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Computer Algorithms to Characterize Individual Subject EMG

Profiles During Gait
Ross A. Bogey, DO, Lee A. Barnes, MA, Jacquelin Perry, MD

ABSTRACT. Bogey RA, Barnes LA, Perry J. Computer algorithms to characterize individual subject WIG profiles
during gait. Arch Phys Med Rehahil 1992;73:835-41.
l Three methods of precisely determining onset and cessation times of gait EMG were investigated. Subjects were 24
normal adults and 32 individuals with gait pathologies. Soleus muscle EMG during free speed level walking was obtained
with fine wires, and was normalized by manual muscle test (%MMT). Linear envelopes were generated from the
rectified, integrated EMG at each percent gait cycle (%GC) of each stride in individual gait trials. Three methods were
used to generate EMG profiles for each tested subject. The ensemble average (EAV) was determined for each subject
from the mean relative intensity of the linear envelopes. Low relative intensity or short duration EMG was removed from
the ensemble average to create the intensity filtered average (IFA). The packet analysis method (PAC) created an EMG
profile from the linear envelopes in successive strides whose respective centroid %GC locations were within t 1S%GC of
each other. Control values for onset and cessation times of individual gait trials were calculated after spurious outliers
were removed. Mean onset and cessation times across subjects for control values and the experimental methods (EAV.
IFA, and PAC) were calculated. Dunnett’s test (p < .05) was performed to compare control and experimental groups in
patient and normal trials. EAV differed from control values for onsets (p < .Ol), cessations (p < .Ol), and durations (p
< .O1) in both normal and patient trials. IFA and PAC had no significant differences from control value means. IFA was
selected for clinical use as automatic analysis could be performed on all trials and a minimum number of decision rules
were needed.
6 I992 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and

Human walking relies on the coordinated action of 28 ogy from substitutive effort. 7“-” Estimates of‘ gait muscle
major muscles to control the jointed trunk and limbs, and action from manual muscle testing may be misleading be-
to generate the forces needed to counter gravity and propel cause the reflex responses of patients during gait are often
the body forward with minimum energy expenditure.’ The different.‘.” Dynamic electromyography (EMG) oKers a
muscles act in groups and most also have more than one means of directly tracking muscle activit! The myoelectric
function. When any of the muscles involved in the gait signal sufficiently parallels the intensity of muscle action to
process do not perform normally, the person’s walking pat- serve as a useful indicator of its mechanical effect.33-39De-
tern may be significantly altered.‘-8 Many types of pathol- lineating the changes in phasing. duration. or magnitude ot
ogy (cerebral palsy, stroke, etc) may decrease the ability of a muscle action associated with a person’s pathological gait
muscle to generate the needed force or create excessive ac- pattern,“,” however, is difficult due to the complexity of
tion at inappropriate times.” Often these abnormalities in- the EMG record. Its multispike. random amplitude qualit]
troduce unusual demands on other musculature. defies simple interpretation. To overcome this limitation.
To diagnose a patient’s gait dysfunction, various meth- multiple processing and interpretive techniques have
ods of measurement of muscle function have been de- evolved.
Muscle action inferred from either observed or Any clinically relevant representation of an individual’s
instrumented recording of the patient’s walking pattern is EMG profile during gait must consider both the timing and
commonly used. but this does not separate primary pathol- the relative magnitude of the EMG signal. Much of the
previous quantitated definition of muscle action has been
I-mm the Dcpartmcnt 01‘Pathoki”esiology Service. Ranch0 Los Amigos Medical limited to defining the onset and cessation times from the
C‘cnter. Downe). (‘A EMG recording while ignoring the relative magnitude of
fhts worh
w,is supported
Bethesda. MD
h! grant RO I AM 387 I3 from the NatIonal Institutes of
the signal. 9.13.I~.IX.?O,?h.4?-44
Failure to consider the relative
Suhmmed for puhlicatwn March I. I94I. Accepted in rewed form Septcmher 3. magnitude of the EMG signal may result in properly timed
IW! muscle action of inappropriate intensity being incorrectly
1” orgam~at~m wth whwh the author or one or more of the authors IS associated
ha\ rccelwd or uill rccrwr tinanclal benefits from a commercial party having a direct
labelled as normaL The ability to quantitate the relative
or IndIrect Intwest in the subject matter of this article. No such benefit has heen intensitv of the EMG signal between onset and cessation
conferred dIrectI> upon the author or authors.
times is;mperative for averaging data from multiple strides.
Repnnt reqtwts to Ross A. Bogey. DO. Department of Phywal Medicine and
Rehahditatlo”. 1inwcrslt~of (‘ahfornia. Davis. 4301 \i Street. Room 2030. Sacra- To overcome this shortcoming. others have displayed the
mcnto. C-2 45x17. relative intensity of effort as a mean linear cnbelope of am-
r’ 1941 h) the 4mcncu Congress of Rchahihtation Medicme and the 4mcrican
kadem) of Ph)wat Medicine and Rehabilitation
plitudes at each gait cycle interval.3.h ” I” This ensemble av-
r~~~0~.9s93/9~~730’~-0~~hh$3,il~/I~ eraging (EAV) of EMG relative intensit;,, has been the most

