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Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment

An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the

College of Criminal Justice Education and Forensics

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Criminology

Cabrera, Keene Adelard M.

Mendoza, Christian Romidez D.

Pangilinan, Stephen Redge M.



This thesis entitled “Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment

” prepared and submitted by Keene Adelard M. Cabrera, Christian Romidez D.

Mendoza and Stephen Redge M. Pangilinan In partial fulfilment for the degree Bachelor

of Science in Criminology has been examined for acceptance and oral examination.

Eduard M. Dimalanta, MSCJ, RCrim

Thesis Adviser


Approved by the Committee of Oral Examination on May 06, 2023.

Chairman, Panel

Member Member


Accepted and approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree

Bachelor of Science in Criminology.





We live in a very technologically evolved society, and web apps are an

indication of how essential they are to every online-based organization. Websites

and applications are vulnerable to attacks from attackers who can use malicious

malware to attack their victims by breaking through the organization's security

barrier. This gives hackers and cybercriminals access to control the system,

access the data, and steal their valuable assets. In Kaspersky's global ranking,

the Philippines is now rated fourth overall, behind Belarus, Algeria, and

Kazakhstan, among the countries most frequently attacked by cyber threats,

moving up two points. This basically means that Filipinos who were largely

confined to their houses during the second year of the outbreak were exposed to

additional hazards of the Internet more often. Web risks include attacks that use

browsers. Cybercriminals frequently employ drive-by downloads and social

engineering to spread malware on the devices of Internet users.

Researchers are interested in this subject because they want to assess

students' awareness of cyber security readiness and how well-informed

individuals are in this day and age, when technology is a common tool used by

everybody. Due to the assessment of students with competence in the cyber

sphere, this output will be most helpful to the community since it will increase

their knowledge of and interest in protecting their data online. As they plan their

cyber security to safeguard themselves in the cyber world, this study may also

provide them with fresh insights and alternative countermeasures. The



researchers do not contest the fact that elements of other disciplines are included

in cyber-security courses. In fact, wherever possible, cross-disciplinary

collaboration possibilities should encourage and take advantage of diversity. The

study contends that information technology, in contrast to other areas, offers a

particularly ideal and excellent atmosphere for cyber-security teaching. In

particular, the study focuses on the assessment of fourth-year graduating

students enrolled in Holy Angel University's Bachelor of Science in Information

Technology program on their preparedness for cyber security. For the purpose of

conducting an online survey form using Google Forms, the researcher utilized

quota sampling, a non-probability sampling technique. employing the descriptive

data analysis technique to collect data.







Table of Contents

Approval Sheet
Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………. ii
Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………………………iii
Dedication ……………………………………………………………………………… iv
Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………………...v

Chapter 1 - Introduction ………………………………………………………………1

Background of the Study………………………………………………………...1

Literature Review………………………………………………………………. 4

Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………………….16

Theoretical Framework …………………………………………………………17

Chapter 2 – Methodology……………………………………………………………...19

Research Design..…….………………………….................................................19

Sample and Setting ……………………….……………………………….…….20

Research Instrument……………………………………………………………..21

Data Collection……………………………………………………......................22

Data Analysis . …………………………………………….……......................22

Ethical Considerations ………………………………………………………… 24

Chapter 3 – Results and Discussion ………………………………………………… 25

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data……………………………...25

Chapter 4 – Summary of Results ………………………………………………..….. 34




References ……………………………………………………………….……..38

Appendices……………………..………………………….…………………………... 43

Appendix A. Letter in Seeking Permission to Conduct Study………..…………

Appendix B. Letter for the Validators Survey Questionnaire ………………….

Appendix C. Validation Form………...……………………………………

Appendix D. Research Instruments ..………………………………………….

Appendix E. Certification of Statistician…..…………………………………..

Appendix F. Plagiarism Certificate….....….…………………………………...

Appendix G. Proof Reading Certificate………………………………………..

Appendix H. Authors’ Curriculum Vitae ………………………...…………....

List of Tables

Table 1……………………………………………. ...

Table 2. …………………………………….

Table 3. …….…………………………………………..

Table 4. …………………………………………………………………………………..
Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 1



The world we live in is very advanced in technology and the nature of the

internet, and web applications are an example of a critical component of any online-based

business. Websites and applications are prone to be attacked by attackers in which

attackers can launch malicious malware to attack their victims by breaching the security

barrier of the organization, allowing hackers and cybercriminals to manage the system

and gain access to the data and steal their valuable assets.

Any illegal activity that is carried out using a computer system or any situation in

which a computer system is intentionally targeted for illegal activity is referred to as

cybercrime. Cyberattacks have an effect on millions upon millions of people who use the

internet. Cyberattacks serve as a wake-up call about the scope of cybercrime and how

exposed everyone is, despite the fact that the damage is relatively minor in comparison to

the amount of Internet traffic. Cybercrime is an umbrella term that can refer to any

illegal activity that takes place on the internet, in a private or public network, or on a

computer system that is located within an organization. The unfortunate truth is that these

crimes are now more prevalent on a global scale as a result of the rise of orchestrated

cyberattacks, which pose a threat not only to private citizens and companies but also to

governments all over the world. Recent advancements in the malicious online behavior of

certain individuals.

