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BUILD MASSIVE:-CHEST E-Book created by, Award anVtarer eg Personal trainer & aaa si Ni IFBB PRO JUNAID KALIWALA CONTENTS 1 2. 3 cy le ( d. e i on h. rn a . Build Bigger Chest Muscles BO CMO aC Ut meio . Top 8 Chest Building Exercises Barbell Bench Press Flat Bench Dumbbell Press . Low-Incline Barbell Bench Press Machine Decline Press Reshma Coc} Incline Dumbbell Press Dips For Chest Pec-Deck Machine . Beginner Level (Workou .. Advanced Level (Worko n aS wo ON rN DMDOAOUnHN ww “N any rar) If you train in a big commercial gym, you've probably noticed Monday is National Chest Day. Everyone seems to be training their chest. But how do you train your chest efficiently for maximum growth? In this E-Book I'll explain you which mistakes you must avoid to build a bigger chest and the right method to increase your chest size/Muscles. Training your chest muscles 3 times a week using pro bodybuilders routines is wasting your time. Especially if you're skinny. Isolation Exercises You can’t stress your chest with heavy weights using exercises like dumbbell flies. So you won't trigger the release of Testosterone & Growth Hormone as. much as with compounds movements. Eating Like a Pigeon You'll never get a big chest if you’re 60-65kg at 5.8ft . Training your chest 3 times a week won't get it bigger unless you eat more. Eat More. Your chest will never be big if you’re underweight. To gain weight. eat every 3 hours and focus on calorie dense foods. Isolating Your Chest Although your chest has to 2 main heads, it’s 1 muscle and contracts as a whole. You can’t isolate your upper or lower chest. You can only emphasize it. Here’s How to Build a Bigger Chest The key to increasing the size of your chest muscles is to eat more and get stronger. Build a foundation before you even think of adding isolation exercises. IFBB PRO JUNAID KALIWALA (Award Winning Personal Trainer] 3 Do Heavy Compounds: Free weight compound exercises like the Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press and Overhead Press are the fastest way to build overall strength & bulk. Do them often & heavy. Train Your Legs. Squats & Deadlifts help chest growth by increasing the release of muscle building hormones like Testosterone and Growth Hormone. Get stronger at them. Rest: Your muscles grow when they rest, not when you train them. Train your chest maximum 2 times a week with gap of 72-96 hours. Eat your calories so your chest gets the nutrients it needs to recover and grow bigger. Lift Fast: Lifting fast recruits more muscle fibers and lets you use more weight, which stimulates chest growth. Lift as fast as you can on the way up with good technique. Way down under control but not slow. Use Proper Technique: A partial bench press doesn’t work your chest through a full range of motion. Touch your shirt on the way down, lock your elbows at the top. Lower the weight if you have to. Set Realistic Goals: Even if you train and eat exactly like your idol, you'll never get the same muscle shape. Developing your muscles is training and diet. But the shape of your muscles is genetics. Be Patient: Especially if you're still a teen. Your body is still developing. You won't get the chest development of a 30y old if you’re only 15. Build the foundation and be patient. Your chest will change as you get older. IFBB PRO JUNAID KALIWALA (Award Winning Personal Trainer] 4 Don’t do things like Bench Pressing to your neck or with your elbows out. Both are potentially dangerous and will injure your shoulders. Use exercises where you can go heavy safely. Why it's on the list You can generate the most power with barbell lifts, so the standard barbell bench allows you to move the most weight. It's also an easier lift to control than pressing with heavy dumbbells. The exercise is easy to spot and relatively easy to learn (if not master), There are plenty of bench-press programs you can follow to increase your strength. In your workout: Do it toward the start of your chest workout for heavy sets in lower rep ranges. Consider varying your grip width for more complete chest development. Why it's on the list With dumbbells, each side of your body must work independently, which recruits more stabilizer muscles; dumbbells are harder to control than a barbell. Dumbbells also allow for a longer range of motion than the barbell bench press, both at the bottom and top of the movement. Flat dumbbell presses allow you to hoist a fairly heavy weight, and they make for a good alternative if you've been stuck on the barbell bench for ages. In your workout Do flat dumbbell presses toward the start of your chest workout for heavy sets in lower rep ranges. We don't typically recommend doing dumbbell presses in addition to the barbell bench press, because both moves are so similar. IFBB PRO JUNAID KALIWALA [Award Winning Personal Trainer __ Low-Incline Barbell Bench Press _ Why it's on the list Many benches are fixed at a very steep angle, which requires a larger contribution from the front delts than the chest to move the weight. If possible, go for a less-steep incline to hit the upper pecs without as much stress on the delts. You can also easily do low-incline benches with an adjustable bench on the Smith machine. If you're really looking to build that shelf of an upper chest, I'll suggested that bringing your grip in a bit closer may hammer upper-chest fibers significantly more. In your workout: Many chest workouts start with flat-bench movements first, then progress to inclines, but it's time to get out of that bad habit. Every so often, start with inclines. The benefit is that you'll be fresher and can lift more weight, which puts a greater amount of stress on the upper pec fibers and