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CMT portfolio

AS91044 1.1 4 credit internal

Undertake brief development to address a need or opportunity

Thomas Campbell

Contents page
answer this question
Initial Gantt chart
Gantt chart final
Initial plan of action
Plan of action final
Determine a need
Conceptual statement
Brainstorm possible products
Research on trolleys
Stakeholders and Wider Stakeholders
Stakeholder diagram
Research and investigate into stakeholders
Key factors brainstorm
Key Factors
SWOT analysis
Interview 1
Brief 1
Wider stakeholder opinion
Interview 2
Brief 2
Wider stakeholder opinion
Interview 3
Brief 3
Wider stakeholder opinion
Interview 4
Brief 4
Wider stakeholder opinion
Design Development with stakeholder feedback
Final design with stakeholder feedback
Final brief
Fit for purpose

Gantt Chart
Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Gantt Chart



Determine a need


Conceptual statement

Brainstorm possible products

Research on trolleys


Initial plan of action

Gantt chart - final

Stakeholder diagram

Plan of action - final

Research and investigate into



Key factors brainstorm

Key factors brainstorm

Key Factors

SWOT analysis

Interview 1

Brief 1

Interview 2

Brief 2

Interview 3

Brief 3

Interview 4

Brief 4

Interview 5

Brief 5

Design Development with

stakeholder feedback

Final design with stakeholder



Final brief



Fit for purpose

Gantt Chart Final
Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Gantt Chart



