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Training Brief Basic Training Course for Troop Leaders

Training Brief – Basic Training Course for Unit Leaders

Boy Scouts of the Philippines - National Capital Region

Type of Training: Date:

Prepared by: Venue:

Training Objectives:

The new training program will focus on the following:


o City of Mandaluyong Council, BSP

o District / Area Scouting Committee
o Sponsoring Institution

Training Scope and Specifications:

i. Training Scope

This training course seeks to achieve a marked performance in Membership, Advancement,

Tenure, Activities and Management of Scouting Units in different types Sponsoring Institutions,
may it the academe, church based, community scouting and alike. This will be achieved using
the following training sessions:

Session No. 1 Defining Course Objectives

Session No. 2 Smartness and Good Order
Session No. 3 Brief History of Scouting
Session No. 4 The BSP & WOSM Structure
Session No. 5 The Scout Fundamentals
Session No. 6 The Youth Program
Session No. 7 The Boy Scout Program
Session No. 8 The BOY We Serve
Session No. 9 The Boy Scout Ideals
Session No. 10 Values Development
Session No. 11 The BSP & You
Session No. 12 The Advancement Scheme
Session No. 13 Teaching Scout Skills
Session No. 14 The Patrol System
Session No. 15 Recreational Leadership
Session No. 16 The Outdoor Program
Session No. 17 The Troop Campfire

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Training Brief Basic Training Course for Troop Leaders

Session No. 18 Troop Campfire – Demo

Session No. 19 The Troop Leader’s Job
Session No. 20 Rights of the Child
Session No. 21 Patrol and Troop Meetings
Session No. 22 Annual Troop Program Planning
Session No. 23 Ceremonies in Scouting
Session No. 24 The Troop and the Community
Session No. 25 Course Summary

ii. Training Specifications

Training Format
o Trainee’s Profile will be given to all participants during the training registration
o Pre and Post test for the participants: to be checked by RTO for training evaluation.
o Traditional, instructor-led, participative format
o Main training modules in PowerPoint format
o Feedback sheet: to be filled out by participants before the close of training (content,
presentation, trainer/s, co-trainees); to be reviewed by RTO for possible adjustments to
training approach

Training Materials:
o PowerPoint Presentation Materials
o Feedback Sheet
o Pre & Post Test
o Name Cards
o Certificates
o Name of Attendees
o Prizes for games and activities
o Freebies

Training Budget
o Please see Appendix 1.

Target Participants
o participants

Training Schedule

Location Date Time Activity

Training Resources:

Training Team – Course Staff

o Training Venue

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Training Brief Basic Training Course for Troop Leaders

o Laptop
o Training presentations
o Infocus Multimedia projector
o Budget for food, accommodations

Training Evaluation:

o Feedback sheets will be completed by trainees and will be collected by RTO after the
training session. All feedback will be collated and will be used as basis to improve the
training program in the future.

Appendix: Budget for Basic Training Course for Unit Leaders

As part of our quarterly trainings on Samsung’s new HHP models, we have scheduled a Sales and
Product Training for NCR dealers, sub-dealers and frontliners. Below is the proposed representation
budget for the said event.

A. Food and Refreshments

Location Particulars Quantity Budget Total Amount


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