could lead to more growth. Why it's on the list Some machines allow you to move each arm independently, which is a great feature on chest day. Besides doing a machine decline press straight on, you can sit sideways on the apparatus and press across your body one arm at a time, which delivers a completely different feel than when you sit straight-on. One of the primary muscle actions of the pec major is transverse adduction—think cable flyes or pec-deck flyes to understand this action. By sitting in a sideways position, you can maximize your press with a pec-dominant horizontal adduction, effectively getting more from the movement. In your workout: Do free-weight exercises first in your chest workout because they require more effort and stabilizer muscles than machines. With that in mind, this could be the last multijoint exercise in your routine. Why it's on the list Free-weight pressing moves on a flat bench are great, but the machine press has some unique benefits. For one, it's easier to slow down the IFBB PRO JUNAID KALIWALA (Award Winning Personal Trainer] 6 repetition, both in the concentric and eccentric phases. Stack-loaded machines are also great for quickly doing drop sets. Research demonstrates that the machine bench press recruits much less of the three heads of the deltoid (anterior, middle, and posterior) than free-weight variations because of a decreased need for humeral stabilization. This allows you to really target your pecs. In your workout: Again, do machine exercises at the end of your workout. For anyone looking to build mass, machines give you a greater chance to pump your pecs with minimal shoulder assistance. Why it's on the list Dumbbell presses make everybody's top 10 list, but with an adjustable bench you can do a number of things you can't with a fixed bench. My favorite: changing the angle of the incline from one set to the next, or from one workout to the next. Hitting a muscle from varying degrees of incline angles builds it more thoroughly. In your workout: This is an occasional first movement, but it can easily go anywhere from first to third in your routine. Keep in mind, though, that the later you do this movement, the less weight you'll likely be able to push. For even crazier pumps with this exercise, try to slowly rotate the dumbbells from palms-forward to a palms-inward position during the concentric portion of the lift, really squeezing at the top. This slight change will cause you to medially rotate the upper arm, really recruiting your pec major. ___ Dips For Chest _ Why it's on the list First off, make sure you're doing dips that emphasize the pecs: Put your feet up behind you, lean forward as far as possible, and allow your elbows to flare out as you dip. Chest dips are a great spotter-free alternative to the decline press. In your workout: If you're strong, this lower-chest move makes a great finisher; if you're not, you can do it earlier in your session. It makes a great superset pairing with push-ups for a big pump at the end of your workout. IFBB PRO JUNAID KALIWALA (Award Winning Personal Trainer] 7 Pec-Deck Machine Why it's on the li: Chest flyes are hard for many trainees to learn with dumbbells or cables because the arms need to be locked in a slightly bent position for the duration of the exercise. Luckily, the pec deck simplifies things because it allows you to work in only one pathway. So, this exercise is a great movement teacher, and you can go for a great pump without having to balance any weights. = My research say’s that activation of the pectoralis major and anterior delt f * 7 are statistically similar between the | pec deck and bench press, which means that even though you'll probably be working in different rep ranges for each exercise, you'll get great chest activation from this machine. In your workout: Hit the pec deck last in your chest routine for sets 12-15 reps. Do dropsets and partial reps, pumping out as many as you can to failure. IFBB PRO JUNAID KALIWALA [Award Winning Personal Trainer) 8 BEGINNER LEVEL (LESS THEN ONE YEAR EXPERIENCE IN THE GYM) WOD : 1* Session Of Week WORKOUT SETS REPS Barbell Bench Press 3 20/ 15/12 Machine Decline Press 3 20/ 12/12 Incline Dumbbell Press 3 15/15/12 Pec-Deck Machine 3 15/15/15 WOD : 2"¢ Session Of Week WORKOUT SETS REPS Dips For Chest 3 8-10 Each Set Flat Bench Dumbbell Press 3 15/15/15 Seated Machine Chest Press 3 15/15/15 IFBB PRO JUNAID KALIWALA [Award Winning Personal Trainer *Keep A Gap Of Minimum 72hours Between 1st Session And 2nd Session. *You Can Merge 2nd Session With Any Other Muscle As Well. *Start With Light Weight Until You Do With Correct Form. *Focus More On Form Not On Weight. *Remember Right Form Will Help You To Develop More Muscle Than Heavy Weight with Wrong Form. IFBB PRO JUNAID KALIWALA [Award Winning Personal Trainer) ADVANCE LEVEL (MORE THEN ONE YEAR EXPERIENCE IN THE GYM) WOD : 1* Session Of Week WORKOUT SETS REPS Barbell Bench Press 4 20/ 15/ 12/ 08 Machine Decline Press 3 15/15/12 Incline Dumbbell Press 4 15/ 15/12/10 Pec-Deck Machine 4 15/ 15/15/15 WOD : 2"¢ Session Of Week WORKOUT SETS REPS Incline Barbell Press 4 20/ 15/ 12/ 08 Flat Bench Dumbbell Press 4 15/ 15/12/10 Seated Machine Chest Press 3 15/15/15 Dips For Chest 3 12-15 Reps Each Sets IFBB PRO JUNAID KALIWALA [Award Winning Personal Trainer] " *Keep A Gap Of Minimum 72hours Between 1st Session And 2nd Session. *You Can Merge 2nd Session With Any Other Muscle As Well. *Start With Moderate Weight Until You Do With Correct Form. *Focus More On Form Not On Weight. *Remember Right Form Will Help You To Develop More Muscle Than Heavy Weight with Wrong Form IFBB PRO JUNAID KALIWALA [Award Winning Personal Trainer)

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