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In making permanent electronic connections, use? - answer soldering iron

When current flow is interrupted by a blown fuse, the circuits becomes? - answer Open

A standard multimeter does not measure? - answer frequency

Electric current flowing from one component to the next is an example of what kind of circuit? - answer

In order to make an electric current flow, it is necessary to have? - answer Copper conductors

A device that converts sound waves to electric current is a? - answer Transformer

Which of the following can not be used to store an electrical charge? - answer fuse

Wires are joined together with solder to ensure? - answer Minimum resistance
Which of the following is the smallest in size and can amplify electrical signals? - answer Relay

The type of electricity used to power a car radio is typically? - answer DC.

An electric generator has all of the following except? - answer Carburetor

What kind of energy is converted to electrical energy by a car battery? - answer chemical

The most commonly used fuel for running automobile engine is? - answer Gasoline

Which of the following is not part of a cars drive train? - answer transmission

Which engine component stores oil for lubrication? - answer oil pan

The Catalytic converter is part of what system? - answer Emission control system

How many crankshafts are there in a V-8 automobile engine? - answer 8

The engine flywheel bolts to the? - answer crankshaft

Pistons are usually made from what material? - answer Aluminum

MacPherson struts are a type of? - answer suspension

Brake shoes stop a car by exerting pressure on the? - answer Tires

Which of the following uses a penny system to specify its size? - answer finishing nail

Taps and dies are tools to? - answer Cut threads for nuts and bolts

Which tool is used to bend large sections of sheet metal? - answer Lathe

What is placed around a chimney to prevent leaks? - answer flashing

This type of pattern on metal is made by process called? - answer Knurling

Self-taping screws are primarily used when fastening objects to? - answer Sheet metal

To properly turn wood stock, one should use a? - answer lathe

The technique for joining copper water pipes is called? - answer Soldering

Which of these does not make wood chips when it is used? - answer drill press

Which adhesive is usually supplied in two parts which must be mixed prior to use? - answer Contact

As piston P moves up in the direction shown, lever Q? - answer Does not move

Four weights are tied together and hung from the ceiling. What will be the tensions in the cord at the
point labeled? - answer 60 pounds
What would you tell the person who is trying to loosen the rusty nut with the wrench? - answer Move
your hand farther from the nut

A car stops suddenly. Why are the passengers thrown forward against their seat belts? - answer
Terminal velocity

Why are hoops closer together near the bottom of the tank? - answer Water pressure pushing against
the sides of the tank is greater near the bottom

It is true that frictional forces? - answer Always oppose forces producing motion

Crewtrifrugal Force is the? - answer Outward force caused by rotation

In this pulley system, what force must be applied to balance the 10 pound weight - answer 10 lbs

The joint at B contains a pin so that the ball can move up and down. If the axle BC rotated faster, angle X
will? - answer Decrease

The surface.... if piston A is pushed down 6 inches, how far will piston B move up? - answer 3 inches

The spring pulls the left end of the lever against the cam. As the cam makes four rotations, how many
times will the right end of the lever move up and down? - answer 4

Which of the following objects has the most structural strength? - answer A

A definition of a vacuum is? - answer The absence of matter

If 60 pounds of the force must be applied to the valve for it to open, how much upward force must push
rod X ,apply for the valve to open? - answer 40 lbs

At what altitude is atmospheric pressure the greatest? - answer Sea level

Fiction is the force that? - answer Opposes motion between 2 surfaces

Which of the following is a renewable resource? - answer peanut oil

Which of the following reproduce by spawning? - answer fish

What do a hydrogen and oxygen molecule have in common? - answer Their size

The filament in an electric lightbulb is made of? - answer Tungsten

When scientists measure a liquids resistance to flow they are measuring? - answer Viscosity

An aquifer is? - answer River bottom made up of sedimentary rocks

Human skin cells divide by? - answer Mitosis

Perpetual motion machines can never be built because it is not possible to eliminate? - answer Inertia

Which reduces friction? - answer Ball bearing

Regeneration in men is limited to? - answer Healing of wounds

If you place bean seeds between moist towels and watch the stern leaves appear, you will see a
demonstration of? - answer Germination

