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Behaviour of Gases (Ideal Gas Law)

Ideal gas law according to kinetic particle theory states that

 Particles in gaseous state possess high molecular kinetic energy in average and moving
vigorously in random direction with high speed.
 The gas particles collide with each other and to the walls container as perfectly elastic
collisions without any loss of energy during collisions.
 There is NO intermolecular attractions at all between the particles in gaseous state.

Particles in gaseous state

Types of Gas containers

There are two types of gas containers – Volume flexible and Volume rigid gas containers.

(Volume) Flexible Gas Containers are able to change the volume due to either freely movable
pistons or elastic surfaces as in balloons and tyres.

An outward gas pressure can be felt if a flexible gas container such as fully inflated balloon is being

IGCSE Chemistry Notes by Ye Tayzar Aung

The internal pressure of the gas is not depending on the external pressure. The internal pressure
inside rigid container can be observed when the gas is being released from a opening. The gas is
gushed out into surrounding.

IGCSE Chemistry Notes by Ye Tayzar Aung

Due to the gravity of the earth, the air particles are concentrated near to the earth surface while
they come scarce as further away from the earth surface.

As the altitude increases, there are lesser air particles and air layer becomes thinner henceforth
atmospheric pressure ( Patm) decreases.

Mountaineers need to bring oxygen tanks while they are climbing a very high mountains.

Patm at sea level = 1.013 x 105 Pa = 101.3 kPa = 1 atm = 1.013 bar

Relationship between Pressure and Volume of Gas ( Boyle's Law)

 When the volume of a fixed mass of gas is decreased, the number of particles per unit
volume increases.
 The particles collide to the walls of containers more frequently.
 The force of collisions per unit area on the walls of containers increase and pressure

IGCSE Chemistry Notes by Ye Tayzar Aung

IGCSE Chemistry Notes by Ye Tayzar Aung
Relationship between Pressure and Temperature of Gas (Gay-Lussac's Law)

 When a fixed mass of gas in a rigid container is heated, the particles gain more kinetic
energy in average and move more vigorously as temperature increases.
 The particles collide to the walls of containers more frequently with higher collision energy.
 The force of collisions per unit area on the walls of containers increase and pressure

IGCSE Chemistry Notes by Ye Tayzar Aung

IGCSE Chemistry Notes by Ye Tayzar Aung

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