Determine a need


Conceptual statement

Brainstorm possible products

Research on trolleys


Initial plan of action

Gantt chart - final

Stakeholder diagram

Plan of action - final

Research and investigate into



Key factors brainstorm

Key factors brainstorm

Key Factors

SWOT analysis

Interview 1

Brief 1

Interview 2

Brief 2

Interview 3

Brief 3

Interview 4

Brief 4

Interview 5

Brief 5

Design Development with

stakeholder feedback

Final design with stakeholder



Final brief



Fit for purpose

Initial Plan Of Action

Task Time Resources Needed To Complete The
(hours) Task

Gantt chart 0.25 A computer

Issue 1 Talking to the stakeholder, a


Need/opportunity 0.5 Talking to the stakeholder, a

Determine a need 0.5 Talking to the stakeholder, a


Environment 0.5 Talking to the stakeholder, a


Conceptual statement 0.5 Talking to the stakeholder, a


Brainstorm possible products 0.25 A computer

Research on trolleys 0.5 A computer

PMI 0.25 A computer

Initial plan of action 0.5 A computer

Gantt chart - final 0.5 A computer

Stakeholder diagram 0.5 A computer, Information on my


Plan of action - final 0.5

Research and investigate into 0.5 Talking to my stakeholders


Attributes 1 A computer, talking to the


Key factors brainstorm 0.5 A computer, talking to the


Key Factors 0.5 A computer, talking to the


SWOT analysis 0.5 A computer, talking to the


Interview 1 0.5 Talking to my stakeholder, a


Brief 1 0. Talking to my stakeholder, a

5 computer

Interview 2 0. Talking to my stakeholder, a

5 computer

Brief 2 0. Talking to my stakeholder, a

5 computer

Interview 3 0. Talking to my stakeholder, a

5 computer

Brief 3 0. Talking to my stakeholder, a

5 computer

Interview 4 0. Talking to my stakeholder, a

5 computer

Brief 4 0. Talking to my stakeholder, a

5 computer

Design Development with stakeholder 0. Talking to my stakeholder, a

feedback 5 computer

Final design with stakeholder feedback 1 Talking to my stakeholder, a


Orthographics 1 Talking to my stakeholder

Final brief 1 Talking to my stakeholder, a


Justifications 1. Talking to my stakeholder, a

5 computer

Specifications 1 Talking to my stakeholder, a


Fit for purpose 1 Talking to my stakeholder, a


Plan Of Action Final

Task Time Resources Needed To Complete The
(hours) Task

Gantt chart 0.25 A computer

Issue 1 Talking to the stakeholder, a


Need/opportunity 0.5 Talking to the stakeholder, a


Determine a need 0.5 Talking to the stakeholder, a


Environment 0.5 Talking to the stakeholder, a


Conceptual statement 0.5 Talking to the stakeholder, a


Brainstorm possible products 0.25 A computer

Research on trolleys 0.5 A computer

PMI 0.25 A computer

Initial plan of action 0.5 A computer

Gantt chart - final 0.5 A computer

Stakeholder diagram 0.5 A computer, Information on my


Plan of action - final 0.5 A computer

Research and investigate into 0.5 Talking to my stakeholders


Attributes 1 A computer, talking to the


Key factors brainstorm 0.5 A computer, talking to stakeholder

Key Factors 0.5 A computer, talking to stakeholder

SWOT analysis 0.5 A computer,

Interview 1 0.5 Talking to my stakeholder, a


Brief 1 1 Talking to my stakeholder, a


Interview 2 0. Talking to my stakeholder, a

5 computer

Brief 2 1 Talking to my stakeholder, a


Interview 3 0. Talking to my stakeholder, a

5 computer

Brief 3 1 Talking to my stakeholder, a


Interview 4 0. Talking to my stakeholder, a

5 computer

Brief 4 1 Talking to my stakeholder, a


Interview 5 0. Talking to my stakeholder, a

5 computer

Brief 5 1 Talking to my stakeholder, a

Design Development with stakeholder 0. Talking to my stakeholder, a

feedback 5 computer

Final design with stakeholder feedback 1 Talking to my stakeholder, a


Orthographics 1 Talking to my stakeholder, a


Final brief 1. Talking to my stakeholder, a

5 computer

Justifications 1 Talking to my stakeholder, a


Specifications 0. Talking to my stakeholder, a

5 computer

Fit for purpose 0. Talking to my stakeholder, a

5 computer

This year in 11 mec my teacher Mr Finagon got us to build a project to attack the
issue of lack of storage

Context - storage - lack of storage and storage solution
The Issue my stakeholder has, is the lack of a suitable storage space
that my primary stakeholder is my mother. She has me build a sewing machine

Stakeholders opinions - In all of my stakeholders opinions, this sewing

machine table i'll be suited perfectly to him and a trolley is a justified decision for him
because it will solve the issue of lack of storage in the workshop.
Environment #1
The home office is at the front of the house this the main place where the sewing
machine table will be

Physical #1
In the home office on the west wall.

Social #1
My primary stakeholder (My Mother) will be the main one that will be using this.

Mum is the primary stakeholder of the sewing machine table as she will be in
contact with the sewing machine table.

Need or Opportunity
Need - storage space
After exploring the given context I have discussed with all my stakeholders that mum's need
is more important than all the other stakeholders' needs so I’m going to build and design the
sewing machine table so I’m going to ask my primary stakeholder, my mum, how she wants
it to be made.

Dad wants a welding table.

Stakeholders opinion - In my stakeholders opinions It is worth the change of

the old table to the soon to be new table.

Environment #2
workshop is straight up the driveway
Physical #2
anywhere in my dads workshop
Social #2
The secondary stakeholder (my dad) plus myself will be the main ones to use this

Determine a Need
Need - the exciting table is too heavy for my mother to move on her own and is in
need of replacement for when she gets older she can move it on her own

Solution -
To help design and manufacture the designed project in this case it a sewing
machine table

Stakeholders opinion - In my stakeholders opinions, a sewing machine table

that has to have Carter’s wheels to make it move easier.

Environment #3
Physical #3
The sewing machine table when not in use it will be turned off at the wall
Social #3

Main Physical and Social Environment
Fig 1 storied in the office


Social Environment:
the home office at the front of the house

Stakeholders opinions -
it needs to hold up 10-25kg
needs to be mobile/easy to move
and as light as you can get it

Conceptual statement
This year in year 11, I have been asked by my teacher to manufacture a product that
fulfills the need of storage. This will be done for NCEA credits. My metalwork class
has been given ten weeks to do all of the paperwork, and then we will have a further
term and a few days (11 weeks) to build the project.
This project can be made to fulfill my mothers need and to hold up to the amount of
sowing she does
We are given a lot of freedom when deciding on what we are going to produce.
The final decision comes down to our stakeholders/wider stakeholders, most
importantly the primary stakeholder.
The stakeholders job is to inform myself (the manufacturer of the project) the size
requirements, the style and finished look of the project. Strength requirements and
many more aspects of the project.
As part of the project, I need to assess the highest need for a storage unit from other
members of my family.
We have a set time frame in which the paperwork and the project itself has to be
The project will involve materials such as mild steel
All materials will be supplied to me by my stakeholder as this is my stakeholders
preferred method to obtain the materials.

