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Medical Engineering & Physics 21 (1999) 247–257

Normalisation of EMG amplitude: an evaluation and comparison of

old and new methods
a,* b
Adrian Burden , Roger Bartlett
Chelsea School Research Centre, University of Brighton, Chelsea School, Hillbrow, Denton Road, Eastbourne BN20 7SR, UK
Sport Science Research Institute, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield S10 2BP, UK

Received 15 April 1998; received in revised form 22 June 1999; accepted 6 July 1999


The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare four different methods of normalising the amplitude of electromyograms
(EMGs), from the biceps brachii. Five males performed isotonic contractions of the elbow flexors with an external force of 50 N,
100 N, 150 N and 200 N. These were followed by a single isometric maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and ten isokinetic
MVCs at 0.35 rad s⫺1 intervals between 0.35 rad s⫺1 and 3.50 rad s⫺1. The processed EMGs recorded from the isotonic contractions
were normalised by expressing them as a percentage of: (i) the mean (Dynamic Mean Method) and (ii) the peak EMG from the
same contraction (Dynamic Peak Method), (iii) the EMG from the isometric MVC (Isometric MVC Method), and (iv) the EMG
from an isokinetic MVC at the same elbow angle and angular velocity (Isokinetic MVC Method). The root mean square difference
(RMSD) between the outputs of the Isokinetic MVC and Dynamic Mean methods was significantly greater (P⬍0.05) than between
the Isokinetic MVC method and the Dynamic Peak and the Isometric MVC methods. The small (10%) difference between the
Isokinetic MVC and the Isometric MVC Methods was a consequence, firstly, of the lack of difference in EMG recorded from the
isometric and isokinetic MVCs and, secondly, the consistency in EMG over the range of motion and at different angular velocities
of isokinetic MVC. We conclude that only the Isometric and Isokinetic MVC methods should be used to normalise the amplitude
of EMGs from the biceps brachii.  1999 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Electromyography; Normalisation; Biceps brachii; Isotonic contraction; Isometric contraction; Isokinetic contraction

1. Introduction activity of a single muscle from the same individual

when the electrode set up has not been altered [2].
The amplitude and frequency characteristics of the To allow comparison of activity between different
raw electromyogram (EMG) detected using surface elec- muscles, across time, and between individuals, the EMG
trodes has been shown to be sensitive to many intrinsic should be normalised [1–5], i.e. expressed in relation to
and extrinsic factors [1]. Muscle fibre type, diameter, a reference value obtained during standardised and
depth and location with respect to the electrodes, and the reproducible conditions [2]. Early investigations of
amount of tissue between the muscle and the electrode dynamic tasks, including walking [6,7], have used the
are some of the intrinsic factors which cannot be con- EMG from an isometric maximum voluntary contraction
trolled. Extrinsic factors, which can be influenced by the (MVC) as the normalisation reference value. However,
experimenter, include the orientation, location, area and it is generally recognised that the EMG from an iso-
shape of the electrodes, and the distance between them. metric MVC is less reliable than the signal obtained from
Thus, the amplitude of the temporally processed EMG an isometric submaximal contraction [8], and that it
can only be used to assess short term changes in the might not represent the maximum activation capacity of
the muscle [9]. This has led to the evaluation and use
of other reference values; in addition, some authors
[5,10] have expressed alternative aims for the normalis-
* Corresponding author Tel.: +44-1273-643715; fax: +44-1273- ation of the EMG.
643704. Yang and Winter [5] compared four different normal-
E-mail address: (A. Burden) isation reference values to see which would result in the