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol73, September 1992


frequently used method in gait analysis3.6.’‘.

and f six years) and 32 individuals with gait pathologies (22
has been previously identified as the best indicator of a sub- women, ten men aged 3 1 & 23 years). Gait pathologies were
ject’s “typical” EMG profile. 24Following rectification and secondary to head trauma (n = 4) stroke (n = 18), cerebral
integration of the raw EMG record, the series of mean am- palsy (n = 6), and post polio (n = 4). Patients were referred
plitudes per unit time are calculated for the duration of that for gait analysis customarily with the objective of defining
muscle’s action during the study.45 These data for multiple muscle action as an aid to surgical planning.
strides within a single trial are used to produce an ensemble Subjects consented to participate following explanation
average for a given muscle. The ensemble average (EAV) of the procedure and review of the informed consent, as
method accurately depicts the relative magnitude of EMG approved by the Institute Review Board, and signed the
activity. Rights of Human Subjects form.
Ensemble averaging of EMG data was not without limita-
tions, however. In the course ofanalyzing patient data, com-
parison of the timing of an individual patient record with a Data Acquisition
single normal record identified notable differences in the
patient’s function that correlated with clinical expectations. Electromyographic (EMG) activity of the soleus muscle
These functional differences were obscured when these was recorded with paired fine-wire electrodes (50~ with
same patient records were compared to EMG profiles ob- 2mm bared tips) inserted into the belly of the soleus muscle
tained by ensemble averaging of individual normal rec- using Basmajian’s single needle technique.48 Electrode
ords.1’j’5,45The duration of the EMG profile obtained by placement was confirmed by electrical stimulation of the
ensemble averaging appeared to be longer than any normal muscle through the indwelling electrode, and by voluntary
subject’s single stride activity. These differences indicated muscle contraction. The EMG system bandwidth was 150-
an inherent flaw in the ensemble averaging technique. The 1,OOOHzwith an overall gain of 1,000.49~50The EMG was
ability to precisely define the onset time, cessation time, simultaneously telemetered to a DEC PDP 1 l/23+ com-
and duration of the EMG signal via ensemble averaging has puter by means of an FM/FM telemetry system. A maxi-
not been documented. mum manual muscle test (MMT) was performed to pro-
The timing of the electromyogram has important clinical vide a level for normalizing the gait EMG.5’ The MMT
implications. Surgical decisions, such as the choice between value was obtained by having the subjects perform a maxi-
tendon transfer and tendon lengthening, may be made mum heel rise test while electromyographic activity
solely on whether the muscles are active exclusively in one (in mV) was recorded. One hundred percent MMT
portion of the gait cycle.47 As a result of the potential timing (lOO%MMT) was defined as the 20msec interval with the
inadequacies of ensemble averaging, two additional tech- greatest mean intensity during the manual muscle test.
niques, the intensity filtered average (IFA) and packet analy- The gait cycle interval and foot support patterns were
sis (PAC), were developed to analyze gait EMG. recorded with footswitches taped to the subject’s bare feet.
The IFA method retains the positive attributes of ensem- Each footswitcha had compression closing contacts located
ble averaging (ie, relative intensity measurement), while at the heel, first and fifth metatarsal heads, and great toe.
concurrently approximating the mean EMG duration for Footswitch and EMG data were collected simultaneously
the individual gait trial. The IFA generates a representative while subjects performed a single gait trial that consisted of
EMG profile by removing low relative intensity or short traversing the middle six meters of a level, ten meter walk-
duration EMG from the ensemble average profile. way. This test interval was designated by photoelectric cells.
The PAC generates a representative EMG profile using After the walking trials, another manual muscle test was
the same patient or subject data as the other methods. The recorded to confirm the continued viability of the elec-
onset and cessation values of the PAC are determined by trodes.
the mean onset and cessation times of the linear envelopes Footswitch data were used to determine the exact times
in each stride for each gait trial. The packet analysis EMG of the stance and swing periods. The stance percent of gait
profile is obtained by applying standard linear interpolation cycle (%GC) was adjusted to reflect delays in footswitch
techniques to the relative intensities of the individual linear contact opening and closing.5’ The mean %GC for stance
envelopes rather than simply determining the mean relative and swing phases were calculated on a VAX 1 l/750 com-
intensity at each percent of the gait cycle. puter.
EMG data were digitized at a rate of 2.500 samples per
METHODS second using a 1)-bit analog-to-digital converter. Digitizing
was triggered by lightswitches. All data were printed out in
The purpose of the study was to compare three methods analog form for visual analysis. The digitized EMG data
(EAV, IFA, and PAC) of generating a single subject EMG were rectified and integrated. Using a moving window inte-
profile from multiple gait strides. Differences in onset and gration scheme a single mean value for a 50 sample interval
cessation timing for the three methods were compared to was calculated, where each sample represented a 0.4msec
statistical controls. interval. The beginning ofthe 50 sample integration period
was then incremented by one sample, and the mean value
Subjects determined for the next 50 samples. The integrated signal
was then corrected for baseline noise as determined by a
Subjects consisted of 24 normal adults with no known resting run. Stride data were divided into l%GC intervals
neuromusculoskeletal pathology (22 female. two male: 26 with %MMT determined at each percent gait cycle interval.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol73, September 1992