The Philippines, along with other developing nations in South East Asia and other

parts of the world, continues to struggle with the challenge of effectively combating the
Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 2


issue of unlawful cyber activity and cybercrime victimization. This is a challenge that is

shared by other developing nations around the world. It is anticipated that technology will

be utilized more frequently as it expands and spreads across the various industries and

businesses of the country despite the absence of preventative measures and, in some

instances, a lack of awareness of the risks associated with the inappropriate use of this

technology. The Philippines' geographical location, current socioeconomic conditions,

and ongoing efforts to improve political stability and national security provide ideal

conditions for the growth of a variety of illegal online operations. These conditions are

made possible by the ongoing efforts to improve political stability and national security.

(Anti-CyberCrime Group PH, 2013).

The healthcare sector in the Philippines is one of the most exposed to cyberattacks

in Southeast Asia. According to the international cybersecurity company's Digital

Footprint Intelligence study, the ProxyLogon vulnerability frequently targets the

industries in Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines as well as the healthcare sector in

the Philippines. Threat actors can avoid authentication with ProxyLogon and remotely

run programs as privileged users. This implies that hostile individuals can access a

victim's server from any place with internet access. The Philippines is also the most hit

nation in the Asia-Pacific area by ProxyShell, which enables a cybercriminal to avoid

authentication and run code as a privileged user. In Malaysia and Pakistan, it is also

typical. Attacks using ProxyLogon and ProxyShell provide online criminals the freedom

to do whatever they want in a victim's computing environment. According to Kaspersky,

the government and business sectors are most at risk from ProxyLogon and ProxyShell.
Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 3


Attackers "plan to attack, exchange data, and get money on the Darknet," it continued,

adding that malware was concealed in these organizations' infrastructure and that data

about their users was being sold on Darknet forums. Keeping public-facing systems

updated is the best way to combat these threats. Additionally, businesses should avoid

using the internet to directly access their exchange servers. (Kaspersky, 2022)

The geography and socioeconomic conditions of the Philippines at the present

time, in conjunction with the country's ongoing efforts to strengthen political stability and

national security, create the ideal conditions for an increase in a variety of different types

of illegal cyber activities. The anonymity of the Internet, the legal and jurisdictional

issues associated with technology-facilitated crimes, the vast pool of potential victims

and recruits, and the allure of easy money are all factors that contribute to the

development of a society of cybercriminality, which may eventually lead to a more

serious organized criminal underground. The threat posed by transnational organized

criminal groups that are active within the nation puts the country's ability to maintain its

economic and political stability in jeopardy.(Anti-Cyber Crime Group of the

Pennsylvania National Police, 2013). In addition, during the month of June 2021 in the

Philippines, 98.41 thousand cyber-attacks were reported, which represents a sizeable drop

when compared to the same month during the previous year. The number of cyberattacks

carried out in the nation during the first three months of the year increased at an

exponential rate, reaching 1.76 million. (Statista Research Department, 2022).

The Philippines is ranked 4th among most targeted by web threats Philippines is

now ranked fourth overall, behind Belarus, Algeria, and Kazakhstan, in Kaspersky's
Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 4


worldwide rating, up two spots. In a nutshell, this indicates that Filipinos who have been

mostly confined to their homes during the second year of the epidemic have had

increased exposure to additional risks of the Internet. Browser-based assaults constitute

web dangers. Drive-by downloads and social engineering are common tactics used by

cybercriminals to transmit malware on Internet users' devices. When accessing an

infected website, a drive-by download infection, which is utilized in most assaults, takes

place. Cybercriminals deploy file-less malware in such assaults, which is the riskiest

technique to infect a device since it is a sophisticated virus that is challenging to detect

and defend against. On the other side, social engineering assaults include getting a

malicious file onto a computer through an Internet user. This occurs when online

predators deceive the victim into thinking she is downloading reliable software.

The researchers wants to study this topic for the purpose of determine students

Expertise regarding the cyber security preparedness and how knowledgeable people are

today's time in which everyone is using technologies as technology are one of the

medium of today's era.

Literature Review

Cyber Security

Cyber Security refers to the protection of computer systems and networks to

protect essential data from attackers and prevent attackers from stealing and destroying

most organizations in the previous years have improved their perspective toward

computer security. They hired a group to scan for vulnerabilities and follow
Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 5


recommended procedures, implanting a more advanced technology to safeguard their

networks. Employees are also educated on dangerous practices that can breach the

organization's security. Most businesses are now more ready than ever to defend against

cyberattacks. But despite all of the work and money, computer security is still an issue

that needs to be resolved. Even if organizations become better at preparing and defending

themselves, attackers also improve simultaneously. Computer network attacks now have

more economic potential than ever before. Because of this, it attracts more criminal

groups, which motivates them to look for ways to bypass companies’ defenses. (Ponemon

Institute, 2014).

During COVID-19, cyber security was harder for organizations; the pandemic has

significantly altered how things are done at work. This includes working from home,

participating in video conferences, switching from paper to digital record keeping and

filing, and, in some situations, using social media more frequently. According to Johns

(2021), organizations have become less aware of the breaches they faced during the

pandemic. The percentage of organizations conducting user and security monitoring also

declines. It becomes harder for organizations to determine if employees are adhering to

the established policies and procedures. Upgrading systems, software, and hardware

become challenging. There are more endpoints for organizations to monitor as a result of

employees working from home. In this environment, fewer corporations and nonprofit

organizations are implementing more fundamental measures like updating their

antimalware software across devices and setting up network security firewalls.

Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 6


The Philippines has acknowledged the significance of putting into action

measures that are designed to create an environment that is conducive to the growth of its

people in the field of information and communications technology (ICT). Due to the fact

that 37 percent of the population uses the internet and more than 102 million Filipinos

had mobile cellular subscriptions as of 2014, the Philippines cannot afford to dismiss the

dangers posed by cyberattacks. In 2012, the Philippines passed Republic Act 10175,

which is more commonly referred to as the Cybercrime Prevention Act. This law was

enacted with the goal of preventing crimes committed online as well as protecting

computers, other communication systems, and networks from being exploited, abused, or

illegally accessed. In spite of the fact that Republic Act 10175 and other pertinent laws

are currently in effect, the Philippines still ranked sixth worldwide in Symantec's Internet

Threat Report regarding the sources of web attacks in the year 2016. This places the

nation in a more advanced position than it did in 2014, when it was ranked seventh.

(Parcon, 2017).

Security is one of the most important functions on any area as it protects

information of certain industry from outsider and any malicious person who has intent to

breach the security system. Cyber threat is mounting pressure on any industry as

criminals are finding a way in order to exploit vulnerabilities of an organization and

attack it in order to breach the security system. (Ismail, 2019).

Cybercrime is hard to fight and in order to combat this crime in cyberspace we

need more people strength in numbers is important as more people are working on it to

combat the cyber-attacks of criminals. And one of the main reasons that they are seeing is
Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 7


that most of the people who purchase things online is using the same email and

passwords from both work-based system and online shopping. When hacking happens,

they can easily breach the information of the account that they have been hacked into and

gather their information the rising attack of cyber-attack is rampant due to the fact that

these criminals are hard to locate and hide on their computers and gadgets and they are

good at evading detection. (Baxter, 2018).

Cyber Security for Students

Academic institutions need information security because most users are unaware

of cybersecurity or how to protect their devices from malware, viruses, and scams.

According to Alharbi, T., Tassaddiq, A. (2021) study examinining cybersecurity

knowledge among Majmaah University students in Saudi Arabia. Mathematical evidence

demonstrates that senior executives and managers should strongly promote a student

cybersecurity awareness and training program within the security management

plan.Regular comprehensive security awareness and training sessions are necessary for

academic institutions to enable users to recognize prevalent cybersecurity threats and


All computing and technology programs have a responsibility to incorporate a

thorough and widespread security curriculum into their courses. Without this, students

with advanced technical skills but lacking security awareness could pose a potential

danger and disadvantage. Otherwise, systems created by graduates would likely have

notable security vulnerabilities.(Rowe, D. et al, 2011)

Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 8


Cyber Attacks

A cyber attack is an intentional act by an individual to gain unauthorized access to

a computer system with the aim of stealing, destroying, controlling, or deleting critical

data. In the third millennium, cyberspace and related technology are significant sources

of power. Governments no longer hold exclusive power and other actors, including

private enterprises, organized terrorist and criminal groups, and individuals, have become

involved in the distribution of power. Private entities have been known to organize

criminal and terrorist factions, with individuals being among these supplementary

participants. This phenomenon poses no threat to the national security of any

governments. This phenomenon can be examined through various analytical approaches.

The top priority is security. The current threat to national security pertains to the potential

decline in citizens' quality of life, rather than military or territorial concerns. Cyber

threats are no longer limited by geography. Historically, military threats were

geographically constrained. Thus, identification was feasible. The severity of cyber

threats is a significant consideration. Cyber attacks can cause significant damage to

infrastructure and sensitive networks, making them unpredictable, complex, and highly

destructive. Effective cooperation between governments and the private sector is

necessary to combat these issues, as governments alone are insufficient. The private

sector shares common interests in addressing these concerns. Conventional methods, such

as military and police power, are insufficient for containing these hazards. Cyber threats

pose a challenge to individuals, organizations, and governments, as highlighted in the

preceding point. Several international relations theories that focus solely on the
Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 9


government may be disregarded or misinterpreted in the digital age, as security is not

exclusively a governmental concern. (YuchongLi & QinghuiLiu, 2021)

The unfortunate reality is that the vast majority of home users, as well as a

significant number of users, are unaware of the dangers that they put themselves in

whenever they connect to the internet, read their email, or download a "free" application.

Some people learn about cybercrime after it is too late for them because they have

already fallen prey to one form or another of internet fraud before they find out about it.

Students have a great opportunity to be educated about cyber threats during the school

day, whereas older generations can only be reached through the media (primarily

television). (Arpad, I. 2013)

Cyber-physical attacks refer to malicious activities conducted over industrial

control systems with more advanced computing, communication, and interconnection

capabilities. industries are one of the targets of criminals to stole information and gain

access to important items can access on the industries information. One of the main

problems in combatting this type of incident is the failure to detect malicious activities.

Cyber-physical attacks start right after infection of information and communication

technology and target to have access to the critical system process using various

techniques to have full access over the network layers and to disrupt physical field

devices, with this technique perpetrators bypass the security of an industry and evade

detection. (Hernan, 2018).