1350-4533/99/$ - see front matter.  1999 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 3 5 0 - 4 5 3 3 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 5 4 - 5
248 A. Burden, R. Bartlett / Medical Engineering & Physics 21 (1999) 247–257

greatest reduction in inter-subject variability during [20]. Research into the factors that affect the magnitude
walking. The use of either the mean or the peak linear of the EMG recorded from the elbow flexors during iso-
envelope from the ensemble average of at least six kinetic MVCs is, therefore, sparse and disagrees with the
strides reduced the inter-subject coefficient of variation more recent and abundant research undertaken using the
in relation to the un-normalised data in all five lower knee extensor muscle group.
limb muscles analysed. In comparison, the inter-subject The overall aim of this study was to investigate the
coefficient of variation was generally increased by using relationship between EMG and joint angle, angular velo-
either 50% of the isometric MVC or the mean EMG city and type of muscle action in the biceps brachii, and
per unit of isometric moment as the reference values. to use this muscle to evaluate and compare a number
A reduced inter-subject coefficient of variation was also of EMG amplitude normalisation methods. The specific
demonstrated for the biceps brachii during isotonic objectives were:
elbow flexions and extensions [11] and for the gastro-
cnemius during a balancing task [3] by using the peak 1. To determine, experimentally, the effect that joint
or mean ensemble value in comparison to the EMG from angle, angular velocity, and type of muscle action
an isometric submaximal [11] or MVC [3,11]. Although has on EMGs from isokinetic MVCs of the biceps
the peak and mean ensemble methods are the only feas- brachii. Previous research which addressed a similar
ible ways of normalising EMGs from patients with neur- objective [12,13] was undertaken over 25 years ago
ologic disorders [5], they tend to produce a normal EMG and used an isokinetic dynamometer which claimed
template for a particular task and, therefore, may remove to maintain constant linear velocity of muscle con-
the true biological variation within a group [3,11]. How- traction rather than angular velocity of forearm
ever, normalisation of EMGs using an isometric MVC rotation. The biceps was, therefore, selected in order
has been shown to increase the intra-class correlation to corroborate, or otherwise, the early findings of
coefficient between trials, in comparison to the peak and Komi and colleagues [12,13]. This would also help
mean dynamic values, thereby improving the reproduci- to ascertain whether the non-uniform relationships
bility of the data [3]. Although the isometric MVC discovered between EMG and joint angle [14–16],
method is the only one that aims to reveal the percentage angular velocity and type of muscle action [15,17–
of the maximum activation capacity of the muscle 19], for the knee extensors, were muscle dependant.
required to perform a specific task [5], all other methods 2. To compare the magnitude of EMGs normalised by
mentioned above generally reflect changes in the un-nor- expressing them as a percentage of the EMGs
malised data as a consequence of changes in load and recorded from isokinetic MVCs at the identical
velocity of movement [11]. angle and angular velocity, and from the same type
Early studies have shown that the EMG from the of muscle action, with those normalised using other
elbow flexors is largely unaffected by joint angle [12], normalisation methods that have previously been
type of muscle action (i.e. concentric or eccentric), or evaluated and compared.
angular velocity [13] during isokinetic MVCs. Con- 3. To compare the inter-subject variability of EMGs
versely, it has been well established that the EMG normalised by the same methods as expressed in the
recorded during isokinetic MVCs of knee extensor second objective.
muscles is largest in the mid range of motion [14–16], 4. To determine how the magnitude of force set for a
is greater for concentric in comparison to eccentric con- submaximal isotonic task, and type of muscle action,
tractions [15,17–19], and increases with increasing angu- affected the comparisons between normalisation
lar velocity during concentric contractions [15,17–19]. methods.
The EMG from an isometric MVC may not, therefore,
represent the maximum activation capacity of the muscle
either at lengths other than those at which the MVC was
performed, or under non-isometric conditions. Evidence
of this was partially provided by Mirka [4], who normal- 2. Methods
ised trunk muscle EMGs from dynamic flexions using
isometric MVCs, which were performed at the same 2.1. Subjects
trunk angle and at an arbitrary trunk angle. Mean differ-
ences of between 15 and 50% were reported between Five males ((mean±SD) age 23.3±3.8 yrs; height
the two methods, depending on the muscle involved. 1.78±0.06 m; mass 84.2±6.2 kg) took part in the investi-
Furthermore, Kellis and Baltzopoulos reported signifi- gation after reading and signing an informed consent
cant differences between EMGs from the hamstrings, document. All volunteers had recently taken part in
normalised using either a single angle isometric MVC experiments which had required them to perform iso-
or isokinetic MVCs performed at the same angular velo- metric and isokinetic MVCs of the elbow flexor muscles
city, a similar angle and with same type of muscle action using identical equipment to that used in this study.
A. Burden, R. Bartlett / Medical Engineering & Physics 21 (1999) 247–257 249

