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Things to do (FIRST PRIORITY) (Core Topics are VERY HIGH PRIORITY):

I. BCA Syllabus (2 months) (June 2023 - July 2023)

(Data Structures, Algorithms, Languages) (Core) C, C++, Java, Visual Basic,,

(Front End Development) HTML5 (Easy), CSS3 (Easy),

(Back End Development) PHP (Easy),
(Database Management System) SQL, PL/SQL (Both Easy)

II. Skills to learn (Sources: Linkedin Learning, Youtube, Books) (7 months)

(August 2023 - February 2024)

(Data Structures, Algorithms, Languages) (Core) Java, Python

(Front End Development) JavaScript (Hard, learn after HTML CSS), jQuery,
React (Hard), Next.js,
(Back End Development) Node.js, JSexpress,
(Database Management System) MongoDB (Easy),

III. CET Preparation for MCA (August 2023 - February 2024) (7 Months) (Can
join nearby Classes)

IV. GYM Monday to Friday (Morning 6-730), Saturday (Morning and Evening
6-730), Sunday (NO GYM and FASTING till 830pm)

V. Writing practice and Handwriting improvement

(Notes making from daily studies)

VI. Typing practice (Speed Goal: 60+ wpm) (Current speed: 50 wpm 96%
accuracy) (Type the handwritten notes, coding practice)
Things to do (SECOND PRIORITY) (To do only after you finish topics in FIRST

I. Skills to learn (Sources: Linkedin Learning, Youtube, Books)

(Other Topics) System Design (HLD and LLD), Operating System (Windows,
iOS, Linux), Data Scientist,
Machine Learning (Probability and Statistics, Supervised and Unsupervised
Learning, Model Evaluation),
Deep Learning (TensorFlow, CNNs, RNNs, Natural Language Processing - NLP),
Tableau (Data Connections, Visualizations, Dashboards),
Full Stack Developer

(Other Important Topics) TensorFlow, Keras, pandas, NLKT - Natural Language

Toolkit, Scikit Learn, Seaborn, Colab, NumPy, Jupyter, Matplotlib, MySQL

(Other Skills - Linkedin Learning) Digital Marketing (9h36m)

Things to do (IN FUTURE):

I. MCA Syllabus (As can study during MCA course)

II. CodingNinjas during MCA 2nd year (With Job Assistance plan Rs.
(2nd Priority) (also can opt for Edureka (Data Science & Machine Learning))

Coding sources:
I. Pepcoding videos Youtube

II. LEETCODE for programming

I. Food timings will be off every now and then. Adjust accordingly.
II. No need to perfectly follow the time-table. It is fine to take your time as needed
whenever required. But you still have to follow the time table as closely as you
III. Non-important BCA subjects will be skipped for now. You can do them April 2024
onwards. The important and non-important subjects will be written on a
handwritten note attached on top of first page.
IV. Breaks are food breaks, game breaks, and small breaks during study time are
considered part of study time.

530 AM - WAKE UP

6 AM - 730 AM - GYM

Till 8 AM - Get Freshen Up

830 AM - Breakfast

9 AM - 10 AM - Games (NNK, Genshin, HonkaiStarRail)

10 AM - 130 PM - Study (3.5 Hours) - BCA/Skills to learn

130 PM - Lunch

2 PM - 6 PM - Study (4 Hours) - BCA/CET

6 PM - Snack

6 PM - 930 PM - Study (3.5 Hours) - BCA/Skills to learn

930 PM - Dinner

10 PM - 1010 PM - Genshin, HonkaiStarRail maintenance

1010 PM - Go to Sleep (GOAL: To sleep by 1030 PM)


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