Data Processing 1 LINEAR EYELOPES 1

Linear envelopes were generated from the rectified, inte-

grated EMG signal for each stride. and were expressed as I

%#MMT for each l%GC interval.” The linear envelope was COMPARE CENTROID LOCATIONS OF
defined by the region bounded by the onset and cessation of NON-DOMINANT LINEAR ENVELOPES

EMG activity and by the curve describing the intensity of AND MAKE TEMPORAL ASSOCIATIONS DETERMINE NEW DOMINANT LINEAR
EMG activity. From the individual linear envelopes, a rep- 1 * i 1 ENVELOPE FROM THE REMAINING
resentative EMG profile was generated for each subject by NO
each of the three algorithms examined (EAV. IFA, and -I
PAC). Each algorithm used the same EMG data.
For the ensemble average (EAV), the amplitudes of the 4 YES

linear envelopes from multiple strides were summed at
each 1% gait cycle interval and an average intensity per

interval calculated. Onset and cessations as a percent of gait

cycle (%GC) were calculated from the series of strides

The IFA. differed from the EAV by applying decision cri-

teria to rernove low intensity or short duration EMG from
the ensemble average. EMG amplitudes less than 5% of the Fig 2-Flowchart of EMG profile determination by the PAC
method. The same linear envelopes used in the EAV and IFA
maximum muscle test were excluded from the ensemble
analyses were ranked ordered by total area (as determined by inte-
average profile (fig 1). In a succession of ensemble average gration of the linear envelope curve), and B’GC location of the
EMG packets. those packets separated by cessation-onset individual centroids determined. The linear envelope with the
intervals less than 5%GC duration were combined into a greatest area was designated the “dominant packet.” All other
single parcel. Similarly, EMG packets (onset to cessation) linear envelope centroid locations (in %GC) were compared with
lasting less than 5%GC were excluded. the dominant packet. Further analysis was performed on those
The PAC method was an attempt to generate a single packets that were temporally related. Temporally related EMG
subject profile by combining mean onset and cessation tim- packets were those whose centroid %GC location was &15%GC of
ing with a llinear interpolation ofthe relative intensity of the the dominant packet centroid. Packets not associated with the dom-
inant packet went through this same iterative process again, with
individual stride EMG. In packet analysis initially the onset
the largest remaining packet identified as the new “dominant
and cessation times for each linear envelope. and the total packet.” This process continued until all temporally associated
EMG envelopes, present in 250% of strides were combined. EMG
relative intensity at each l%GC of the associated packets was
calculated by linear interpolation of the linear envelopes.


area under each individual linear envelope curve were de-

termined. In addition to defining the onset and cessation
%GC. the %GC occurrence of the centroid for each linear
envelope was calculated for the PAC method only. The cen-
troids (as %GC) were defmed by


where P represented the location of the linear envelope cen-
troid, P, the location of the individual %GC components.
and mk the %MMT found at those respective %GC loca-
tions. The linear envelopes in each gait trial were sorted in
decreasing order of EMG total area. The linear envelope