The tympanic membranes are also known as? - answer ear drums

Choking is prevented by the? - answer epiglottis covering the voice box

Which of the following actions produce a chemical change? - answer adding salt to the hot water

Which do the following enables the pen to work? - answer Hydraulic force

The term "meiosis" is usually associated with? - answer Reproduction

What do a hydrogen molecule and an oxygen molecule have In common? - answer Size, charge on each

Which of the following is a non-renewable resource? - answer Copper

What are the two main gases the make up stars? - answer Hydrogen and helium

In chemistry, to be classified as an organic substance, a substance must contain? - answer carbon atoms

Any astronomical body that revolves around a large body is called? - answer Satellite
When a lobster grows a claw to replace one that was lost, this process is called? - answer regeneration

How a smooth rock became smooth? - answer It was in a stream for along time

Which element does not contain any neutrons? - answer Hydrogen

Chemical formula of a compound describes the Elements the compound contains and the? - answer the
ratio of elements in a compound

What is the symbol for the Hydroxyl ion? - answer OH-

eradicate - answer to get rid of

savory - answer Tasty

impair - answer Weaken

Ravage - answer Devastate

evasive - answer Foolish

enduring - answer Perpetual

maim - answer Injure

Cease - answer Stop

Inhabit - answer to live in

chide - answer Scold

wary - answer careful, cautious

turmoil - answer Commotion

Obliterate - answer Wipe out

Unison - answer Agreement

rudiments - answer Basic methods and procedures

vague - answer unclear, indistinct

Cajole - answer To Coak, wheedle

nepotism - answer hiring relatives

contentious - answer quarrelsome

unpretentious - answer Complicated

communique - answer Message

embody - answer Cloak

contrue - answer to interpret

perilous - answer dangerous, hazardous

inept - answer unskilled; clumsy, bungling

Adage - answer a proverb, wise saying

admonition - answer warning

decry - answer disparage

Moratorium - answer Suspension

emphasize - answer to accentuate

Which tool is used to bend large sections of sheet metal - answer Forge

To test effectiveness of plant fertilizer groups of plants are grown with different types of fertilizer. A
control group of plants would... - answer Not be given any fertilizer

Friction is the force that - answer Opposes motion between 2 surfaces

argon and neon are - answer noble gases

processes of the water cycle - answer Evaporation, condensation, sublimination, and so on

How many atoms are in a single molecule of h2o - answer 3 atoms

which element does not contain any neutrons - answer Hydrogen

which of the following reproduce by spawning - answer fish

By definition, an aquifer is - answer A river bottom made up of gravel and sedimentary rock

When scientists measure a liquids resistance to flow they are measuring the liquids... - answer Viscosity

in a balanced ecosystem which of the following would have the greatest population - answer plankton

which of the following is the best illustration of centripetal force? - answer ice skater spinning on ice

Any astronomical body that revolves around a larger body is called - answer satellite

If x =2, and y= -3, then xy^2 - answer -6^2

if x+3y=7 and y=2, then x equals? - answer 1

What is the area of a triangle with a base of 8 inches and a height of 4 inches? - answer 16 sq ft - 1/2bh

If 2^x =32, then x = - answer 16

Simplify 3/5x+x - answer 3/5x+1x = 3/5x+ 5/5x= 8/5x


The hypotenuse of a right triangle has a length of 14 units and a side that is 9 units long. Which equation
can be used to find the length of the remaining side? - answer X^2 = 14^2 -9^2

The product of 3! is ? - answer 6 , 3x2x1

The factors of 2x ^2 +xy-3y^2 are - answer (2x+3y)(x-y)

If x/5+6=-14, then x=? - answer A. -100.

We want to isolate x by performing inverse operations, and whatever you do to one side you do to the

Begin by subtracting 6 both sides of the equation...such that 6 and -6 cancels out on the left hand side..

