Job Int Key Words and Phrases

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1 To complete a project, the completion of a 31 An asset, added value

2 Ahead of schedule, behind schedule, to 32 A delay, to delay, to put off
schedule sthg
3 Skills: organization skills, (time) management 33 Tasks, missions, assignments
skills, communication skills
4 To delegate 34 to make sense
5 To miss/ to meet a deadline 35 to assign, to be assigned, an assignment
6 To excel at, to be good at, to be proficient at, 36 To look forward to
to be excellent at, to be bad/poor at
7 To exceed one’s goals 37 to pride oneself on
8 The ability to do something 38 to resolve something
9 To be a people person, to have interpersonal 39 to enable someone to do something
10 Troubleshooting 40 an issue
11 Timely, in a timely manner 41 to deal with something
12 the correct/right balance between 42 Fringe benefits, the perks
13 To stay motivated and productive 43 to handle a situation
14 To be under pressure 44 tight deadlines
15 To focus on something 45 to get the job done
16 To be responsible for, to be in charge of a 46 Goal-driven
project/ a team
17 To implement a process 47 to provide a solution (to provide somebody with
18 To seek a challenge 48 the workload
19 A (fair) compensation, a compensation 49 To call off
20 To be comfortable with working on a team 50 to require independent/team work
21 To meet the goals/the budget/the 51 To be willing to do something
requirements/the challenges/ the deadline
22 Feedback 52 To make an educated decision
23 I can make significant contributions to your 53 a corporate environment/dress code
24 To be hired/recruited/taken on 54 to be fired / laid off / dismissed / sacked (familiar)
25 To fit, to match 55 to be involved in a project
26 To be committed to a company 56 to deserve something
27 To enhance/improve your skills, your 57 to gain additional experience
28 To apply for a job, an applicant 58 a speculative application
29 A résumé/ a CV 59 a cover letter
30 To achieve, an achievement 60 To plan on doing sthg / to consider doing sthg

Important points:

Be personal: use expressions to make your speech more personal

Use linking words, phrasal verbs, modals
Think different, stand out, show you have worked on your ideas and how to express them
Give concrete examples taken from YOUR OWN experience
Watch your grammar (tenses, conditional, passive…)
Know how to present your resume: education, work experience, skills etc…

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