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FORWORD ................................................................................................................................................. 3
READING .................................................................................................................................................... 4
LESSON 1: MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS .................................................................................. 4
LESSON 2: SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS ...................................................................................... 16
LESSON 3: COMPLETING TABLES AND FLOW CHARTS ........................................................... 25
LESSON 4: COMPLETING SENTENCES ........................................................................................... 32
LESSON 5: COMPLETING DIAGRAM LABELS .............................................................................. 38
LESSON 6: COMPLETING NOTES AND SUMMARIES .................................................................. 53
LESSON 7: MATCHING INFORMATION .......................................................................................... 62
LESSON 8: MATCHING SENTENCE ENDINGS ............................................................................... 74
LESSON 9: MATCHING FEATURES .................................................................................................. 86
LESSON 10: MATCHING HEADINGS ................................................................................................ 96
LESSON 11: TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN........................................................................................... 106
LESSON 12: YES/NO/NOT GIVEN ..................................................................................................... 113
LISTENING ............................................................................................................................................ 120
LESSON 1 FRIENDS ABROAD 1 ........................................................................................................ 120
LESSON 2 FRIENDS ABROAD 2 ........................................................................................................ 125
LESSON 3 FOOD AND COOKING 1 .................................................................................................. 130
LESSON 4 FOOD AND COOKING 2 .................................................................................................. 137
LESSON 5 PRESENTATIONS 1 .......................................................................................................... 142
LESSON 6 PRESENTATIONS 2 .......................................................................................................... 145
LESSON 7 WORK 1............................................................................................................................... 148
LESSON 8 WORK.................................................................................................................................. 151
LESSON 9 ON CAMPUS SERVICES .................................................................................................. 153
LESSON 10 ON CAMPUS SERVICES ................................................................................................ 156
LESSON 11 STAYING SAFE 1 ............................................................................................................ 158
LESSON 12 STAYING SAFE 2 ............................................................................................................ 161
LESSON 13 STUDYING, EXAM AND REVISION ........................................................................... 164

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LESSON 14 STUDYING, EXAMS AND REVISION 2 ...................................................................... 166

LESSON 15: SHOPING AND SPENDING 1 ....................................................................................... 168
LESSON 16 SHOPPING AND SPENDING 2 ...................................................................................... 171
LESSON 17 HOBBIES, INTERESTS AND SPORTS 1 ..................................................................... 175
LESSON 18 HOBBIES, INTERESTS AND SPORTS 2 ..................................................................... 177
LESSON 19 WORK-LIFE BALANCE 1 .............................................................................................. 181
LESSON 20 WORK-LIFE BALANCE 2 .............................................................................................. 184
LESSON 21 COMPARING CULTURES 1 .......................................................................................... 186
LESSON 22 COMPARING CULTURES 2 .......................................................................................... 188
LESSON 23 EXPLORING THE OCEAN 1 ......................................................................................... 191
LESSON 24 EXPLORING THE OCEANS 2 ....................................................................................... 195
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................ 197

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This book has been written for learners with a band score of 2 or 3 who want to achieve a
higher score (4.0). Using this book will help you improve your pre-intermediate reading
and listening skills for the IELTS Academic Reading Test and Listening Test.

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Exam information | Multiple-choice questions

In the exam, there are different types of multiple-choice questions: you may be asked
to choose the correct answer to a question, or you may be given a choice of sentence
endings and asked to form a sentence that reflects the meaning of the text. The
questions will be in the same order as the information in the text.

Exam tip
Deciding which are the key, or most important, words in a question can help you to
locate the appropriate section of the text more quickly.

Exercise 1: Read the following text and then look at the questions on the next page.

The value of friendship

Recent research into the world of teenagers has suggested that they value friendship above
everything else. Children aged between 12 and 15 were asked what was important to them.
Their answers included possessions such as money and computer gadgets but also
relationships with people. The teenagers questioned said that friends were the most
important to them, more even than family, or boyfriends and girlfriends.
We wanted to find out more about the results of this research so we asked our readers what
they thought about the value of friendship. Here are some examples of what they said about
their friends:
Ben, 15: Every time I have a fight with my parents, I need some time on my own. But after
that, the first thing I do is meet up with my friends. After playing football for a while, or
skateboarding, I usually feel much happier again.

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Rory, 13: When I moved to a village in the countryside, I thought that it would be the end
of my friendships. But my old friends have kept in touch and they come and visit in the
holidays. There's a lake nearby, so we often go sailing, water-skiing or windsurfing. And I
have made some new friends here too, at school, and since I joined the rugby club.
Carlos, 11: Last year, I broke my arm on a skiing holiday. Unfortunately, it was my left
arm and I am left-handed. My school friends all helped and copied their notes for me.
It seems that our readers value their friendships very highly. From what they told us, they
spend a lot of time with their friends, just hanging out, or sharing hobbies and interests.
They seem to need their friends for advice, help, chats, and for having fun. Clearly, friends
make each other feel better. Looking at what our readers told us, the results of the recent
research are not really surprising

Questions 1-5: Choose the appropriate letter a, b, c or d.

1. Why are Ben, Rory and Carlos mentioned in the article?
A. They know why teenagers value friendship
B. They gave information about themselves
C. They read magazines.
D. They are teenage boys.

2. Which of the following best describes Ben?

A. He often has fights.
B. He likes being alone.
C. He is happier than his friends.
D. He likes some sports.

3. What do we know about the lake that Rory visits?

A. It is near the school
B. It is near his home.
C. It is used by a lot of people who do water sports

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D. It is in a village.

4. Carlos mentions that he is left-handed because …

A. it makes skiing harder
B. it makes it worse that he broke the arm he uses most.
C. it is an interesting fact about himself and he was talking about his left arm.
D. it is very unfortunate when you break your left arm

5. The answers to the recent research and the answers from the readers...
A. were surprising
B. were the same.
C. were similar
D. were both about sports.

1. value (n) /ˈvæl.juː/
(IMPORTANCE) [ S or U ] the importance or worth of something for someone: giá trị
Ex: For them, the house's main value lay in its quiet country location.
2. Recent (a) /ˈriː.sənt/
happening or starting from a short time ago: gần đây
Ex: Is that a recent photo?
3. research (n,v) /rɪˈsɜːtʃ/ /ˈriː.sɜːtʃ/
a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover (new) information or reach a
(new) understanding: nghiên cứu
Ex: scientific/medical research
4. teenager (n) /ˈtiːnˌeɪ.dʒər (informal teen)
a young person between 13 and 19 years old: thiếu niên
Ex: The magazine is aimed at teenagers and young adults.
5. Suggest (v) /səˈdʒest/

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(MENTION) to mention an idea, possible plan, or action for other people to consider: đề
xuất, gợi ý
Ex: I suggested an Italian restaurant near the station for the party.
6. above (adverb, preposition) /əˈbʌv/
(HIGHER POSITION) in or to a higher position than something else: ở trên
Ex: There's a mirror above the sink.
7. important (a) /ɪmˈpɔː.tənt/
necessary or of great value: quan trọng
Ex: I think his career is more important to him than I am.
8. Include (v) /ɪnˈkluːd/
to contain something as a part of something else, or to make something part of something
else: bao gồm
Ex: The bill includes tax and service.
9. possession /pəˈzeʃ.ən/
something that you own or that you are carrying with you at a particular time: Vật sở hữu;
tài sản, của cải
Ex: Please remember to take all your personal possessions with you when you leave the
10. gadget (n) /ˈɡædʒ.ət/
C1 a small device or machine with a particular purpose: đồ dùng, đồ vật
Ex: kitchen gadgets
11. relationship (n) /rɪˈleɪ.ʃən.ʃɪp/
the way in which two or more people feel and behave towards each other: mối quan hệ
Ex: He has a very good relationship with his uncle.
12. result (n) /rɪˈzʌlt/
something that happens or exists because of something else: kết quả
Ex: The road has been widened, but the result is just more traffic.
13. fight (n) /faɪt/

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an argument or an occasion when someone uses physical force to try to defeat someone:
sự mâu thuẫn, trận đánh
Ex: Jeff's always getting into/starting fights.
14. skateboarding (v) /ˈskeɪt.bɔːrd/
to ride on a skateboard: trượt ván
Ex: He used to skateboard a mile to the subway.
15. village (n) /ˈvɪl.ɪdʒ/
a group of houses and other buildings that is smaller than a town, usually in the
countryside: làng
Ex: Many people come from the outlying/surrounding villages to work in the town.
16. Countryside (n) /ˈkʌn.tri.saɪd/
land not in towns, cities, or industrial areas, that is either used for farming or left in its
natural condition: nông thôn
Ex: The countryside around there is beautiful.
17. keep in touch (phrasal verb) /tʌtʃ/
to communicate or continue to communicate with someone by using a phone or writing to
them: giữ liên lạc
Ex: Are you still in touch with any of your old school friends?
18. nearby (adverb, adjective) /ˌnɪrˈbaɪ/
not far away: gần
Ex: If there's a café nearby, we could stop for a snack.
19. sailing (n) /ˈseɪ.lɪŋ/
the sport or activity of using boats with sails: chèo thuyền
Ex: the sailing club She loves to go sailing.
20. waterskiing (n) uk /ˈwɔː.təˌskiː.ɪŋ/ us /ˈwɑː.t̬ ɚˌskiː.ɪŋ/
a sport in which you are pulled along the surface of the water by a boat, while balancing
on a pair of skis: môn lướt ván nước
Ex: We snorkelled and did some waterskiing.
21. windsurfing (n) /ˈwɪndˌsɝː.fɪŋ/

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a sport in which you sail across water by standing on a board and holding onto a large
sail: môn lướt ván buồm
Ex: I went windsurfing most afternoons.
22. rugby (n) /ˈrʌɡ.bi/ (also formal rugby football)
a sport where two teams try to score points by carrying an oval ball across a particular
line or kicking it over and between an H-shaped set of posts: bóng bầu dục
Ex: Tom plays rugby every Saturday.
23. skiing (n) /ˈskiːɪŋ/
the sport or activity of moving over snow on skis: môn trượt ván tuyết
Ex: He also enjoys skiing and mountain biking.
24. Unfortunately (adv) /ʌnˈfɔːr.tʃən.ə
used to say that something is sad, disappointing, or has a bad effect: một cách đáng tiếc,
không may
Ex: Unfortunately, I didn't have my credit card with me, or else I would have bought it.
25. left-handed (a) /ˌleftˈhæn.dɪd/
using your left hand to write and do most things: thuận tay trái
Ex: Are you left-handed?
26. hang out (phrasal verb) /hæŋ/
to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone: đi chơi
Ex: You still hang out at the pool hall?
27. interest (n) /ˈɪn.trɪst/
the feeling of wanting to give your attention to something or of wanting to be involved with
and to discover more about something: sự quan tâm, điều thích thú
Ex: I've always had an interest in astronomy.
28. advice (n) /ədˈvaɪs/
an opinion that someone offers you about what you should do or how you should act in a
particular situation: lời khuyên
Ex: Steven gave me some good advice.
29. surprising (a) /sɚˈpraɪ.zɪŋ/

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unexpected: ngạc nhiên

Ex: He gave a quite surprising answer.

Exercise 2: Read the following text and then look at the questions on the next page.

It is said that most people have no more than 30 friends at any given time, and 400 over
the whole of their lives. However, on social networking sites, most users have about 150
friends. If these numbers are correct, then friendship means different things in different
One of the reasons for having more online friends than real friends at a certain point in time
is that online friendships do not require much time and energy: it is easy to accept
friendships and keep them forever. Another possibility is that it is difficult to say 'no' when
somebody asks us to be their friend online, even if we feel we don't really know them. The
fact that they ask us suggests that they do consider us a friend, which is a nice feeling.
Alternatively, they may be 'collectors' of online friends and just want to use us to get a
higher number of friends and appear to be popular.
Online friendships are quite easy, but in the real world decisions about friendships are
harder to make. There are no rules about friendship. There are no guidelines about how to
make friends, how to keep friendships going, and how to finish friendships if we want to
move on. People have very different opinions about this: some people would die for their
friends and they value them more than family. Others say that friends are temporary, only
there to help each other until they are no longer needed. If people with such different views
become friends, this can lead to problems.
Because of these different definitions of friendship, it is easy to be unhappy about our
friendships. We may want them to be deeper or closer, or we may want to have more friends
in our lives. Sometimes we simply do not have the time to develop our friendships, or we
fear we have left it too late in life to start. If we move to another country or city, we have
to find ways to make new friends again.

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This dissatisfaction shows us how important friendships are for most of us. We should not
think that it could be too late to build friendships. We also need to understand that the need
to be around other people is one that is shared by many. Therefore, we should not be too
frightened about starting to talk to people who in the future may become our friends: it is
likely that they too would like to get closer to us. Remember what people say: strangers
are friends we have not met yet.

Questions 1-6:
Choose the appropriate letters a, b, c or d.
1. How many friends do the majority of people probably have?
A. 30 real friends or fewer
B. a minimum of 30 real friends
C. 150 Internet friends
D. 400 Internet friends over the course of their lives

2. It is difficult …
A. to believe the numbers about friendship
B. to keep your friends happy
C. to trust what you read on social networking sites
D. to give a definition of “friendship”

3. Friendship means...
A. different things to different people.
B. dying for your friends if you need to
C. helping each other until it is no longer necessary
D. accepting people with different views

4. Sometimes people worry because...

A. they think that they have too many friends

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B. they spend too much time with friends

C. they think they are too old to make friends
D. there are no guidelines about friendship.

5. Most of us...
A. are dissatisfied with our friends.
B. build friendships late in life.
C. are frightened to talk to strangers.
D. need to be with others.

