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Suggested Lesson Outline (50 minutes) – 30 July 2023

(Prayerfully choose only a few principles from the list below.)


(A follow-up lesson on the 2023 Area Plan)

• To help members develop a deeper understanding of the Area Plan
• For members to learn how to apply the Area Plan from the experience of others
• To encourage members and leaders to update or adjust individual, family, and organizational
goals and better align them with the Area Plan

• The Area Plan app
• 2023 July - 5th Sunday Lesson
1. The bishop may assign a moderator to handle the combined class. It could be a member of the
bishopric, the Elders Quorum presidency, or any gospel teacher he will deem fit to handle the
2. The moderator should thoroughly review the Area Presidency messages on the Area Plan
given during the 5th Sunday lesson of January (see resources above). Members of the ward
should be encouraged to do the same.
3. Have a regular opening devotional. Once the time has been turned to the moderator, he or she
will explain that the video will be paused at certain moments to give the class a chance to
discuss what was shown.
4. During the discussion, the moderator should be prepared to engage as many of the class
members as possible by asking them to read the questions, asking follow-up questions, and re-
directing questions from class members so other class members will answer them.
5. The moderator should be mindful of the time. Each of the three segments of the lesson should
only take 15 minutes, inclusive of the video showing and the class discussion. This will leave
only 5 minutes for both the opening and closing of the class.
6. Wrap up every segment by summarizing the points raised during the discussion. Close with a
brief testimony and a call to action: challenge the class to better apply the Area Plan in their
life as they stay on the covenant path.

Guide Questions after video segment 1:

1. What can we learn from the story of Sister Marian Uyguangco?
2. How can we relate Sister Uyguangco’s experiences with the message of Elder Revillo?
3. In what ways can we apply these lessons to our lives?

Guide Questions after video segment 2:

1. What can we learn from the story of Bishop Vernard Daranciang and his family?
2. How can we relate the Daranciang family’s experiences with the message of Elder Choi?
3. In what ways can we apply these lessons to our lives?
Guide Questions after video segment 3:
1. What can we learn from the success of the Linking Arms program in Toledo, Cebu?
2. How can we relate the experience of the Toledo Saints with the message of Elder Bangerter?
3. In what ways can we apply these lessons to our lives?

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