The stakeholders requirements will include the dimensions of the metal, the size of
the unit and the finished look of the unit, so it will meet the need as well as fit the
space in which the unit will reside. My stakeholder has given me a budget of $500 for
the whole project. The finished project will be built to specific specifications of the
The sewing machine table is going to have custom dimensions to suit my
stakeholders needs and requirements for the sewing machine and will be completely
unique to the stakeholder.    

Brainstorm Possible Products /

Research On sewing machine tables

I like the style because it looks light.

i like it because it has caster wheels

it's very unique

looks very weak as in it can be bent easily

● i like the looks to simple ● could
combinati change
on of the
wood colour

● ● looks ● looks to ● add more
easy to similar to suporte
move the first

● i like the ● to small  should make

wood on
it bigger

looks light not strong enough needs more susports

Stakeholders and wider

Mum primary stakeholder dad secondary stakeholder
Sisters third stakeholder mr finnigan parts supplya fifth stakeholder

There are five stakeholders that could have an effect on the sewing machine table
the effects could be how it is designed the functional aspect and the aesthetic look

Stakeholder Diagram

Research and investigate into
Primary stakeholder (Morther) :

Nature of stakeholder: primary stakeholders are to help design the product and own
the product once it is completed
Name of stakeholder: Susan Campbell
Contact information:
● Cell phone number - 021 138 4360

● Address - 7 Currie street Darfield

Secondary stakeholder dad

Nature of stakeholder: secondary stakeholder has limited ideas to the outcome of the
products and to help the primary stakeholder.
Name of stakeholder: Kevin Campbell
Contact Information:
● Cell Phone number - 021 022 99769

● Address - 7 Currie Street Darfield

Tertiary stakeholder (My sister) :

Nature of stakeholder: the tertiary stake can see and use the product.
Name of stakeholder: sisters
● Cell Phone number -

● Home Phone number -

● Address - 7 Currie Street Darfield

Functional Attributes:  Moveable lots of space made to last strong

Will be able to work like a normal sewing machine just more robust and will be able
to store more sewing bites like the bobbies,thread,needles,ETC
In a drawer that will be under the table.

Physical Attributes: aesthetic size space

Finish of the sewing machine table-will look sturdy and have a good feel to it plus
the drawer will be located under the table and will have a stubble storage space.

Key stakeholders opinion
As well as taking into account the social / physical environment, the functional /
physical attributes and the need the the sewing machine table the main stakeholder
my mother has said

Mums impact on the sewing machines table.       

Key Factors Brainstorm

● Time
● Skills and knowledge
● Resources
● Presentation Techniques
● Purpose
● Health & Safety
● teacher

Key Factors
Key Factors Priority Explanation Implications

Time High run out of time and time is money if I run out of time it’s a instant fail

Skills & Medium knowing how to weld if I can’t weld I’ll need to learn 

Resources High box tubing for the table if no metal no project

Presentation High how it looks aesthetic

Purpose Medium table

Health & High make is be more robust the what could bend under constant heat and
Safety it needs to be cooling

Teacher High The teacher is a high priority If I do not listen to the teacher I
because I need to listen to him could make mistakes in the way I
and take onboard all the complete the sewing machine table.
information he teaches the class and the paperwork on the sewing
in order to pass this year machine table, I would also not
know some of the skills needed to
make the sewing machine table

Strengths Weakness
● Offers a lot of storage ● Will take space up within
● It will allow for many objects to be the garage when it is not in
moved around with ease and all at the
same time ● Could possibly get in the

● A Lot more storage space in the office way in some situations

● Easy to clean
● Looks good in the office

Opportunities Threats
● Could be painted any colour the ● Could accidently smash
stakeholder wants against a wall and leave
● Could have any amount of drawers damage
● Could be tripped over

Interview 1
What type of storage products are you interested in?
Office sewing machine table

What will you be using the project for?
To hold the sewing machine

How would you like the frame to be made?

The frame will be welded together and the top plate aka the table top will be welded
to the frame

Would you like the product to be placed inside or outside?