6. What does 'Strangers are friends we have not met yet' mean?
A. We have not met strangers before.
B. Strangers are also our friends.
C. We should not talk to strangers.
D. Strangers may become our friends.

1. social networking site (n) (also social networking website)
a website that is designed to help people communicate and share information,
photographs, etc. with a group: trang mạng xã hội
Ex: Politicians seek to reach young voters through social networking sites such as
Facebook or MySpace.
2. user (n) /ˈjuː.zɚ/
someone who uses a product, machine, or service: người dùng
Ex: Unemployed people are the main users of this advice centre.
3. correct (a) /kəˈrekt/
in agreement with the true facts or with what is generally accepted: đúng, chính xác
Ex: a correct answer
4. different (a) /ˈdɪf.ɚ.ənt/

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not the same: khác nhau

Ex: She seems to wear something different every day.
5. situation /ˌsɪtʃ.uˈeɪ.ʃən/
the set of things that are happening and the conditions that exist at a particular time and
place: trường hợp, tình huống
Ex: the economic/political situation
6. certain (a) /ˈsɜr·tən/
(PARTICULAR) particular but not named or described: nào đó
Ex: Parents expect their kids to leave home at a certain point.
7. require (v) /rɪˈkwaɪr/
to need something or make something necessary: yêu cầu
Ex: Please call this number if you require any further information.
8. Energy (n)/ˈen.ɚ.dʒi/
the power and ability to be physically and mentally active: năng lượng
Ex: Since I started eating more healthily I've got so much more energy.
9. accept (v) /əkˈsept/
to agree to take something: chấp nhận
Ex: Do you accept credit cards?
10. forever (adv) (UK also for ever) /fɔːˈrev.ɚ/
for all time: mãi mãi
Ex: I like the house but I don't imagine I'll live there forever.
11. possibility /ˌpɑː.səˈbɪl.ə.t̬ i/
a chance that something may happen or be true: khả năng, sự có thể
Ex: The forecast said that there's a possibility of snow tonight.
12. consider (v) /kənˈsɪd.ɚ/
to spend time thinking about a possibility or making a decision: xem xét, cân nhắc
Ex: Don't make any decisions before you've considered the situation.
13. Alternatively (adv) /ɑːlˈtɝː.nə.t̬ ɪ
used to suggest another possibility: ngoài ra, hoặc

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Ex: We could go to the Indian restaurant, or alternatively, we could try that new Italian
14. appear (v) /əˈpɪr/
to start to be seen or to be present: xuất hiện
Ex: He suddenly appeared in the doorway.
15. quite (adv) /kwaɪt/ (US usually fairly, pretty)
a little or a lot but not completely: khá
Ex: I'm quite tired but I can certainly walk a little further.
16. decision (n) /dɪˈsɪʒ.ən/
(CHOICE) a choice that you make about something after thinking about several
possibilities: quyết định
Ex: She has had to make some very difficult decisions.
17. rule (n) /ruːl/
an accepted principle or instruction that states the way things are or should be done, and
tells you what you are allowed or are not allowed to do: quy tắc, luật lệ
Ex: A referee must know all the rules of the game.
18. guideline (n) [ C usually plural ] /ˈɡaɪd.laɪn/
C1 information intended to advise people on how something should be done or what
something should be: đường lối chỉ đạo , hướng dẫn
Ex: The EU has issued guidelines on appropriate levels of pay for part-time manual
19. move on (phrasal verb)
C1 to start a new activity: bắt đầu, tiếp tục
Ex: I'd done the same job for years and felt it was time to move on.
20. opinion (n) /əˈpɪn.jən/
a thought or belief about something or someone: ý kiến, quan điểm
Ex: What's your opinion about/on the matter?
21. Temporary (a) /ˈtem.prər.i/ /ˈtem.pə.rer.i/
not lasting or needed for very long: tạm thời

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Ex: The ceasefire will only provide a temporary solution to the crisis.
22. lead to (phrasal verb) /liːd/
If an action or event leads to something, it causes that thing to happen or exist: dẫn tới,
gây ra
Ex: Reducing speed limits should lead to fewer deaths on the roads.
23. definition (n) /ˌdef.ɪˈnɪʃ.ən/
(EXPLANATION) a statement that explains the meaning of a word or phrase: định nghĩa
Ex: a dictionary definition
24. fear (v) /fɪr/
to be frightened of something or someone unpleasant: sợ, e ngại
Ex: Most older employees fear unemployment.
25. dissatisfaction (n) /ˌdɪs.sæt̬ .əsˈfæk.ʃən/
a lack of satisfaction: không hài lòng
Ex: At the moment she's experiencing a lot of dissatisfaction with her job.
26. frightened (a)/ˈfraɪ.tənd/
feeling fear or worry: hoảng sợ
Ex: She gets frightened when he shouts at her.
27. stranger /ˈstreɪn.dʒɚ/
someone you do not know: người lạ
Ex: My mother always warned me not to talk to strangers.

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Exam information | Short-answer questions

Just as with multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions are normally in the same
order as the information in the text. Sometimes in short-answer tasks, the instructions will
ask you to use words taken directly from the text.

Exercise 1: Read the following text and then look at the questions on the next page.

The concept of 'the body' is closely related to the ideas of 'illness' and 'health'.
All of us exist in 'bodies' of different shapes, heights, colours and physical abilities. The
main reasons for the differences are genetic, and the fact that people's bodies change as
they age. However, a huge range of research indicates that there are social factors too.
Poorer people are more likely to eat 'unhealthy' foods, to smoke cigarettes and to be
employed in repetitive, physically difficult work or the opposite: boring, inactive
employment. Moreover, their housing conditions and neighbourhoods tend to be worse.
All of these factors impact upon the condition of a person's health: the physical shapes of
bodies are strongly influenced by social factors.
These social factors are also closely linked to emotional wellbeing. People with low or no
incomes are more likely to have mental health problems. It is not clear, however, whether
poverty causes mental illness, or whether it is the other way around. For example, certain
people with mental health issues may be at risk of becoming homeless, just as a person
who is homeless may have an increased risk of illnesses such as depression.
There are other types of social factors too. Bodies are young or old, short or tall, big or
small, weak or strong. Whether these judgments matter and whether they are positive or
negative depends on the cultural and historical context. The culture - and media - of
different societies promote very different valuations of body shapes. What is considered as
attractive or ugly, normal or abnormal varies enormously. Currently, for example, in rich

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societies the idea of slimness is highly valued, but historically this was different. In most
societies the ideal body shape for a woman was a 'full figure' with a noticeable belly, while
in middle-aged men, a large stomach indicated that they were financially successful in life.
In many traditional African and Pacific island cultures, for example, a large body shape
was a sign of success and a shape to be aimed at.
It is easy for people to feel undervalued because of factors they have no power to change,
for example, their age and height. Equally, they can feel pressured into making changes to
their appearance when there is a choice, which in extreme cases can lead to obsessions with
weight loss and fitness regimes.
Sociologists, then, are suggesting that we should not just view bodies and minds in
biological terms, but also in social terms. The physical body and what we seek to do with
it change over time and society. This has important implications for medicine and ideas of
health. Thus, the idea of people being 'obese' is physically related to large amounts of
processed food, together with lack of exercise, and is therefore a medical issue. However,
it has also become a mental health issue and social problem as a result of people coming to
define this particular body shape as 'wrong' and unhealthy.

Questions 1-10
Using NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS for each, answer the following questions.
1. In what ways do our bodies physically differ?
2. Why do our bodies differ physically?
3. What types of jobs are poor people likely to have?
4. What aspects of poor people's living environments are not good?
5. What influences how groups of people value bodies?

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6. What have wealthy cultures changed their opinion about?

7. In the past, what part of the body could indicate that people were rich?
8. According to sociology, in what ways should we think about the body?
9. Which two physical factors contribute to whether people are obese or not?
10. What does society say that being obese it?

1. Concept (n) /ˈkɑːn.sept/
a principle or idea: khái niệm
Ex: The concept of free speech is unknown to them.
2. exist (v) /ɪɡˈzɪst/
to be, or to be real: tồn tại
Ex: I don't think ghosts exist.
3. Shape (n)
the particular physical form or appearance of something: hình dạng
Ex: Our table is oval in shape.
4. height (n) /haɪt/
the distance from the top to the bottom of something, or the quality of being tall: chiều cao
Ex: The sheer height of New York's skyscrapers is so impressive.
5. ability (n) /əˈbɪl.ə.t̬ i/
the physical or mental power or skill needed to do something: khả năng
Ex: There's no doubting her ability.
6. Genetic (a) /dʒəˈnet̬ .ɪk/

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C1 belonging or relating to genes (= parts of the DNA in cells) received by each animal
or plant from its parents: di truyền
Ex: a genetic defect/disease
7. indicate (v) /ˈɪn.də.keɪt/
(SHOW) to show, point, or make clear in another way: chỉ ra
Ex: Exploratory investigations have indicated large amounts of oil below the sea bed.
8. cigarette (n) /ˌsɪɡ.ərˈet/ /ˈsɪɡ.ə.ret/ (informal cig, ciggie)
a small paper tube filled with cut pieces of tobacco that people smoke: thuốc lá
Ex: a packet of cigarettes
9. repetitive (a) /rɪˈpet̬ .ə.t̬ ɪv/ (also repetitious)
C1 involving doing or saying the same thing several times, especially in a way that is
boring: lặp đi lặp lại, nhàm chán
Ex: a repetitive job/task
10. tend (v) /tend/
to be likely to behave in a particular way or have a particular characteristic: có xu hướng
Ex: [ + to infinitive ] We tend to get cold winters and warm, dry summers in this part of
the country.
11. impact (v,n) /ɪmˈpækt/
C1 to have an influence on something: ảnh hưởng, tác động
Ex: Falling export rates have impacted (on) the country's economy quite considerably.
12. upon (preposition) /əˈpɑːn/
on: trên
Ex: Upon her head she wore a black velvet hat.
13. influence (v,n) /ˈɪn.flu.əns/
to affect or change how someone or something develops, behaves, or thinks: ảnh hưởng,
tác động
Ex: She's very good at making friends and influencing people.
14. Wellbeing (n) /ˌwelˈbiː.ɪŋ/
C1 the state of feeling healthy and happy: tình trạng hạnh phúc, khoẻ mạnh

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Ex: People doing yoga benefit from an increased feeling of well-being.

15. poverty (n) /ˈpɑː.vɚ.t̬ i/
the condition of being extremely poor: cảnh nghèo nàn, cảnh bần cùng
Ex: Two million people in the city live in abject (= very great) poverty.
16. Depression (n) /dɪˈpreʃ.ən/
(UNHAPPINESS) the state of feeling very unhappy and without hope for the future: trầm
Ex: I was overwhelmed by feelings of depression.
17. media (n) /ˈmiː.di.ə/
(NEWSPAPERS) the internet, newspapers, magazines, television, etc., considered as a
group: phương tiện truyền thông đại chúng
Ex: the local/national media
18. valuation (n) /ˌvæl.juˈeɪ.ʃən/
the act of deciding how much money something might be sold for or the amount of money
decided on: sự định giá
Ex: You can receive a home loan of up to 95 percent of the official valuation of the
19. abnormal (a) /æbˈnɔːr.məl/
C1 different from what is usual or average, especially in a way that is bad: bất thường
Ex: abnormal behaviour/weather/conditions
20. vary /ˈver.i/
[I or T] (BE DIFFERENT) If things of the same type vary, they are different from each
other, and if you vary them, you cause them to be different from each other: thay đổi, biến
Ex: Salary scales vary between states/from state to state/according to state/with each state.
21. obsession /əbˈseʃ.ən/
something or someone that you think about all the time: nỗi ám ảnh
Ex: an unhealthy obsession with death
22. fitness (n) /ˈfɪt.nəs/

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the condition of being physically strong and healthy: tình trạng khỏe mạnh, sung sức
Ex: I'm trying to improve my fitness by cycling to work.
23. regime (n) /reɪˈʒiːm/
a particular way of operating or organizing a business, etc.: chế độ ăn uống, chế độ tập
luyện, cách thức cai trị
Ex: The regime in this office is hard work and more hard work.
24. Implication (n) uk /ˌɪm.plɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ us /ˌɪm.pləˈkeɪ.ʃən/
[ C usually plural ] the effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the
future: ảnh hưởng, hàm ý
Ex: The company is cutting back its spending and I wonder what the implications will be
for our department.
25. Medicine (n) /ˈmed.ɪ.sən/
(TREATMENT) treatment for illness or injury, or the study of this: thuốc, y khoa
Ex: paediatric/preventative medicine
26. obese (a) /oʊˈbiːs/
C1 extremely fat in a way that is dangerous for health: béo phì
Ex: She was not just overweight; she was clinically obese.
27. processed (a) uk /ˈprəʊ.sest/ us /ˈprɑː-/
Processed food has had some sort of chemical or industrial treatment in order to cook it,
preserve it, or improve its taste or appearance: đã xử lý, đã chế biến
Ex: processed cheese/meat

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Exercise 2: Scan the text below and answer questions 1-3, using NO MORE THAN
THREE WORDS for each answer.

Illness is defined in a variety of ways, which depend on a number of factors. One of these
factors is age differences. Older people tend to accept as 'normal' a range of pains and
physical limitations which younger people would define as symptoms of some illness or
disability. As we age, we gradually redefine health and accept greater levels of physical
discomfort. In Blaxter's (1990) national survey of health definitions, she found that young
people tend to define health in terms of physical fitness, but gradually, as people age, health
comes to be defined more in terms of being able to cope with everyday tasks. She found
examples of older people with really serious arthritis, who nevertheless defined themselves
as healthy, as they were still able to carry out a limited range of routine activities.

