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Comparison of Quality Control

International Journal of Supply and Operations Management

… 2023, Volume …, Issue …, pp. …-…
ISSN-Print: …-…
ISSN-Online: …-...

Comparison of Quality Control Chart For Pie Susu Ajik Production in Krisna Oleh –
Oleh With Decision On Belief Control Charts ,C Control Charts and U Control Charts
Ardi Kurniawana*, Arsyah Aprillita Gowantaraa, Suliyantoa, and Sedionoa,
Department of Mathematics, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia

Today's industrial field is getting crowded and develop some great competition among industry people so that companies
that involved in the industry must find ways to survive in the industry. One way that can be done is to improve the quality
of both the company's performance quality, human resources, and product quality. Krisna Oleh - Oleh is one of the
companies that has competition in similar industries, especially in the field of food such as pie susu which under the brand
name "Pie Susu Ajik". The purpose of this research is to analyze whether the products that produced by “Pie Susu Ajik”
are statistically control or not by using the u-control chart, p-control chart and decision on belief chart and also make a
comparison on both control charts. The data that being used are data from November 2022 that have 30 datas. The results
obtained with both diagrams prove that the production of "Pie Susu Ajik" has not been statistically controlled since some
points are still out of control in both the u and DOB control charts. The DOB Control chart is a better control chart
because it captures more out-of-control points than the control chart.

Keywords: Pie Susu Ajik , Industry, Quality, Production, Control Chart, DOB

1. Introduction
Industries field these days is getting crowded and make some great competition among industry people. According to
the official website of the Ministry of Industry, there is a statement that the industrial development in Indonesia is
increasing rapidly, which is 4.88% , that’s why the companies of the industry must find variety of ways in order to
remain able to compete in the industrial field. One way for companies to survive is to maintain and improve the quality.
But it is not only the quality of the company and its human resources that must be maintained, but the quality of the
products produced by the company can be one of the factors influencing the competition of the industry. A Good
product quality and a product that fulfilled the consumer’s criteria will create a company that capable of competing in
this fierce industry, because consumers certainly choose a company based on the product to consume otherwise, if a
company's product quality is not that capable to produce a good product will losses in the company itself.

Krisna Oleh – Oleh Bali is the biggest souvenir and gifts store in Bali and Southeast Asia. Even though thid company
was established in 2007 it still remains consistent in improving the quality of production to meet the criteria that desired
by costumers.Despite some efforts to improve and maintain the product’s quality, there are still products that do not
meet the conditions of good quality due to Krisna Oleh – Oleh Bali itself has a wide variety of products that beinf
offered to consumers.

*Corresponding author email address: ardi- DOI: …………………..
Comparison of Quality Control Chart For Pie Susu Ajik Production...

Krisna Oleh – Oleh Bali produce various range of products that represent Bali Island such as clothes, souvenirs,
accessories, crafts and beauty products and food. One of food products that produced by Krisna Oleh – Oleh Bali is
pie susu, the pie susu that produced by Krisna Oleh – Oleh Bali has the brand on its own name and it’s called“Pie
Susu Ajik”. Pie Susu Ajik is one of product that has a very high sales because there are so much demand by
tourists both domestic and international, so Krisna Oleh – Oleh Bali want to improve the quality of the production
by reducing the percentage of defect products so that consumers still satisfied with their product. then it can be
concluded that the company requires supervision on the factors that affect the defects in the production.

The method that can be applied to monitor the process of production are the methods of quality statistic control by it
means that we do the control by the method of statistics that began from raw materials, to the production process
until the final product is finished (Yuliasih, 2014.). There are a few control charts that can be applied to control the
quality of production, one of them is a chart of univariate attributes, where the chart serves to evaluate the
production characteristics on the quality and measured based on the number of defect product that is already

U control chart is one of the four types of attribute control charts that have the function to control a production
process whose quality characteristics are measured by the number of mismatches per unit of product that have been
produced. The advantage of this chart is that it can be used even though there are variety of sample size. Meanwhile,
for lack of the chart, it is more complex than other charts because it must be inspected daily based on unit data and
must be poisson distributed. Next. there is a p-control chart which is a part of the statistical tools in statistical quality
control whereas the P-control chart is a diagram that shows fractional defect (P) or a rejected part of one or more
quality characteristics that do not meet specifications. In a p-control chart, variety of data or samples can used in p-
control charts.