2.2. Procedures elbow flexion, reaching maximal force as rapidly as

possible and maintaining it for 3 s. Finally, a series of
Submaximal isotonic, and isometric and isokinetic isokinetic MVCs (concentric followed by eccentric) of
MVCs of the elbow flexor muscle group were performed the elbow flexors were performed at 0.35 rad s⫺1 inter-
using a KIN COM 500H dynamometer (Chattanooga vals between 0.35 rad s⫺1 and the highest angular velo-
Group Inc., Hixson, Tennessee). The KIN COM and city reached by the subject during the previous submaxi-
associated software was used to sample force, measured mal isotonic contractions. As the highest angular
by the dynamometer’s load cell situated laterally to the velocity recorded during the isotonic trials was never
distal end of the forearm, and angular position and angu- greater than 3.50 rad s⫺1, the maximum number of isoki-
lar velocity of the forearm. The sampling frequency was netic MVCs (including concentric and eccentric) perfor-
100 Hz during each contraction. An MT8 Radio Tel- med by any subject was ten. The order of angular velo-
emetry System (MIE Medical Research Ltd., Leeds, cities was randomised and a rest period of five minutes
Yorkshire) connected to the KIN COM, was used to rec- was given between each pair of concentric and eccentric
ord EMGs from the biceps brachii, which were contractions to avoid the effects of fatigue. Each isoki-
synchronised with the angular position and angular velo- netic MVC was performed over a 100° range of motion
city data. The MT8 System included a differential pre- (10° to 110° of elbow flexion) to ensure minimal acceler-
amplifier (gain ×1000, input impedance ⬎10 M⍀, com- ation and deceleration of the forearm within the smaller
mon mode rejection ratio ⬎100 dB) connected to the range of motion that was used during the previous iso-
electrodes at the skin, which was plugged into a trans- tonic contractions. Subjects were instructed to pull as
mitter worn around the subject’s waist. The transmitter hard and as fast as they could throughout the full range
was fitted with an anti-aliasing second order Chebyshev of motion and were able to view an on-line record of
low-pass filter set at a cut-off frequency of 1000 Hz. force on the KIN COM monitor.
High-pass filtering, set by the limits of the pre-ampli-
fiers, was typically about 5 Hz. The filtered signal was 2.3. Data processing and normalisation
transmitted to the nearby receiver, connected to a PC
A synchronised record of angle and angular velocity
via a 12 bit analog-to-digital expansion board (Amplicon
of elbow flexion, force and biceps brachii raw EMGs
PC26AT) which sampled the signal at 2000 Hz.
were collected from each of the isotonic contractions and
All contractions were performed while the subject was
from the isometric and isokinetic MVCs. The raw EMGs
seated and stabilised, using chest and waist straps, on
from each of these contractions were then full-wave rec-
the KIN COM with the upper arm flexed to a horizontal
tified and smoothed using a moving average, with
position. The forearm was supinated and the lateral
Microsoft Excel software, throughout the full range of
epicondyle of the humerus was aligned with the axis of
motion. This moving average “window” had a width of
rotation of the dynamometer.
100 ms and was moved along the rectified EMG every
As recommended by Clarys and Cabri [21], bipolar
10 ms. The effect that this processing method (commonly
surface electrodes were placed over the visual midpoint
referred to as the mean absolute value) had on the raw
of the contracted belly of the biceps brachii of the domi-
EMG from a single isotonic contraction, together with
nant arm with an angle of flexion of 90° (full
the synchronised angle and angular velocity of elbow
extension=0°). Electrodes were circular domes
flexion and the external force is shown in Fig. 1.
(area=113 mm 2) made from a tin-lead alloy, positioned
The processed EMGs from the submaximal isotonic
with a centre-to-centre inter-electrode distance of 2 cm
contractions were normalised by expressing them as the
along a line approximately parallel to the direction of
percentage of the following four processed EMG values:
the underlying muscle fibres. Before electrode place-
ment, the skin underlying the electrode sites was shaved 1. The mean EMG recorded from the same isotonic
and cleaned with an alcohol wipe. To reduce the skin trial (Dynamic Mean Method).
resistance to below 10 k⍀ the skin was lightly scratched 2. The peak EMG recorded from the same isotonic trial
with a sterile lancet, as recommended by Okamoto et al. (Dynamic Peak Method).
[22], and the domes of the electrodes were filled with 3. The maximum EMG recorded from the isometric
Parker Signa Electrode Gel. MVC (Isometric MVC Method).
Initially, a series of four submaximal isotonic 4. The EMG recorded from an isokinetic MVC at the
(concentric followed by eccentric) contractions of the identical elbow angle and angular velocity
elbow flexors of the dominant arm were performed over (Isokinetic MVC Method). Isotonic EMGs were
a range of motion of 80° (20° to 100° of elbow flexion) matched with EMGs from isokinetic MVCs of the
with the KIN COM set to provide constant resistances same angle and angular velocity for this method
of 50 N, 100 N, 150 N and, finally, a near maximal 200 using Microsoft Access software.
N. Secondly, following a 5 minute rest, an isometric
MVC of the elbow flexors was performed at 90° of It was decided not to include a further method, using the
250 A. Burden, R. Bartlett / Medical Engineering & Physics 21 (1999) 247–257

