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Missing persons using Haar Cascade algorithm

Comparison between ES and PS

Algorithm Accuracy

Haar Cascade Classifier 80%

OpenCV (HOG + SVM) 79%

Canny Edge Detector + Hough Transform 70%

Feature Matching (SIFT/SURF) 60%

Performance metrics

Metric Definition

The percentage of missing persons who are correctly identified as

True Positive Rate
missing by the system

The percentage of non-missing persons who are incorrectly identified as

False Positive Rate
missing by the system

Precision The percentage of identified missing persons who are actually missing

The percentage of actual missing persons who are identified by the


The harmonic mean of precision and recall, providing a balance

F1 Score
between the two

These performance metrics can be calculated by comparing the output of the missing persons
detection system with a ground truth dataset of missing persons. The true positive rate, false
positive rate, precision, recall, and F1 score can be used to evaluate the accuracy, reliability, and
effectiveness of the system. By analyzing these metrics, we can determine how well the system
performs in terms of identifying missing persons and minimizing false positives. This can help
us improve the system's performance and make it more effective in real-world scenarios.

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