The Decision On Belief (DOB) control chart is a part of the attribute univariate control chart. This control chart is
one of the most recent concept of chart that can be used to evaluate the quality based on the proportion of defects
with a type of defect that has more than one characteristic attribute that does not require any assumptions. The DOB
control chart has advantages over the other attribute control charts, i.e. decision on belief (DOB) chart is more
sensitive in seeing data that shift towards the control limits, it is faster to detect the presence of uncontrolled data
(Septi, 2016), The deficiency is that the data used must assume normal so that we can continue calculating with the
control chart

Based on that description, The purpose of this research is to examine the quality of the production process of "Pie
Susu Ajik" in Krisna Oleh – Oleh Bali which still has some production defects per day and do some statistic quality
control using the decision on belief , U, and control charts so that later the results can be a more effective
comparison of the performance of the control charts and the results also can be an input to Krisna Oleh – Oleh Bali
to show proper policy in producing "Pie Susu Ajik".

2. Theoretical Foundations

The following sections summarize the theoretical basis and have been grouped into separate sections for
convenience find various aspects.

2.1 Krisna Oleh – Oleh Bali and Pie Susu Ajik

Krisna Oleh - Oleh Bali is a company that produces goods with Balinese specialty. The company is based in several
areas of Bali. This company was founded in 2007 by Gusti Ngurah Anom or usually called "Ajik Cok" where his
company now is the largest souvenir store in Bali and Southeast Asia.Until now, Krisna Oleh - Oleh Bali has 20
subsidiaries and 31 outlets that have been distributed in all parts of Bali. This souvenir store produces wide variety
of Bali specialty products such as food, souvenirs, fashion, accessories, handicrafts, and beauty products. One of the
food product is pie susu where Krisna Oleh – Oleh has it own pie susu brand, named "Pie Susu Ajik" which is quite
high in terms of product sales because it is one of the most distinctive product from Bali and that many tourists both
locally and internationally like where Krisna Oleh – Oleh Bali can produce as many as 5000 pie per day .

2.2 Quality
Quality is a measure to assess that an item or service has value as it wishes or in other words an item or service that
is considered to have quality when it functions or has value as desired (Sunyoto, 2012). While according to
Schroeder (1995), quality is defined by "usage match" which means that a product or service meets a customer's
Kurniawan, Gowantara, Suliyanto, Sediono

needs, meaning that if it matches a customer's or user's value that is acceptable to the customer and to consumer
satisfaction. Quality is an important factor in production process, because if the quality that does not fulfillef the
characteristics desired by the consumer it will make poses a disadvantage to the company itself. Therefore,
companies must be able to make policies to maintain the quality of their products in order to compete with
companies in other industries

2.3 Quality Control

Quality control is one of few techniques in monitoring and improving performance to produce quality products
(Triadji, 2007). Quality control is carried out to produce products either in the form of goods or services with the
characteristics that are appropriate or desired by consumers, therefore quality control techniques need to be
implemented before the start of the production process, when production is done to produce the final product.
Gazpersz (2005) said that quality control goals include production of products according to the set specifications, in
order to reduce quality costs to a minimum. Montgomery (2009) also suggested that the primary purpose of process
control is to quickly detect specific causes of process shifts, so that process inspection and corrective action can be
made to minimize inappropriate products.