metric MVC. These differences were compared across

angular velocities and between concentric and eccentric
contractions using a two within-subjects factor (10×2)
repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Comparison between the output of the Isokinetic
MVC Method and the output of the other three normalis-
ation methods was assessed using the root mean square
difference (RMSD) between them. A three within-sub-
jects factor (3×4×2) repeated measures ANOVA was
used to determine if the RMSDs were significantly dif-
ferent between the three comparisons, for each magni-
tude of isotonic force and type of muscle action.
Calculation of Z scores for skewness and kurtosis
revealed that none of the data exhibited significant skew-
ness or kurtosis (P⬎0.05), supporting the assumption of
normal distribution. Violations of the assumption of
sphericity were corrected for using the Huynh–Feldt
Adjustment. All statistical tests were performed using
SPSSx software.
The inter-subject variability of the EMGs from each
normalisation method was calculated, for all magnitudes
of force and both types of muscle action, using the coef-
ficient of variation.

3. Results

Examination of the EMGs for each isokinetic MVC

did not reveal any distinct patterns either within or
between angular velocities for any of the subjects. The
results from one representative subject, shown in Figs.
2 and 3, illustrate that, for most of the angular velocities
and muscle actions, the EMG was relatively constant
over the range of motion.
The effect that angular velocity and type of muscle
action had on the EMGs from the biceps brachii is
presented in Fig. 4. The concentric EMGs differed from
the isometric value by between 2±10% (mean±SD) and
Fig. 1. Synchronised record of angle and angular velocity of elbow ⫺9±14% at 0.35 rad s⫺1 and 0.70 rad s⫺1 respectively.
flexion and extension, external force and biceps brachii EMG for the A gradual decline was observed in the eccentric values
concentric and eccentric phases of a single isotonic contraction.
as the angular velocity rose, but the variation was not
statistically significant (F3,13=1.08, P⬎0.05). Similarly,
EMG from a submaximal isometric voluntary contrac- no significant difference in EMG was discovered
tion, for several reasons: This method is little better at between concentric and eccentric muscle actions
reducing inter-subject variability than the Isometric (F1,4=0.44, P⬎0.05), and no significant interaction
MVC Method [11], and is worse than the Dynamic Peak existed between angular velocity and muscle action
and Mean methods [5,11]. It also does not reveal the (F2,7=2.40, P⬎0.05).
percentage of the maximum activation capacity of the The outputs from each of the four different normalis-
muscle required to perform a particular task. ation methods from the concentric and eccentric phases
of the isotonic contractions are shown, for each magni-
2.4. Data analysis tude of force, in Fig. 5. The Dynamic Mean Method pro-
duced the highest normalised EMGs (71±12 to 130±22%
A mean EMG value was obtained for each subject of mean isotonic EMG) because of the smaller denomi-
from the concentric and eccentric phases of each isoki- nator used in the normalisation equation. The outputs
netic MVC. Each mean was then expressed as the per- from this and the Dynamic Peak Method were both able
centage difference from the EMG of the subject’s iso- to reflect the greater muscle activity required to perform
A. Burden, R. Bartlett / Medical Engineering & Physics 21 (1999) 247–257 251

