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Sultan Qaboos University Med J, August 2018, Vol. 18, Iss. 3, pp. e278–285, Epub.

19 Dec 18
Submitted 5 Feb 18
Revisions Req. 28 Mar & 27 May 18; Revisions Recd. 1 May & 9 Jun 18
Accepted 21 Jun 18 doi: 10.18295/squmj.2018.18.03.003

Noninvasive Ventilation and High-Flow Nasal

Cannulae Therapy for Children with Acute
Respiratory Failure
An overview
*Khaloud S. Al-Mukhaini and Najwa M. Al-Rahbi

‫التهوية غري الباضعة وعالج قنيات األنف ذات التدفق العايل‬

‫لألطفال املصابني بالفشل التنفسي احلاد‬
‫استعراض عام‬

‫خلود �سعيد املخينية و جنوى مرهون الرحبية‬

abstract: Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) refers to the use of techniques to deliver artificial respiration to the
lungs without the need for endotracheal intubation. As NIV has proven beneficial in comparison to invasive
mechanical ventilation, it has become the optimal modality for initial respiratory support among children in
respiratory distress. High-flow nasal cannulae (HFNC) therapy is a relatively new NIV modality and is used for
similar indications. This review discusses the usefulness and applications of conventional NIV in comparison to
Keywords: Noninvasive Ventilation; Nasal Cannulae; Endotracheal Intubation; Mechanical Ventilation; Children.

‫ مبا‬.‫ التهوية غري البا�ضعة ت�شري �إىل ا�ستخدام تقنيات لتوفري التنف�س اال�صطناعي للرئتني دون احلاجة اىل التهوية امليكانيكية‬:‫امللخ�ص‬
‫ فقد �أ�صبحت الطريقة املثلى للدعم التنف�سي‬،‫�أن تقنية التهوية غري البا�ضعة �أثبتت فائدتها باملقارنة مع التهوية امليكانيكية البا�ضعة‬
‫ يعترب عالج القنيات الأنفية ذات التدفق العايل من الطرق اجلديدة ن�سبي ًا للتهوية غري‬.‫الأويل للأطفال الذين يعانون من �ضيق التنف�س‬
‫ تناق�ش هذه املراجعة فوائد و�إ�ستخدامات التهوية غري البا�ضعة التقليدية باملقارنة مع عالج‬.‫البا�ضعة وي�ستخدم لتطبيقات مماثلة‬
.‫القنيات الأنفية ذات التدفق العايل‬
.‫ التهوية غري البا�ضعة؛ قنيات �أنفية؛ تنبيب الرغامى؛ التهوية امليكانيكية؛ الأطفال‬:‫الكلمات املفتاحية‬

he use of noninvasive devices in the adult randomised controlled trial (RCT), Antonelli
treatment of acute respiratory distress has inc- et al. found that NIV resulted in a reduced risk of
reased in paediatric care over the last decade.1 pneumonia and sinusitis; moreover, pulmonary gas
Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) includes the use of an exchange resulted in similar effects to invasive mech-
interface to support breathing, thus avoiding invasive anical ventilation within the first hour of treatment.2
procedures like endotracheal intubation.2 Techniques Yañez et al. reported similar findings among 50
for NIV include continuous positive airway pressure children with respiratory failure, in which the NIV
(CPAP), bilevel positive airway pressure (BPAP) and, group demonstrated significant improvement following
more recently, high-flow nasal cannulae (HFNC).1,3 gas exchange within the first hour as well as a
This article discusses conventional NIV in comparison reduced need for intubation.4 In other studies, NIV
with HFNC therapy. use has reduced the length of intensive care unit
(ICU) stay.5,6 Furthermore, NIV has economic advant-
ages over conventional mechanical ventilation, as most
Conventional Noninvasive children undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation
Ventilation require ICU admission and additional interventions,
Various adult and paediatric studies have demonstrated thereby increasing the overall cost of treatment.7
the advantages of conventional NIV modalities, such as Over time, NIV has become the first line of treatment
reducing the need for invasive mechanical ventilation for paediatric respiratory distress in many countries.1,5,8
and, therefore, its associated complications.2,4–6 In an Moreover, in view of the advantages of this modality, its

