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From surveys like the ones presented in the previous pages a table comparing the

properties of metals and non-metals can be produced. Table 11.5 shows this.
2) What feature of magnesium makes it
suitable for making flares?

● Magnesium catches fire easily

3) Why do the features of aluminium make it suitable
for making aircraft and power cables?

● Aluminium has a low density which makes it light-weight so

it is easier to keep aircraft in the air and to support power
cables. It does not corrode in air so it is not damaged by
exposure to air.
4) Why is copper particularly useful in electrical circuits?

● Copper is easy to pull into wires

5) Why helium used in airships?

● Helium is lighter than air so it causes the airships to rise.

6) Why is graphite used as a lubricant?

● Graphite is a slippery solid.

7) Why is oxygen used in life support systems
in hospitals?

● Oxygen is needed for respiration.

Chemical properties of metals and non-

● So far in this chapter the physical properties of metals and non-

metals have been explored. Physical properties can be examined
simply by observing an element, perhaps heating it up or cooling it
down or applying a force to it to see if it bends or snaps.
● Each element also has chemical properties. A chemical property of a
substance reveals itself when a chemical reaction takes place. When
this happens the element changes in some way. The iron and sulfur
were present as elements but after the chemical reaction they
formed the compound iron sulfide.
● Two properties which are investigated by carrying out chemical
reactions are how metals and non-metals react together and how
they react with oxygen.
Metal reacting with non-metals

● Some metals and non-metals react together to produce

compounds of the two elements.
● If a burning piece of sodium is placed in a container of chlorine
gas in a fume cupboard the two elements react and produce a
great deal of light as they combine to make the white solid
sodium chloride.
● The word equation for this reaction is:

● If zinc or copper is heated with sulfur the metal sulfide is

formed. The word equations for these reactions are:

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