1. Why do some people accept pain as a part of life?

2. What did Blaxter want to find out about?
3. What does the text say about how older people define health?

1. variety (n) /vəˈraɪ.ə.ti/
many different types of things or people: đa dạng
Ex: She does a variety of fitness activities.
2. depend (v) /dɪˈpend/
to be decided by or to change according to the stated thing: phụ thuộc
Ex: Whether or not we go to Mexico for our holiday depends on the cost.
3. a number of things
several of a particular type of thing: nhiều

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Ex: I decided not to go, for a number of reasons.

4. pain (n) /peɪn/
a feeling of physical suffering caused by injury or illness: đau đớn
Ex: Her symptoms included abdominal pain and vomiting.
5. limitation (n) uk /ˌlɪm.ɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ us /ˌlɪm.əˈteɪ.ʃən/
C1 the act of controlling and especially reducing something: hạn chế, giời hạn
Ex: the limitation of nuclear weapons
6. accept (v) /əkˈsept/
to agree to take something: chấp nhận
Ex: Do you accept credit cards?
7. disability (n) /ˌdɪs.əˈbɪl.ə.t̬ i/
an illness, injury, or condition that makes it difficult for someone to do the things that other
people do: khuyết tật
Ex: a physical/learning disability
8. age (v) /eɪdʒ/
If someone ages or something ages them, they look older: trở nên già
Ex: She's aged since the last time we met.
9. discomfort (n) /dɪˈskʌm.fɚt/
C1 a feeling of being uncomfortable physically or mentally, or something that causes this:
khó chịu
Ex: You may feel a little discomfort for a few days after the operation.
10. in terms of/in ... terms
used to describe which particular area of a subject you are discussing: liên quan tới, trong
mối quan hệ với
Ex: In terms of money, I was better off in my last job.
11. survey (n) /ˈsɝː.veɪ/
an examination of opinions, behaviour, etc., made by asking people questions: khảo sát
Ex: A recent survey found/revealed/showed that 58 percent of people did not know where
their heart is.

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12. gradually (adv) /ˈɡrædʒ.u.ə.li/

slowly over a period of time or a distance: dần dần, từ từ
Ex: Gradually, she realized that he wasn't telling her the truth.
13. cope (v) /kəʊp/ us /koʊp/
to deal successfully with a difficult situation: đối phó, đương đầu
Ex: It must be really hard to cope with three young children and a job.
14. able (adj) /ˈeɪ.bəl/
(CAN DO) be able to do sth
to have the necessary physical strength, mental power, skill, time, money, or opportunity
to do something: có thể
Ex: Will she be able to cope with the work?
15. arthritis (n) uk /ɑːˈθraɪ.tɪs/ us /ɑːrˈθraɪ.t̬ əs/
a serious condition in which a person's joints (= the places where two bones are connected)
become painful, swollen, and stiff: chứng viêm khớp
Ex: In later life she was crippled with arthritis.
16. nevertheless (adv) /ˌnev.ɚ.ðəˈles/ (also nonetheless)
despite what has just been said or referred to: tuy nhiên
Ex: I knew a lot about the subject already, but her talk was interesting nevertheless.
17. carry sth out — phrasal verb
to do or complete something, especially that you have said you would do or that you have
been told to do: thực hiện
Ex: Dr Carter is carrying out research on early Christian art.
18. routine (n) /ruːˈtiːn/
a usual or fixed way of doing things: thói quen, công việc thường làm hằng ngày
Ex: There's no set/fixed routine at work - every day is different.

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Exam information | Completing tables and flow charts

In the exam, you may be given a table or a flow chart (a series of steps linked by arrows)
with gaps in it. You will need to read a passage to find the missing information. The
answers may be in one particular section of the text, but are unlikely to be in the same
order as the gaps. You will be told how many words from the text you should use, e.g. no
more than two words and/or a number, one word only.


Why Stellinga?
Thank you for your interest in Stellinga International College. As an international student,
we are sure you will find our university college an exciting place to study, with like-minded
and ambitious individuals.
Preparing and submitting your application
We have tried to make the application process as easy as possible for you, but there are a
number of procedures you must follow.
All our courses are taught in English, so first of all you will probably need to submit proof
of your English language ability. We require an IELTS score of 6.5 or another test result
which is equivalent (see appendix). You will also have to send us your secondary school
diploma, so that we can evaluate it. If you have the International Baccalaureate or a Dutch
WWO diploma, you don't need to provide English language test results.
We will also require a personal statement. This is a text of up to 1000 words in which you
introduce yourself, explain your interest in our college, and why you want to study your
chosen course.
If you are from outside the European Union (EU), it is important that you have an entrance
visa before you come to study in the Netherlands, but we will apply for this for you.

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We now only accept online applications, so please ensure that you have all your documents
ready to upload before you begin. Any documents that are not in English originally will
also need to be translated and the translations also uploaded.
You will need a passport photograph; a copy of your passport; copies of all your
certificates, diplomas, etc.; your proof of language ability (see above); and your personal
statement in English.
What happens next?
Your application will then be considered. If your initial application is successful, you will
be invited for an interview. This will be conducted in English via Skype, over the phone or
on site, depending on whether you can come and visit us. You will talk to two or three
members of staff for up to 30 minutes, and will be asked to elaborate on your application
documents and your personal statement. We aim to inform you of our decision in writing,
within 4 weeks. There are several possible outcomes: you may not have been successful;
you may be offered a place at the college or you may be offered a place on the waiting list.
You will need to reply to any offers within two weeks, otherwise your place may be offered
to somebody else.
Good luck with your application.

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Exercise 1: Questions 1-6

Using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer, complete the
table and the flow chart below.

The required documents:

Evidence of language ability IELTS 6.5 or (1) ...........................................
Evidence of studies (2) .................................................................
Dutch VWO diploma, or other secondary school diploma
Information about motivation (3).................................................. with a maximum
length of (4)..........................................
Proof of identity (5) ............................................ and passport photo
Other (6) ………............... if originals are in a foreign language

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Exercise 2: Questions 7-11

Using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer, complete the
table and the flow chart below.

The online application process for people outside the EU:

Online application

STAGE 1: Getting Document checklist

documents together see table above

Submitting the
If your application is
application online
unsuccessful, the process ends
STAGE 3: (8) …………….or held
(7) ………………......... by Skype or (9) …………
If you are not (10) ..................
the process ends here

STAGE 4: We will either offer you a

Our decision place immediately or put
you on a (11) …………..

Your reply

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1. apply (v) /əˈplaɪ/
(REQUEST) to request something, usually officially, especially in writing or by sending in
a form: xin, thỉnh cầu
Ex: By the time I saw the job advertised it was already too late to apply.
2. application (n) /ˌæp.ləˈkeɪ.ʃən/
an official request for something, usually in writing: đơn xin
Ex: a letter of application
3. like-minded (adj) /ˌlaɪkˈmaɪn.dɪd/
People who are described as like-minded share the same opinions, ideas, or interests: cùng
chí hướng
Ex: A dedicated football fan herself, she started the magazine for like-minded women.
4. ambitious (adj) /æmˈbɪʃ.əs/
having a strong wish to be successful, powerful, or rich: tham vọng
Ex: an ambitious young lawyer
5. individual (n) /ˌɪn.dəˈvɪdʒ.u.əl/
(SINGLE) a single person or thing, especially when compared to the group or set to which
they belong: cá nhân
Ex: Every individual has rights which must never be taken away.
6. process (n) /ˈprɑː.ses/
a series of actions that you take in order to achieve a result: quá trình
Ex: Increasing the number of women in top management jobs will be a slow process.
7. procedure (n) /prəˈsiː.dʒɚ/
(WAY TO DO) a set of actions that is the official or accepted way of doing something: thủ
Ex: The company has new procedures for dealing with complaints.
8. proof (n) /pruːf/
(SHOWING TRUTH) a fact or piece of information that shows that something exists or is
true: bằng chứng

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Ex: [ + that ] Do they have any proof that it was Hampson who stole the goods?
9. require (v) /rɪˈkwaɪr/
to need something or make something necessary: yêu cầu
Ex: Please call this number if you require any further information.
10. equivalent (adj) /ɪˈkwɪv.əl.ənt/
C1 having the same amount, value, purpose, qualities, etc.: tương đương
Ex: She's doing the equivalent job in the new company but for more money.
11. appendix (n) /əˈpen.dɪ.siːz/
(BOOK PART) a separate part at the end of a book or magazine that gives extra
information: phụ lục
Ex: There's an appendix at the end of the book with a list of dates.
12. diploma (n) /dɪˈploʊ.mə/
a document given by a college or university to show that you have passed a particular
exam or finished your studies: văn bằng
Ex: a diploma in business studies
13. evaluate (v) /ɪˈvæl.ju.eɪt/
C1 to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something: đánh giá
Ex: It's impossible to evaluate these results without knowing more about the research
methods employed.
14. personal statement (n)
a short written description of your personal qualities that you include with a CV, a
university application form, etc. when applying for a job or a place on a course: bài luận
cá nhân
Ex: The personal statement is absolutely critical to the success of your job application.
15. ensure (v) (US also insure) uk /ɪnˈʃɔːr/ us /ɪnˈʃʊr/
to make something certain to happen: đảm bảo
Ex: The airline is taking steps to ensure safety on its aircraft.
16. originally (adv) /əˈrɪdʒ.ən.əl.i/
first of all: trước tiên

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Ex: Originally it was a bedroom, but we turned it into a study.

17. initial (adj) /ɪˈnɪʃ.əl/
of or at the beginning: ban đầu, lúc đầu
Ex: My initial surprise was soon replaced by delight.
18. conduct (v) /kənˈdʌkt/
(ORGANIZE) to organize and perform a particular activity: tiến hành
Ex: We are conducting a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus
19. elaborate (adj) /iˈlæb.ɚ.ət/
C2 containing a lot of careful detail or many detailed parts: phức tạp, kỹ lưỡng
Ex: You want a plain blouse to go with that skirt - nothing too elaborate.
20. outcome (n) /ˈaʊt.kʌm/
C1 a result or effect of an action, situation, etc.: kết quả
Ex: It's too early to predict the outcome of the meeting.

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Exam information | Completing sentences

In the exam, you may be asked to complete sentences with words from the passage. The
information will be in the same order as the questions.

Exercise 1: Complete the sentences below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR
NUMBERS from the text for each answer.
1. A compound cannot be separated without energy and a …………………………...
2. Although mixtures consist of a combination of elements and compounds, it is
possible for these to be .............................................
3. If flavourings were not added, people would probably …… consume
4. Flavours can only be described as natural if they have a natural .............................
5. Vanillin is chemically produced, but ............................... in chemical composition
to a natural flavouring.

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Cupcakes are made from a mixture of ingredients. Different flavoured cupcakes have
different mixtures. The icing used to decorate the cakes contains sugar, water, colouring
and flavouring. Water and sugar are different types of compounds. These compounds are
made from elements.
Elements, compounds and mixtures
Chemical substances occur in three types.
● Elements - these contain one type of atom only. They cannot be chemically broken
down into simpler substances.
● Compounds - these contain two or more different elements bonded together. A
chemical reaction is needed to break up a compound. This will involve energy.
● Mixtures - these may contain two or more elements and/or compounds. They are
mixed in any proportion and can be separated out.
When a baker mixes the flour, sugar, fat, eggs, flavouring and colour together to make
cupcakes, he or she is making a mixture. The icing sugar, water and colour make a different
mixture. The sugar and water are compounds.
The compound water is made from the elements hydrogen and oxygen. Sugar contains the
elements hydrogen, oxygen and carbon.
In this unit, we will be looking at flavourings, the substances that are added to food or drink
to give it a particular taste. They are added because people would probably refuse to eat
certain products without them. Margarine and ice cream, for example, would have
unacceptable tastes, whereas certain jellies, some other sweets, and meat replacement
products would have little or no taste.
Natural flavours are those found in nature. Those from vegetable sources include vanilla,
strawberry, lemon and nuts. An example of an animal source is beef flavouring, added for
example to chips. Essential oils and fruit juices can also be used to flavour foods. They are
sourced in nature and obtained through physical processes such as distillation and
Some animal flavours, such as bacon and beef flavour in crisps, are vegetarian because
they are artificial rather than made from animal sources.
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There are also nature-identical flavourings. An example is Vanillin, which is often

produced cheaply from lignin, a polymer, rather than from vanilla pods. These flavourings
are chemically identical to natural flavourings, but have been produced chemically rather
than naturally, e.g. by a process of chemical extraction. The human body does not notice
the difference as their molecules are identical to natural ones.
Artificial flavourings consist of chemically synthesized compounds which have no source
whatsoever in nature. Although the word natural has positive connotations, some natural
flavours may have contaminated sources, which are harmful. Artificial flavours undergo
strict testing because they are subject to laws (e.g. The European Flavouring Regulation
(1334/2008) and may therefore be purer and safer. Using natural flavourings is also more
expensive and may be considered a waste at a time when we are trying to preserve nature.

1. ingredient (n) /ɪnˈɡriː.di.ənt/
a food that is used with other foods in the preparation of a particular dish: thành phần
Ex: The list of ingredients included 250 g of almonds.
2. decorate (v) /ˈdek.ər.eɪt/
to add something to an object or place, especially in order to make it more attractive: trang
Ex: They decorated the wedding car with ribbons and flowers.
3. contain (v) /kənˈteɪn/
to have something inside or include something as a part: bao gồm, chứa
Ex: How much liquid do you think this bottle contains?
4. compound (n) /ˈkɒm.paʊnd/
(COMBINATION) chemistry specialized a chemical that combines two or more elements:
hợp chất
Ex: Salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine.
5. occur (v) /əˈkɜːr/
(EXIST) [ I + adv/prep ] to exist or be present in, among, etc.: tồn tại

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Ex: Violence of some type seems to occur in every society.

