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NAME: Alyanna Gzelle P.

Esponilla DATE: April 6, 2022

STUDENT ACTIVITY 2: Answer one (1) of the following questions in 8 sentences.

1. Why is the Catholic faith social?

As a Christian, we are taught to serve others from beginning until end. I believe, that’s
what makes the Catholic faith social because we are for others, we want to help them in
any way that fits in our capabilities and would often go beyond what is expected. No
matter how much we try to ignore others, we would always connect to one another may
it be through interests, work, school, relations, etc. It is in our nature to care and love
one another, which is what the Catholic Church wants us to do. Every life is sacred and
important thus we want to guide people, especially those who are close to us, into the
right path so that they would have a life that is full of happiness, love, and faith. By
being social, we also give people their rights to their dignity and freedom, in which
everyone should be instilling no matter their race, status, age, and gender. We are made
in the image and likeness of God; therefore, we should respect every single human
being that we encounter without needing to examine their background or the benefits
they would give to you. With this, we should continue being a person for others.

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