2.4 Statistic Quality Control

Statistical quality control is a system that developed to maintain production quality to remain uniform at a minimal
level of cost so that it can help the company achieve production efficiency (Assauri, 2008). Statistical process
control is a terminology used since the 1970s to describe the use of statistical techniques in monitoring and
improving process performance to produce quality products (Gasperz, 2005). According to Montgomery (2009), the
main purpose of statistical quality control is to quickly detect the cause of process shifts, so that corrective action
can be taken to minimize inappropriate products. According to Yanuar (2021) this statistical quality control uses
statistical methods to describe and analyze data to determine the quality of production. Based on this explanation, it
can be concluded that statistical quality control is a technique to maintain and improve production quality with the
assistance of various statistical tools and methods so that it can produce products that are qualified according to
established specifications and can be used. meet consumer needs

2.5 Decision Of Belief (DOB) Control Chart

Decision on belief (DOB) chart is a chart that has function to control the observation of single or a univariate and has
attributes characteristic. For example if O k =( x1 , x2 , x3 , … , x k ) becomes the k iteration observation vector, where
the x k is the observation of the number of defects in the observed product it is assumed that the quality of the
characteristic follows the normal distribution with the mean μ0 and varians σ 0 . If B ( O k−1 ) =B( x k−1 , O k−2) n the
control state, then to update the assumption B( x k ,O k −1 ) d n the iteration in the optimum state that can be interpreted
as (Nezhad & Niaki ,2010) :

x k −μ
B(O k−1) e
B ( x k , O k−1 )=B ( O k ) = x k −μ (1)
B ( O k−1 ) e σ
+(1−B ( O k−1 ) )

μ is average number of defects of production data

From equation (1) the value for B( O k−1 ) , B ( O k −2 ) and so on. Furthermore define Z k :

B ( x k ,Ok−1 )
Zk = (2)
1−B ( x k , Ok−1 )

Thus, Z k can be stated as

B ( Ok )
Zk (3)
1−B ( Ok )


Comparison of Quality Control Chart For Pie Susu Ajik Production...

Next equation (2) substituted with equation (3) to

Comparison of Quality Control Chart For Pie Susu Ajik Production...

x k −μ0
B(O k−1 )e
x k − μ0
B ( O k−1 ) e +(1−B ( Ok−1 ) )
Z k= x k − μ0 (4)
B(Ok−1 )e
1− x k −μ0
B ( Ok−1 ) e +(1−B ( Ok−1 ))
x k − μ0
B(Ok−1) e
Z k= x k −μ0 x k −μ0
σ0 σ0
B ( Ok−1 ) e + ( 1−B ( O k−1) )−B ( Ok−1 ) e

x k −μ0
B ( Ok−1 ) e
Z k=
1−B ( Ok−1 )

x k −μ0
B ( Ok−1 ) x k −μ0
Z k =e σ0 (5)
1−B ( O k−1) ¿ e Z k−1

From here, it can be obtained the equation

x k −μ0 x k −μ0
σ0 σ0
Z k =e =e Z k−2

x k + x k−1−μ0
¿e Z k−2
Iterations will continue until we obtain

∑ x i −k μ0
Z k =e

Next, by taking the value of ln from Z k , then obtained

Kurniawan, Gowantara, Suliyanto, Sediono

∑ xi−k μ0
( )
x i−μ 0 (7)
ln Z k = i=1 =∑
σ0 i=1 σ0

xi −μ 0
The form of equation follows the standard normal distribution form, hence ln Z k N ( 0 , k ) by using moment
generating function (MGF) method. This can be proven as follows

Assumed that x i N ( μ 0 , σ 0)

Distribution of ∑ xi
M ∑ x (t) ¿i
∏ M x (t) i
¿ ∏ exp(¿ ¿ μ 0 t + σ 20 t 2 )¿ ¿
i=1 2
1 2 2
¿ exp( k μ 0 t + k σ 0 t ) (8)
So that , ∑ xi N (k μ0 , kσ 20 )

Then , we search for ln Z k distribution

M k (t)
M ln Z (t ) =
∑ x i −k μ0

= exp
( −kμ0 t
∑ x ) ( )


= exp ( −kμ0 t
σ0 ) (
t 1 2 t2
exp kμ 0 + k σ 0 2
σ0 2 σ0 )
= exp kμ0
( t kμ 0 t 1 2
− + kt
σ0 2 )
= exp ( 12 k t )2

Hence, from equation (9) the result is ln Z k N (0 , k )

Then, let assume Y =ln Z k N ( 0 ,k )

M Y (t)=M Y ( )
√k √k

( ( ))
1 t
¿ exp k
2 √k


Comparison of Quality Control Chart For Pie Susu Ajik Production...

