4.d. Module 1 Part 2 Asynchronous Act.2 - Cop

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NAME: Alyanna Gzelle P.

Esponilla DATE: April 6, 2022

Faith and the Right to Vote

Every citizen’s right to vote is encouraged for everyone because it strengthens the
spirit of democracy and the sense of obligation the country. However, some people
opt not to participate in elections for various reason: no foreseen change,
hopelessness, or sheer apathy.
How do you think can faith reinforce the importance of one’s right to vote?

a. Answer the question above in 150 words (minimum) – 200 words (maximum)
b. Write the question followed by your answer.
c. Name, section, teacher’s name, and date should be written at the top left
of the paper.
d. A4 size, Times New Roman, Size 12, 1.5 space, 1-inch margin all around
e. Use MLA (Turabian) format for citations
f. Make your answers direct and clear.

Rubric for Check for Understanding

Alyanna Gzelle P. Esponilla
12 Andre B
Ma’am Iris Chavez
April 6, 2022

How do you think can faith reinforce the importance of one’s right to vote?

Faith is a crucial foundation for every citizen's right to vote. All the candidates have
various platforms for creating or improving the land in which they want to work as a public
servant. However, it's also crucial to delve further into their backgrounds to see if they're
truly committed to serving their country, province, or city (Murdoch). Some politicians may
use flowery words to entice additional supporters, but they lack a plan for a certain area. With
this, we can utilize our faith to choose a candidate who meets our standards for being God-
fearing and serving the community because it is what they love and what they are called to
do. As citizens, we only want people who are deserving of the position to serve our country.
A single vote is important, and voting is the least we can do to help our country succeed
(Driskell). We should educate, support, and assist one another in reinforcing the necessity of
exercising one's right to vote, because we are the ones who will benefit or be affected by this
decision in the end (University of Minnesota).

Driskell, Robyn, et al. “Faith and Politics: The Influence of Religious Beliefs on Political
Participation.” Social Science Quarterly, vol. 89, no. 2, 2008, pp. 294–314. Accessed
April 6, 2022. http://www.jstor.org/stable/42956315.

Murdoch, Jim. “Www.rm.coe.int.” Protecting the Right to Freedom of Thought, Conscience

and Religion under the European Convention on Human Rights. Last modified 2012.
Accessed April 6, 2022. https://www.rm.coe.int/16806f14e0.

University of Minnesota. The Right to Vote. Last modified 2022. Accessed April 6, 2022.

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