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1.0 Introduction

Sandstone can be a good reservoir rock due to its characteristics. Some of the qualities of
sandstone as a good reservoir rock are based on the physical characteristics of the rock. The
best sandstone reservoirs are composed mainly of quartz grains of sand of nearly equal size or
silica cement, with minimal fragmented particles. The maturity of the sandstone rock influences
the grain fraction and in turn, influences its reservoir characteristics. The petrological
characteristics of sandstone reservoirs include rock types, rock textures, grain composition,
compositional maturity, textural features, and diagenetic processes such as compaction,
cementation, alteration, dissolution, and others (Xu et al., 2020). Sandstone containing primary
porosity and permeability (good reservoir characteristics) was deposited where high energy
currents operated. Porosity and permeability are important characteristics of sandstone
reservoirs. Tight sandstones have ultralow permeabilities and porosities, while good reservoir
sandstones have high porosity and permeability (Xi et al., 2015). Physical properties of
sandstone reservoirs such as porosity, permeability, and fluid saturation affect fluid mobility in
the reservoir.

Limestone can be a good reservoir. Clastic limestone is usually associated with oolit and
becomes a pretty good reservoir. Limestone associated with oolite is often referred to as
calcarenite. The deposition is in shallow marine environments along the coast with high energy
(strong wave currents). Porosity may be extremely high because of the dissolution, but
permeability is not far behind. Carbonate reservoir rocks mean limestone and dolomite. The
manner in which the type of rock creating reservoir rocks was formed is important to the
discussion of reservoir rocks. The manner in which they were derived creates essential
differences as it relates to the fundamental properties of porosity and permeability. Primary
permeability is dependent upon the manner of formation. Sandstones generally have greater
primary permeability than limestone unless the latter is a reef or similar structure. Limestone
and dolomite reservoirs constitute the largest source of supply of crude oil in the world, with an
estimated 60% of present production coming from them (Craze, 1950).
2.0 Objective

1. To observe reservoir rock under a thin section with a microscope

2. To learn the effective of porosity and permeability of reservoir rock

3. To determine the hydrocarbon potential for the selected rock as reservoir rock and
source rock

3.0 Methodology

In order to accomplish the goals for the development of this report, two primary sections were
used in the study method.

1. Laboratory studies

Thin sections that contain reservoir rock were observed under microscope with cross polarized
light (XPL) and plane polarised light (PPL) to identify the minerals and features that can be
seen. Both thin sections (carbonate rock and sandstone rock) were observed under
magnification of 50x. After the mineral identification, the method that has been used to know
their porosity is by point counting. Point counting can be done in two ways, either manually or
using point counting applications.

For the manual way, the image of the thin section under the microscope must be
overlayed with a point counting grid that can be made by using excel or PowerPoint. Point
counting of minerals is done based on minerals that had been identified earlier using the grid.
Meanwhile for auto point counting, the minerals in the thin section image are classified based
on their colours to differ the type of minerals. Image is uploaded to the Cool PHP Tools website
and point counting can be done automatically. The number of colour classification can be set
based on requirements.The percentage of each colour can be auto-generated and classification
of minerals can be done based on the percentage.

2. Data Interpretation

After the point counting of each thin section is done, data can be interpreted to identify the
type of sandstone observed by using Pettijohn classification of sandstone. For permeability
analysis of carbonate rocks, Porosity and Permeability Chart (Lucia, 2003) is used according to
the porosity percentage data of carbonate rock. From this interpretation we used petrophysical
classes (Lucia,2003 ) to measure its ability to store and transmit fluids.

4.0 Thin section observation

4.1 Sandstone

Table 4.1.1 Point counting for quartz, alkali feldspar, and plagioclase

Point counting for quartz, alkali feldspar, and plagioclase

Qz: Quartz; Kspar: Alkali feldspar; Plag: Plagioclase

(Magnification: 50x)
Table 3.1.2 Percentage of minerals (Quartz, Feldspar, Rock fragments) found in sandstone thin
section sample.

