Atharv Taware - Personal Project PDF

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*Refer to Process Journal Pages 1-2

Crit A
Learning Goal:
I want to increase my general knowledge about world’s history and
cultures. Additionally I want to improve my writing skills. I want to learn these
skills because it will help me in my future. Writing is already a huge part if my
higher education. Learning about the world would also help learn about people and
help me relate to people. To help learn about the world I decided to create a travel
blog. This will help me learn to write a detailed but entertaining story while not
making it too boring or not including too many details. I also love traveling
throughout the world. Through learning the culture of the places I have visited will
also hopefully help inspire others to travel and learn about the world

Product Goal:
I am inspired to write about my journey abroad throughout the world. My blog will be
mainly targeting teens and young adults who really like to travel, but anyone can read it if they
want to. I should have about 3-5 blogs when I am done writing. While this may seem little and
easy to accomplish I want to write in great detail so it will take some time. This blog will be
located on a website where I can create my own webpage for my blogs. I have traveled plenty in
my life. I want to share these experiences with others to hopefully inspire them to travel more or
just to learn a bit more about the history of these places and how the world has developed
through culture which will help develop my general knowledge and help me in the future. The
blog will include my experiences and feelings during the activities that I did. I will also include
historical background information wherever I feel it was needed. This blog should be completed
by the 3rd of January.
I want to write a blog to share my adventures while traveling. This will include my
experience in the area, the historical importances of these places, and the culture of these places.
I chose this because I love traveling all over the world. Traveling to these places has made me
fall in love with traveling and I really want to travel even more in the future. I have visited many
beautiful and cool locations. Keeping these memories alive is very hard because of all the new
memories I make on a daily basis so writing them down in a blog will be very helpful. It will

also help other “Travel Freaks” to read my reviews on these places and can decide for
themselves if they want to go there or not. I will be writing a few blog posts about my travels
around the world. These are going to be some of the most recent or memorable trips I have had
in my life.
Most of the blogs would mainly be about recent or memorable trips that I have been on.
This would mean that I have more details and accurate information on my blog. Due to this the
blog will feel more in-depth and in first person rather than feeling like a memory from a long
time ago. This will cause the blog to be more authentic and reader would enjoy reading it even
The success of this blog will be determined on four different success criteria. The first
Success criterion will be if it appeals to the Target Audience or not. The target audience is who I
believe will be reading this blog, and if the target audience doesn’t like it then I have failed in
making it interesting for the people I thought would be reading it. Then my second success
criterion will be the feedback. Through a form I will gain feedback about my Blog. This will
make my blogs more user-based and much more coherent compared to other blogs. The more
positive feedback I get the more successful the product will be considered and vice versa. If there
is any negative feedback I will improve that part of my Blog. The blog will also be judged on the
amount of content that is posted on there. If there is a lack of content then the blog will be
considered a failure.

Success Criteria 1: Success Criteria 2: Success Criteria Success Criteria

Target Audience Content 3: Feedback 4: Aesthetics

Specific The blog will be The blog will be The success of The UI of the
compared to how compared on the the blog will be website should
diverse (ages group, entertainment factor of decided on the be very nice and
place of residence) an the content and how feedback that it attention
audience reads it and much content there is gets from the grabbing.
follows it and whether for the target audience target audience.
these people are part of to read.

the target audience.

Measurable This will be measured This will be measured This will be This will be
through a feedback through a feedback measured by the measured by the
form at the end that the form at the end that the feedback my feedback my
audience will have to audience will have to audience gives audience gives
fill out. Additionally, it fill out. Additionally, it me in the me in the
will be measured will be measured comments that comments that
through the comments. through the comments. will be at the will be at the
bottom of my bottom of my
blog. blog.
Additionally, Additionally,
there will also be there will also
a feedback form be a feedback
to fill. form to fill.