Fig. 2. EMG in relation to angle of elbow flexion for the concentric phase of all isokinetic MVCs for one subject. EMG appears more smoothed
at higher angular velocities due to less data points being available for presentation.

the concentric phase, in relation to the eccentric phase, ence in RMSD between the three comparisons
of each isotonic trial. However, as a consequence of (F1,5=19.19, P⬍0.05) was observed regardless of force
using a different denominator for each trial, these or type of muscle action. Post hoc comparisons, using
methods were unable to mirror the increase in muscle the Games and Howell [23] procedure, revealed that the
activity observed in the unnormalised EMGs as the comparison with the Dynamic Mean Method resulted in
external force was increased. In comparison, the Iso- a significantly (P⬍0.05) greater RMSD (38±23%) than
metric MVC Method and Isokinetic MVC Method were the comparisons with the Dynamic Peak (17±18%) and
able to mirror the changes seen in the unnormalised the Isometric MVC (10±8%) methods. The RMSD was
EMGs both between concentric and eccentric muscle also significantly greater (F1,4=13.59, P⬍0.05) for con-
actions and as the external force increased. centric rather the eccentric contractions, irrespective of
Fig. 6 shows the RMSD between the same EMGs nor- force magnitude or comparative normalisation method.
malised using the Isokinetic MVC Method and the other In addition, a statistically significant difference in RMSD
three methods, for both types of muscle action and at was observed between force magnitudes (F1,6=8.28,
each magnitude of force. A statistically significant differ- P⬍0.05) regardless of normalisation methods compared
252 A. Burden, R. Bartlett / Medical Engineering & Physics 21 (1999) 247–257

Fig. 3. EMG in relation to angle of elbow flexion for the eccentric phase of all isokinetic MVCs for one subject. EMG appears more smoothed
at higher angular velocities due to less data points being available for presentation.

or the type of muscle action. However, a significant inter-subject variability in relation to the unnormalised
interaction, clearly shown in Fig. 6, existed between the EMGs. Over most conditions of force and muscle action,
magnitude of force and the methods that were being the Dynamic Mean Method produced the lowest coef-
compared (F4,18=29.86, P⬍0.05). In the comparisons ficient of variation. Greater inter-subject variability
involving the Isokinetic MVC Method with both the resulted from the use of the other normalisation methods,
Dynamic Peak and Isometric MVC methods, the RMSD in particular the Isometric MVC Method.
rose as the force was increased. In contrast, for the com-
parison between the Isokinetic MVC and Dynamic Mean
4. Discussion
methods, the RMSD decreased as the force was
increased. 4.1. EMG-angle and EMG-angular velocity
The inter-subject coefficients of variation for the out- relationship
put of the four normalisation methods are shown in
Table 1, for each magnitude of force and for both types The finding that the electrical activity in the biceps
of muscle action. All normalisation methods reduced brachii was independent of the angle of elbow flexion
A. Burden, R. Bartlett / Medical Engineering & Physics 21 (1999) 247–257 253

Fig. 4. Mean (±SD) EMG, expressed as a percentage of the EMG from an isometric MVC (%MVC), from the concentric and eccentric phases
of isokinetic MVCs at different angular velocities.

Fig. 5. Mean (+SD) output from the four normalisation methods for concentric and eccentric phases of isotonic contractions at four different forces.

during most of the concentric and eccentric isokinetic motion for isokinetic MVCs, but offered no explanation
MVCs agrees both with earlier research [12] on the same for this. It is unlikely that this contention is due to dif-
muscle, and a study [24] of the vastus lateralis, albeit fering subject familiarisation, as both sets of studies
only at 0.52 rad s⫺1. In contrast, most of the more recent [12,15] have reported extensive periods of practice
studies [14–16] reported that the EMG from knee exten- before testing. However, it is possible that the way in
sor muscles was greatest in the middle of the range of which subjects were instructed to perform the MVCs
254 A. Burden, R. Bartlett / Medical Engineering & Physics 21 (1999) 247–257