6. atom (n) /ˈæt.əm/
the smallest unit of any chemical element, consisting of a positive nucleus surrounded by
negative electrons. Atoms can combine to form a molecule: nguyên tử
Ex: A molecule of carbon dioxide (CO2) has one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.
7. break down (phrasal verb)
to separate, or to separate something, into smaller parts: chia nhỏ thành
Ex: The data breaks down into three main categories.
8. involve (v) /ɪnˈvɑːlv/
If an activity, situation, etc. involves something, that thing is a part of the activity, etc.: liên
Ex: Research involving the use of biological warfare agents will be used for defensive
9. proportion (n) /prəˈpɔːr.ʃən/
C1 the number or amount of a group or part of something when compared to the whole: tỉ
Ex: Children make up a large proportion of the world's population.
10. icing sugar (n) /ˈaɪ.sɪŋ ˌʃʊɡ.ɚ/ (US powdered sugar, confectioner's sugar)
a soft powder made from sugar that is used to make icing for cakes: đường tinh
11. particular (adj) /pɚˈtɪk.jə.lɚ/
(SPECIAL) special, or this and not any other: đặc biệt, cụ thể
Ex: She wanted a particular type of cactus.
12. taste (n) /teɪst/
(FLAVOUR) the flavour of something, or the ability of a person or animal to recognize
different flavours: hương vị, mùi vị
Ex: I love the taste of garlic.
13. refuse (v) /rɪˈfjuːz/
to say that you will not do or accept something: từ chối
Ex: He asked me to give him another loan, but I refused.

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14. margarine (n) /ˈmɑr·dʒə·rɪn/

a yellow substance that is made from vegetable or animal fat and is often used instead of
butter: bơ thực vật
15. jelly (n) /ˈdʒel.i/
a sweet soft food made by cooking fruit with sugar to preserve it. It is smooth, without any
pieces of fruit in it. Jelly is eaten on bread: thạch
Ex: a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
16. essential oil (n) /ɪˌsen.ʃəl ˈɔɪl/
an oil, usually with a strong smell, that is taken from a plant and is used to make perfume,
or for rubbing into a person's body during massage: tinh 3dầu
Ex: Lavender, peppermint, and jasmine are essential oils that are widely available.
17. obtain (v) /əbˈteɪn/
(GET) to get something, especially by asking for it, buying it, working for it, or producing
it from something else: đạt được
Ex: to obtain permission
18. vegetarian (n) /ˌvedʒ.əˈter.i.ən/ (UK informal veggie)
a person who does not eat meat for health or religious reasons or because they want to
avoid being cruel to animals: người ăn chay
Ex: Of the four million people who have become vegetarians in this country, nearly two
thirds are women.
19. artificial (adj) /ˌɑː.tɪˈfɪʃ.əl/
made by people, often as a copy of something natural: nhân tạo
Ex: clothes made of artificial fibres
20. identical (adj) /aɪˈden.t̬ ə.kəl/
exactly the same, or very similar: giống hệt
Ex: I've got three identical blue suits.
21. lignin (n) /ˈlɪɡ.nɪn/
a substance found in the edges of some plant cells that makes the plant hard like wood:
chất gỗ

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22. synthesize (v) (UK usually synthesise) /ˈsɪn.θə.saɪz/

to produce a substance by a chemical reaction in plants or animals: tổng hợp
Ex: There are many vitamins that the body cannot synthesize itself.
23. contaminated (adj) /kənˈtæm.ə.neɪ.t̬ ɪd/
poisonous or not pure: bị ô nhiễm
Ex: The infection was probably caused by swimming in contaminated water/water
contaminated with sewage.
24. undergo (v) /ˌʌn.dɚˈɡoʊ/
C1 to experience something that is unpleasant or something that involves a change: trải
Ex: She underwent an operation on a tumour in her left lung last year.
25. pure (adj) /pjʊr/
(NOT MIXED) B1 not mixed with anything else: tinh khiết, nguyên chất
Ex: a pure cotton shirt
26. preserve (v) /prɪˈzɝːv/
to keep something as it is, especially in order to prevent it from decaying or being damaged
or destroyed: bảo tồn
Ex: to preserve the environment

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Exam informatio | Completing diagram labels

In the exam, you may be asked to read a passage and use words from it to complete
labels on a diagram or picture. The answers will often come from a particular section
of the text and may not be inbeach, a natural
the same order astreasure trove
the questions.

Nature walks can be fun, energizing and educational at the same time. In Part One, we will
look at what we can find on a marine walk. In Part Two, we will discuss our fascinating
First of all, when you are walking on the beach you may be able to spot tracks. Birds and
crabs leave footprints behind, especially in wet sand. On sandy beaches you will also be
able to find interesting holes, made by crabs that were digging for food in the mud.
You may also come across jellyfish, as these are often washed up on the beach by the tides.
They have no eyes, ears, heart or head and are mostly made of water. They look like a bag
with arms, which are called tentacles. These contain poison, which helps them catch food.
Even when they are out of the water or in pieces the tentacles may sting you, so they are
best left alone.
Other animals you may find are coral and barnacles. The latter are marine animals that are
related to crabs and lobsters and live in shallow waters. They like to attach themselves to
hard materials, so you are likely to find them stuck to a piece of wood.
You may also see what look like small gelatinous blobs but are actually fish or worm eggs.
If you are lucky, you may find a fossil. In essence, this is an animal that died and got buried
in a seabed. They are likely to look like a piece of rock with an imprint of an animal
skeleton. Their history is very interesting
For an animal to become fossilized, it has to be buried in mud, sand or soil. If an animal
dies but is not buried, it is more likely to rot away, be swept away by wind or water, and/or
be eaten by another animal. Over millions of years, the animal remains become buried
deeper and deeper; the mud, sand or soil compresses and slowly becomes rock. Their bone

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or shell starts to crystallize, because of surrounding minerals and chemicals. Ideally, the
temperature stays relatively constant throughout this process. Sometimes the fossil
dissolves completely and just leaves an imprint. At other times, waves, tides and currents
slowly make the rocks erode, which allows the animal remains to break off, ready for you
to find.
What you will definitely find a beach are shells. These were once the homes of animals
such as snails, barnacles and mussels, consisting of a hard layer that the animal created for
protection as part of its body. After the animal has died, its soft parts have rotted or have
been eaten by other animals, such as crabs. What is left is a beautiful seashell for you to
admire and take home if you wish.

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Exercise 1: Using NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS from the passage, complete each
gap in the diagram.

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1. treasure trove (n) /ˈtreʒ.ə ˌtrəʊv/
a treasure trove of sth a place that is full of something good: Kho tàng (nơi chứa nhiều
điều bổ ích và đẹp đẽ; sách..)
Ex: Though small, this museum is a veritable treasure trove of history.
2. energize (v) (UK usually energise) /ˈen.ɚ.dʒaɪz/
to make someone feel energetic or eager: làm mạnh mẽ, tiếp nghị lực cho
Ex: I felt very energized after my holiday.
3. marine (adj) /məˈriːn/
related to the sea or sea transport: (thuộc) biển
Ex: The oil slick seriously threatens marine life around the islands.
4. fascinating (adj) /ˈfæs.ən.eɪ.tɪŋ
extremely interesting: hấp dẫn, lôi cuốn
Ex: The book offers a fascinating glimpse of the lives of the rich and famous.
5. spot (v) /spɑːt/
(SEE) to see or notice someone or something, usually because you are looking hard: thấy
Ex: I've just spotted Mark - he's over there, near the entrance.
6. footprint (n) /ˈfʊt.prɪnt/
the mark made by a person's or animal's foot: dấu chân
Ex: There was not a single footprint in the sand.
7. dig (v) /dɪɡ/
(MOVE SOIL) to break up and move soil using a tool, a machine, or your hands: đào
Ex: Digging (in) the garden is good exercise.
8. mud (n) /mʌd/
earth that has been mixed with water: bùn
Ex: The vehicles got bogged down in the heavy mud.
9. come across something/someone — phrasal verb
(FIND) to find something or someone by chance: tình cờ tìm thấy
Ex: He came across some old love letters.

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10. jellyfish (n) /ˈdʒel.i.fɪʃ/ - plural jellyfish

a sea creature with a soft, oval, almost transparent body: sứa
11. tide (n) /taɪd/
the rise and fall of the sea that happens twice every day: thủy triều
Ex: high/low tide The tide is out/in.
12. tentacle (n) /ˈten.t̬ ə.kəl/
one of the long, thin parts like arms of some sea animals, used for feeling and holding
things, catching food, or moving: tua
13. poison (n) /ˈpɔɪ.zən/
a substance that can make people or animals ill or kill them if they eat or drink it: chất độc
Ex: The pest control officer put bowls of rat poison in the attic.
14. sting (v) /stɪŋ/
If an insect, plant, or animal stings, it produces a small but painful injury, usually with a
poison, by brushing against the skin or making a very small hole in the skin: chích, đốt
Ex: Do all types of bee sting?
15. coral (n) /ˈkɔːr.əl/
C2 a substance like rock, formed in the sea by groups of particular types of small animal,
often used in jewellery: san hô
Ex: a coral bracelet/necklace
16. barnacle (n) /ˈbɑː.nə.kəl/
a small sea creature with a shell, that sticks very tightly and in large numbers to rocks and
the bottom of boats: con hà, con hàu biển
17. shallow (adj) /ˈʃæl.əʊ/
(NOT DEEP) having only a short distance from the top to the bottom: cạn, nông
Ex: Several different species of fish inhabit these shallow waters.
18. blob (n) /blɑːb/
(DROP) a fat, round drop, usually of something sticky or thick: giọt nước, đốm màu
Ex: a blob of glue/paint
19. worm (n) /wɝːm/

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(CREATURE) a small animal with a long, narrow, soft body without arms, legs, or bones:
con sâu
Ex: The kiwi bird eats worms, other invertebrates, and berries.
20. fossil (n) /ˈfɑː.səl/
(IN ROCK) the shape of a bone, a shell, or a plant or animal that has been preserved in
rock for a very long period: hóa thạch
21. in essence /ˈes.əns/
C2 formal relating to the most important characteristics or ideas of something: về bản chất
Ex: In essence, both sides agree on the issue.
22. bury (v) /ˈber.i/
to put something into a hole in the ground and cover it: chôn
Ex: The dog trotted off to bury its bone.
23. imprint (n) /ˈɪm.prɪnt/
an occasion when an object presses on something and leaves a mark: vết in, vết hằn
Ex: The button had left an imprint on my arm.
24. skeleton (n) /ˈskel.ə.tən/
(FRAME OF BONES) the frame of bones supporting a human or animal body: bộ khung
Ex: We found an old sheep skeleton up on the cliffs.
25. rot (v) /rɑːt/
C2 to (cause something to) decay: thối
Ex: The fruit had been left to rot on the trees.
26. compress (v) /kəmˈpres/
to press something into a smaller space: nén
Ex: Firmly compress the soil in the pot so that the plant is secure.
27. crystallize (v) (UK usually crystallise) /ˈkrɪs.təl.aɪz/
If a liquid crystallizes, it turns into crystals: kết tinh
28. mineral (n) /ˈmɪn.ər.əl/

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(SUBSTANCE) a valuable or useful chemical substance that is formed naturally in the

ground: chất khoáng
29. constant (adj) /ˈkɑːn.stənt/
(FREQUENT) happening a lot or all the time: không ngừng, liên tiếp, kiên định
Ex: He's in constant trouble with the police.
30. dissolve (v) /dɪˈzɑːlv/
(BE ABSORBED) C2 (of a solid) to be absorbed by a liquid, especially when mixed, or (of
a liquid) to absorb a solid: hòa tan
Ex: Dissolve two spoons of powder in warm water.
31. erode (v) /ɪˈroʊd/
(DAMAGE PHYSICALLY) C2 to rub or be rubbed away gradually: xói mòn
Ex: Wind and rain have eroded the statues into shapeless lumps of stone.
32. mussel (n) /ˈmʌs.əl/
a small sea creature that has a black shell with two parts that close tightly together.
Mussels can be eaten: con trai

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Exercise 2: Using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage, complete each
gap in the diagram.
The many uses of the Moringa tree
The Moringa tree, Saragwa, or Drumstick tree, is relatively unknown in the West, despite
the fact that it is incredibly useful. Miriam Tayne reports about its culinary, medicinal and
other uses.
The Moringa tree is a relatively small tree that typically grows to between three and ten
metres tall. Its flowers are creamy coloured and have been compared to small orchids. The
plant has long and round green pods that can grow to 30 cms and which look a bit like
drumsticks, hence the tree's common name. The pods consist of three parts, which contain
round, dark brown seeds. Planting needs to be done in sandy or muddy soil, using these
seeds or tree cuttings. The plant does not tolerate frost but thrives in hot climates. It is very
common in South and South-east Asia, Africa and America.
The leaves are reputed to have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, so are used
for eye and ear infections, fevers, etc. They are also held against the forehead to reduce
headaches, or made into tea to treat stomach complaints. As they contain a lot of iron they
have been used for the treatment of anaemia, a medical condition in which there are too
few red cells in the blood, causing tiredness. The plant also contains many other nutrients,
such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and vitamins A and C.
The ground-up seeds are commonly used to treat certain skin infections, but can be used
for much more. Ground seeds can be mixed with salt or oils to apply to the body to treat
cramp, back ache and forms of arthritis, a medical condition in which the joints are swollen
and painful. The oil, called Ben oil because it contains behenic acid, is also used as a hair
treatment or a perfume, and to deter mosquitoes and treat their bites. The byproducts of the
oil manufacturing process are used for fertilization and water purification
The roots work in exactly the same way as the seeds, but are much stronger, so are not used
as often. They have additional uses for heart and circulation problems, whereas the gum is
sometimes used to treat asthma. The bark has quite a pleasant taste and is sometimes eaten
to encourage digestion.