( )
1 t
¿ exp k
2 k

¿ exp ( 12 t )

ln Z k
Then it is proved that N (0,1)
To determinate the starting value of Z 0 , take the following steps as :

If given k = 1 to equation (6) it can be obtained

( ) ( )
x k −μ0
Z1 = ∑ xi ¿−1 μ0 ¿¿ σ 0 Z 0 =exp

And in equation (3), state k = 0 so that the initial value of B(O 0 ) is determine

B(O0 )
Z 0=
1−B (O¿¿ 0)¿

Furthermore, it stated Z 0=1, thus

B(O0 )
1−B(O¿¿ 0)¿

So, it can be obtained B ( O 0 )=0,5

Then , it can be define for UCL and LCL of ln Z k as

UCLln ( Z ) =c √ k
and LCL ln( Z )=−c √ k

ln Z k
Hence the confidence interval (1−α ¿ 100 % of is

P −c<
ln Z k
<c =1−α ) (11)

with α is type I error. Equation (12) can be written as :

P (−c √ k <ln Z k < c √ k ) =1−α (12)

From previous equation , equation (2) substituted to equation (12) and the result is

P −c √ k ≤ ln
B ( x k ,O k−1 )
1−B ( x k , Ok−1 ) ) √)≤ c k =1−α (13)
Kurniawan, Gowantara, Suliyanto, Sediono


( (
P e−c √ k ≤
B ( x k , O k−1 )
1−B ( x k , O k−1 )) )
≤ e−c √ k =1−α


P e−c √ k +1 ≤
B ( x k , O k−1 )
1−B ( x k , O k−1 ) ) )
≤e−c √ k +1 =1−α (14)

From the explanation of equation (14) it can be stated that the confidence interval (1−α ¿ 100 % of B ( x k , O k−1 ) is

e (
e−c √ k
P −c √ k ≤ B ( x k ,O k −1 ) ≤ c √ k
e +1
) (15)

it can be conclude that from (15), that UCL and LCL value for B ( x k , O k−1 ) is

ec √ k
UCLB ( x , O )
= c √k (16)
k k−1
e +1
e−c √ k
LCL B ( x ,O )
= (17)
k k−1
e−c √ k +1
So we can get the limits for the control chart with these equations (16) and (17) with k = 1,2,3,…,m

2.6 U Control Chart

U control chart is a type of chart that can be used to calculate the proportion of defects because it can analyze the
discrepancy in the number of samples equal to or different from the existing unit of examination. According to
Montgomery (2009) the data used on the control diagram must be Poisson-distributed for further analysis to be
performed. To calculating production defect data requires theses following steps: (1) Determining the number of
periods to be inspected (i); (2) calculating the average value  the number of defects per unit in each observation
period by the equation:

∑ ui                                                     (18)

                                                     u = i=1
  with m is many periods of days          
Meanwhile for many defects in the u control chart can be analyzed by the following

ui =                             (19)
 With information :
   the percentage of average defect of  the sample units per-i.
   =   many product  with defects per unit of the observation per -i
   =  many samples that taken per unit of the observation per - i
   = number of samples
And to calculating the control limit value of the control chart using UCL (Upper Control Limit), LCL (Lower
Control Limit) is by the following formula:


Comparison of Quality Control Chart For Pie Susu Ajik Production...

