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My grandparents are most precious to me

My grandparents are the most precious thing in my life as they took care of me since I was a baby.
I’m so grateful to have such grandparents that loves me unconditionally. It is a joy to come home
from school daily and to be greeted and flooded with hugs and kisses from them. I often go on long
jogs with my grandparents, and we have so much fun. My grandfather is a retired policeman. He
loves to share his experiences at work and his childhood adventures with his friends. My
grandparents are protective of me and are always supportive. My grandparents got me my first
bicycle when I was 4 and my grandpa taught me how to cycle.

My grandmother is a housewife. She is beautiful and kindhearted, and my grandfather is handsome

and smart. They always tell us bedtime stories which is made of fiction ad real life experiences. They
always say that their grandparents were their inspiration on how to be a great grandparent
themselves. My grandmother is a great cook, and she cooks the most delicious food I’ve ever tasted.
My mom and aunties are great cooks too as they learnt from the best, my grandma.

My grandfather is also a great poet and a writer. He writes the most beautiful poems in Tamil and
short stories which often gets published in Tamil newspaper. He will be publishing his first poem
book in Tamil, and we are all excited for him. My grandfather recently completed his Bachelors in
Tamil Literature and graduated with first class honors. I am so proud his achievements. He truly

I am so grateful to be able to live with my grandparents. My grandparents help me with my

homework if my parents aren’t around and it makes learning fun when they are teaching you.
Cherish your time with your grandparents because when they are gone you will regret all the times
you didn’t spend with them. Make memories every single day with your loved ones as you can never
undo lost time.

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