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The plant's main use is as food for livestock, and for human beings, because it contains
high concentrations of fibre and protein. The drumsticks are eaten in soup and/or as green
beans, often in combination with shrimp (see picture), whereas the seeds are eaten like
peas, or roasted. The leaves are eaten fresh or cooked in similar ways to spinach. Chopped,
they are used as a garnish on soups and salads. They are often pickled or dried so that they
are always available to use in sauces, stir-fries, soups and in sweet and sour or spicy curries.

Like every other part of the tree, its flowers are not just decorative but also functional. They
taste a bit like wild mushrooms and are considered a delicacy. They are used to make tea
to treat the common cold, mixed with honey to make cough medicine, and made into juice
to be drunk during breastfeeding as it is said to increase milk flow.
There is not a part of the tree that is not used. The Moringa tree is probably the most
beneficial tree in the world.

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These so-called (1)..................................., because of their shape, are actually

(2)................................... which are eaten in similar ways to (3) …………….……....

These contain vitamins, minerals and other (4)………………………..

They can be preserved in different ways, e.g. (5).................or (6) ........................
In their whole form, they can be compared to another green leaf: (7)........................

These are used to treat arthritis and other aches as well as (8) ...........................
They can help relieve pain and the swelling of (9) ................................

If eaten, this can aid (10) ………………..……..

Its taste is said to be (11) ……………….……....

These can be made into a liquid, taken by mothers to stimulate (12) ……………….
These flowers are considered a (13)………………..……………

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1. relatively (adv) /ˈrel.ə.t̬ ɪ
quite good, bad, etc. in comparison with other similar things or with what you expect:
tương đối
Ex: He's a relatively good squash player.
2. culinary (adj) /ˈkʌl.ə.ner.i/
connected with cooking or kitchens: ẩm thực
Ex: the culinary delights (= good food) of Beijing
3. medicinal (adj) /məˈdɪs.ɪ.nəl/
Medicinal substances are used to cure illnesses: (thuộc) thuốc; dùng làm thuốc
Ex: I keep a bottle of brandy purely for medicinal purposes.
4. orchid (n) /ˈɔːr.kɪd/
a plant with beautifully coloured flowers that have an unusual shape: cây lan, phong lan
5. pod (n) /pɑːd/
(PLANT) a long, narrow, flat part of some plants, such as beans and peas, that contains
the seeds and usually has a thick skin: quả đậu
Ex: seed pods
6. drumstick (n) /ˈdrʌm.stɪk/
drumstick noun [C] (MUSIC) a stick for beating a drum: dùi trống
7. tolerate (v) /ˈtɒl.ər.eɪt/
(ACCEPT) to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different from your own, although you
might not agree with or approve of them: tha thứ, khoan dung, không chịu được
Ex: I will not tolerate that kind of behaviour in my class.
8. frost (n) /frɒst/ us /frɑːst/
[ U ] the thin, white layer of ice that forms when the air temperature is below the freezing
point of water, especially outside at night: sương giá
Ex: When I woke up this morning, the ground was covered with frost.
9. thrive (v) /θraɪv/
C1 to grow, develop, or be successful: phát triển, phồn thịnh

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Ex: His business thrived in the years before the war.

10. climate (n) /ˈklaɪ.mət/
(WEATHER) [ C or U ] the general weather conditions usually found in a particular place:
khí hậu
Ex: a hot/dry/harsh climate
11. reputed (adj) /rɪˈpjuː.t̬ ɪd
(BELIEVED) said to be the true situation although this is not known to be certain and may
not be likely: Cho là, đồn là; nghĩ về, nói về
Ex: She is reputed to be 25 years younger than her husband.
12. inflammatory (adj) /ɪnˈflæm.ə.tɔːr.i/
intended or likely to cause anger or hate: kích động, dễ viêm
Ex: The men were using inflammatory language/making inflammatory remarks about the
other team's supporters.
13. bacterial (adj) /bækˈtɪr.i.əl/
caused by, made from, or relating to bacteria: (thuộc) vi khuẩn
Ex: a bacterial infection
14. property (n) /ˈprɒp.ə.ti/
(QUALITY) a quality in a substance or material, especially one that means that it can be
used in a particular way: đặc tính, tính chất
Ex: One of the properties of copper is that it conducts heat and electricity very well.
15. infection (n) /ɪnˈfek.ʃən/
(DISEASE) B2 a disease in a part of your body that is caused by bacteria or a virus: nhiễm
Ex: a serious infection
16. fever (n) /ˈfiː.vɚ/
(ILLNESS) a medical condition in which the body temperature is higher than usual and the
heart beats very fast: sốt
Ex: He's got a headache and a slight fever.
17. complaint (n) /kəmˈpleɪnt/

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an illness: bệnh, sự đau

Ex: a heart/stomach complaint
18. cramp (n) /kræmp/
[ C or U ] a sudden painful tightening in a muscle, often after a lot of exercise, that limits
movement: chứng chuột rút
Ex: Several runners needed treatment for cramp (US cramps) and exhaustion.
19. arthritis (n) /ɑːrˈθraɪ.t̬ əs/
a serious condition in which a person's joints (= the places where two bones are connected)
become painful, swollen, and stiff: chứng viêm khớp
Ex: In later life she was crippled with arthritis.
20. perfume (n) /pɝːˈfjuːm/
a liquid with a pleasant smell, usually made from oils taken from flowers or spices and
often used on the skin: nước hoa
Ex: What perfume are you wearing?
21. byproduct (n) (also by-product) /ˈbɑɪˌprɑd·əkt, -ʌkt/
something that is produced as a result of making something else, or something unexpected
that happens as a result of something else: Sản phẩm phụ, phó phẩm
Ex: The deep depression he fell into was a byproduct of his disease.
22. fertilization (n) (UK usually fertilisation) /ˌfɝː.t̬ əl.əˈzeɪ.ʃən/
[U] (LAND) the action of spreading a natural or chemical substance on land or plants, in
order to make the plants grow well: Sự làm cho màu mỡ
Ex: Leave large wood on the ground for wildlife habitat and soil fertilization.
23. purification (n) /ˌpjʊə.rɪ.fɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/
[U] (NOT MIXED) the act of removing harmful substances from something: sự thanh lọc
Ex: a water purification plant
24. circulation (n) /ˌsɜː.kjəˈleɪ.ʃən/
the movement of blood around the body: Exercise helps to improve circulation.
25. gum (n) /ɡʌm/

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(MOUTH) B2 either of the two areas of firm pink flesh inside the mouth that cover the
bones into which the teeth are fixed: nướu răng, lợi
Ex: sore gums
26. asthma (n) /ˈæz.mə/
a medical condition that makes breathing difficult by causing the air passages to become
narrow or blocked: hen suyễn
Ex: an asthma sufferer
27. digestion (n) /daɪˈdʒes.tʃən/
C1 the process by which your body digests food, or your ability to digest food: tiêu hóa
Ex: Discover how eating raw food helps balance your body and aids digestion.
28. livestock (n) /ˈlaɪvstɒk/
animals such as cows, sheep, etc. that are kept or traded as a source of income: chăn nuôi
Ex: livestock farmers/industry/market
29. fibre (n) (US fiber) /ˈfaɪ.bɚ/
(THREAD) any of the thread-like parts that form plant or artificial material and can be
made into cloth: sợi, thớ
Ex: The fibres are woven into fabric.
30. combination (n) /ˌkɑːm.bəˈneɪ.ʃən/
the mixture you get when two or more things are combined: sự kết hợp
Ex: Strawberries and cream - a perfect combination.
31. spinach (n) /ˈspɪn.ɪtʃ/
a vegetable with wide, dark green leaves that are eaten cooked or uncooked: rau chân vịt
Ex: spinach lasagne/salad
32. stir-fry (v) /ˈstɜː.fraɪ/
to fry small pieces of meat, vegetables, etc. quickly while mixing them around: xào
Ex: Stir-fry the chicken for one minute, then add the vegetables.
33. delicacy (n) uk /ˈdel.ɪ.kə.si/ us /ˈdel.ə.kə.si/
(FOOD) [ C ] something especially rare or expensive that is good to eat: Đồ ăn ngon, đồ
ăn quý, cao lương mỹ vị

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Ex: In some parts of the world, sheep's eyes are considered a great delicacy.
34. breastfeeding (n) /ˈbrest.fiː.dɪŋ/
a way of feeding a baby directly with milk from a woman's breasts: cho con bú
Ex: A good diet is essential during breastfeeding.

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Exam information | Completing notes and summaries

In the IELTS exam, you may be given a summary of, or notes about, a text, but there
will be information missing which you will have to look for. You will usually find the
information in a particular part of the text, but not in the same order. You will either have
to choose words from the text or choose the correct option from those given.

Exercise 1: Complete summary with words from the passage below. Use NO MORE
THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

In all communication, whether this is verbal or non-verbal, a sender transfers a message to

a receiver, choosing a certain medium. The receiver uses the message clues and the context,
and decodes it to understand it. This is often followed by a new message in return, and so
the communication process continues.
Although this procedure is always the same, it can take many different forms depending
on the type of communication. For example, in non-verbal communication (as opposed to
written and spoken communication, which are both verbal), the code used could be
gestures, body language, eye contact and facial expressions, such as a smile.
Communication is extremely important in the business world. It is likely that in this context
both informal and formal styles will be used. If we take the example of meetings, we might
say that they are often conducted in quite a relaxed way, with participants using first names
and informal language. However, as soon as the meeting is official, careful records, called
minutes, will be kept, following a predetermined format which is standard across many
business situations.
standard across many business situations. Layout is one aspect of a formal style. Content
will also be dictated to some extent by the level of formality. Annual business reports must
include certain types of information to be legal, e.g. financial information, but even a
simple letter would not function as it should without the use of somebody's title (e.g. Mr

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or Ms). Language is another aspect which needs to be taken into account. Formal, written
communication needs to be clear and to the point, without spelling or grammar mistakes,
and in a formal register (e.g. Dear ...., instead of Hi). Not following these important rules
would have a negative effect in any business context.

It is important to follow the rules when communicating in writing, especially if you are
in (1) ____________________ environment. There are three areas which are important:
(2) ____________________, content and language. The language needs to be formal and
there should be no (3) ____________________. You cannot choose to include exactly
what you like, for example financial information must be included in your business's (4)
____________________. It also needs to look good on the page, with everything written
in a (5) ____________________ format.

1. communication (n) /kəˌmjuː.nəˈkeɪ.ʃən/
[ U ] the act of communicating with people: giao tiếp
Ex: Television is an increasingly important means of communication.
2. verbal (adj) /ˈvɝː.bəl/
(SPOKEN) C2 spoken rather than written: bằng lời nói
Ex: a verbal agreement/description/explanation
3. transfer (v) /ˈtræns.fɝː/
to move someone or something from one place, vehicle, person, or group to another: Dời,
chuyển, dọn (từ chỗ này sang chỗ khác)
Ex: He has been transferred to a psychiatric hospital.
4. medium (n) /ˈmiː.di.əm/
(METHOD) C2 plural media or mediums a method or way of expressing something:
phương tiện
Ex: the broadcasting/print medium They told the story through the medium of dance.

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5. clue (n) /kluː/

a sign or some information that helps you to find the answer to a problem, question, or
mystery: manh mối
Ex: Police are still looking for clues in their search for the missing girl.
6. decode (v) /diːˈkəʊd/
to discover the meaning of information given in a secret or complicated way: giải mã
Ex: Decoding the paintings is not difficult once you know what the component parts
7. gesture (n) /ˈdʒes.tʃər/
[C] (MOVEMENT) C1 a movement of the hands, arms, or head, etc. to express an idea or
feeling: cử chỉ
Ex: The prisoner raised his fist in a gesture of defiance as he was led out of the courtroom.
8. conduct (v) /kənˈdʌkt/
(ORGANIZE) B2 [ T ] to organize and perform a particular activity: thực hiện
Ex: We are conducting a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus
9. predetermined (adj) /ˌpriː.dɪˈtɝː.mɪnd/
decided or arranged at an earlier time: được xác định trước
Ex: At a predetermined time, we'll all shout "Happy birthday, David!"
10. dictate (v) /dɪkˈteɪt/
(GIVE ORDERS) C1 [ I or T ] to give orders, or tell someone exactly what they must do,
with total authority: sai khiến, ra lệnh
Ex: The UN will dictate the terms of troop withdrawal from the region.
11. financial (adj) /fɪˈnæn.ʃəl/
relating to money or how money is managed: (thuộc) tài chính
Ex: financial difficulties/success
12. function (v) /ˈfʌŋkʃən/
to work correctly and as expected: Thực hiện chức năng, hoạt động

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Ex: function effectively/properly/well

13. title (n) /ˈtaɪ.təl/
(PERSON) [ C ] a word that is used before someone's name, stating their social rank,
qualifications, position in an organization, sex, etc.: Tước vị; danh hiệu
Ex: What's her title - is she Professor or Doctor?
14. take sth into account (also take account of sth)
to consider or remember something when judging a situation: cân nhắc
Ex: I hope my teacher will take into account the fact that I was ill just before the exams
when she marks my paper.
15. instead of (preposition) /ɪnˈsted ˌəv/
in place of someone or something: thay vì
Ex: Instead of complaining, why don't we try to change things?
16. negative (adj) /ˈneɡ.ə.tɪv/
(BAD) B2 bad or harmful: tiêu cực
Ex: The warm winter has had a very negative effect/impact on the ski industry.
17. context (n) /ˈkɒn.tekst/
(CAUSE OF EVENT) B2 the situation within which something exists or happens, and that
can help explain it: bối cảnh, ngữ cảnh
Ex: It is important to see all the fighting and bloodshed in his plays in historical context.