Achievable This is achievable This is achievable It should be This should be

because the people because considering achievable as my achievable
reading my blog should that people will be target audience is because I will
primarily be people reading the blog they teenagers and only have to add
who are interested in should like the content young adults that images and
traveling. If it's not then and should be satisfied love travel and make it look
the blog would be with it otherwise they should comment nice as the
considered as a failure. would leave bad on my blog when website is
comments and they read it. If already created.
feedback. they don’t they This is because I
will fill the form. am using a site
creates a
website template

for me.

Relevant This is relevant because This is relevant This is relevant This is relevant
I am targeting teens to because content is what to my product because the
young adults who travel my target audience will because the webpage is what
a lot and if they don’t be reading and if they feedback that will keep my
like it then there is have enough good will be received audience on the
something wrong in the quality content to read will decide if the website to
blog. then they should feel blog succeeded continue reading
content. in targeting my the blog as looks
target audience matter.
or If my blog is
not high quality.

Time-bound I will check the I will check the I will check the I will show it to
comments about 6 comments about 6 comments and a free friends
months after I have months after I have the feedback and get their
posted the blog. posted the blog. form about 6 opinion on the
months after I aesthetics of the
have posted the webpage.

Challenging I need to make the blog The content has to be With writing in I need to choose
easy to understand and detailed and writing detail I have to the theme, the
interesting so teenagers that much in 1 month make sure there designs, and
like it and it also with exams going on isn’t too much every small part
attracts adults. will be hard detail that the
gets bored of
reading the blog
and leaves


Success Criteria

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

Target-aud Very few people People have A decent Lots of people(80+) from
ience read the blog and read the blog amount(40+) of diverse backgrounds are mainly
they were not in but mostly people have read my part of my target audience.
my target aren’t part of blog. Most of these
audience. my target people are from my
audience. target audience and
are from diverse

Content The Blog only The blog only The blog only has The blog has 5+ posts and is
has 1 post and has 2 posts and 2-3 posts and is entertaining to read. The
isn’t very is somewhat entertaining to read. content is very unique and can
entertaining to entertaining to The content is easily get the audience’s
read. The content read. The unique and can get attention.
is very boring and content is the audience’s
repetitive and readable and attention.
can't get the can barely get
audience’s the audience’s
attention. attention.

Feedback Most people did About half or Only about a quarter Only a small handful of people
not give positive more than half of the people gave gave negative feedback to the
feedback to the the people gave the Negative blog and most people gave
blog. Most of the negative feedback to the blog. positive feedback to the blog.

feedback is feedback to my The rest is positive (about 76% - 100% of the
negative. (25% or blog. The rest feedback. (about feedback is positive)
less positive gave positive 51% - 75% of the
feedback) feedback. feedback is positive)
(about 26% -
50% of the
feedback is

Aesthetics There is little to There are some There are enough There are lots of images and
no customization images and a images and a good the color palette goes along
of the webpage so color palette to color palette which with the images and the
the website is the webpage make the webpage webpage looks very nice and
very plain and but the website look nice and feels very energetic.
boring. still doesn’t energetic.
have much
energy to it.

Date Action Modification

August full month Start and finish research + I got sick for the entire month.
Crit A So did this as the third step

Sep 1 - 8th Start and Finish Criteria B I had to catch up a lot due to
being absent for 2 weeks.
Also completed this as the
third step.

Sep 9th - Nov 30th Finish the entire I didn’t manage my time well
Product(Book) and completed criteria A + B
and changed my product to
make it easier to do. Then
last week of november
changed my product again to
a travel blog

Dec 1st - 3th Finish Criteria A

Dec 4th - 5th Finish Criteria B

Dec 6th - 9th Write Blog 1(Bangalore Isl

Trip) + Secondary research if

Dec 10th - 12th Write Blog 2(Goa Trip) +

Secondary research if

Dec 16th - 21st I am going on Gujarat Trip

Dec 22nd - 27th Write Blog 3(Gujarat Trip) +

Secondary research if

Dec 28th - Jan 5th Work on Criteria C

Criteria B
Learning Goal:

I will be communicating with other people(Like friends) who have written blogs as well. I will be
interviewing these people to learn about what they included in their blogs. I will listen to the
advice of these people on what I could do to make the blog the best it can be. I will ask these
experts for feedback on each of my blogs which will be implemented in the next blog that I write.
This will ensure that each of my blog posts will be better than the last one which will please my
Audience. I will also communicate with my audience through the feedback form at the end of
every blog post. This will be a type of 2-way communication that would help me realize If my
blog posts are appealing to the target audience or not and if my writing is entertaining or not.
This will help me learn a new writing style which is blog


I will be learning to write a blog. The blog posts will have to be written in a very detailed manner
which would make the Imagery very vivid. I often will be using lots of stylistic devices which
include sensory details, imagery, metaphors, etc. A blog is supposed to be personal and won’t
be very formal which means I can use informal and personal language. I need to describe my
trip in unique ways that will hook my audience so that they read the full blog. Additionally, posts
have to portray the storyline of my trip very clearly and coherently. Here you can see me
organizing and making the blog coherent. I am doing this because the blog should be structured
and have some kind of order. Otherwise, the posts would be extremely chaotic and all over the
place which would confuse the audience when they read the blog. This would cause my blog to
be unreadable and then my audience will give me negative feedback.


I will have to learn how to effectively communicate with my audiences through a new media
type. I will have to consider how effective the website will be in creating blog posts. If I can’t
efficiently make new blog posts and communicate with my audience on this website then I would
have to choose a new website. This is because creating blog posts should be quick and the
aesthetics should be appealing to my target audience. If I can't make a website that follows this
specification on the site then I will have to change the software I am making my website on. This
will make sure that my blog will look attractive and will attract people.

(I am listing the pros and cons to decide which website to use.)

(Research about Goan Culinary Culture condensed into a paragraph)

Communication (Ict)

I will have to communicate my perspective of the trips I have been on. This will include carefully
crafting an entertaining story that my target audience will be interested in. To complete this goal
I will have to develop the ATL skill of media representation. This will include narrating a story on
a website that will not only entertain my readers but also I will have to be careful of the way I
represent myself on the internet. As the internet is a very volatile place and can exploit people
for the smallest flaws. How you show yourself on the internet affects how you see yourself and
how others see me. To keep a sense of authenticity I will be very open in my blogs keeping few
barriers between me and my audience. Being authentic in my writing will show my audience that
I am not scared of them and will make my writing even better. This will make sure that my
existing readers stay and that new readers like my blog.

(One Blog post where I'm talking about all the ups and downs of my trip)

Criteria C
This travel blog will help me learn about the places that I have been to. This can help me
improve my general knowledge so I can relate to people more. As I plan to continue to travel the
world I will keep visiting new places and without knowing the cultural importance of these places
than what's the point of visiting them? Learning about these places will help me develop some
important ATL skills. Some ATL skills that it can help me develop are synthesizing and
representing and Reliability of sources. Synthesizing and representing will help me in the future
by helping me learn how to get information from different sources and connect them so the text
will be coherent and legible. While I have been collecting information that I need to include in
the blog I need to make sure the text is trustworthy. This includes cross-checking with multiple
sources and using O.P.V.L.C. to confirm that the source is trustworthy. While I have improved
and learned these ATL skills I have also learned that I need to improve some ATL skills. One
ATL skill I need to learn is Time-management. I had to scrap my original project due to not being
able to manage my time well enough to a point where it was the end of November and I hadn’t
started my product. This learning will help me develop writing skills that will be extremely useful
no matter what profession I go into.

Main Page of the website

Example of part of my blog What the bottom of the blog looks like

Currently I cannot compare to all of my success criteria as 1 of my success criteria depends on
leaving the blog for a few months. So far I only have a few readers but I hope that this number
will increase(I cannot give myself a score for success). For the success criteria of Content, I
would give myself a 6 because the content is good according to the form but there are only 3
posts. Then for the Success criteria of feedback, I will give myself a 7 as most of the feedback
right now is positive. THen for the final success criteria of Aesthetics, I will give myself a 5
because the aesthetics weren’t the best but most of my audience thought that it was decent


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