Department of Child Health, Royal Hospital, Muscat, Oman

*Corresponding Author’s e-mail:
Khaloud S. Al-Mukhaini and Najwa M. Al-Rahbi

use has been adopted not only in specialised paediatric In addition, NIV is also indicated in the prev-
ICUs but also in general emergency departments, ention of postextubation respiratory failure, either pro-
transport teams and general wards, although trained phylactically for children at high risk of extubation
staff and proper equipment are still necessary.9 failure or to treat those with postextubation respiratory
distress or failure. In a recent study, the NIV success
mechanism of action
rate was higher when utilised prophylactically in comp-
CPAP involves the use of continuous distending pressure arison to its use as a rescue treatment.17 In addition,
applied to the airway at a constant level.10,11 On the NIV resulted in an overall success rate of 85% in
other hand, BPAP delivers two different types of pressure the postextubation period among children receiving
during inspiration and expiration, respectively.11 Both treatment after open heart surgery.18 Children with
CPAP and expiratory positive airway pressure during underlying malignancies who present with acute resp-
BPAP allow for the relief of upper airway obstruction and iratory failure are also candidates for NIV. However,
lung recruitment resulting in enhanced gas exchange, careful patient selection is required as therapy usually
thereby reducing ventilation-perfusion mismatching fails for cases with a more severe clinical course, signif-
and improving oxygenation and carbon dioxide (CO2) icant pulmonary disease or haemodynamic instability.19
clearance.10,11 In addition, BPAP devices have the option The NIV success rate among children with ARDS and
of a backup rate to ensure a minimum respiratory substantial acute lung injuries is between 30–50%.20
rate is maintained in cases where respiratory effort is Therefore, it is highly advised that children with ARDS
inadequate. are closely monitored when NIV is initiated so that
Essouri et al. reported the physiological effects of any deterioration in their respiratory state can be
NIV in children presenting with acute respiratory failure; immediately addressed. Furthermore, NIV is recomm-
the study showed that children receiving NIV had signif- ended early during the ARDS disease process in order
icantly improved work of breathing (WOB) as well as to avoid muscle fatigue from the increase in WOB and
blood gas results and inspiratory muscle effort.12 Add- to improve gas exchange.20 Table 1 provides a summary
itionally, oesophageal and diaphragmatic pressure-time of selected studies investigating NIV use in children.4,8,14,19
products dropped with NIV treatment, while measured
i n t e r fa c e c h o i c e
tidal volume and minute ventilation increased.12
A wide range of interfaces are available for NIV therapy,
c l i n i c a l i n d i c at i o n s a n d including helmets, full-face masks, oronasal masks, nasal
a p p l i c at i o n s masks and nasal cannulae. For children, the choice
For infants and children presenting with acute respiratory of interface plays an important role in affecting their
distress and secondary respiratory failure, NIV is the NIV tolerance. In general, most interfaces are effective
first line of treatment to improve gas exchange, avoid in reducing WOB and improving gas exchange.21 An
invasive ventilation and prevent extubation failure. Ganu ideal NIV interface is one that is comfortable, does
et al. reported an annual 2.8% increase in NIV use among not cause claustrophobia, has minimal leakage and
bronchiolitis patients over a nine-year period, with an results in the least patient-ventilator asynchrony.
annual 1.9% drop in the rate of invasive ventilation.5 Nasal masks are generally better tolerated and have
Both Wolfler et al. and Essouri et al. have reported less dead space than other types of interfaces. In
similar declines in the rate of invasive mechanical vent- addition, children are often better able to communicate
ilation corresponding to an increase in NIV use.8,13 and thus more comfortable. However, the use of
Different success rates with NIV use have been nasal masks is limited in children due to air leaking
reported for various clinical diseases. Essouri et al. through the mouth.22,23 In contrast, full-face or
and Abadesso et al. reported overall success rates oronasal masks result in minimal leakage and
of 77% and 77.5%, respectively, among paediatric patients ventilator patient asynchrony, although patients can
receiving NIV for different causes of respiratory experience intolerance and discomfort.24 Differences in
distress.13,14 However, children admitted with acute leakage, side-effects and asynchrony with different NIV
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) has less interfaces are not well described in the literature. The
favourable outcomes compared to those admitted with British Thoracic Society recommends having different
pneumonia, sickle cell disease presenting with acute sizes and types of NIV interfaces available to ensure
chest syndrome and immunocompromised patients treatment success.25
presenting with acute respiratory failure.13 In two
monitoring and predicting
other studies of infants treated for bronchiolitis, the
NIV success rate was 81–83%.5,15 Children with asthma
also reportedly respond well to NIV treatment, with Although NIV use is primarily advised for children with
improvements in WOB and asthma severity scores.16 respiratory distress, it is also recommended to differ-