Proactive Countermeasures
Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 10


Proactive countermeasure refers to a countermeasure that prevents major incidents

before they happen. Only a decade ago, corporate executives' reluctance to support cyber

defenses and legal uncertainty looked to be the two main obstacles to proactive

cybersecurity. Proactive cybersecurity programs have gained appeal in recent years due

to polycentric cybersecurity assemblages, the Internet, and APTs that target private

organizations. These initiatives oppose "hack back" measures and support sophisticated

threat intelligence sharing and active methods like honeypots, allowing security

organizations to anticipate hostile access attempts rather than defend against known but

easily re-faced bad traffic. Using this strategy, businesses have the chance to develop

broad, However, the viability of such partnerships and the way private sector security

actors shape developing polycentric governance frameworks will be influenced by who

and how intelligence is shared. As was evident in 2014 with the creation of the U.S.,

industry collaboration is having an effect on how cybersecurity is conceptualized and

controlled at the national level. NIST's Framework Cybersecurity. If effective, inclusive

private sector sharing might further reinforce the United States model of private sector

led Internet governance while preventing nationalistic coalitions that might irritate and

embolden states that desire a more major role for national governments in Internet

regulation. Finally, it is the obligation of all stakeholders to form successful polycentric

partnerships in order to proactively conserve key assets, such as by establishing

guidelines for the preservation of critical infrastructure. After that, we might only achieve

some form of cyber peace. (Amanda et al. 2015

Reactive Countermeasures
Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 11


Reactive countermeasure refers to a countermeasure that reacts to the present


A focus on specific vulnerabilities, exploits, methods, and situations that led to

the cyberattack would be a clear sign of the reactive strategy. For instance, one of the

protection solutions against the NotPetya malware provided by security integrators is the

isolation of hazardous applications like the M.E.Doc software that has been infiltrated

and was the main cause of the outbreak. We acknowledge the shortcomings of the

M.E.Doc update model and the risks associated with such supply chain techniques, but

such software is only one of many potential weak points.

You would not be prepared for the new issues if you solely concentrate on

the previous errors. Most likely, future cyberattacks will not be able to use old loopholes.

Temporary one-off solutions, such as the application of security hardware and software

targeted at the issue, have a fragmented and/or short-term impact and can only

haphazardly address security issues. A reactionary plan is never effective. While patching

significant flaws is necessary, it is also unnecessary to concentrate on minor flaws.

Security integrators, meanwhile, disregard other dangers, such as the human

factor, which is the key contributor to a variety of cybersecurity concerns that result in

hacker intrusions and data breaches. Therefore, a security integrator's reactive approach

may simply be motivated by financial gain. The reactive strategy is no longer the best

option and is rendered worthless by all of this.

Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 12


The best cybersecurity practices suggest that, in addition to one-off measures and

closing significant security gaps, continuous support of security procedures and risk

assessment are necessary for achieving the highest level of security. The adoption of

security equipment and secure software, vendor management, business continuity

management, data backup, event monitoring, and many other facets of a company's

operations are all covered by the complicated, methodical process known as security

management. (Infopulse, 2017)

Recovery Phase

Recovery phase, is the phase after an attack happened, it is the stage of recovering

from the attack and returning to normal functions. The gadgets and industrial control

systems (ICS) that manage production settings 14 are vital to the economy of our country.

ICS is used by manufacturers to monitor and manage the physical processes that result in

the production of commodities for the general public. The safety and output of the

industrial industry are seriously threatened by the rising number of cyberattacks on these

identical systems. The recovery plan is conducted after a cyber security event, this task

includes, tightening the perimeter security such as firewall rulesets and boundary router

access control lists, next is to reconnect to network the rebuilt systems, next is testing the

systems carefully including security controls, next is restoring the systems into their

normal operations and affirming if they are functioning normally and lastly monitoring

the operations if there are any abnormal behaviors.( Powell, et al 2022).

Significance of the study

Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 13


The result of this study will help students and the community to gain the

appropriate information necessary for them to be aware about the preparedness in cyber

security. The researchers believe that the findings will help people in the awareness of the

risk in the cyber space.

This study will be beneficiary to the students of Holy Angel University

because most students are know in the technological stage and are in the world wide web

platforms. This will help them gain insights and information in securing their private data

and the protection of their online transactions.

This output will be most beneficial to the community because of the

reason that due to the assessment of students with expertise in the cyber field, they will be

more knowledgable and engaged in safeguarding their data in the cyber space. This study

can also offer them new understanding and different countermeasures on how to prepare

their cyber security to protect them in the cyber space.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to assess the level of expertise of Information Technology

students in Cyber Security Preparedness. Specifically, this study seeks answer to the

following questions:

1. How may the respondents assess the Cyber Security Preparedness for

Cyber Attacks in terms of:

Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 14


1.1 proactive Countermeasure

1.2 reactive Countermeasure

1.3 recovery Phase

2. What is the level of expertise of Information Technology students in

Cyber Security Preparedness in terms of :

2. 1 proactive Countermeasure

2. 2 reactive Countermeasure

2.3 recovery Phase

3. How may the findings be utilized to assess the level of expertise of

Information Technology students in Cyber Security preparedness?