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Exercise 2: Complete summaries A and B with words from the corresponding passages
below. Use NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.

Summary A
There should be a small number of (1) ____________________ at meetings and there
needs to be a (2) ____________________ for any meeting, which will include a clear
agenda. During the meeting there needs to be good (3) ____________________
management and clarity about what the meeting should hopefully
(4)____________________. At the end, there should be a summary and agreement about

Passage A
Managers need a range of communication skills to carry out their jobs effectively. They
need to be able to articulate their ideas and vision and to convey enthusiasm. Good
managers may, at times, need to be able to argue points cogently and to persuade people to
their point of view. However, good managers appreciate that communication is a two-way
process, and that listening is an important element of communication. Listening to the
views of others can help to test ideas as well as to develop new products and methods of
production. The most common forum in which managers are required to communicate are
meetings. It is important for managers to plan for meetings, whether with a single person
or with a group. Managers should not invite too many participants to keep numbers to a
minimum. They should have a clear agenda for discussion and should exercise tight time
controls to prevent meetings dragging on. Managers should enter each meeting with a clear
idea of what they want it to achieve. At the end of a meeting it is good practice to
summarize what has been agreed and what needs to happen in the future.

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Summary B
Working with other people is not always easy, but it is (6) ____________________for
the role of managers that they have interpersonal skills that are (7)
____________________. Their (8) ____________________ may need encouragement
and help with (9) ____________________ solving problems between colleagues.

Passage B
Communication skills should not be taken for granted. Many managers require training in
written and oral communication skills and many businesses would benefit from employing
managers who speak at least one other language.
Interpersonal skills are also necessary if a manager is to work successfully with other
people. If managers lack interpersonal skills, then they are likely to be of limited
effectiveness in their role. Managers with effective interpersonal skills can motivate others
and can co-ordinate the work of their employees. To do this, managers may need to coach
and encourage employees as well as solving disputes and, perhaps more importantly,
preventing conflict.

1. agenda (n) /əˈdʒen.də/
C1 a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting: chương trình, lịch trình
Ex: There were several important items on the agenda.
2. clarity (n) /ˈkler.ə.t̬ i/
[U] (EASY TO UNDERSTAND) C2 the quality of being clear and easy to understand: sự
rõ ràng
Ex: There has been a call for greater clarity in this area of the law.
3. agreement (n) /əˈɡriː.mənt/
(SAME OPINION) [ U ] the situation in which people have the same opinion, or in which
they approve of or accept something: thoả thuận

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Ex: The whole family was in agreement with her about/on what they should do.
4. effectively (adv) /əˈfek.tɪ
in a way that is successful and achieves what you want: hiệu quả
Ex: The tablets work more effectively if you take a hot drink after them.
5. articulate (v) /ɑːrˈtɪk.jə.leɪt/
(EXPRESS IN WORDS) to express in words: nói rõ ràng
Ex: I found myself unable to articulate my feelings.
6. convey (v) /kənˈveɪ/
(COMMUNICATE) C1 to express a thought, feeling, or idea so that it is understood by
other people: truyền đạt
Ex: His poetry conveys a great sense of religious devotion.
7. cogently (adv) /ˈkoʊ.dʒə
in a way that is clearly expressed and is likely to persuade people: Vững chắc; có sức
thuyết phục (lập luận...)
Ex: She argued most cogently for a relaxation of the sanctions.
8. persuade (v) /pɚˈsweɪd/
to make someone do or believe something by giving them a good reason to do it or by
talking to that person and making them believe it: thuyết phục
Ex: If she doesn't want to go, nothing you can say will persuade her.
9. appreciate (v) /əˈpriː.ʃi.eɪt/
to recognize how good someone or something is and to value him, her, or it: đánh giá
Ex: There's no point buying him expensive wines - he doesn't appreciate them.
10. forum (n) /ˈfɔːr.əm/ - plural forums or or fora /fɔː.rə/
(MEETING) a situation or meeting in which people can talk about a problem or matter
especially of public interest: diễn đàn
Ex: a forum for debate/discussion
11. participant (n) /pɑːrˈtɪs.ə.pənt/
C1 a person who takes part in or becomes involved in a particular activity: người tham

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Ex: The games is an international sporting event with more than three thousand
12. prevent (v) /prɪˈvent/
to stop something from happening or someone from doing something: ngăn chặn
Ex: Label your suitcases to prevent confusion.
13. drag (v) /dræɡ/
to take a long time, or progress very slowly: lề mề, kéo dài (câu chuyện, công việc...)
Ex: Negotiations have dragged on longer than expected.
14. achieve (v) /əˈtʃiːv/
to succeed in finishing something or reaching an aim, especially after a lot of work or
effort: đạt được
Ex: The government's training policy, he claimed, was achieving its objectives.
15. interpersonal (adj) /ˌɪn.t̬ ɚˈpɝː.sən.əl/
connected with relationships between people: Giữa cá nhân với nhau
Ex: The successful applicant will have excellent interpersonal skills.
16. take sth for granted
to believe something to be the truth without even thinking about it: cho điều gì là đúng,
cho điều gì là hiển nhiên
Ex: I didn't realize that Melanie hadn't been to college - I suppose I just took it for
17. solve (v) /sɑːlv/
to find an answer to a problem: giải quyết
Ex: to solve a problem
18. oral (adj) /ˈɔːr.əl/
(SPOKEN) spoken and not written: Bằng lời nói, nói miệng
Ex: an oral agreement/exam
19. necessary (adj) /ˈnes.ə.ser.i/
needed in order to achieve a particular result: cần thiết
Ex: He lacks the necessary skills for the job.

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20. lack (v) /læk/

to not have or not have enough of something that is needed or wanted: thiếu
Ex: He just lacks a little confidence.
21. motivate (v) /ˈmoʊ.t̬ ə.veɪt/
C1 [ T often passive ] to cause someone to behave in a particular way: thúc đẩy, khuyến
Ex: Like so many people, he's motivated by greed.
22. coordinate (v) /koʊˈɔːr.dən.eɪt/
(COMBINE) [ T ] (UK also co-ordinate) to make many different things work effectively
as a whole: điều phối
Ex: We need someone to coordinate the whole campaign.
23. conflict (n) [ C or U ] /ˈkɑːn.flɪkt/
an active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles: mâu thuẫn
Ex: There was a lot of conflict between him and his father.

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Exam information | Matching information

In the exam, you may be asked to match specific information, for example, a reason, a
description or an explanation, to the section of a text where it can be found - A, B, C,

Exam tip
Read the questions first, then skim-read the text to get an idea of its structure, and scan
for the specific information. Every paragraph usually has a sentence that summarizes
the main ideals) in the paragraph (the topic sentence). This sentence may help you.

Exercise 1: What are the following paragraphs about? Choose a, b or c.

1. paragraph A
A. the media
B. large companies
C. smaller businesses

2. paragraph D
A. the reasons why small companies are better than larger ones
B. the reasons why the government wants more small businesses
C. a list of good points about small companies

3. paragraph E
A. the role of policy makers
B. the importance of business planning
C. tips on improving your business

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A The business sections of the media tend to focus on large, traditional companies. By
definition, these are high-profile businesses - the companies that are quoted in the leading
share price indices. However, most economists agree that smaller businesses, particularly
new and developing small businesses, are central to the long-term success of any economy.
They argue that the industries of the future will originate in the small business sector. That
is why the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe describes SMEs (small and
medium-sized enterprises, with less than 250 employees) as 'the engine of economic
B In the UK, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) reported that the total
number of businesses, including small companies, partnerships and sole traders, rose by
260,000 in 2004 to 4.3 million (source: This is up from the previous year
and represents the best figures ever recorded
C This is success for government policy. Successive UK governments have sought to
encourage small business start-ups. Behind the policy is a belief that small businesses
contribute to a stronger economic base, and that they have the ability to thrive in a
competitive global business environment.
D The government also encourages small businesses because they are:
● a source of employment
● flexible and innovative
● responsive to gaps in the market
● able to accommodate people with a passion for a product who might not thrive in a
large corporation.
Business planning
E Policy makers recognize that it is not sufficient to simply encourage an enterprise
culture. If new entrepreneurs are to succeed, if new businesses are to thrive, then it is
important that they appreciate the central role of planning. A business plan is the basis of
new business development, and it encourages an entrepreneur to think ahead and plan, as
far as possible, for the business to be successful.

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F Writing a business plan will not in itself ensure that a business survives. However,
it is an invaluable exercise, forcing entrepreneurs to go through planning steps to make
sure their business propositions are viable. A business plan draws on concepts, skills and
knowledge, including:
● doing market research to make sure that planned products and services meet
customer needs
● understanding the market by analysing competitors' products, services and prices
● setting clear business aims and objectives
● finding sufficient capital to meet the business's short-term and long-term needs
● deciding on the most suitable structure and form of ownership for the business

1. policy (n) /ˈpɑː.lə.si/
a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in particular situations that has been agreed to
officially by a group of people: chính sách
Ex: They believe that Europe needs a common foreign and security policy.
2. tend (n) /tend/
(BE LIKELY) to be likely to behave in a particular way or have a particular characteristic:
Có khuynh hướng; hay
Ex: [ + to infinitive ] We tend to get cold winters and warm, dry summers in this part of
the country.
3. focus (sth) on sb/sth — phrasal verb with focus (v)/ˈfəʊ.kəs/
to give a lot of attention to one particular person, subject, or thing: tập trung
Ex: Tonight's programme focuses on the way that homelessness affects the young.
4. high-profile (adj) /ˌhaɪˈproʊ.faɪl/
C2 attracting a lot of attention and interest from the public and newspapers, television,
etc.: Nổi tiếng, nổi danh, trứ danh
Ex: high-profile politicians
5. quote (n) /kwəʊt/
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If you quote a fact or example, you refer to it in order to add emphasis to what you are
saying: nêu ra
Ex: Quote me one organization that doesn't have some bad managers
6. long-term (adj) /ˌlɑːŋˈtɝːm/
continuing a long time into the future: dài hạn
Ex: long-term unemployment.
7. index (n) /ˈɪn.deks/ - plural indices /ˈɪn.dɪ.siːz/, indexes /ˈɪn.dek.sɪz/
(COMPARISON) a number used to show the value of something by comparing it to
something else whose value is known: chỉ số
Ex: a wage/price index
8. originate (v) /əˈrɪdʒ.ən.eɪt/
C2 [ I ] to come from a particular place, time, situation, etc.: bắt nguồn
Ex: Although the technology originated in the UK, it has been developed in the US
9. enterprise (n) /ˈen.tə.praɪz/
C1 [ C or U ] an organization, especially a business, or a difficult and important plan,
especially one that will earn money: doanh nghiệp
Ex: Don't forget this is a commercial enterprise - we're here to make money.
10. engine (n) /ˈen.dʒɪn/
a machine that uses the energy from liquid fuel or steam to produce movement: động cơ
Ex: a jet engine
11. sole (adj) /soʊl/
C1 being one only; single: duy nhất
Ex: My sole objective is to make the information more widely available.
12. figure (n) /ˈfɪɡ.jɚ/
(NUMBER) the symbol for a number or an amount expressed in numbers: con số
Ex: Can you read this figure? Is it a three or an eight?
13. successive (adj) /səkˈses.ɪv/
C2 happening one after the other without any break: kế tiếp, liên tiếp
Ex: It was the team's fourth successive defeat.

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14. seek (v) /siːk/ sought | sought

(TRY) C2 [ I + to infinitive ] to try or attempt: cố gắng
Ex: They sought to reassure the public.
15. encourage (v) /ɪnˈkʌr.ɪdʒ/
to make someone more likely to do something, or to make something more likely to happen:
khuyến khích
Ex: [ T + to infinitive ] We were encouraged to learn foreign languages at school.
16. contribute (v) /kənˈtrɪb.juːt/
to give something, especially money, in order to provide or achieve something together
with other people: đóng góp
Ex: Aren't you going to contribute towards Jack's leaving present?
17. thrive (v) /θraɪv/
C1 to grow, develop, or be successful: phát triển, thịnh vượng
Ex: His business thrived in the years before the war.
18. flexible (adj) /ˈflek.sə.bəl/
able to change or be changed easily according to the situation: linh hoạt
Ex: My schedule is flexible - I could arrange to meet with you any day next week.
19. innovative (adj) /ˈɪn.ə.veɪ.t̬ ɪv/ (UK also innovatory /ˈɪn.ə.və.tɔːr.i/)
C1 using new methods or ideas: sáng tạo, đổi mới
Ex: innovative ideas/methods
20. responsive (adj) /rɪˈspɑːn.sɪv/
saying or doing something as a reaction to something or someone, especially in a quick or
positive way: đáp ứng, phản ứng nhanh
Ex: She wasn't responsive to questioning.
21. accommodate (v) /əˈkɒm.ə.deɪt/
(FIND A PLACE FOR) to provide with a place to live or to be stored in: Chứa được, đựng
Ex: New students may be accommodated in halls of residence.
22. passion (n) /ˈpæʃ.ən/

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a very powerful feeling, for example of sexual attraction, love, hate, anger, or other
emotion: đam mê
Ex: Football arouses a good deal of passion among its fans.
23. corporation (n) /ˌkɔː.pərˈeɪ.ʃən/
written abbreviation Corp.) a large company or group of companies that is controlled
together as a single organization: tập đoàn
Ex: a multinational corporation
24. sufficient (adj) /səˈfɪʃ.ənt/
enough for a particular purpose: đủ
Ex: This recipe should be sufficient for five people.
25. ensure (v) (US also insure) uk /ɪnˈʃɔːr/
to make something certain to happen: đảm bảo
Ex: The airline is taking steps to ensure safety on its aircraft.
26. invaluable (adj) /ɪnˈvæl.jə.bəl/
C1 extremely useful: vô giá, có giá trị
Ex: The new job will provide you with invaluable experience.
27. draw on sth — phrasal verb with draw (v) /drɑː/ drew | drawn
C1 to use information or your knowledge of something to help you do something: dựa vào
Ex: His novels draw heavily on his childhood.
28. analyse (v) UK (US analyze) uk /ˈæn.əl.aɪz/
study or examine something in detail, in order to discover more about it: phân tích
Ex: Researchers analysed the purchases of 6,300 households.
29. capital (n) /ˈkæp.ɪ.təl/
(MONEY) [ U ] wealth, esp. money used to produce more wealth through investment or a
new business: tiền vốn
Ex: She invested well, and can live on the interest without touching the capital.
30. ownership (n) /ˈoʊ.nɚ.ʃɪp/
C1 the fact that you own something: quyền sở hữu
Ex: Do you have any proof of ownership of/for this car?