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Noninvasive Ventilation and High-Flow Nasal Cannulae Therapy for Children with Acute Respiratory Failure
An overview

Table 1: Summary of selected studies evaluating the use of noninvasive ventilation in children4,8,14,19
Author and Study design and Mode of Patients Clinical results
year of study period NIV

Yañez et al.4 Prospective RCT BPAP 50 children admitted to • The rate of intubation in the NIV
(2008) (2005) the PICU with respiratory group was 28% compared to 60% in
distress the control group

Wolfler et al.8 National CPAP and 7,100 children admitted to • The use of NIV increased from
(2015) multicentre BPAP the PICU with respiratory 11.6% in 2006 to 14.3% in 2011 and
observational failure 18.2% in 2012
retrospective study

Abadesso et al.14 Observational CPAP and 151 children with respiratory • The overall NIV success rate was 77.5%
(2012) prospective study BPAP distress

Pancera et al.19 Observational BPAP 239 children admitted to • The overall NIV success rate was 74%
(2008) retrospective study the PICU with underlying • Predictors of NIV failure included
(1997–2005) malignancies and presenting cardiovascular dysfunction and a
with respiratory failure TISS of >40 points

NIV = noninvasive ventilation; RCT = randomised controlled trial; BPAP = bilevel positive airway pressure; PICU = paediatric intensive care unit;
CPAP = continuous positive airway pressure; TISS = Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System.