Theoretical Framework

The study is based on Ernst von Glasersfeld (2002) Cybernetics and the Theory

of Knowledge According to B. Scott, cybernetics is a meta-discipline that may motivate

all types of scientific inquiry, encourage multidisciplinary collaboration, and promote the

reciprocal adaptation of fundamental conceptual frameworks, research methodologies,

and communicative practices. The author makes a distinction between the traditional

description of social systems and approaches that seek to comprehend social events as the
Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 15


manifestations of systems regarded as independent wholes by starting with the study of

natural systems and observers' initial assumptions. V. U. Degtiar establishes a distinction

between biological and technological items, as well as, between social and non-social

systems, further. He makes a distinction between communication between organic things

and communication between machines. By concentrating on the second, the author

reveals the complexity of communicative relationships and highlights the prevalence of

unconscious elements that theorists up to this point have not taken into consideration. He

highlights the importance of the individual and their cognitive capabilities while

highlighting some of the barriers to discussing difficult issues (also on the Internet). The

author makes a number of inferences, one of which is the statement that "the goal of

Homo sapiens is not the degree of its intelligence or its nonetheless, excellence in and of


Long before cybernetics offered cognitive self-organization, the concept that the

experiencing subject organizes its experience in accordance with its own methods of

perceiving, thinking, and feeling was latent in the writings of numerous authors.

However, it remained a tangential notion and never gave rise to an epiphany that shaped

universal philosophical perspectives. modern philosophers like Richard Rorty and Nelson

Goodman, whose theory of knowledge created in second-order cybernetics is somewhat

consistent with epistemological viewpoints, which do not draw on the similarities to this

other modern field of study and instead rely on arguments from within their own

tradition. Different circumstances apply to some fields. Anthropology, sociology,

Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 16


psychiatry, and, most crucially, education have all begun to take note of the cybernetic

theory of knowing. The comparisons that are made here are only a sample.

Additionally, the IPO (Input, Process, Output) model of assessment was

employed as the conceptual framework to achieve the main goal of the current study. As

the figure represents, the input category specifies the countermeasures in Cyber Security

Preparedness for cyber attack, these countermeasures act as a threshold that criminals

need to overcome in order to face a new line of defense. The process category, the

collection of data from Information Technology students was described. Followed by

administering questionnaires personally made by the researchers, which will then be

analyzed according to the statistical result of the data gathered and will then be assessed

by the establishments accordingly to the result of the data collected. Lastly, the final

category which is the output will describe the level of expertise for Cyber Security

Preparedness, where specific suggestions stemming from the study's findings were given.
Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 17



To assess the  Data collection of  Assessed level

level of expertise of Information of Expertise of

Information Students Information

Technology students in Technology

 Administering
Cyber Security students in
Preparedness in terms response to
 Statistical
of: Cyber Security
Analysis of Data
 Proactive
 Organization of
 Reactive


Figure 1. The Research Paradigm

 Recovery Phase

Research Design
Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 18


This present study followed Quantitative research, a research method that is

applied because it enables the researchers to get the reality rather than the abstract about

the purpose of the dissertation (Bryman and Bell, 2007). In most cases, quantitative

research methods are used because they are scientific methods and they produce results

more quickly. (Fellows and Liu, 2008). Descriptive methods aim to express a situation,

population, or phenomenon precisely and systematically. It can be answered in 3 w’s and

1 h which are what, when, where, and how questions, but it cannot use why questions

(McCombes, 2022). This approach was selected given that the purpose of this research

was distinguished and assess the preparedness in Cyber Security. The researcher used

quota sampling which is a non-probability sampling method for the researcher that will

be conducting online survey form through Google Forms. Collecting data analysis using

the descriptive data analysis strategy.

Sample and Setting

The researchers do not deny that cyber-security education contains components

from other disciplines. In fact, diversity should be promoted and exploited in cross-

disciplinary cooperation opportunities wherever possible. Computer Science, Computer

Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Systems, Mathematics, and a variety of

other courses with an interest in cyber-security can all contribute to making our digital

society a safer place. However, the researcher asserts that information technology

provides a particularly appropriate and perfect environment for cyber-security education,

distinguishing it from other fields. To be specific, the study focuses on the asessment of

4th year graduating students under the course Bachelor of Science in Information
Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 19


Technology in Holy Angel University on Cyber Security Preparedness. The following

serves as the criteria for identifying the samples of the study: (1) Bachelor of Science in

Information Technology Students in Holy Angel University, (2) 4th year graduating

students under the course Bachelor of Science in Information Technology in Holy Angel

University, and 198 no. of 4th yr IT Students. Due to the above mentioned requirement

for identifying the samples, the study only included 50 out of 198 4th yr Bachelor of

Science in Information Technology in Holy Angel University.

The questions that are needed to be answered by the students are the proactive,

and reactive countermeasures and the recovery phase. Researchers create a convenience

sample of a population using quota sampling, a non-probability sampling method. The

researchers chose these particular people to study based on a variety of characteristics and

qualities they possessed. In order to ensure that the samples collected for market research

are useful for data collection, they establish quotas. These samples are a good reflection

of the entire population. When selecting the final group, the only information that will be

considered is the interviewer's or researcher's prior knowledge of the population.

Research Instrument

The researchers used a survey questionnaire to gather data for this study.The

survey was conducted online through google form. The survey contains two parts, the

first part asking for permission from the respondents and informs the respondents about

the confidentiality of the questionnaire through the consent form and lastly, the second

part consists of questions in which the participants provided answers to the survey.
Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 20


Mostly, the questions in the questionnaire are about Cyber Security Preparedness for

cyber-attacks which are divided into three phases: proactive countermeasures, reactive

countermeasures, and recovery phase. A 4-point Likert Scale was used to address the

measurement of the level of agreement by the respondents with each statement. 1-

Strongly Disagree; 2- Disagree; 3 - Agree; 4- Strongly Agree.