0 IO 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 with the largest area as determined by integration was
designated as the dominant packet (fig 3). PAC associated
Fig I-Comparison of the soleus EMC profiles for the EAV, IFA, temporally related linear envelopes in successive strides by
and PAC methods. Linear envelopes are shown for one patient comparing the centroid locations of the remaining (nondo-
performing four consecutive free walking strides.14 Time of con- minant) packets with the timing of the dominant packet in
trol value E:MG activity (CONTROL) is depicted by a horizontal
terms of percent gait cycle occurrence. Linear envelopes
bar. The E:MG profiles for this gait trial as determined by the
three experimental averaging techniques (EAV, IFA, PAC) are
whose centroid occurrence were within i 15%GC of the
presented. Percent gait cycle (%GC) is represented on the ab- dominant packet centroid were considered to be temporally
scissa; individual ordinate scales are divided into 100 l%MMT related to that linear envelope. Mean onset and cessation
increments. End of stance phase is marked by the dashed line at times were calculated for each group of temporally related
62%GC. packets for each subject, and EMG relative intensity at each
Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol73, September 1992

STRIDE = In each subject or patient trial. the mean onset and cessa-
%MMT tion values from the series of strides were calculated after
1 I
values greater than two standard deviations from the series
mean were removed (fig 3). This procedure yielded the con-
2 I
trol values for onset and cessation times for that trial. Exper-
imental (EAV. IFA. PAC) and control value across-subject
3 I
mean onset and cessation times for normal and patient pop-
ulations were computed from the individual onset and ces-
sation values. Comparisons between the three analysis
methods and the control values were made for onset times,
I I I I I I I I I I cessation times, and EMG duration. Total EMG for any
0 IO 20 30 40 50 60 70 GO 90 100
single subject did not differ by more than 5% (x = 3.1%‘)
regardless of “averaging” method. As a result no further
Fig 3-Determination of reference (“control”) value onset and comparison was made to examine the differences in relative
cessation times. Linear envelopes are shown for one normal sub- intensities profiles between experimental groups. Data for
ject performing four consecutive strides of free speed walking. All
the normal subjects’ and patients’ free speed walking were
strides had consistent cessation times. The first three strides had
consistent onset values. The fourth stride had a delayed onset with
tested separately.
respect to group mean values (>2 standard deviations). The calcu- Statistical analyses were performed using StatView 5 13+
lated onset time for the control value was based on the onset times statistical software. Differences between the experimental
of the first three strides only. Control value cessation time was methods were determined by repeated measures ANOVA.
calculated from the cessation %GC of all four strides. Control A post-hoc Dunnett’s test53 was performed to find signifi-
value EMG duration is depicted by the solid line (CONTROL). cant differences between a control mean and the three ex-
Percent gait cycle is represented on the abscissa; percent manual perimental groups. Significance level for Dunnett’s test was
muscle test is represented on the ordinate for each stride. set at .05.