entiate those who respond to treatment from non-resp- HFNC also has the ability to generate distending
onders so as to avoid delaying intubation, if necessary, pressure.3,31 Over the last decade, the use of HFNC
thus worsening patient outcomes.20 Specific predictors has increased among neonates, infants, children and
of NIV failure include worsening vital signs (e.g. respir- adults for various clinical indications.31–33 Long et al.
atory rate and heart rate) following NIV treatment, the showed that, in a paediatric population presenting with
presence of isolated respiratory disease versus multiple respiratory failure, HFNC had a success rate of 61%
organ dysfunction and the oxygen saturation (SpO2)/ when initiated in the emergency department.34
fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) ratio.26–30
mechanism of action
The SpO2/FiO2 ratio is used as a clinical indicator
for hypoxaemia, with a lower ratio indicating greater HFNC works via different mechanisms to improve oxy-
severity.26 Children with more severe disease upon genation and ventilation and reduce WOB. Moreover,
admission are at increased risk of NIV failure.27 Phy- HFNC reduces nasopharyngeal dead space due
siological parameters before treatment have also been to the effect of the high flow on nasopharyngeal
linked to treatment failure, with responders showing oxygen-depleted gas, leading to CO2 clearance.3
improved respiratory rates, heart rates and blood gas HFNC improves oxygenation as it provides higher
results.28 In particular, response to NIV therapy is FiO2 compared to conventional oxygen therapy.
demonstrated by improved respiratory rates one hour Additionally, as the gas flow is humidified and warmed,
after treatment, with continued improvement in subse- this modality improves lung compliance, reduces
quent hours.29 Likewise, responders’ heart rates have airway resistance and aids in secretion clearance.3,31
shown improvement 2–6 hours following the interv- Depending on the patient’s weight, the HFNC flow
ention.30 In contrast, a higher FiO2 requirement and and the size of the nasal cannulae compared to the nares,
lower SpO2/FiO2 ratio within one hour of treatment has HFNC is associated with the generation of positive
been associated with treatment failure.26–28,30 Finally, end-expiratory pressure (PEEP).35 The amount of gen-
children with underlying respiratory disease alone are erated PEEP is also affected by the degree of leakage
less likely to fail NIV treatment compared to children via the mouth.35,36 An early study of preterm babies
with other comorbidities, such as underlying malig- suggested that HFNC can generate positive distending
nancies.27,29 pressure similar to that of CPAP and therefore treat
apnoea of prematurity.37 In a neonate, a flow rate of
3–5 L/minute is equivalent to CPAP at 6 cm of water
High-Flow Nasal Cannulae (H2O), with effective distending pressure.35,38 Moreover,
HFNC therapy delivers a humidified oxygen and gas during HFNC, inspiratory pressure remains positive
mixture heated to approximately 34 °C, allowing higher throughout the breathing cycle. Milési et al. measured
air flow rates exceeding 2 L/minute.3,31,32 These features oesophageal pressures at different flow rates, with a
enable the delivery of air flow equal to or greater than the pharyngeal pressure of 0.2 cm of H2O at 1 L/minute
inspiratory flow of a spontaneously breathing patient.31 increasing to 4 cm of H2O at 6–7 L/minute.39 Overall,

e280 | SQU Medical Journal, August 2018, Volume 18, Issue 3

Khaloud S. Al-Mukhaini and Najwa M. Al-Rahbi

Table 2: Summary of selected studies evaluating the use of high-flow nasal cannulae in children and adults41,45,49–52
Author and year Study design and Patients Clinical results
of study period

Frat et al.41 Randomised multicentre 310 adult patients with • The rate of intubation in the HFNC group was
(2015) open-label trial acute hypoxaemic 38% compared to 50% in the NIV group and 47%
(2011–2013) respiratory failure with a in the standard oxygen therapy group
PaO2/FiO2 ratio of
<300 mmHg

Franklin et al.45 Multicentre RCT Infants below 12 months • The need to escalate care was higher in the group
(2018) (2013–2016) with bronchiolitis receiving low-flow oxygen therapy compared to
the HFNC group

Hernández et al.49 Multicentre randomised 604 critically-ill adult • HFNC was not inferior to NIV in preventing
(2016) clinical trial patients admitted to the extubation failure and post-extubation respiratory
(2012–2014) ICU who were at high failure among high-risk patients
risk of extubation with
respiratory failure

Hernández et al.50 Multicentre randomised 527 critically-ill adult • HFNC was superior to conventional oxygen
(2016) clinical trial patients admitted to the therapy in preventing reintubation among low-risk
(2012–2014) ICU who were at low patients
risk of reintubation

Pedersen et al.51 Retrospective study 49 infants with severe • When compared to HFNC, CPAP was more
(2017) (2013–2015) bronchiolitis effective in reducing respiratory distress
• Overall, 55% of infants being treated with HFNC
had to switch treatment to CPAP

Milési et al.52 Multicentre RCT 142 infants admitted to • Nasal CPAP is more effective than HFNC in
(2017) (2014–2015) PICUs with moderate- initial supportive treatment for infants with
to-severe bronchiolitis moderate-to-severe bronchiolitis

PaO2 = partial pressure of arterial oxygen; FiO2 = fraction of inspired oxygen; HFNC = high-flow nasal cannulae; NIV = noninvasive ventilation;
RCT = randomised controlled trial; ICU = intensive care unit; CPAP = continuous positive airway pressure; PICUs = paediatric intensive care units.