16,24]. If a subject was simply instructed to perform an

MVC there might be a tendency to develop tension
gradually at the start and to relax at the end of the range
of motion.
The independence between EMG and angular velocity
of isokinetic MVCs again agrees with early findings [13]
for the same muscle. However, it does not agree with
more recent research [15,17–19] which has investigated
the same relationship for the knee extensor muscle group
and has discovered that EMG increased at higher angular
velocities of concentric isokinetic MVC. The fluctuation
of the EMGs from all isokinetic MVCs about the iso-
metric MVC value, shown in Fig. 4, indicates that the
biceps brachii was uniformly and similarly, if not maxi-
mally, activated during these “maximal” effort contrac-
tions. The slight decline in eccentric muscle activation
as the angular velocity increased, observed in the present
study, is unlikely to be the result of fatigue due to the
random selection of velocities and the absence of this
trend in the concentric data. These findings again contra-
dict those from studies of the knee extensor muscles,
which show greater muscle activation during the concen-
tric phase of isokinetic MVCs [15,17–19]. The reduction
in neural drive, during both eccentric contractions and
decreasing velocity concentric contractions, has pre-
viously been attributed to neural inhibitory mechanisms
[17–19], preventing utilisation of the full force-generat-
ing capacity of the muscle and protecting the joint and
surrounding tissues from injury [18]. The mechanisms
for this could involve feedback from joint receptors, free
nerve endings in the muscle, cutaneous receptors, pain
receptors and Golgi tendon organs [19]. The expected
difference in neural drive between the concentric and
eccentric phases of isokinetic MVCs was not observed
in highly skilled athletes who were used to performing
both types of contraction [17]. However, in the same
study, a difference was evident in a group of sedentary
subjects who were not used to performing such contrac-
tions. Subjects in the current study were not all highly
skilled athletes, but were extremely familiar with per-
forming the test contractions, having taken part in simi-
lar experiments in previous weeks. It is possible that the
subjects in the other knee extensor studies [15,18,19]
only received a limited amount of practice of eccentric
and high velocity concentric isokinetic MVCs before the
actual tests, which may be a reason for the reported
Fig. 6. Mean (+SD) root mean square difference (RMSD) between reduction in neural drive. The period of habituation
the isokinetic MVC method and the other normalisation methods for reported in those studies varies, but it is certainly a factor
concentric and eccentric phases of isotonic contractions at four differ-
ent forces. worthy of further investigation.

4.2. Effect of normalisation method on the magnitude

could influence the EMG-angle relationship. In this of EMGs
study subjects were instructed to pull against the lever
arm of the dynamometer as hard and fast as possible As previously stated, and in agreement with previous
throughout the entire range of motion. Details such as research [3], the magnitude of the outputs of the
these have not been presented in other studies [12,14– Dynamic Mean and Dynamic Peak methods differed
A. Burden, R. Bartlett / Medical Engineering & Physics 21 (1999) 247–257 255

Table 1
Inter-subject coefficients of variation for each method of normalising EMGs for different forces and concentric (CON) and eccentric (ECC) mus-
cle actionsa

Normalisation method 50 N 100 N 150 N 200 N

None 0.62 0.59 0.54 0.65 0.37 0.56 0.38 0.49

Dynamic Mean 0.17 0.27 0.11 0.17 0.10 0.14 0.11 0.11
Dynamic Peak 0.25 0.34 0.28 0.41 0.15 0.30 0.07 0.19
Isometric MVC 0.34 0.53 0.25 0.36 0.09 0.27 0.18 0.21
Isokinetic MVC 0.32 0.53 0.24 0.30 0.12 0.20 0.26 0.10

The CVs presented in Table 1 were calculated using a single trial from each subject rather than an ensemble average as in other studies
referred to in the text [3,5,11].