                                                        UCLi  =        u+3
√ u

                                                       LCL I =           u−3

with i = 1,2,3,….m
√ u

                                                                                                 (Rosidin & Sirodj,2022)
2.7 P Control Chart
A p-control chart is a control chart that serves to show whether or not quality control in production is under control.
This error proportion of control chart can be used if the samples taken for each observation are the same number
then we can use both the p-chart and the np-chart proportion control chart. But if the samples taken vary for each
observation to vary in number or indeed the company will do 100% inspection, then we have to use a p-chart
proportion control chart. To perform this control diagram calculation, the steps are as follows:

1. Calculate the percentage of defects (p) to see how many the proportion of defects of the product is by the
p= (22)
Description :

p = defect persentage
np = many defective productions per -period
n = many productions examined per - period

2. Find the center line value ( p ¿which is the average nonconformity of product with this following formula

( p )=
∑ np (23)
Description :
∑ np = amount of defective production
∑ n=¿ total amount of production examined
3. Calculating the Upper Control Limit (UCL) and Lower Control Limit (LCL)

UCL = p+3
p(1− p)
n √ (24)

3. Methodology
LCL = p−3
p (1− p)
n √ (25)

This research is done by the factory of Krisna Oleh – Oleh Bali in pie susu production department. The source of
data that used in this research is secondary data that obtained from the data of defect production of pie susu in
November 2022 with total of 30 datas.
Kurniawan, Gowantara, Suliyanto, Sediono

The research variables consist of six variables such as crushed or broken, burnt, raw, cutted by machine and sticking
into the plate.These datas use the average production in every day.

The analysis procedure begins with identify the characteristics of the data on the number of defective products by
using descriptive analysis to view the mean, maximum and minimum values on the defective pie susu production
data, then applying quality control statistical tools such as fishbone chart,histogram and pareto chart. After that,
apply and compare the quality control results of the "Pie Susu Ajik" production process using the u control chart and
the decision on bellief (DOB) control chart. The final procedure is to compare the results of U control chart
performance and Decision Belief (DOB) control chart performance to find out which chart is more effective based
on analysis results and out of control data.

4. Data Analysis and Results

4.1 Characteristic Description

The identification of the characteristics of pie susu production defect data in Krisna Oleh – Oleh Bali is applied to
determine whether there is an increase or decrease in defective data every day. Based on this table of production
data, descriptive statistics were obtained from the production data of Pie Susu Ajik in Krisna Oleh – Oleh Bali as

Table 1. Production data of Pie Susu Ajik in Krisna Oleh – Oleh Bali
Variable Value
Mean 178.5
Maximum 262
Minimum 120

4.2 Normality Test

In forming a control chart, a normal distribution is used for the basis for making the chart. This is a graphic of the
results of the normal distribution in the production defect data

Probability Plot of Data Cacat

Mean 178,5
StDev 34,01
95 N 30
KS 0,138
90 P-Value >0,150




100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
Data Cacat

Figure 1 . The results of the normality test in the data the production

Based on this table, it was decided that p-value of the production defect data is more than 0.150, which is
greater than the value (0.05) then can be inferred from the graphic that the production data is normal.

4.3 U Control Chart

The creation of a control chart begins by determining the result of a center line by dividing the average amount of


Comparison of Quality Control Chart For Pie Susu Ajik Production...

damage to each observation by the total sample and the value of center line

∑ ui
u= i=1 =0.00318
Furthermore, the calculation for the percentage of production defects (ui ¿for periods 1 to 30 is carried out.

u1 174
u1 = = =0.003702128
n1 47000
This calculation is done up to u30 so the result is

u30 210
u30= = =0.003030303
n30 69300

After obtained ui values then we proceed to calculating the UCL and LCL values like :

UCL1=0.00318+ 3
√ 0.00318

This calculation is done up to UCL30 so the result is

UCL30 =0.00318+3

And for LCL values it can be obtain


LCL1 =0.00318−3
√ 0.00318

This calculation is done up to LCL30 so the result is

LCL30 =0.00318−3
√ 0.00318

Diagram Kendali U
Sample Count Per Unit




1 1 1 1

0,002 1

1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28
Tests are performed with unequal sample sizes.
An estimated historical parameter is used in the calculations.