no universal equivalence exists between pressure and the effectiveness of HFNC for treating bronchiolitis.44
flow rate; therefore, close monitoring of the patient Nevertheless, a recent multicentre RCT comparing the
remains a necessity. outcomes of infants with bronchiolitis treated with
low-flow oxygen or HFNC showed that there was a
c l i n i c a l i n d i c at i o n s a n d
reduced need for escalation of care among the
a p p l i c at i o n s
group receiving HFNC.45 In addition, Schlapbach et
The use of HFNC has broad indications, including al. evaluated the safety of HFNC while transporting
different causes of respiratory distress. Overall, HFNC ill children between hospitals.46 The majority of
is most commonly used among children with bronchiol- these children had respiratory conditions requiring
itis and pneumonia.40 Frat et al. found that the use admission to a PICU, of which 77% were diagnosed
of HFNC in hypoxic respiratory failure reduced the with bronchiolitis. Overall, the intubation rate decreased
intubation rate to 38%, leading to a greater number from 49% to 35% (P <0.001), with none of the HFNC
of ventilation-free days in an ICU.41 Roca et al. patients requiring intubation, developing pneumoth-
showed that HFNC reduced the need for mechanical orax or going into cardiac arrest.46 Two other studies
ventilation among patients with respiratory failure similarly noted a reduction in intubation rates among
post-lung transplant.42 Kawaguchi et al. conducted a infants admitted with bronchiolitis following the intro-
retrospective study evaluating intubation rates in a duction of HFNC in PICUs (37% versus 7% and 23%
group of children presenting with respiratory distress.43 versus 9%, respectively).47,48 Various studies investig-
This study showed reduced intubation rates among ating HFNC use in children and adults are presented
children receiving HFNC in comparison to those who in Table 2.41,45,49–52
did not receive HFNC (38% versus 63%), with more In Spain, two RCTs involving seven adult ICUs
ventilator-free days in the former group. However, no were conducted to assess the effect of using HFNC in the
differences were observed in terms of mortality rate or postextubation period on the incidence of reintubation
paediatric ICU (PICU) length of stay.43 and respiratory failure in high- and low-risk patients,
In a Cochrane review evaluating the effectiveness respectively.49,50 In the first trial, high-risk patients
of HFNC among children with bronchiolitis, a who passed spontaneous breathing trials randomly
single pilot study with 19 participants was identified received either HFNC or conventional NIV while, in
comparing HFNC with oxygen delivery via a headbox; the second trial, low-risk patients randomly received
however, there was insufficient evidence to determine either HFNC or conventional oxygen therapy.49,50

Review | e281
Noninvasive Ventilation and High-Flow Nasal Cannulae Therapy for Children with Acute Respiratory Failure
An overview