both from each other and from the Isometric and Isoki- agreement with Mirka [4], two subjects consistently pro-
netic MVC methods by virtue of the different denomi- duced higher outputs when the EMGs were normalised
nators used in the normalisation equation. The magni- using the Isometric MVC Method than when the Isoki-
tude of the outputs from the Isometric and Isokinetic netic MVC Method was used (represented by a negative
MVC methods were similar, as reinforced by the small percentage difference). In comparison, Kellis and
RMSDs shown in Fig. 6. This is unsurprising given the Baltzopoulos [20] discovered that the output from a nor-
uniform EMG-angle and angular velocity relationships malisation method, similar to the Isokinetic MVC
reported for the biceps in this and previous [12,13] stud- Method, was significantly greater than the output from
ies, which were discussed above. The power of the stat- the Isometric MVC Method, by up to 127%. Differences
istical tests and the validity of our findings would obvi- between the two methods would be expected owing to
ously be improved by increasing the number of subjects the non-uniform EMG-angle and angular velocity
and also assessing the reliability of the results. However, relationships reported for the knee extensor muscles.
the five subjects who did take part in this investigation However, to produce differences of this magnitude, the
all exhibited similar, uniform EMG-angle and angular EMGs obtained from the isometric MVC must have
velocity relationships. As a consequence of this all sub- been, in some cases, twice as large as those obtained
jects displayed a minimal difference between the output from the isokinetic MVCs. This suggests that the isoki-
of the Isometric MVC and Isokinetic MVC methods. netic MVCs undertaken by Kellis and Baltzopoulos [20]
Had this study used knee extensor muscles, instead of yielded EMGs that were far from maximal. Comparison
an elbow flexor muscle, a larger difference might have between studies must be viewed with caution as the
been seen between the two normalisation methods, magnitude of the normalised EMG can be affected by
because of the different EMG-angle and EMG-angular the method used to process the denominator of the nor-
velocity relationships that have previously been reported malisation equation, as well as the nature of the denomi-
for that muscle group [14–19]. nator, especially when normalising EMGs from different
Only two studies [4,20] have previously compared angular velocities of motion [11]. However, the findings
EMGs normalised using the Isometric MVC Method of this study are worthy of comparison with those of
with methods similar to the Isokinetic MVC Method. Mirka [4] and Kellis and Baltzopoulos [20] as their
Unfortunately, neither study used the RMSD to compare EMGs were also processed using the mean absolute
methods. Therefore, it is difficult to compare them value, albeit with a smaller averaging window of 20 ms
directly with the findings of the present study. However, and 10 ms respectively.
if the percentage difference method, as used by Mirka The assumption that the Isokinetic MVC Method pro-
[4], is used to compare the outputs from the Isokinetic vides the most accurate representation of the percentage
and Isometric MVC methods, values of between ⫺15% of the muscle’s maximal activation capacity required to
and 18% are obtained for concentric and eccentric con- perform a particular task, may be challenged by evidence
tractions at all forces. These values are less than the which has frequently been used to criticise the Isometric
average 15 to 50% and maximum 68 to 689% differ- MVC Method. That is, isokinetic MVCs may also pro-
ences reported by Mirka [4] for trunk muscles. The dis- duce EMGs that are unreliable and do not represent the
crepancy between the investigations could be due firstly maximal activation capacity of the muscle. The findings
to the different muscles used and, secondly, because from the present investigation cannot answer the first
Mirka [4] normalised EMGs from dynamic contractions criticism, as only one contraction was performed at each
with EMGs from isometric MVCs taken at the same angular velocity to prevent fatigue. In partial response to
trunk angle but not the same angular velocity. In partial the second criticism, Fig. 4 shows that, for some angular
256 A. Burden, R. Bartlett / Medical Engineering & Physics 21 (1999) 247–257