The initial draft of the instrument; the survey questionnaire will be reviewed by

the Research Adviser. Following a series of validation, the survey questionnaire will be

modified prior to usage.

Data Gathering Procedure

In the process of data gathering, the researchers give the link to the google forms

that contain the rights of the respondents and their privacy, and the purpose of the study.

After the respondents read and agreed on the consent form, the last part of the survey

contain questions regarding the Cyber Security Preparedness for cyber-attacks, which are

divided into three phases: proactive countermeasures, reactive countermeasures, and

recovery phase. After the survey forms were all answered, the researchers analyzed and

interpret the data collected.

Statistical Treatment of data

The researcher analyzed the data and information that were collected during the

interview that will be conducted where queries will be given to the respondents. The

researcher used a 4-point Likert Scale to address the measurement of the level of
Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 21


agreement by the respondents with each statement 1- Strongly Disagree; 2- Disagree; 3 -

Agree; 4- Strongly Agree.

This study used descriptive statistics, it summarizes or gives details of the

characteristics of a data set (Hayes 2022). The data gathered from the questionnaires is

converted into percentages. In computing the frequency percentage, the frequency will be

divided by the entirety of the outcome and multiplied by 100. The formulas are shown



P = (f/n) * 100


P = Percent or relative frequency

F = Frequency count for category/ Observation

N = Total number of cases


x̄ = Σx / n


x̄ = mean

Σ = sum of all scores

n = number of all scores

Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 22


In Interpreting the data, the Likert scale was used in addressing the measurement

of the respondents.

Point Scale Range Explanation

4 4.00- 3.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.99 – 2.00 Agree

2 1.99 – 1.00 Disagree

1 1.00-0.99

Ethical Consideration

The researchers in ensuring the research ethics will be observed, the participants

will not be subjected to harm in any way, and the researchers will ensure confidentiality

and privacy of data following the data privacy act of 2012 or the Republic Act. No.

Confidentiality will also represent the agreement made by the researcher and Participants

through the consent, and that any information will not be disclosed to anyone. (Holland,

Linvill, 2019). The voluntary participation of respondents will be prioritized. Prior to the

survey, researchers will explain thoroughly the purpose of the study and that the survey is

only for the data gathering process will be kept confidential, Lastly, the participants can

withdraw at any stage of the study.Lastly, the participants can withdraw at any stage of

the study.
Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 23



The findings of the survey conducted using survey questionnaires are assessed in

this constituent of the study. The examination of each result supported the researcher’s

necessary findings in identifying the Cyber Security Preparedness. This section includes

the Information Technology Students’ total weighted mean, the JAMOVI tool was used

to assist the researchers in computing the findings of the survey conducted.

Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 24



 Indicators N Mean SD Variance

Regular security audits and

risk assessments to identify Strongly
50 3.34
potential threats and Agree
Employee training and
awareness programs to
educate staff on how to 50 3.58
recognize and avoid potential
cyber threats
Implementation of firewalls,
encryption, and secure Strongly
50 3.54
authentication to protect Agree
sensitive data.
Regular updates of software
and system to minimize the 50 3.58
risk of a successful attack
Collaboration with other
organization and industry
groups to share information 50 3.48
and best practices for

Total Weighted 3.50 Strongly

Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 25



The Proactive countermeasures assessment of Information Technology Students

obtained an overall weighted mean of 3.50 which was verbally described as “Strongly

Agree”. There are two highest means in this countermeasure with a mean of 3.58 namely,

“Employee training and awareness programs to educate staff on how to recognize and

avoid potential cyber threats” and “Regular updates of software and system to minimize

the risk of a successful attack” which are verbally described as Strongly Agree. While the

lowest mean of 3.34 namely “Regular security audits and risk assessments to identify

potential threats and vulnerabilities” which was verbally described as Strongly Agree.
Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 26



 Indicators N Mean SD Variance

Establishment a rapid response

team to handle the initial stages 50 3.56
of a cyber attack
Deployment of tools and
procedures to contain the damage
and prevent further spread of 50 3.52
malicious software or
Implementation of measures to
assess the extent of the damage 50 3.52
caused by a successful attack
Regular testing and simulation of
the city’s incident response plan Strongly
50 3.48
to ensure its readiness in the Agree
event of a real attack
Collaboration with relevant
authorities, such as law
enforcement and cybercrime 50 3.6
experts, to respond to and resolve
a cyber attack

Total Weighted 3.54 Strongly

Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 27



The Reactive countermeasures assessment of Information Technology Students

obtained an overall weighted mean of 3.54 which was verbally described as “Strongly

Agree”. The highest mean in this countermeasure is with a mean of 3.60 namely,

“Collaboration with relevant authorities, such as law enforcement and cybercrime

experts, to respond to and resolve a cyber attack” which is verbally described as Strongly

Agree. While the lowest mean of 3.48 namely “Regular testing and simulation of the

city’s incident response plan to ensure its readiness in the event of a real attack” which

was verbally described as Strongly Agree.

Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 28



 Indicators N Mean SD Variance

Establishment of a cyber
incident response plan to Strongly
50 3.44
guide the city’s actions in the Agree
event of a cyber-attack
Regular backup and disaster
recovery procedures to ensure
the city can quickly restore 50 3.56
normal operations following a
successful attack
Implementation of measures
to prevent the spread of Strongly
50 3.52
malicious software or Agree
Establishing a communication
plan to inform relevant
stakeholders, such as
employees, customers, and the 50 3.54
public, of the extent of the
damage and the steps taken to
prevent future attacks

Evaluation of the 50 3.54 Strongly

Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 29


effectiveness of the city’s

recovery plan and making Agree
improvements for the future.

Total Weighted Mean
3.52 Agree

The Recovery countermeasures assessment of Information Technology Students

obtained an overall weighted mean of 3.52 which was verbally described as “Strongly

Agree”. The highest mean in this countermeasure is with a mean of 3.56 namely,

“Regular backup and disaster recovery procedures to ensure the city can quickly restore

normal operations following a successful attack” which is verbally described as Strongly

Agree. While the lowest mean of 3.44 namely “Establishment of a cyber incident

response plan to guide the city’s actions in the event of a cyber-attack” which was

verbally described as Strongly Agree.

Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 30



The results indicate that the indicators in Cyber Security preparedness as assessed

by the level of expertise of the Information Technology students are all aligned with their

respective countermeasures. All three countermeasures received an overall verbal

description of Strongly Agree, and that all are important for Cyber Security Preparedness.

In the proactive Countermeasures, the Employee training and awareness programs

to educate staff on how to recognize and avoid potential cyber threats” received the

highest. This indicates that Information Technology students as to their expertise,

strongly agree that having awareness in Cyber Security is very important, especially in

the Proactive phase. It will be too late to educate staff and employees about cyber

security if the system is already breached. Cybersecurity-trained staff reduces an

organization's digital network security risk. Cybercrime losses decrease with fewer risks.

Thus, establishments that invest in employee cyber security awareness training should see

a return. Additionally, if every employee receives training in the best practices for cyber

security, there will be a reduced risk of protection gaps occurring in the event that an

employee leaves the company. You'll reduce the likelihood of a security breach due to a

critical employee's absence. Consumers are generally hesitant to do business with

organizations that do not have a good reputation, so a company that employs people who

are aware of the importance of information security will have a better reputation among
Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 31


customers. Negative publicity from repeated security breaches will drive customers away.

Terra, J.(2023

The “Regular updates of software and system to minimize the risk of a successful

attack” also received the highest. Having regular updates minimizes the risk of potential

cyber threats, this is due to the system being updated to protect itself from the latest virus

and malware. Numerous software updates contain security patches. These updates are

intended to fix vulnerabilities that cybercriminals could exploit. These security patches

are created as an outcome of the recent identification or exploitation of significant

dangers. Disregarding these updates will expose these vulnerabilities, giving

cybercriminals the opportunity to exploit them and gain access to your home and system.

Caldwell, N. (2022)

In the Reactive Countermeasure, the “Collaboration with relevant authorities,

such as law enforcement and cybercrime experts, to respond to and resolve a cyber-

attack” received the highest, this indicates that Information Technology students as to

their expertise strongly agree that it is very important to have collaboration with relevant

authorities in dealing with a cybercrime incident. Cyber security specialists are

responsible for a diverse set of tasks and competencies in order to safeguard a company's

data and IT infrastructure. The main objective of Cyber Security expert is to conduct a

thorough analysis of potential threats and risks, as well as evaluate the impact of new and

existing systems and technologies on business operations. The goal is to mitigate any

risks and address any issues related to performance and capacity. The process of

conducting audits and vulnerability assessments on operating systems, web servers, and
Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 32


databases is crucial in identifying patterns, dangerous features, and criminal activity

within the infrastructure. (Lakhwani, S. n.d.)

In the Recovery Countermeasures, “Regular backup and disaster recovery

procedures to ensure the city can quickly restore normal operations following a

successful attack”. Received the highest. This indicates that Information Technology

students according to their expertise, strongly agree that after the attack phase, it is very

important to have a regular backup to have so that the operation back to normal function

can quickly happen. The creation of backups is an essential part of data protection.

Important files can be saved from the inevitability of losing them in the event of data loss

situations caused by common events such as a system crash, malware infection, hard

drive corruption, failure, or cyber-attacks if the establishment performs regular data

backups, preferably daily or weekly. Data is the most valuable asset a company can

possess. Sixty percent of businesses are unable to continue operations for even six

months after suffering data loss, according to one study. When data is consistently backed

up, one can protect their data and ensure business continuity in the event that data is lost.

(Rikhi & Arora, 2022)



Following are the conclusions that were obtained from the analysis of the researcher’s

initiative to create a guideline that will be recommended to established in strengthening

their Cyber Security Preparedness:

Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 33


The purpose of the assessment of Cyber Security Preparedness is to improve and

strengthen establishments cyber security of establishments.

1.The survey conducted obtained results from the expertise of Information Technology

students, the output shows that in the proactive countermeasures “Employee Training and

Seminars” and “Regular security audits and risk assessment” are the ones that should be

given the highest recommendation of implementation. Cybersecurity-trained staff reduces

an organization's digital network security risk, and Having regular updates minimizes the

risk of potential cyber threats.