No difference was found between the two modalities ative of successful treatment.55 In a cohort of 113 infants
in terms of preventing reintubation or postextubation with bronchiolitis undergoing HFNC therapy, Abboud
respiratory failure among high-risk patients.49 However, et al. observed that a higher Paediatric Risk of Mortality
in low-risk patients, HFNC was superior to conv- Score—which indicates illness severity upon admission
entional oxygen therapy in reducing the risk of reint- to the ICU—as well as an elevated CO2 level before
ubation within a 72-hour period.50 treatment were predictors of treatment failure.59 The
study also emphasised that non-improvement in WOB
a d va n ta g e s a n d l i m i tat i o n s
was noted among the non-responders.59
For infants, HFNC therapy is well tolerated, therefore
reducing the need for sedation. Furthermore, the
humidified oxygen improves secretion clearance.3 Among Comparison of Therapies
adults, HFNC minimises mouth dryness and is gen- Early studies have shown that the effectiveness of HFNC
erally perceived to be more comfortable.53 Spentzas is similar to CPAP, with comparable effects on WOB,
et al. assessed the comfort of 46 children with respiratory oxygenation and gas exchange.37,60 The advantages of
distress at 60–90 minutes and 8–12 hours following the HFNC system include the easy setup and increase
HFNC therapy and found that comfort significantly in the child’s comfort.34,40 In general, HFNC therapy is
improved following HFNC use.40 Generally, HFNC use safe and associated complications, as described earlier,
has been demonstrated to be safe with few reported are uncommon. Likewise, NIV treatment is safe, with
complications. In 2005, there was an outbreak of dry eyes, dry mouth, claustrophobia and pressure effects
Ralstonia mannitolilytica infections due to contam- on the areas of the face covered by the mask being the
inated HFNC devices (Vapotherm Inc., Exeter, New most common complications.22
Hampshire, USA), which were subsequently with-
Recently, several studies have assessed clinical out-
drawn from the market.54 In addition, three cases
comes among children receiving CPAP and HFNC
of serious air leak syndrome have been reported.33
therapy. Pedersen et al. reviewed clinical outcomes
Nevertheless, the over-all risk of air leak syndrome with
among a historical cohort of 49 infants admitted with
HFNC is no higher than that of low-flow oxygen.45
severe bronchiolitis and treated with CPAP or HFNC.51
monitoring and predicting
In both groups, respiratory rate declined with treat-
ment; however, improvements in respiratory distress
were faster with CPAP treatment. Moreover, in 55%
As with NIV, certain clinical features can predict the
of children, the mode of treatment was changed from
response to HFNC therapy. For example, children with
HFNC to CPAP due to an increase in respiratory
improved respiratory distress and heart rates are likely
distress.51 Additionally, a multicentre RCT evaluated
to be responders to HFNC therapy.55 Moreover, FiO2
the clinical outcomes of infants presenting with mod-
requirements and illness severity are predictors of
erate-to-severe bronchiolitis, comparing CPAP treat-
response to treatment. Accordingly, children with
ment at a PEEP level of 7 cm of H2O to HFNC therapy
high SpO2/FiO2 ratios—indicating milder forms of
at a rate of 2 L/minute/kg.52 Only 5.7% of the infants
lung injuries—and those with lower respiratory rates
required intubation, with the rest managed using either
are likely to respond to therapy.35 Roca et al. conducted a
HFNC or CPAP. Interestingly, 31% of the CPAP group
four-year multicentre prospective observational cohort
failed initial respiratory support compared to 50.7%
study to assess possible predictors of HFNC failure, in
of the HFNC group.52 The most common reason for
which the respiratory rate oxygenation (ROX) index
failure in the CPAP group was discomfort, while the
(i.e. the ratio of pulse oximetry/FiO2 to respiratory rate)
HFNC group failed due to an increase in respiratory
was used to assess therapy success.56 At a cut-off value
distress. In both groups, there was a crossover of
of ≥4.88, the ROX index 12 hours after the initiation
treatment in cases of failure or intolerance to the initial
of HFNC therapy yielded a sensitivity of 70% and
support modality.52
specificity of 72.4% in predicting successful treatment
An observational study by Pilar et al. investigated
for patients with pneumonia.56
the outcomes of children with asthma who were treated
Clinical indicators for HFNC therapy failure with HFNC or NIV.61 The study showed no failure in
include a lack of improvement in oxygenation, thoraco- the NIV group, while respiratory support had to be
abdominal asynchrony and the presence of haemody- changed to NIV among 40% of children in the HFNC
namic and neurological impairment.42,57,58 According group, thus showing that CPAP was associated with
to Oto et al., a drop in heart or respiratory rate and a more rapid improvement in respiratory distress.61
improvement in the mean dyspnoea score 30 minutes Collectively speaking, while CPAP and HFNC were
and 12 hours after the initiation of HFNC are indic- both associated with improvement in respiratory

e282 | SQU Medical Journal, August 2018, Volume 18, Issue 3

Khaloud S. Al-Mukhaini and Najwa M. Al-Rahbi

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