velocities, the mean EMGs for both the concentric and Hence, it is unsurprising that the output of the Dynamic
eccentric contractions were less than the EMG recorded Peak and, in particular, the Dynamic Mean normalisation
from the isometric MVC. Further evidence that the isoki- methods were unable to reflect the increase in EMG that
netic and isometric MVCs were not truly maximal, occurred in response to the increase in force. This dis-
despite “maximal” effort being used, is given in Fig. 5, agrees with the findings of Allison et al. [11] that nor-
which shows that the concentric EMGs normalised by malisation methods which used either the mean or the
both methods were in excess of 100% for some subjects peak EMG from the ensemble average were able to dis-
when moving the 200 N load. tinguish between load and no-load conditions for the
same muscle. In view of our findings, this is particularly
4.3. Effect of normalisation method on inter-subject surprising considering that the difference between the
variability of EMGs load and no-load conditions was only 2.3 kg. As pre-
viously stated, Allison et al. [11] reported that the magni-
The use of normalisation methods similar to the tude of the normalised EMG may be affected by the way
Dynamic Mean and Dynamic Peak methods has success- in which the denominator of the normalisation equation
fully reduced inter-subject variability [5,10]. The coef- is processed. Thus, it is possible that this discrepancy
ficients of variation presented in Table 1 lend support to exists due to the different processing methods used by
the already strong evidence that use of the Dynamic Allison et al. [11] and ourselves. However, this is
Mean Method reduces the inter-subject variability in unlikely as Allison et al. [11] found that processing
relation to other normalisation methods [3,5,11] and the method did not affect the ability of the Isometric MVC
un-normalised EMG [5,11]. In agreement with Allison method to distinguish between load and no-load con-
et al. [11], the coefficient of variation was also generally ditions. In addition, by virtue of the nature of the
higher for eccentric contractions when the EMGs were denominator used in their normalisation equations,
normalised using this method. Thus, if researchers or neither the Dynamic Peak nor Dynamic Mean method
clinicians wish to retain the homogeneity of task-specific would be expected to reflect changes in muscle acti-
EMGs for a group of individuals, they should avoid use vation levels between tasks.
of the Dynamic Peak and, in particular, the Dynamic The trend of the RMSD between the two MVC
Mean normalisation methods, as suggested elsewhere methods to increase slightly as the external force
[3,11]. The Isometric MVC Method also reduced inter- increased, in both concentric and eccentric contractions,
subject variability in relation to the un-normalised EMG, can be explained using the following simple hypothetical
as did the Isokinetic MVC Method. Therefore, even example. With a 50 N external load, the magnitude of
these two methods falsely improved group homogeneity the EMG at a particular angle and angular velocity dur-
albeit to a lesser degree. This is in comparison to Allison ing an isotonic contraction is 0.5 mV. The magnitudes
et al. [11], who found that the Isometric MVC method of the EMG from an isokinetic MVC at the same angle
increased the coefficient of variation in relation to the and angular velocity, and an isometric MVC at an arbi-
un-normalised EMGs. The disagreement is unlikely to trary angle, are 3.2 mV and 3.0 mV respectively. If the
be due to the different methods of processing used by EMG from the 50 N trial is normalised using the Isoki-
Allison et al. [11] (root mean square) and ourselves netic MVC and Isometric MVC methods they produce
(mean absolute value), as these authors also reported that outputs of 15.6% and 16.6% respectively, a difference
the coefficient of variation was largely unaffected by the of 1%. With a 200 N external load, the magnitude of
way in which the isometric MVC was processed. the EMG at the same angle and angular velocity rises
to 2.8 mV. If this EMG is normalised, an output of
4.4. Ability of normalisation method to detect changes 87.5% is produced by the Isokinetic MVC Method and
in external force 93.3% by the Isometric MVC Method, a larger differ-
ence of 5.8%. Thus, regardless of the effect of the EMG-
The Isometric and Isokinetic MVC methods did reflect angle and EMG-angular velocity relationships, the absol-
the increase in EMG that occurred in response to the ute difference between the two methods will always be
three increments in external force. This supports the greater for higher muscle activation.
findings of Allison et al. [11] that the Isometric MVC
method was able to distinguish between load and no-
load conditions, in both concentric and eccentric con- 5. Conclusions
tractions of the biceps brachii, regardless of the way in
which the EMG from the isometric MVC was processed. The following conclusions were drawn from this
Unlike the MVC methods, the Dynamic Mean and study:
Dynamic Peak methods are not designed to provide the
percentage of the maximal activation capacity of the 1. Biceps brachii EMGs recorded during concentric
muscle required to perform the isotonic contractions. and eccentric isokinetic MVCs of the forearm
A. Burden, R. Bartlett / Medical Engineering & Physics 21 (1999) 247–257 257

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