What type of items would you want to store on/inside the project ?
The sewing machine and Cotton
Where will the project be kept within its environment?
The sewing machine will be kept in the home office

What type of material do you want for supporting the project ?

Mild Steel

What’s your budget for undertaking the project?

$500.00 - give or take around there

Brief 1
Mum has filled me in on all the things she wants done to it and she’s told me that she
does not want the metal tabletop but the wood tabletop.
Reflection - From this interview I now know what the sewing machine table
will be used for and the environment the sewing machine table will be kept and used
in and I know how the sewing machine table will be designed

Wider stakeholder opinions

Mr Finnigan - I think $500 is a good amount of money to spend on the sewing
machine table


Interview 2
What materials would you like the sewing machine table to be made of?
Mild steel

Do you want me to weld the sewing machine table wheels on or bolt the
wheels on?
Bolt them on so if we need to replace them it’s easier

How many thread holders do you want?

Do you want a new tabletop?

New timber

What kind of environment are you going to keep this home office in?

Are you sure you still want a sewing machine table ?


What are the dimensions you want the sewing machine table to be?
1070mm width X 660mm length X 795mm height

Brief 2
Mum has asked me to has this project done before the end of october this year as
my time limit plus she does not want to have the metal tabletop instead of the
wooden timber table top

Reflection - I believe the dimensions of the table will allow the table to be very
stiff and rigid which will make for a very strong table which is what mum requires.

Wider stakeholder opinion

Mr Finnigan - This amount of mild steel will be within budget
Mum-1070mm width X 660mm length X 795mm height is a good size


Interview 3
What colour or colours would you like the table to be?
Workshop colour -silver

Any specific parts on the table you do not want painted?


Would you like the table to be painted in its entirety or only a few parts on the

How many wheels would you like on the table?

4 wheels

Would you like the middle supports to be able to be removed or not?

no middle support

Brief 3
Reflection - I think having the sliding tray only slide out ⅔ of the way is a
smart move. This prevents the trolley becoming unstable. Even though the tray will
only slide out ⅔ it will still allow for just as easy access to the tray contents as well as
ensuring the tolley remains stable as possible.

Wider stakeholder opinion

Dads friend - the trolley wheels provided are capable of withstanding the weight the
trolley will is required to handle
Mr Finnigan - dark hammerite green will be a nice colour for the trolley


Interview 4
What do you think will be the heaviest item will be that the t able needs to hold

Do you think the table will pose any danger to anyone?

Yes - its a heavy table to move for one person

How regular are you planning on using the table?

Every time my mother requests to use this.

What is the size of the storage space for the table?

1070mm wide x 660mm long x 795mm high

Brief 4
For safety, I will make sure that the table can easily withstand 65kg. The last thing
mum or I want is for the table to beak under too much weight and injure someone or
break whatever fell off the table. I have asked mum if she thinks the table could
pose any danger and she said yes, but she will be carefull to make sure that the
table is no danger to her or any other people in the office. The size of the space the
table will be stored in is 660 mm long, 1070mm wide and 795mm high which is the
right size. There are no problems fitting the table into its storage space.

Reflection - I do not believe there will be an issue with safety because the
table will be made to a high standard. It will be reliable and the table will not be able
to roll away when the brakes are applied. I understand the table will be in frequent
use so the table will have to be made strong to handle frequent use.

Wider stakeholder opinions -
Mr finnigan - the table will be able to hold 65 kg
Dads friend - the table will be used frequently.


Final Brief
I will be manufacturing a table in metal work this year. My mum is my primary
stakeholder for the table and she has told me what her requirements are for the
table. The table will be 660mm length x 1070mm width x 795mm high. This will allow
the table to be easily moved around as well as allow for a large storage space. Mum
does not have a need for a table any larger than 1070 x 660 x 795
so that is the justification for its size. If the table is bigger than it needs to be, it
would cost more in materials. The table will be supported with 75 x 50 x 1.6 box
tubing mild steel.
This metal will be more than strong enough for the structure of the table, however
tests will still be done on the table to ensure it is safe and trustworthy when holding
the heaviest object

Main materials for trolley

● 75 x 50 x 1.6 box tubing

● 1070mm X 660mm X 50mm timber table top

● X4 standard trolley wheels

Outcome to be developed
The table I plan to make will be designed to be suited to all of my stakeholders, most
importantly the primary stakeholder, mum. The table will be designed to solve the
issue of storage, particularly storage around mum's secondary sewing machine in
the office. The table will be designed to fit its social and physical environment as well
as include all of the attributes and specifications my stakeholders require. Opinions
from stakeholders of the table will be incorporated into the design of the table as
well. The outcome to be developed will be a table that is customised to its
stakeholders and their required attributes / specifications of the table as well as fit its
given physical and social environment.

