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| CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT PROCESS ELOPMENT cont... CURRICULUM DE} (CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT += The activities such as conceptualizing, planning, field testing, implementing and researching that are intended to produce new curricula or improve the existing ones. «The systematic planning of what is taught and learned in schools as reflected in courses of study and school programs CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT cont, PATTERNS OF CURRICULUM. DEVELOPMENT «There are two patterns of curriculum development (Chikumbu& Makamure, 2000). These areas fallows: CENTRALIZED CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DECENTRALIZED CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT cont Centralized curriculum development «The content is decided upon by central national office (Chikumnbu & Makamure, 2000) «The actual process is done by an entrusted body. For example; the Ministry of Education or any Parastatal Organisation SBS ss aa me CURRICULUM DEVELOPME! Characteristics of a centralized pattern (Gatawa, 1990; Urevbu, 1985): The eubjest content is desided upon cantrally ‘Subject content evaluation instruments are ‘developed centrally and decisions on when and how toadminister these instruments rst withthe Board ‘that has been assigned the responsibil T cont. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT cont... Subjects tobe offered by schools are determined canta + Schools chooee their subjects from a given i. “alllearners taking the same subjet write the same ‘examination and are asessed inthe ame Skil VELOPMENT cont... ‘¢Certification is centrally controlled Generally, textbooks must be approved by the Ministry of Education before any school uses the books. ‘= Normally, there are curriculum development teams at different levels. CURRICULUM Dt CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT cont, ‘© An inspectorate or standards control division is put jn place to monitor the learning and teaching activities. || “sTttakes a long time to write and approve the final | curriculum document Note; Find the advantages and disadvantages of ised patte CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT cont... Decentralized Pattern of Curriculum development ‘+ Occurs when the local authorities or individual states draft their own curriculum (Chikumbu & Makamure, 2000). += This type of designing is common in developed |=" CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT cont. Characteristics of decentralized Pattern ‘Local communities initiate the changes to suit their local needs. ‘Teachers work with the parents to determine the content. ‘The eaing enperences ae based on whats available. || ‘Subjects in schools could be the same, but the content will vary from school to school, tate to state, or district to district. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMEN’ ° +=Bach school, state or district has its own syllabus that is produced locally. ‘Generally, the textbooks may not have been centrally approved. Bach school, state or district has its own form of, evaluation. ‘Very few people are involved in curriculum designing ont... CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT cont... Stages of Curriculum Development “+ The process involves series of stages which include: | {Situational Analysis, ji. Planning and Material development ii, Trial and testing of Instructional plans. ‘Implementation of the programme of instructional +. Quality control or Assessment of earning || outcomes DELON MN ATS CURRICULUM DE LOPMENT cont... CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT cont... SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS STAGE + Finding out the needs for the new curriculum. : + Ttis the process of studying a given situation. + Involve to collect data and information needed for determining needs in the situation and assess their ‘magnitude so as to become a base for curriculum or course. + The steps in this stage/phase include; Identify Issue/Problem/Need Form Curriculum Development Team vii Conduct Needs Assessment and Analysis, CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT cont... CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT cont, PLANNING AND MATERIAL «The following steps are involved at this stage: ‘DEVELOPMENT » State Intended Outcomes « This stage determines: - Select Content intended outeomes (what learners will be able to do Design Experiential Methods + Ad-hoc Briefing. after participation in curriculum activities), + the content (what will be taught), and » the methods Chow it wil be teught a CURRICUL TRY OUT STAGE + This step includes suggestions to select test sites and, ‘conduct a formative evaluation of curriculum materials during the production phase + few areas are selected for trying out the materials to get the feedback about the strength and weaknesses (of the course or subject T cont... CURRICULUM DEVELOPME! + Try-out helps to get the dogree of euitability ofthe teaching and learning materials developed and teaching and learning strategies adopted. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT cont... 9. IMPLEMENTATION STAGE + This isthe time when the curriculum stop to be experimental and is adopted in the institutions or organizations or the entire system and is taught from, year to year or time to time from one term to. another. CURRICULUM DEVE OPMENT cont... + In this stage, a number of activities are done as, follows: + Produce Curriculum Product | Recruit and Train Facilitators Implement Curriculum ivan aR NR eR CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT cont... = S QUALITY CONTROL STAGE + Intends to check periodically whether or not the subject or course produces the intended results, + It is an important stage because the quality of a course or subject may change or fluctuate from one ‘year to another due to various factors or influences. CURRICULUM DEVELOPME FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE | CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT PROCESS + There are various factors that can influence the development of curriculum. These are as follows: ‘Social Factors + Acurriculum is usually the ieee tos foes that emanate from the society. é RR ees tS CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT cont... + Society has its own expectations about the aims and ‘objectives that should be considered when designing ‘the curriculum. + Ithas the perception of what the product of the school system should look like. + It is therefore necessary for curriculum developers to take into account the societal considerations. + Ifthis does not happen, the curriculum becomes irrelevant. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT cont... + The knowledge, skills, values and attitude imparted tolearers are expected to prepare them to fit into the society. | « Inthe society, there are various groups that have an. interest in the process: CT CURRICULUM DEVELOPME Pressure groups (Special interest groups) = The curriculum developers are subject to pressures from special interest groups from the community and from further afield especially over controversial issues that arise. «These can be professional associations, cultural ‘groups, donor countries, employers, non~ governmental organizations and religious organizations. Teon | CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT cont... += These groups can bring their views to bear on curriculum design. + Special interest groups have their own agenda that. they may wish to sce followed in schools. © Such groups may attempt to impose their own, curriculum in schools. += This is so because any curriculum of value must result from the broad consultation of a wide range of stakeholders. CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT cont... Such issues concern: «= The inclusion of a particular book in a course or on ‘school library. + The adoption of a new teaching method + The introduction of units dealing with sexuality, ace, polities, religion, gender equality, and ‘environment issues, ICT ete. + Inextreme cases curricula already taught can be voted by powerful groups. ome: CURRICULUM DP Professional Associations + They bring together members of their profession and play a significant role in the development, implementation and maintenance of the curriculum. + The professional associations are such as: ‘Teachers Union e.g. Chama cha Kitaalamu cha Walimu Tanzania » Mathematical Association of Tanzania (MAT). 8 VELOPMENT cont... Taare a CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT cont Science Association » Historical Association of Tanzania (HAT) ~ Baraza la Kiswahili Tanzania (HAT) ‘Medical Association of Tanzania (MAT). » These associations publish journals and informative Central-base curriculum oka pee mmmmam = CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT cont The school-based curriculum «Teachers are involved at al stages. + Teachers are also responsible for all cursiculum activities from planning to evaluation. « Teachers translate the broad national goals of education into specific objectives and content for sharing with learners CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT cont. the Centra-based Curriculum «The teachers role a this planning level isto cary tut te flowing active - Being members of curriculum project teams Beye devlopece panes - Participating in conferences, seminars, ‘Sllabuo and material development workahope « Produtng teaching materials such a teachers fds or manvaly, text books, logbooks ete «Fiorina some ences yb vole nthe TTT CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT cont ‘The role of the learner in Curriculum Development + The learners is the central figure inthe process of education + The learners participate inthe learning activities that tare deemed to lead tothe acquisition of the intended objectives «+ Representatives of students may be involved in ‘committees and bodies in charge of euriculum evelopment CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT cont The role of parents in curriculum implementation + Parents may support curriculum implementation in the following ways: |. Counseling and guiding the learners Providing inaneial/material supporto ‘ii, Diseiplining learners |. Availing children for learning opportunities © Moral and material suppor for institutional Jjustment issues, Sch eR LOPMENT cont. CURRICULUM DEVE : ‘THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION

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