Minerals Quartz Feldspar Rock Fragment

Percentage (%) 91 4 5

Diagram 4.1.1 Pettijohn Classification of sandstone

XPL (Crossed Polarized Light) PPL (Plane Polarized Light)

(Magnification: 50x)

Based on the thin section observation of the selected sandstone sample, we were able to make
a preliminary assessment of its porosity through the use of blue dye in XPL (cross-polarized
light) and PPL (Plane Polarised Light) mode. When using XPL (cross-polarized light) mode, the
dark-coloured minerals, likely feldspar or quartz, appeared to cover the porosity, resulting in a
slightly observed blue hue. However, when we switched the microscope to PPL (plane-polarised
light) mode, the porosity of the sandstone became clearly visible, indicated by the distinct blue
Diagram 4.1.1 Porosity percentage calculation

Using point counting for porosity analysis on this sandstone sample from the website:
nd=True&width=250&color_format=hex&ignore_interior_background=True&height=250), we
calculated the total porosity percentage to be approximately 28.7 percent. This finding provides
valuable information about the sample's pore space, essential for understanding its reservoir
characteristics and potential applications.
4.2 Carbonate Rock

XPL (Cross Polarised Light) PPL (Plane Polarised Light)

(Magnification: 50x)

Based on the thin section sample of carbonate rock, porosity can be determined through the
presence of black voids or hole-like structure seen in the thin section. This structure is called
vugs and it can be determined through its unchanging colour in both XPL and PPL. Since this
particular thin section has no dyes to assist in calculating the porosity, we could only use this
method combined with point counting to calculate the percentage of its porosity.
Diagram 4.2.1 Vugs in the thin section which we used to determine the porosity

Diagram 4.2.2 Point counting method to determine the percentage of porosity

Based on the point counting analysis, the percentage of porosity is 15.22%, while the fossil
assemblages dominated the sample with a percentage of 60.87%, followed by clay with 21.30%
and calcite cement with 2.61%.
5.0 Discussion

5.1 Sandstone

Based on the Pettijohn classification of sandstones, the thin section sample observed is
classified as quartzwacke. The mineral grains of the rock sample appeared to be subangular to
subrounded, which indicates that the grains did not experience prolonged transport (Pettijohn et
al., 1987). According to Kassab (2018), quartzwacke sandstones generally have porosity ranging
from 4.95% to 26.09% with permeability between 0.48 and 2665.93 mD. The porosity of the
rock sample is influenced by the texture of mineral grains. Subangular to subrounded grains
typically form less pore spaces compared to rounded grains. Quartzwackes are sandstones that
are composed of more than 15% of matrix, which generally has lower intragrain porosity than
arenitic sandstones.

5.2 Carbonate Rock

Using the porosity percentage, we can estimate the permeability of the sample using the
porosity permeability chart.

Diagram 4.2.3 Blue arrow shows the estimation of permeability using the Porosity and
Permeability Chart (Lucia, 2003).
According to the chart, the permeability of the carbonate rock is 495 millidarcy and is
considered as high permeability. However, it is important to note that the permeability is only an
estimate and may not be accurate. The actual permeability may be higher or lower than the

Diagram 4.2.4 Petrophysical Classes (Lucia, 2003).

Through the usage of Porosity and Permeability chart, the petrophysical class of the
sample can be obtained. Petrophysical class is a measure of its ability to store and transmit
fluids. In this case, the petrophysical value is classified as Class 1, which indicates that the rock
has high permeability and porosity which makes it a good candidate for oil and gas exploration.
6.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, both sandstones and carbonate rocks are good reservoirs that help to contain
hydrocarbons from their sources. The porosity and permeability of rocks plays an important role
in the identification of its suitability as reservoir or cap rock. The porosity and permeability of
reservoir rocks are dependent on the textural properties of the mineral grains in rocks. Based on
observation, the porosity and permeability of sandstones is comparatively higher than the
carbonate rocks. The petrophysical analysis of carbonate rocks classified the carbonate rock
sample into Class 1 carbonate rock, which has high permeability and porosity that indicates that
it has good potential as a reservoir rock.
7.0 References

Craze, R. C. (1950). Performance of Limestone Reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Technology,

2 (10), 287–294.

‌Hurst, A., & Archer, J. S. (1986). Sandstone reservoir description: an overview of the role of

geology and mineralogy. Clay Minerals, 21(4), 791–809.

Lucia, F. J. (2003). Estimating Permeability in Carbonates Using the Rock-Fabric.

Retrieved July 27, 2023, from website:

Xi, K., Cao, Y., Jens Jahren, Zhu, R., Knut Bjørlykke, Beyene Girma Haile, Zheng, L., & Helge

Hellevang. (2015). Diagenesis and reservoir quality of the Lower Cretaceous Quantou

Formation tight sandstones in the southern Songliao Basin, China. Sedimentary Geology,

330, 90–107.

Pettijhon, F.J., Potter, P.E. and Siever, R., 1987: Sand and Sandstone. Springer-Verlag, New York,

Kassab, M. A., El Gendy, N. H., Saad, S. A., Shehata, M. G., Gadallah, M. M., & Badaro, M. W.
(2018). Petrographic and petrophysical characterization of some Paleozoic rocks, Um
Bogma area, Southwest Sinai, Egypt. Egyptian journal of petroleum, 27(4), 867-876.

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