My dad is looking for a trolley for working under the car hoist at home. He needs a
trolley for holding large, heavy objects, e.g gearboxes out of cars, but he also needs
one with lots of storage space for small, easy to lose parts e.g nuts bolts. We
currently have no other trolleys like what I am going to make at home and due to dad
being my primary stakeholder, he chooses exactly what he wants me to incorporate
when making the trolley e.g dimensions of the trolley, parts used on the trolley,

colour and aesthetics on the trolley etc. I asked my dad about what sort of things he
is going to use the trolley for and where the trolley is going to go (the environment of
the trolley). We worked together to design a trolley perfect for what dad wants. I told
dad that whatever I make needs to fulfill the issue of the lack of storage. Luckily, the
trolley he wanted fits this issue perfectly because it will be a mobile storage unit for
whatever dad wants to store. My stakeholder wants this trolley to perfectly fit his
needs in the garage which would mean whatever I make will have to be a custom
unit completely unique to him meaning it would be impossible to buy a trolley
identical to it from a shop or online. Due to no other trolleys online being exactly what
dad wanted, the design of the trolley will be one of a kind. It is a justified decision for
dad to choose and pay for a trolley because dad will use it for his job and it will be an
asset to his business. Dad requires a unit of a decent size to fit in all the storage
spaces dad wants in the trolley. He will be able to store big heavy items as well as
small items which are important and could cause big problems if lost. Dad has told
me the very heaviest thing that the trolley will need to hold without fail is 150kg so I
will make sure that this is well within this trolley's capabilities. Some trolleys I have
found on the internet can cost hundreds of dollars and I would argue that the trolley I
am planning to make will be far better quality than them so it makes sense for dad to
ask me to make a trolley considering this trolley will also be my project in
engineering this year. Dad has chosen the width of the trolley to be 600mm, this is
because 600mm is less than the average size of doorways at home and at this width
the trolley will be able to roll around both garages at home with ease. Dad has also
said that a good width for the trolley would be 600mm regardless of the environment
so 600mm works out well for the width of the trolley. The length of the trolley will be
1206mm, this is because dad has provided me with four plastic trays which will be
built into the trolley on the second to top shelf. These will be removable from the
trolley. The length of the trolley was determined by these trays because there needs
to be room in the trolley for all four trays to sit side by side one another as well as
enough room for the slides of the main tray to fit within the trolley. This length came
out at 1206mm which dad was happy for the length of the trolley to be. Dad also
wanted the plastic trays to have a little movement in the main tray instead of a tight
fit. The height of the trolley was determined by dad not wanting to bend down to
access objects of the trolley. If the trolley is 940mm high it will allow dad to stand
straight up when using the top tray and he won't need to bend down very much at all
to use the middle tray. The bottom tray will not be used very much by dad and it will
only be used for extra space to leave objects when transporting things around the
garage. The bottom tray is also needed for the structure of the trolley so having a
third tray is necessary and will likely come in handy in the future. The top and bottom
main trays will be slightly larger than the middle main tray due to the middle tray
having to fit slides on either end. This will shorten the middle tray slightly but it will
allow the middle main tray to slide out unlike the other two main trays. This shows
how the trolley I plan to make will be a big asset to dad and a justified decision for
dad to buy and use. Dads opinion on the trolley is that the trolley will be very useful
to him and as long as the trolley is made to a high standard he is more than happy to
invest in the trolley. This shows to me dad has justified buying the trolley because of
the benefits the trolley will offer to him.
Stakeholder Opinions - This trolley will be an asset in the workshop and will help
dad finish work faster and save him time.

Why this table should be developed

This table is to try and make my mothers life easier for her sewing so she can move
it on her own without me and my dad to help her

All specs are in MM
1070 x 660 x 795
Main materials for table
75 x 50 x 1.6

Fit For Purpose

 Once made my mum will be able to use it for her own purposes


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