2.The expert assessment of InformationTechnology describes that in reactive

countermeasures “Collaboration with relevant authorities, such as law enforcement and

cybercrime experts, to respond to and resolve a cyber-attack” is given the highest

recommendation to be implemented by establishments, due to the fact that cyber security

specialists are responsible for a diverse set of tasks and competencies in order to

safeguard a company's data and IT infrastructure.

3.Results from the survey shows that the respondents strongly agree, on the

implementation of “Regular backup and disaster recovery procedures to ensure the city

can quickly restore normal operations following a successful attack.” this countermeasure

received the highest recommendation on the recovery phase. The creation of backups is

an essential part of data protection, it is very important to have a regular backup to have

so that the operation back to normal function can quickly happen.

Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 34


4.The results gathered gave insights and understanding to the researchers to come to the

conclusion, that the different countermeasures provided in the verbal descriptions all falls

in their respective categories and are highly recommended to be implemented by

establishments from the expert assessment of the graduating Information Technology



Following a comprehensive analysis and considering the preceding findings and

conclusions of the study, the following are recommended:

1. Proactive Countermeasures are the preparation before a Cyber Attack happens.

The plans and procedures are to be recommended for establishments:

1.1. Regular security audits and risk assessments to identify potential threats and

vulnerabilities. Regular security audits and risk assessments help maintain

security. Implementing this will help the establishment to lessen the potential

threats to happen.

1.2. Employee training and awareness programs to educate staff on how to recognize

and avoid potential cyber threats. A knowledgeable employee will be needed in

order to avoid becoming a victim of cybercrime, knowledge about ccybercrimeis

a must to avoid loss of income of the establishment.

1.3. Implementation of firewalls, encryption, and secure authentication to protect

sensitive data. It is important to have these safety preventive measure in order to

Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 35


stop the spreading of the virus to the main data by limiting it and preventing it to

damage the whole system.

1.4. Regular updates of software and systems to minimize the risk of a successful

attack. Updating software is a must because attackers will try to breach the

system but by updating the software regularly will be a hard time to decode by

the attackers.

1.5. Collaboration with other organizations and industry groups to share information

and best practices for cybersecurity. Having communication with others will

greatly affect the cyber security in a positive way in which they can share what is

the best way of combatting cybercrime and preventing it.

2. Reactive Countermeasures are the response when the Cyber Attack is happening. The

plans and procedures are to be recommended for establishments:

2.1 Establishing a rapid response team to handle the initial stages of a cyber-attack. It

is very important to establish a rapid response team in the initial stages of attack to

prevent the attack and damage to go further.

2.2 Deployment of tools and procedures to contain the damage and prevent further

spread of malicious software or information. Following the different procedures and

using tools to counter and contain the damage to prevent it from worsening.

2.3 Implementation of measures to assess the extent of the damage caused by a

successful attack. Assessing the extent of damage by the Cyber Attack will determine
Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 36


the probable loss of an establishment and will help in finding possible solution to

prevent further spread and recover from the attack.

2.4 Regular testing and simulation of the city's incident response plan to ensure its

readiness in the event of a real attack. Drills and simulation are important to assess

and prepare the establishment and its employees in real Cyber Attack situations.

2.5 Collaboration with relevant authorities, such as law enforcement and

cybersecurity experts, to respond to and resolve a cyber-attack. In the incident of an

Cyber Attack, collaboration with relevant authorities and experts will greatly help in

dealing and containing the Cyber Attack that will prevent further spread of damage to

the system .

3. Recovery Countermeasures are the actions taken after the Cyber Attacked breached

Cyber Security. The plans and procedures are to be recommended for establishments:

3.1 Establishment of a cyber incident response plan to guide the city's actions in the

event of a cyber-attack. After every Cyber Attack, it is important to establish a new

incident response plan that updates all the new potential dangers and actions to be

taken . This will further enhance the response plan of the establishment.

3.2 Regular backup and disaster recovery procedures to ensure the city can quickly

restore normal operations following a successful attack. Regularly backing up data of

an establishment is crucial, not only due to potential cyber threats that are existing but
Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 37


also to a variety reasons that can affect the physical aspect of the system. If a backup

exists, the regular operation of the establishment can resume as soon as possible.

3.3 Implementation of measures to prevent the spread of malicious software or

information. In order to protect digital assets and guarantee the confidentiality,

integrity, and availability of information within the digital environment, the purpose

of implementing these measures is to ensure that they are put into place.

3.4 Establishing a communication plan to inform relevant stakeholders, such as

employees, customers, and the public, of the extent of the damage and the steps taken

to prevent future attacks. It is important to have communication within establishment,

having information and giving awareness will prevent future attacks and can

minimize the extent of the damage.

3.5 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the city's recovery plan and making

improvements for the future. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the recovery plan and

identification of areas for improvement to ensure future success. This involves

analyzing the various strategies and measures implemented by the establishment in

response to the challenges posed by a crisis or disaster and assessing their impact. The

objective is to identify any gaps or weaknesses in the plan and develop suggestions

for improving its efficacy.

Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 38


Cyber Security Preparedness: An Assessment 39


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APPENDIX A - Agency Request Letter

APPENDIX B – Respondents Consent Letter

APPENDIX C - Validator’s Letter and Form

APPENDIX D - Research Instrument

APPENDIX E - Certification of Statistician

APPENDIX F - Plagiarism Certificate

APPENDIX G - Proof Reading Certificate

APPENDIX H - Authors’ Curriculum Vitae

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