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Scope and Delimitation


 Limited to 138 respondents

 Grade 12 students
 Survey Questionnaires
Likert scale


 Factors that affect the expressed emotion of parents/caregivers.

 Did not focus on consequences and diseases of drinking.

Review of Related Literature and Related Studies

Review of Related Literature

 Davao City Rep. Paolo Z. Duterte and Benguet Rep. Eric G. Yap filed House Bill No. 1753 to
increase the minimum drinking age from 18 to 21 (Tan, 2022).
- To reduce alcohol use and harm, such as alcohol-related injuries and deaths.

 World Health Organization (WHO) reports over half (52.1%) of young Filipino boys and almost
one-fifth (18.9%) of young Filipino girls between 15 to 19 years who use alcohol binge on the
substance (Movendi International, 2022).
 Children who had sipped alcohol by the sixth grade were about five times more likely to have a
full drink by the time they were in high school and four times more likely to binge drink or get
drunk (Wallace, 2015).

Review of Related Studies

 In the study "The Causes of Underage Drinking among Grade 10 Students at Atlu Bola High
School” by Galang et al (2018).
- Peer pressure and family problems were the top reasons for youths drinking.

 Another study by Pagkatipunan entitled “Accessibility and Consumption of Alcoholic Drinks in

Metro Manila Colleges and Universities”

- The survey revealed that parents of both private and public students were aware of
students’ alcoholic drinking and how much they drink with 61.6% and 57.4%

Parents’ Awareness of Students Drinking Alcohol

Private students Public students

61.6% 57.4%
 A study called “Perception of Parental Attitudes and Self-Efficacy in Refusing Alcohol Drinking
and Smoking by Spanish Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study” made by Linares et. al (2023)

probability of drinking alcohol

Adolescents’ good communication with parents

probability of drinking alco

poor communication with parents

Research Design

Descriptive research design

Participants and

Sampling Techniques

Description of

Research Instruments
Alcohol Consumption

 It contributed immensely to road accidents and juvenile crimes.

 Youths indulge in drinking alcohol to belong or feel comfortable among their peers
 It is an escape route from depression or unhappiness.
 Teenagers have the tendency to become alcoholics when their parents are alcoholics

In line with these data, the purpose of this study is

1. Investigate the relationship between perceived parental/caregiver-expressed emotion and drinking

among Grade 12 students of IUCS.

2. Determine the extent of perceived expressed emotion among drinking Grade 12 senior high school

3. Examine the level of alcohol consumption among drinking Grade 12 senior high school students in
terms of frequency of alcohol consumption, the total number of alcoholic drinks consumed, and the
greatest number of drinks, drank in a single time.

4. Determine if there is a significant relationship between the level of perceived expressed emotion and
alcohol consumption among drinking Grade 12 senior high school students.

5. Determine if the level of perceived expressed emotion can predict the frequency of alcohol
consumption among drinking Grade 12 Senior High School Students of IUCS.


H0: There is no significant relationship between perceived parental/caregiver-expressed emotion

and drinking among grade 12 senior high school students of IUCS.

H1: There is a significant relationship between perceived parental/caregiver-expressed emotion

and drinking among grade 12 senior high school students of IUCS.
The Problem and Its Background


the phase of life between childhood and

adulthood, from ages 10 to 19 (WHO, 2019

Drink alcohol

Filipino youth aged 10 to 19, 14.9% consume alcohol,

and 36.7% are underage drinkers

1/2 of Filipinos between the ages of 20 and 59 engage

in harmful alcohol use through binge drinking or
excessive consumption in a single session (DOH, 2019

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