Figure 2. Graphic Chart of U Control Chart

Kurniawan, Gowantara, Suliyanto, Sediono

4.4 P Control Chart

To calculate the p control chart it starts by calculating the percentage of defects (p) and center line or ( p ) with
the following formula :

∑ np = 5356 =0.003016
∑ n 1776100
Furthermore, the calculation for the percentage of production defects ( pi ) for periods 1 to 30 is

np1 174
p1 = = =0.003702128
nn1 47000
This calculation is done up to p30 so the result is

np30 210
p30= = =0.003030303
n30 69300
After getting pi values the UCL and LCL can be calculated as seen in below

UCL1=0.003016+ 3
√ 0.003016(1−0.003016)

This calculation is done up to UCL30 so the result is

UCL30=0.003016+ 3
√ 0.003016(1−0.003016)

And for the LCL

LCL1 =0.003016−3
√ 0.003016(1−0.003016)

This calculation is done up to LCL30 so the result is

√ 0.003016( 1−0.003016)

Hence the control chart is

P Chart of Data Produksi Cacat


1 1

0,003 P=0,003016

0,002 1

1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28
Tests are performed with unequal sample sizes.
An estimated historical parameter is used in the calculations.


Comparison of Quality Control Chart For Pie Susu Ajik Production...

Figure 3. Graphic Chart of P Control Chart

4.5 Decision on Belief Control Chart

The Decision on Belief control diagram can be calculated by manual calculation by taking the statistical value
B ( O0 )=0.5 .. where B ( O 0 ).is already set as the initial observation point.

Decision on Belief Control Chart follows the normal distribution with mean and variants that have µ and σ values
where to find the value can be calculated with the steps as follows

∑ xi 5356
μ= i=1 = =178.53
n 30
Where x i is defective production per – i period and n is number of periods.
And for the variance value (σ ) can be calculated as


∑ ( xi −X )2
σ= =34.01

Then the calculations for B ( O1) until B ( O 30 ) is

(0,5) e
B ( O 1) = 174−178.53
(0,5) e +(1−0,5)

This calculation is done up to B ( O30 ) so the result is

(0.284474062) e
B ( O30) = 210−178.53
(0.284474062)e +(1−0.284474062)

Then we proceed to calculating the UCL and LCL values with some c values like

a. UCL and LCL values for c = 1.96

Assumed that α =0.025 hence the c value is 1.96 so the result is

e 1,96 √ 1
UCLB ( x , O ) = 1,96 =0.876532952
1 0
e √1 +1

This calculation is done up to UCLB ( x30 ,O 29) so

e1,96 √ 30
UCLB ( x ,O 29 )
= =0.999978239
e 1,96 √30 +1

And for LCL B ( x ,O ) values

1 0
Kurniawan, Gowantara, Suliyanto, Sediono

e−1,96 √ 30
LCL B ( x ,O )= =0.182425524
1 0
e−1,96 √30 +1

This calculation is done up to LCL B ( x 30 , O29 ) where the value is

e−1,96 √30
LCL B ( x , O29 )
= =0.000270265
e−1,96 √ 30 +1

b. UCL and LCL values for c= 1.5

Assumed that α =0.0668 hence the c value is 1.5 so the result is

e 1,5 √ 1
UCLB ( x , O ) = 1,5 =0.817574
e √1 +10

This calculation is done up to UCLB ( x30 ,O 29) where the value is

e1,5 √ 30
UCLB ( x ,O 29 )
= =0.99973
e 1,5 √ 30+1

And for LCL B ( x 1 ,O0 ) values

e−1,5 √ 30
LCL B ( x ,O )= =0.182426
1 0
e−1,5 √30 +1

This calculation is done up to LCL B ( x 30, O29) so

e−1,5 √ 30
LCL B ( x , O29 )
= =0.00027
e−1,5 √ 30 +1

c. UCL and LCL values for c = 1

Assumed that α =0.1587 hence the c value is 1 so the result is

1 √1
UCLB ( x , O ) = 1e 1 =0.731058579
e √ +1 1 0

This calculation is done up to UCLB ( x30 ,O 29) so

e 1√ 30
LCL B ( x , O29 )
= =0.995836494
e 1 √ 30+1

And for LCL B ( x ,O ) values

1 0

e−1 √ 30
LCL B ( x ,O )= =0.268941421
1 0
e−1√ 30 +1


Comparison of Quality Control Chart For Pie Susu Ajik Production...

