the factors

3.1.4 Respect – We are always professionals in our conduct and behavior

 Respect is an essential component of a high-performance in

healthcare. All patient received the same respect and treatments

doesn’t matter who you are and what is your title. It will helps to

create a healthy environment in which patients feel cared for as

individuals, and members of health care teams are engaged,

collaborative and committed to service

3.1.5 Integrity – We believe in doing the right thing at all time

 In the medical profession, integrity is fundamental.  Integrity

breeds trust and patients cannot receive adequate care without

trust in their physician. Patients seek physicians whom they view

as a professional who is honest and reliable.

3.2 Centralized & Decentralized Decision Making

In every business has a management system that helps streamline its daily

processes and procedures. Companies often implement a centralized or

decentralized organizational structure to establish management protocols and

facilitate clear communication. Understanding the differences between these two

structures can help a company choose the right one depending on factors like the

size of its staff, the variety of its product line and its global market share. In

SMCV, the management practice both centralized and decentralized decision

making and it depends on what type of decision that they need to make

Centralized Decision Making

The centralized management is most effective in companies that prioritize to

strive to reduce their operating costs. Centralization also encourages collaboration

between departments, streamlining best practices and coordinating with external

parties and vendors, typically a more traditional organizational structure.

In SMCV normally for the centralized decision making involve the long-term

business especially in investment, expansion, rewarding system, legal and etc.

This decision making normally been made by the Head Quarters which is the

Sunway Healthcare Group.

Decentralized Decision Making

Decentralized organization involves dispersing decision-making authority

among multiple employees or departmental teams. Individuals at a lower level

approve decisions and then report them to personnel in upper management.

Emerging industries often employ a decentralized organizational structure

because it's easier to move employees to different roles and change their


In SMCV, most of the operational activities decision making is cascade

down to managerial level. It is to empowering employees to present new ideas

and increasing career growth opportunities because it implements a more relaxed

chain of command model.

3.3 Individual Rewards

Rewarding and recognizing employees leads to greater employee engagement,

which increases retention and helps create a more positive overall workplace. In

SMCV, the organization believe that by incorporating a rewards and recognition

program helps increase employee engagement, leading to many benefits for the

company, like increased productivity and retention. In SMCV by offering

recognition and rewards for employee, it helps the employees to maintain and

increase their performance. It will also boost motivation so workers stay on track

and maintain a positive attitude. There are four (4) type of individual reward to

SMCV staff which are;

I. Contractual Bonus (December month)

II. Performance Bonus (April)

III. Increment (yearly and depends on the performance rate)

IV. Long service awards, 5 years, 10 years, 15 years and 20 years

3.4 Cooperation

Team work is one of the main factor when working in healthcare industry.

Inter-professional collaboration in healthcare helps to prevent medication errors,

improve the patient experience, and deliver better patient outcomes all of which

can reduce healthcare costs. It also helps hospitals save money by shoring up

workflow redundancies and operational inefficiencies.

3.5 Stability & Innovation

Stability and Innovation is one of the factor ensuring that the companies

stay relevant in the business environment. SMCV believe that the real growth in

the market only occurs when organizations continually adapt and innovate to offer

relevant value.

Stability is the ability to withstand a temporary problem, such as a

decrease in sales, lack of capital or loss of a key employee or customer. Analyzing

the cash flow and a variety of negative scenarios will help you determine whether

or not the business is financially stable. In line with that, SMCV to ensure that

their Public Relation, quality of services and Communication is clear, in order to

maintain the hospital in a high performance and stable.

In the other hand, Innovation plays a key role in introducing novelty to

existing product lines or processes, leading to increased market share, revenue,

and customer satisfaction. Sometimes innovation is used to upgrade the operating

systems of the business or to introduce modern technologies for automation. In

SMCV, management actively to provide the latest treatments and updates for their

patient. Offered the high-level of treatment with lower cost is one of the focus for

the hospital.

4.0 Conclusion

Clearly, cross-cultural management is the examination in which people

with unique backgrounds and cultures work in an equal firm. People with diverse

cultures work collectively in harmony in an organization. The need to study and

implement cross-cultural management in business houses is due to the

workforce’s diversity. As the market’s horizons are increasing the organizations

to attain success and create goodwill in customer’s and employees’ eyes, they

need to change management. Cross-cultural management is the need of all

progressive organizations. An organization can maintain and achieve a diverse

workforce by friendly policies like flextime, telecommuting, job sharing, part-

time job, and special care unit for small babies. However, it is not an easy job to

train mindsets which have developed. To create a friendly environment among the

vast cultural differences requires a set of rules and regulations following cultural

differences in mind. a multicultural organization, a tolerant climate is needed.


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