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As a researchers, we would like to thank our All-Powerful God for everything as well as all the
individuals who have played significant roles in this study.
To LNHS Senior High School Learners, we would like also to extend our deepest gratitude and
appreciation to all respondents who participated in this study. Your valuable insights and
contributions have greatly enriched our study and helped in our meaningful conclusions.
As a researchers also would like to extend our sincere thanks to our teacher, Mr. Restituto
Tumongha Jr., for providing guidance, support, and inspiration throughout this journey. Your
dedication to our education and unwavering commitment to nurturing our growth have truly made a
significant impact on our development.
Lastly, the researchers want to acknowledge the immense support and encouragement we received
from our beloved school the Lanipga National High School. The conducive learning environment
and the opportunities provided by the institution have been instrumental in shaping our academic
To all mentioned above, Thank you…

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