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HSBC Daily FX Indication Rates

Date 10/13/2017

Bank Buy Currency vs HKD

SPOT 6.0930 5.5328 10.3242 9.2140 6.2294 5.7340 0.069266
1M 6.0762 5.5284 10.3255 9.2198 6.2259 5.7314 0.069304
2M 6.0679 5.5203 10.3240 9.2268 6.2208 5.7287 0.069326
3M 6.0621 5.5136 10.3289 9.2391 6.2183 5.7260 0.069426
4M 6.0558 5.5066 10.3316 9.2502 6.2140 5.7240 0.069501
5M 6.0501 5.5005 10.3320 9.2579 6.2095 5.7218 0.069549
6M 6.0437 5.4952 10.3346 9.2699 6.2052 5.7204 0.069615


Bank Buy Bank Sell Bank Buy
Spot 6.5549 Spot 1.1907 Spot 7.8020
1M 6.5674 1M 1.1874 1M 7.7952
2M 6.5804 2M 1.1840 2M 7.7885
3M 6.5929 3M 1.1809 3M 7.7823
4M 6.6049 4M 1.1779 4M 7.7770
5M 6.6169 5M 1.1750 5M 7.7711
6M 6.6289 6M 1.1721 6M 7.7667
7M 6.6409 7M 1.1695 7M 7.7630
8M 6.6529 8M 1.1669 8M 7.7594
9M 6.6649 9M 1.1643 9M 7.7558
10M 6.6770 10M 1.1617 10M 7.7530
11M 6.6892 11M 1.1592 11M 7.7502
12M 6.7014 12M 1.1567 12M 7.7475


Bank Buy Bank Sell
SAEC Fixing 6.5866 Spot 30.502
1M 6.5715 1M 30.467
2M 6.5880 2M 30.431
3M 6.6010 3M 30.386
4M 6.6137
5M 6.6263
6M 6.6390
7M 6.6505
8M 6.6620 USDKRW NDF
9M 6.6735 Bank Sell
10M 6.6852 Spot 1144.58
11M 6.6968 3M 1144.43
12M 6.7085 6M 1143.32

*SAEC fixing is in HKDCNY, i.e., number of HKD per CNY.

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+852 2822 3388

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