%GC of the related packets was determined by linear inter-
polation of the individual linear envelopes. All packets not
Normal Subjects
temporally associated with the dominant packet were The ensemble average EMG duration was significantly
ranked by area and the same temporal relationship analysis greater (p < .OI ) than the control group duration in normal
repeated for the remaining linear envelopes. This contin- subjects (fig 4). This increase in EMG duration was the
ued until all possible associated packets (present in 250% of result of significantly earlier onsets (y < .O1) and later cessa-
strides) were grouped. and a representative EMG profile tion times (p < .Ol) by ensemble averaging (table 1). No
was generated by the PAC method for each subject or pa- statistically significant differences were observed for the
tient (fig 1). IFA or PAC methods for any variable tested in the normal
population (table 1).
Statistical Analysis Patient Gait
As a basis for assessing the validity ofthe three methods, a For the patient data. the EAV results were significantly
control value for each individual gait trial was determined. different from control values for onsets (p < .O1), cessations

Fig 4-Soleus muscle EMG
duration in 24 normal adults.
@6GCI Duration of soleus EMG ac-
tivity for control values,
EAV, IFA, and PAC meth-
ods for each subject is shown.
20. Subject number is shown on
the abscissa; percent gait cy-
cle duration of soleus activity
04 1 1 I I ! from multiple strides is
0 5 10 15 20 25 shown on the ordinate.
0, control; 0, EAV; , IFA;

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol73, September 1992


Table 1: Comparison of EMG Averaging Methods of Gait Analysis for 24 Normal Adults
Onset Cessation Duration

%GC (SD) f value %GC (SD) t value ‘74x (SD) t value


Control5 9.28 (4.1’)) 5Y.05 (4.30) - -1Y.77 (3.i)i)

EAV 5.82 (4.17) 4.0 65. I5 (4.44) 8.03+ 5Y.33 (4.1 1) Lb.1I’
IF4 IO.3 (4.68) 1.74 60.10 (4.58) I .45 JY.57 (i.W) 0. IX
PAC I I, 18(6.X) 2.31 58.85 (5.25) 0.24 47.67 (2.5 I! I .w
Meanand standard deviation values for controls. EAV. IFA. and PAC methods are shown. Dunnett‘s test / score\ (*I’ ‘- .O!. ‘1’ .. .()I 1for comparison ot
EAV. IFA. and PAC with control group values are given