(x/5) + 6 - 6 = -14 - 6

(x/5) = -20

Now find the way to cancel out the 5 under the variable we are isolating, which is multiplying both sides
of the equation by 5...
(x/5) * 5 = -20 * 5

x = -100

What tool is used to remove a module from an electronic assembly? - answer Chip Puller

Silicon chips are used are used to what - answer integrated circuits

A multi-meter doesn't measure? - answer frequency

When current flow is interrupted by a blown fuse, the circuit becomes - answer open

Which of the following is the smallest in size and can simplify electrical signals? - answer Relay

A material that has very high resistance to the flow of electric current is? - answer Insulator

Which one of the following devices protects A circuit against current overloads? - answer Fuse

When it is necessary to switch on an electrical current from a remote location, which device could be
used? - answer Amplifier

Which of the following best carries electric current? - answer Conductors

Electrical arcing occurs when - answer High-voltage electricity jumps between two conductors
Many home appliances and power tools are made safer by using - answer 3- wire cords and plugs

The function of the master cylinder is to - answer Apply hydraulic pressure to the wheeled cylinders

Weight is a measure of a body's? - answer Gravity pulls

Which of these systems enable oxygen to reach an individual cell in the human body? - answer

Solubility can be defined as? - answer extent to which a substance dissolves in a solvent

Mollusks typically have? - answer shells

The changing of any kind of matter from one form to another absorbs or relatives? - answer Energy

An example of kinetic is a ? - answer Pendulum swinging in a grandfather clock

Fly-Frog-Snake-Hawk Which animal in this food chain is warm blooded? - answer Hawk

Which of the following undergoes metamorphosis? - answer Butterflies

Using list, which of the following presents the stages of the water cycle in the correct order? - answer
Sunlight heats water, evaporates, water cools, condensation, precipitation.

Jerry walked a dog from 6:40am to 7:30am one day, Paid at the rate of $6 per hr, how much did he earn
that day? - answer $5
A woman is looking for a bigger square office. She finds an office twice the area of her current office. If
the perimeter of her current office is 88 feet, how many square feet is the new office? - answer Square
has 4 sides 88/4= 22

22x22 = 484

484x2 =968

Multiply by 2 because the office is twice the size


How many feet of chain fence are necessary to enclose a dog pen that is square an has an area of 64
square feet? - answer Square root of 64 is 8


Square has 4 sides



The price of salmon at a fish market is 5.40 per pound. This is 150%. It's cost at a supermarket how much
would it cost per pound at the supermarket? - answer 150%= 1.5

5.40/1.5= 3.60


If the perimeter of a square garden is 84 feet what is the area of the garden? - answer Square has 4



The pet store had six puppies selling for $104 each & twelve kittens selling for $24 each today only 2
puppies and 8 kittens were left in dollar terms what was the ratio of sales of puppies to kittens? -
answer 13:3

Jamie just bought two boxes. The first box is square, with each side measuring 10 units, and is 4 units
high. The second box is rectangular and has twice the volume of the square box. If the height of the
second box is 5 units, and the width is 10 units, what is the length of the second box? - answer
10x10x4= 400





Each August, a restaurant's rent is adjusted to the cost of living index. The rent has been 1,550 a month,
and the cost of living index for this August was 3.7%. What is the new rent per month? - answer

If the ratio of sides of two square is 3:1 what is the ratio of their perimeters? - answer 3:1

The are 9 red & 6 green marbles in a bag. A child reaches in the bag and randomly takes one marble
what is the probability of that child getting a green marble? - answer 6(9+6)

6 /15




If a 5ft pole casts a shadow of 8ft at the same time a nearby tree casts 48ft shadow. How tall is that
tree? - answer Cross Multiply


30 ft

A printing press will print 6,000 copies in 20 minutes a second press can print 15,000 in 60 minutes how
many more copies per minute will the faster print than the slower press? - answer 20/6,000=300




If the population of a certain city increased 25% in two years, the new population was what percent of
the old? - answer 125%

If 35 of the 140 cars delivered to a dealer were blue what percent of the cars were blue? - answer


A radar is designed to report the track of an aircraft every second if this radar reports 30 tracks in one
minute what was the percentage of the time did the radar track the aircraft? - answer 50% (radar only
tracked half 30/60)

What are the factors of x^2+4x+3 - answer (x+3)(x+1)

Simplify 3/5x+x - answer 8/5x

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