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Exercise 2: Questions 1-6

The passage below has nine paragraphs A-I. Which paragraphs mention the following
information? You may use any letter more than once.
1. physical and mental problems that a business owner can face ……………….
2. leadership and team improvement ideas ……………….
3. the advantage of not expanding in business ……………….
4. individuals and larger groups that are available to help people who are new to
business ……………….
5. the reasons why the more basic jobs in a small company should not be not be carried
out by employers ……………….
6. external reasons why companies should try to keep their employees' knowledge and
expertise up-to-date ……………….

Setting up in business
A It takes a considerable commitment to set up and run a small business. Owners must
be able to do all the tasks necessary to run the business or have sufficient funds to buy in
appropriate external help, and even then they must be able to check the quality of the
service they are receiving.
B Anyone planning to start a business must be realistic about what can be achieved,
and in what time frame. Entrepreneurs often work extremely long hours, not just during
'trading' hours, but also after hours doing all the associated paperwork. If entrepreneurs
overwork, they will find it difficult to make good decisions and will lack the energy to
analyse and evaluate marketing and finance data. If an entrepreneur becomes over tired and
over anxious, they can undermine their businesses by giving the impression that things are
bad and the business is just about to close down.
C Many organizations provide support networks for entrepreneurs running small
businesses. These networks provide training and access to experienced business mentors
for little or no charge. The Business Link network, funded by Department of Trade and
Industry, is one source of this kind of support. If entrepreneurs are under 30 years of age,

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the Prince's Trust also provides training and mentoring for business start-ups. There are
various other privately run business networking groups which can be both fun and mutually
D Owners need to consider four key issues: training, leadership and team
development, delegation and management systems.
E Investment in training is necessary to ensure that staff have the skills to do their jobs
efficiently and they can meet the requirements of current legislation such as health and
safety. Staff may also need training to develop skills to meet internationally recognized
quality standards for products and service delivery. Research shows that small and
medium-sized firms often find it very difficult to organize effective training.
F Ideally, workplace teams should be happy, creative working groups of individuals
who support each other, work to each other's strengths and work towards the business's
goals. This might require the owners to undertake self-assessment and target-setting
reviews to ensure that the business is staying focused on its objectives. Team development
can be fostered by organizing events such as team lunches and days out walking together.
G Owners should delegate and employ appropriate people to do the tasks that they
cannot do or do not have time to do. By freeing themselves from some of the easier day-
to-day tasks of the business, owners can spend their time monitoring the overall business
and thinking about where the business should be going. Certainly if the owners are
passionate about the business, they need time to step back and focus on the long-term goals
and vision of the organization. They also need time to network, to build up sales leads and
to explore further investment opportunities for the business.
H In time, owners need to be able to let go of control of some aspects of the business
and to develop more formal management systems. This is probably the most difficult task
for any entrepreneur. Many entrepreneurs find it very difficult to trust paid employees to
run their businesses.
E At this stage in their development, without outside help and guidance, many
businesses simply reach their 'natural capacity and they do not develop or grow any further.
Entrepreneurs need to decide whether they want to keep their business small - so that they

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retain control of all decisions - or whether they want to go on growing their business and
therefore accept that this will necessarily change their role in the business.

1. considerable (adj) /kənˈsɪd.ɚ.ə.bəl/
B2 large or of noticeable importance: đáng kể
Ex: The fire caused considerable damage to the church.
2. commitment (n) /kəˈmɪt.mənt/
apromise or firm decision to do something: cam kết
Ex: Players must make a commitment to play for a full season.
3. necessary (adj) /ˈnes.ə.ser.i/
B1 needed in order to achieve a particular result: cần thiết
Ex: He lacks the necessary skills for the job.
4. sufficient (adj) /səˈfɪʃ.ənt/
B2 enough for a particular purpose: đủ
Ex: This recipe should be sufficient for five people.
5. appropriate (adj) /əˈproʊ.pri.ət/
B2 suitable or right for a particular situation or occasion: thích hợp
Ex: appropriate footwear for the country
6. external (adj) /ɪkˈstɝː.nəl/
B2 of, on, for, or coming from the outside: bên ngoài
Ex: the external walls of the house
7. time frame (n) /ˈtaɪm ˌfreɪm/
a period of days, weeks, months, etc. within which an activity is intended to happen: khung
thời gian
Ex: Have you set a time frame for completing the job?
8. entrepreneur (n) /ˌɑːn.trə.prəˈnɝː/
someone who starts their own business, especially when this involves seeing a new
opportunity: doanh nhân

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Ex: He was one of the entrepreneurs of the 80s who made their money in property.
9. associated (adj) /əˈsoʊ.si.eɪ.t̬ ɪd/
connected: liên quan
Ex: She was prepared to take on the job, with all its associated risks.
10. evaluate (v) /ɪˈvæl.ju.eɪt/
C1 to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something: đánh giá
Ex: It's impossible to evaluate these results without knowing more about the research
methods employed.
11. anxious (adj) /ˈæŋk.ʃəs/
(WORRIED) B1 worried and nervous: lo lắng
Ex: My mother always gets a bit anxious if we don't arrive when we say we will.
12. undermine (v) /ˌʌn.dɚˈmaɪn/
C2 to make someone less confident, less powerful, or less likely to succeed, or to make
something weaker, often gradually: huỷ hoại
Ex: The president has accused two cabinet members of working secretly to undermine his
13. impression (n) /ɪmˈpreʃ.ən/
(OPINION) B2 [ C ] an idea or opinion of what something or someone is like: ấn tượng
Ex: I didn't get much of an impression of the place because it was dark when we drove
through it.
14. mentor (n) /ˈmen.tɔːr/
a person who gives a younger or less experienced person help and advice over a period of
time, especially at work or school: người cố vấn
Ex: The students' chances can be improved with more studying, mentoring, and intensive
15. access (n) /ˈæ
[U] (GETTING NEAR) B1 the method or possibility of getting near to a place or person:
tiếp cận, lại gần
Ex: The only access to the village is by boat.

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16. fund (n) /fʌnd/

C1 to provide the money to pay for an event, activity, or organization: tài trợ
Ex: The company has agreed to fund my trip to Australia.
17. supportive (adj) /səˈpɔːr.t̬ ɪv/
C1 showing agreement and giving encouragement: hỗ trợ
Ex: groups who are generally supportive of the government
18. mutually (adv) /ˈmjuː.tʃu.ə.li/
felt or done by two or more people or groups in the same way: lẫn nhau, qua lại
Ex: It will be a mutually beneficial project.
19. delegation (n) /ˌdel.əˈɡeɪ.ʃən/
(CHOSEN PEOPLE) C2 [ C, + sing/pl verb ] a group of delegates: phái đoàn
Ex: The delegation from Spain has/have arrived for a month.
20. legislation (n) /ˌledʒ.əˈsleɪ.ʃən/
C2 a law or set of laws suggested by a government and made official by a parliament: luật,
pháp chế
Ex: [ + to infinitive ] The government has promised to introduce legislation to limit fuel
emissions from cars.
21. firm (n) /fɝːm/
(COMPANY) B1 a company offering a professional service, for example a company of
lawyers: hãng, công ty
Ex: He works for a law firm called Neil and Vigliano.
22. undertake (v) /ˌʌn.dɚˈteɪk/
(DO) C1 formal to do or begin to do something, especially something that will take a long
time or be difficult: thực hiện
Ex: Students are required to undertake simple experiments.
23. assessment (n) /əˈses.mənt/
B2 the act of judging or deciding the amount, value, quality, or importance of something,
or the judgment or decision that is made: đánh giá, định giá
Ex: Would you say that is a fair assessment of the situation?

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24. objective (n) /əbˈdʒek.tɪv/

B2 something that you plan to do or achieve: mục tiêu
25. foster (v) /ˈfɒs.tər/
to encourage the development or growth of ideas or feelings: khích lệ
Ex: I'm trying to foster an interest in classical music in my children.
26. delegate (v) /ˈdel.ə.ɡeɪt/
(GIVE) C2 [ I or T ] to give a particular job, duty, right, etc. to someone else so that they
do it for you: uỷ quyền
Ex: As a boss you have to delegate (responsibilities to your staff).
27. monitor (v) /ˈmɑː.nə.t̬ ɚ/
C1 to watch and check a situation carefully for a period of time in order to discover
something about it: theo dõi
Ex: The new findings suggest that women ought to monitor their cholesterol levels.
28. passionate (adj) /ˈpæʃ.ən.ət/
having very strong feelings or emotions: đam mê
Ex: Joe is passionate about baseball (= he likes it very much).
29. explore (v) /ɪkˈsplɔːr/
B1 to search and discover (about something): khám phá
Ex: to explore space
30. guidance (n) /ˈɡaɪ.dəns/
B2 help and advice about how to do something or about how to deal with problems
connected with your work, education, or personal relationships: hướng dẫn
Ex: I've always looked to my father for guidance in these matters.
31. retain (v) /rɪˈteɪn/
C2 formal to keep or continue to have something: giữ lại
Ex: She has lost her battle to retain control of the company.

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Exam information | Matching sentence endings

In the exam, you may be given a number of incomplete sentences and you will need to
complete them by choosing from a list of options. There will be more options than you
need. The sentences will be in the same order as the information in the text.

Exam tip

Try to predict how each sentence will end before looking at the list of endings.

The complete sentences need to be grammatically correct, but they also need to
accurately reflect the information in the text. This is another type of exam task where
focusing on the key words in the instructions and looking for synonyms and paraphrasing
in the text will help. Look for the key words in the sentence beginnings, not the endings:
you may not need to read through all the endings in detail, so don't waste your time!

Exercise 1: The following text has been divided into four parts. For each part, choose
the best sentence ending from a number of options.
1. Human rights...
A. are about having everything you need and want.
B. apply especially to people with disabilities
C. are about rights and also about freedoms
2. Human rights...
A. not before World War II.
B. are less important when there is a war
C. are now an international issue.
Human rights are ideas about what everyone is entitled to. Basic human rights include the
right to life, and the right to food and clean drinking water. Others include the right to vote
and to freedom of expression. In the UK, most people have their basic human rights met
most of the time. However, in some countries people's freedoms may be limited. Also, in

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the UK, there are still areas of human rights that some people believe could be improved,
such as the rights of people with disabilities
The modern idea of human rights was developed after the Second World War, during which
many people's rights were violated. On a large scale, these human rights abuses are known
as war crimes. As a result, the United Nations (UN) was formed to provide a place for
nations to resolve conflicts peacefully. It was set up by the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (UDHR), which consisted of 30 articles describing the basic rights of every person
and was signed in 1948 by 48 countries.

3. According to the Universal Declaration, it is an issue of fairness to be ...

A. accepted everywhere in public
B. educated
C. equal treatment
The first section of the Universal Declaration states “All human beings are born free and
equal in dignity and rights.”

Key rights relating to being 'born free' include freedom of speech and of movement, the
right to a fair trial and freedom from torture and from hunger.

Key rights relating to being equal' include a right to an education, and the right to be treated
equally without discrimination, in all areas of public life.

The Universal Declaration was designed as a safeguard to protect the human rights of
people around the world.

4. The European Charter of Fundamental Rights...

A. resulted in social and technological changes.
B. included information about rights related to new technology.
C. replaced older declarations of human rights.

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A legal basis for human rights

The European Convention of Human Rights was drawn up in 1983, giving a legal
framework for human rights in the UK and other European countries. Here, people can
complain to the European Court of Human Rights (or ECHR), based in Strasbourg, France.
In 1998, the European Union (EU) decided to update the list of human rights to take
account of changes in society and technology. The result was the European Charter of
Fundamental Rights (2000). This included some newer human rights:
● The right to a private life, including a right to privacy and to confidentiality of letters
and emails
● The right to limits on working hours and to have annual paid holiday
● The right to respect the integrity of human beings. including a ban on financial gain
from the human body. This includes the sale of human organs and the cloning of
human beings.
● The right to data protection, which means that if a company holds data on you, you
can ask where it got the information and what it is.

