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April 25, 2022

Dear 11 Grade STEM Students and Parents/ Guardians:

Greeting in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

This year in our General Biology 2, we have been studying life science topics. To help your child
understand the Anatomy and Physiology of human body, we are offering students the opportunity
to participate in a frog dissection procedure scheduled on April 26-28, 2023.

Dissection is defined as “the manipulation of preserved animals or animal parts for scientific study,
which includes incising and may be followed by inspecting, touching, handling, mounting and
microscopic studying” This laboratory activity will serve as their individual performance task
which will allow the students to see the homeostasis in body systems, organs, tissues and interact
within a real organism. These competencies are listed in the Grade 11 General Biology Curriculum
from the Department of Education, which we are bound to teach for the achievement of content
and performance standards.

In line with the said task, the amount of 100php. is requested from each student to cover the cost
of the activity but if they choose not to pay, they can bring any type of frog except for palakang
bato and palakang saging.

As with any science project, safety is our paramount concern. Accordingly, students must exercise
caution and proper laboratory behavior while conducting the dissection. The most important safety
concerns are:

• Dissections tools. Students should practice caution while using dissection tools. We will
use additional dissection tools such as short blade medical scissors and probes (metal point
embedded in a wooden handle).

• Allergies. Students with contact allergies should NOT participate in this activity.

• Environment. Students must also follow standard lab protocols and refrain from “playing”
in the laboratory. If students fail to follow rules, they will complete an alternative
assignment. A safe learning experience is always the top priority.
If you do not wish your child to participate in the frog dissection procedure as described within the
course, alternative project will be given to the student.

We thank you for being our partners in giving the best education possible for our Jilians. We are
continuously praying for your safety and protection. God bless you and your entire household
more and more.



General Biology Teacher


Yes, I am allowing my child _________________________ of _________________ to

participate in the frog dissection activity.

No, I am not allowing my child _________________________ of _________________ to

participate in the frog dissection activity.
Reason: ________________
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature Over Printed Name

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