(1’ < .OI ). and durations (p < .Ol) of EMG activity (table 3). algorithms (EAV, IF,4. PAC) combined timing and relative
In all trials. the duration of EMG activity determined by intensity ofthe EMG signal to create a single subject profile.
ensemble averaging was greater than control values (fig 5). Following the common assumption that people have
The onset times as calculated by ensemble averaging were some inconsistency from stride to stride.54 an average of
consistently earlier than control value onset times and the several strides customarily is calculated to obtain an accu-
EAV cessation times were later in all trials. In contrast to rate representation of the person’s performance. To average
the ensetmble averaging technique, neither the IFA nor the EMG records, the digital values per gait cycle interval
P.4C methods were significantly different in patient trials for each record are summed. Differences in EMG timing
from the control values for any variable tested (table 3). between different strides are not customarily consid-
ered.3,6.11.15.‘8,35.36.46 F
al‘] ure to do so results in small (3%’to
6%GC) but significantly different timing of the beginning
DISCUSSION and end of the normal EMG profile. The repeatability of
The purpose of an EMG recording is to identify the tim- normal function resulted in such consistent onset and ces-
ing and/or relative intensity of muscle function during sation times that these differences have gone unnoticed. In
some activity, either to have a better understanding of nor- contrast. empirical observation of patient records indicated
mal or to diagnose a cause of pathologic function. The tim- that they displayed considerable variation in the timing of
ing of the electromyogram is a necessary but not sufficient the electromyograms during sequential strides even though
determinant of normal muscle function. Examination of the intensity profiles of the muscle action were similar. The
the initial (loading and midstance) soleus activity empha- extended duration of the ensemble average profile for pa-
sires the importance of the EMG relative intensity. Exces- tient trials is an indicator of the variability in onset and
sive amplitude of correctly timed EMG in these gait phases cessation times in successive strides. The cause of this vari-
leads to one of two clinical consequences. In order to ability was not evident, but it might be small inconsisten-
achieve near normal motion at the ankle joint antagonistic cies in the patient’s stride mechanics of the individual gait
activity by ankle dorsiflexors is required. This prolonged cycles. In each case the variability in timing from stride to
co-contraction is not a normal nor desired event. With ex- stride resulted in an increased duration of the “average”
cessive plantar flexor activity, and in the absence of antago- electromyqgram (fig 5).
nistic muscle response. the appropriate ankle rocker is in- The clrmcal significance ofthe artificially extended EMG
hibited anId normal gait is not achieved. With this in mind. record is the functional error it implied and possibility of
the current practice of defining as normal EMG activity stimulating inappropriate clinical management. For exam-
based solely on correct timing 9.12- shou]d be exam_ ple, the ensemble average record incorrectly identified the
ined more closely. It seems logical that any clinically rele- onset of normal soleus muscle activity as occurring in the
vant analysis of EMG must examine both the timing and initial half of the loading response. This same trend could
relative magnitude of the EMG signal. Each of the tested occur in a single patient trial as a result of the temporal

Table 2: Comparison of EMG Averaging Methods of Gait Data for 32 Individuals With Gait Pathology

Onset Cessation Duration


‘KC (SD) t value %GC (SD) i value ?(A (SI)) 1 YdlU‘X


<‘#mtrol\ 02.7fl (i’.l?) 60.26( I I .X2) h7.i(l l7.‘I(Ib

t: ,\ I’ x3.93 (12.10) 10.35+ 74.07 ( I I .61) 12.31+ X’J.14 I-l.OY) I5.46+
II A Ql.56 (I 1.37) I.59 5Y.5 (I I .3Y) 0.63 67.YY Ix.-%) I.17
P\(‘ “4.70 (Y.hYl 2.42 h I .3x (4.79) I .Y’ hh.hX i 7.L’ I ) 2.17

Mean and standard dcliation values for controls. EAV. IF4, and PAC methods are shown. l>unnett‘s test I scores (*/I e. .t)!. ‘/I .. .()I ) for COmpriSOn Ot
E IV. IFA. and K&C‘ with control group values are given.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol73, September 1992


Fig 5-Soleus muscle EMG

60 duration in 32 individuals
EMG DURATION with gait pathology. Duration
of soleus EMG activity for
@XC) 4O
control values, EAV, IFA,
and PAC methods for each
subject is shown. Subject
number is shown on the ab-
scissa: percent gait cycle dura-
tion of soleus activity from
multiple strides is shown on
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
the ordinate. 0, control; 0,

expansion of the EMG envelope by ensemble averaging. If CONCLUSION

the patient displayed accelerated ankle plantar flexion, the
EMG evidences of premature soleus action could sway the From a comparison of the three averaging techniques it
physician to prescribe a rigid orthosis for soleus control was determined that the IFA technique had the greatest
when a lighter device might be adequate to support a flaccid utility in patient and normal trials. Graphics capabilities. in
footdrop. A recommendation for surgical tendon lengthen- conjunction with the appropriate analysis algorithm, were
ing to weaken the muscle tension is another potential inter- developed to aid in clinical decision making.
pretation of the extended EMG data. The potential for clin-
Acknowledgement: The authors thank Ernie L. Bontrager. MS, and
ical mismanagement, when that management is based on Joanne K. Gronley. MA. for their assistance on this project.
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