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1. List a few ancient methods or devices used to find time and write its disadvantages.
Clock Disadvantage
a)Sundial  Does not work at night or on
cloudy or rainy days.

b) Water Clock  Water could evaporate faster in

summer and freeze into ice during winter.

 Size of the hole in the container

can vary from clock to clock and the rate
of flow of water may change.

 Size of the container can at times

 The quantity of sand and the size of the
c) Hourglass hole between the two chambers may vary.

 Should be kept on a flat surface to work


d) Candle Clock  Even though the pins are placed at equal

distance, only the time interval is
constant/ equal and we can’t find the
actual time.

 Candle flame can get blown out easily.

2. Write the timeline of various types of clocks:

➢ Mechanical clock
➢ Pendulum clock
➢ Mechanical watches
➢ Battery operated – watches/clocks
➢ Quartz watches/ clocks
➢ Digital watches/ clocks
➢ Stop watch
➢ Atomic clock
3. Write the similarity between twelve and twenty-four-hour clock.
a) In both the types of clock, the minutes and seconds are the same.
b) The numbers from midnight to 12 noon, are the same in both.
4. Differentiate between 12 hr clock and 24 hr clock.
12-hour clock 24-hour clock
• Shows am or pm • Does not show am or pm
• Numbers from 12 to 12 • Numbers from 0 to 23
Note: after 2359 hr we move on to 0000 hr

5. Express the time according to the 24 hr clock: (CYAT – Q11)

A) 2.25 am – 0225 hr
B) 3.05 am – 0305 hr
C) 10.50 pm –2250 hr
D) 8.05 pm – 2005 hr
E) 7.05 pm – 10905 hr
6. Express the time according to the 12 hr clock: (CYAT – Q12)
A) 0050 hr – 12:50 am
B) 1650 hr – 4:50 pm
C) 1830 hr – 6:30 pm
D) 1007 hr – 10:07 am
E) 2345 hr – 11: 45 pm
7. Determine the age of the tree from the given picture: (Home Work)
The age of the tree can be calculated by counting the annual or growth rings in
the tree trunk.
The age of the tree is: _________ years
➢ Do not count the core or the centre of the tree. This is not a ring.
➢ Do not count the bark or the outermost ring of the tree.

8. Study the given railway time table and answer the questions that follow:
- Train Name: Chennai Mysore Shatabdi Express
- Train Number: 1984
- Days of departure from the originating station: Daily Except Tuesday
km (distance) Station Arrival Departure
- Chennai - 0600
150 Katpadi 0730 0745
300 Bangalore Cantonment 1100 1102
350 Bangalore Main 1130 -
i) Name the train whose time table is show: Chennai Mysore Shatabdi Express
ii) Name the station from where train starts its journey: Chennai
iii) A family is planning to leave on Tuesday to attend a function in Bangalore. Can they leave?
No. the train does not ply on Friday.
iv) Calculate the distance covered between Katpadi and Bangalore. : 350 – 150 = 200km
v) Express in 12hr clock the time taken to reach the final destination: 11: 30 am
vi) What is the time taken for the entire journey?: 5 hours 30 minutes

9. Write short notes on Time Zones.

Different places on the earth have different times. As the earth rotates on its axis, one half of it is bright
and has day as it is facing the sun while the other side is dark and has night. Our world is divided into 24
time zones and the time in each zone is different.

*************(part 2 – to be contd)************

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