This calculation is done up to LCL B ( x 30 , O29 ) where the value is

e−1 √30
LCL B ( x )
= =0.004163506
30 , O29
e−1 √ 30+ 1

d. UCL and LCL values for c = 0.5

Assumed that α =0.30 hence the c value is 0.5 so the result is

e 1,96 √ 1
UCLB ( x , O ) = 1,96 =0.622459331
e √1 +1
1 0

This calculation is done up to UCLB ( x30 ,O 29) so

e0.5 √ 30
UCLB ( x ,O 29 )
= =0.939267012
e 0.5 √ 30 +1

And for LCL B ( x 1 ,O0 ) value

e−0.5 √ 30
LCL B ( x ,O )
= =0.377540669
1 0
e−0.5 √30 +1

This calculation is done up to LCL B ( x 30, O29) where the value is

e−0.5 √ 30
LCL B ( x , O29 )
= =0.060732988
e−0.5 √30 +1

So , the result of calculation from the values of B(Oi ) , BKA B ( x k ,Ok −1 ) dan BKB B ( xk , Ok−1) with different c values from

30 periods of defect productions, the diagram can be formed like DOB control charts on some figures like

Figure 4. Decision On Belief Control Chart ( c = 1.96)

Kurniawan, Gowantara, Suliyanto, Sediono

Diagram Kendali Decision On Belief (c =

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29


Figure 5. Decision On Belief Control Chart ( c = 1.5)

Diagram Kendali Decision On Belief ( c = 1)

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29


Figure 6. Decision On Belief Control Chart ( c = 1)

Diagram Kendali Decision On Belief (c = 0.5)

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29


Figure 7. Decision On Belief Control Chart ( c = 0.5)

4.6 Comparison of U Control Chart and Decision On Belief Control Chart

The results obtained from the comparison of the two charts are shown in the following table

Table 2. Comparison of U Control Chart , P Chart and Decision On Belief Chart

Control Chart Amount of Data That Out of Percentage
U Control Chart 12 40%
DOB Control Chart ( c = 14 46.66%
DOB Control Chart (c = 5 16.66%


Comparison of Quality Control Chart For Pie Susu Ajik Production...

DOB Control Chart (c = 0 0%
DOB Control Chart (c = 0 0%
P Control Chart 9 30%

Based on the results of the comparison in Table 3, can be seen if the quality control of the production of Pie Susu
Ajik in Krisna Oleh – Oleh Bali using U control chart and P control chart produce a point that is out of control limit
of 12 or 40% and 9 or 30%. While for Decision on Belief or DOB chart with c value 0.5 produce 14 points or
46.66% so we can conclude that the greater the c values the less amount of data that out of control . Therefore,
statistical quality control on the production defect data of Pie Susu Ajik in Krisna Oleh – Oleh Bali, it is more
effective to use the control chart of the DOB than the control diagram for the production of the pie susu in Krisna.

5. Discussion and Conclusion

Based on the results of analysis and comparison on the u control chart and the decision on belief (DOB) control
chart of the Pie Susu AJik in Krisna Oleh - Oleh Bali in November 2022 it was found that more DOB control charts
showed points outside the control limits of 14 points whereas if the control limits were exceeded by 14 points.
compared to the diagram u which only saw as many as 12 points out of the control limit and p chart with 9 points
out. It can then be concluded that for the production defect data on the Pie Susu AJik in Krisna Oleh - Oleh Bali the
control chart of the DOB is better at detecting data that is out of control than the u control chart.

Suggestions can be made for the Pie Susu Ajik factory in Krisna Oleh - Oleh Bali it is better to conduct more
thorough statistical control tests because there are still some points on the diagram that are out of control limits.
Additionally, for the time being, Pie Susu Ajik factory in Krisna Oleh - Oleh Bali can use a DOB control chart
because it can show points that are out of the control limits more when compared to u control chart.


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