5. If you are under 18 ...

A. there should be economic, cultural and other rights.
B. you should obey the rules of the 1991 convention
C. you have over 40 rights.
People aged 17 and under
For children and young people there is The United Nation's Convention on the Rights of
the Child (UNCRC), which covers economic, social, cultural and political rights. The UK
agreed to obey the rules of the convention in 1991, which means that every child in the
UK, without exception, has certain rights that he or she is entitled to more than 40 in total.
Here are some examples:
● the right to life, survival and development
● the right to have their views respected, and to have their best interests considered at
all times
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● the right to a name and nationality, freedom of expression, and access to information
concerning them
● the right to education, leisure, culture and the arts

1. entitle (v) /ɪnˈtaɪ.t̬ əl/
(ALLOW) B2 to give someone the right to do or have something: Cho quyền (làm gì...)
Ex: [ + to infinitive ] The employer is entitled to ask for references.
2. expression (n) /ɪkˈspreʃ.ən/
(SHOWING) B2 [ C or U ] the act of saying what you think or showing how you feel using
words or actions: biểu hiện
Ex: He wrote her a poem as an expression of his love.
3. disability (n) /ˌdɪs.əˈbɪl.ə.t̬ i/
B2 an illness, injury, or condition that makes it difficult for someone to do the things that
other people do: khuyết tật
Ex: a physical/learning disability
4. violate (v) /ˈvaɪ.ə.leɪt/
to break or act against something, especially a law, agreement, principle, or something
that should be treated with respect: vi phạm, xâm phạm
Ex: It seems that the troops deliberately violated the ceasefire agreement.
5. crime (n) /kraɪm/
illegal activities: tội, tội ác
Ex: a life of crime
6. declaration (n) /ˌdek.ləˈreɪ.ʃən/
(ANNOUNCEMENT) C1 an announcement, often one that is written and official: tuyên bố
Ex: Members of Congress have to make a declaration of their business interests.
7. consist of something — phrasal verb
to be something that is made or formed of various specific things: bao gồm
Ex: The crowd consisted mostly of college kids and office workers.
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8. dignity (n) /ˈdɪɡ.ə.t̬ i/

C2 calm, serious, and controlled behaviour that makes people respect you: nhân phẩm
Ex: He is a man of dignity and calm determination.
9. trial (n) /traɪəl/
(LEGAL PROCESS) B2 [ C or U ] the hearing of statements and showing of objects, etc.
in a law court to judge if a person is guilty of a crime or to decide a case or a legal matter:
phiên toà xét xử
Ex: It was a very complicated trial that went on for months.
10. torture (n) /ˈtɔː.tʃər/
a very unpleasant experience: Sự đau đớn ghê gớm (về thể xác, tinh thần)
Ex: The rush-hour traffic was sheer torture as usual.
11. discrimination (n) /dɪˌskrɪm.əˈneɪ.ʃən/
[U] (DIFFERENT TREATMENT) C1 treating a person or particular group of people
differently, especially in a worse way from the way in which you treat other people, because
of their skin colour, sex, sexuality, etc.: phân biệt
Ex: racial/sex/age discrimination
12. safeguard (n) /ˈseɪf.ɡɑːd/
a law, rule, or something that is done to protect someone or something from harm or
damage: sự bảo vệ
Ex: The disk has built-in safeguards to prevent certain errors.
13. convention (n) /kənˈven.ʃən/
(MEETING) C1 [ C ] a large formal meeting of people who do a particular job or have a
similar interest, or a large meeting for a political party: hội nghị
Ex: Where are they holding their party convention?
14. Framework (n) /ˈfreɪm.wɜːk/
C2 a system of rules, ideas, or beliefs that is used to plan or decide something: cơ cấu tổ
chức, khuôn khổ
Ex: a legal framework for resolving disputes
15. confidentiality (n) /ˌkɑːn.fə.den.ʃiˈæl.ə.t̬ i/

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the state of being confidential: Sự cẩn mật

Ex: patient/client confidentiality
16. integrity (n) /ɪnˈteɡ.rə.ti/
[U] (HONESTY) C2 approving the quality of being honest and having strong moral
principles that you refuse to change: liêm khiết
Ex: No one doubted that the president was a man of the highest integrity.
17. cloning (n) /ˈkloʊ.nɪŋ/
the process of creating an exact copy of a plant or animal by using its cells: nhân bản
Ex: animal/human cloning
18. obey (v) /oʊˈbeɪ/
B2 [ I or T ] to act according to what you have been asked or ordered to do by someone in
authority, or to behave according to a rule, law, or instruction: tuân theo
Ex: The soldiers refused to obey (orders).
19. survival (n) /sɚˈvaɪ.vəl/
B2 [ U ] the fact of a person, organization, etc. continuing to live or exist: sinh tồn
Ex: The doctors told my wife I had a 50/50 chance of survival.

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Exercise 2: Questions 1-5

Complete each sentence with the correct ending A-I.
1. Students' views are likely to be taken seriously if there are ........
2. Rules related to uniform are most likely to be discussed at ............
3. Year councils may get involved in .............
4. In the Year 8 council that is mentioned, teachers make sure that students are .......
5. Those in power are ...

A. bullying and fundraising.

B. more likely to bully others.

C. not always the best listeners.

D. not left on their own.

E. organizing events.

F. representative from the different year groups.

G. school and year councils as well as peer mentoring schemes.

H. school councils.

I. teachers and parents of older students.

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Participating in the school community

It is important that students' feelings, opinions and suggestions are listened to, taken into
account, and that the right action is taken. There are a number of ways that this can be
achieved, i.e. school councils, year councils and peer mentoring.
School councils
Most schools have a school council which exists to let the teachers and head teacher know
what students' opinions are on a range of school issues. The school council usually consists
of two or three elected representatives from each year group.
A school council might meet once or twice a month to discuss issues such as the dress code,
the use of social areas, charity fundraising and bullying.
Year councils
Because school councils are sometimes dominated by older students, some schools have
introduced year councils. The aim of a year council is to give students the opportunity to
express opinions on matters of importance to that particular year group. The following is
an example of the rules relating to a school's council for year 8 (pupils aged 12-13).
1. The council's purpose is to act as a forum for discussion of school issues relevant
to Year 8, and to let the teachers and head teacher know what student opinion is
on these issues. The council will also take responsibility for cooperating with
year staff in the organization of one social event per term for Year 8.
2. Membership of the council will consist of three representatives from each class,
elected on a termly basis.
3. Meetings will be held once a fortnight. The council members will elect a chair
to control the meetings and a secretary who will be responsible for circulating
the agenda for each meeting and taking and circulating minutes of meetings.
4. The class representatives will be responsible for giving a report of the council's
meetings to their class. Agenda and minutes of meetings will be put up in each

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5. The Year 8 council will elect two of its members to be members of the school
council, with responsibility for raising issues on behalf of Year 8 students at
school council meetings.
6. The chair, secretary and school council representatives will be responsible for
taking up matters raised at council meetings with the year head and other
teachers, and for reporting back on such matters to the Year 8 council.
7. The head of year will attend all council meetings as an observer and both they
and the other year staff will be available as required to offer support and advice
to council members and to assist in the settlement of disputes
Peer mentoring
There are other ways in which students' voices can be heard. One of the most popular
schemes involves peer mentoring. Those who express an interest receive training to
become mentors so that they are better equipped to help others. This starts from primary
school age, when the mentors may get involved in issues related to conflict resolution. At
secondary school and at university, mentors are likely to deal with a larger variety of issues,
such as educational and health-related matters.
The underlying belief in schemes like these is that being heard by your peers can be more
effective and helpful as fellow students may have more time and understanding than
teachers or others in authority.

1. representative (n) /ˌrep.rɪˈzen.t̬ ə.t̬ ɪv/
someone who speaks or does something officially for another person or group of people:
đại diện
Ex: The firm has representatives in every major city.
2. peer (n) /pɪər/
(EQUAL) C1 a person who is the same age or has the same social position or the same
abilities as other people in a group: bạn đồng trang lứa
Ex: Do you think it's true that teenage girls are less self-confident than their male peers?

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3. scheme (n) /skiːm/

an organized plan for doing something, especially something dishonest or illegal that will
bring a good result for you: chương trình, kế hoạch
Ex: He has a hare-brained/crazy scheme for getting rich before he's 20.
4. take sth into account (also take account of sth)
B2 to consider or remember something when judging a situation: xem xét, cân nhắc
Ex: I hope my teacher will take into account the fact that I was ill just before the exams
when she marks my paper.
5. elect (v) /iˈlekt/
B2 to decide on or choose, especially to choose a person for a particular job, by voting:
bầu cử
Ex: The President is elected for a four-year term of office.
6. charity (n) /ˈtʃer.ə.t̬ i/
(GIVING) B1 [ C or U ] a system of giving money, food, or help free to those who are in
need because they are ill, poor, or have no home, or any organization that has the purpose
of providing money or helping in this way: từ thiện
Ex: She does a lot of work for charity.
7. bullying (n) /ˈbʊl.i.ɪŋ/
the behaviour of a person who hurts or frightens someone smaller or less powerful, often
forcing that person to do something they do not want to do: bắt nạt
Ex: Bullying is a problem in many schools.
8. dominate (v) /ˈdɑː.mə.neɪt/
(HAVE CONTROL) B2 [ I or T ] to have control over a place or person: thống trị
Ex: He refuses to let others speak and dominates every meeting.
9. relevant (adj) /ˈrel.ə.vənt/
B2 connected with what is happening or being discussed: liên quan
Ex: Education should be relevant to the child's needs.
10. responsibility (n) /rɪˌspɑːn.səˈbɪl.ə.t̬ i/
(DUTY) B2 [ C or U ] something that it is your job or duty to deal with: trách nhiệm

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Ex: [ + to infinitive ] It's her responsibility to ensure the project finishes on time.
11. cooperate (v) (UK also co-operate) /koʊˈɑː.pə.reɪt/
B2 to act or work together for a particular purpose, or to be helpful by doing what someone
asks you to do: hợp tác
Ex: A two-year old is likely to refuse to cooperate when you tell her to get dressed.
12. fortnight (n) [ C usually singular ] /ˈfɔːrt.naɪt/
B1 a period of two weeks: 2 tuần
Ex: a fortnight's holiday
13. secretary (n) /ˈsek.rə.ter.i/
(OFFICE) A2 someone who works in an office, writing letters, making phone calls, and
arranging meetings for a person or for an organization: thư ký
Ex: My secretary will phone you to arrange a meeting.
14. circulate (v) /ˈsɝː.kjə.leɪt/
to go around or through something, or to make something go around or through something:
Lưu hành, truyền, truyền bá, tuần hoàn
Ex: Hot water circulates through the heating system.
15. minutes plural (n) /ˈmɪn·əts/
the written record of what was said at a meeting: biên bản
Ex: Harry will take the minutes.
16. on behalf of sb (US also in behalf of sb); (on sb's behalf); (US also in sb's behalf)
B2 representing: đại diện
Ex: On behalf of the entire company, I would like to thank you for all your work.
17. assist (v) /əˈsɪst/
B2 to help: trợ giúp
Ex: The army arrived to assist in the search.
18. settlement (n) /ˈset̬ .əl.mənt/
(AGREE) C1 [ C or U ] an official agreement that finishes an argument: sự thoả thuận,
hoà giải

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Ex: It now seems unlikely that it will be possible to negotiate/reach a peaceful settlement
of the conflict.
19. dispute (n)/ /ˈdɪs.pjuːt/
C2 an argument or disagreement, especially an official one between, for example, workers
and employers or two countries with a common border: tranh chấp
Ex: a bitter/long-running dispute
20. resolution (n) /ˌrez.əˈluː.ʃən/
C2 [ S or U ] formal the act of solving or ending a problem or difficulty: giải pháp
Ex: a successful resolution to the crisis
21. underlying (adj) /ˌʌn.dəˈlaɪ.ɪŋ/
(NOT OBVIOUS) C2 real but not immediately obvious: cơ bản
Ex: And what might be the underlying significance of these supposedly random acts?
22. authority (n) /ɔːˈθɒr.ə.ti/
(POWER) B2 [ U ] the moral or legal right or ability to control: thẩm quyền
Ex: We need to get the support of someone in authority (= an important or high-ranking

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Exam information | Matching features

In the exam, you may be asked to match a list of factual statements or opinions to a
group of features taken from a text. The information in the list of statements will not
be in the same order as in the text. You may not need all the features or you may be
able to use some of them more than once.

Exercise 1: Find paraphrases in the text for the following statements. Write them in your
1. As many people have been asking for it...
2. Many people turned up to the Forest Schools activities
3. The winner will receive a big chocolate egg.
4. There will be another group meeting so that everyone can practise before the real
5. We have just planted many new trees.
6. You need to enrol before you can attend any of these activities.

Warley Woods Community Trust

Welcome to our third newsletter of the year!
A Our main activity for March is our Walk for the Woods fundraising event on
Saturday, 17 March, starting any time between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. In recognition of locally
born Jack Judge, who wrote the song "It's a long way to Tipperary 100 years ago, we will
be walking the distance between Warley Woods and Tipperary. It is indeed a long way-
260 miles-so we need a lot of people to do a lot of 1 mile laps round the Woods. The more
people that you can get to sponsor you, the more money we can raise to help look after our

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beautiful woodland. Sponsor forms are available from the shop at the Woods or on our
B Lots of new trees have gone in recently. The Sunday volunteers planted two beeches
and an oak in the meadow last week. This was thanks to a grant from the Big Tree Plant
and to Lisa and Gordon Whitaker whose friends gave money for the big trees instead of
wedding presents. Thanks to everyone who took part including Lisa and Gordon and South
Staffordshire plc who dug the big holes for us. (There is a DVD of one of the volunteers
falling in or was he pushed?
C There were 15 volunteers at the Oral History Training Day which was led very ably
by Julia Letts. Lots of issues were discussed and ideas considered. The group will be
meeting again and will have the opportunity to do some practice interviews before starting
to interview the local people who have offered to tell their stories. We are happy to hear
from others who would like to be interviewed about their memories of the Woods for the
project. If you or anyone you know is interested, please contact Viv Cole at the office. This
project is funded by Heritage Lottery Fund.
D We already have sponsors for two of our events this year. Derek Spires, a local
estate agent, is sponsoring Theatre in the Woods which this year is Much Ado About
Nothing and will take place on Thursday, 14th June. Also, Companion Care Vets are
sponsoring the Picnic. We are still looking for a sponsor for the All about Dogs event on
9th September, so if you, or any company you know, would like to do this, please get in
touch with the office.
E The trustees have been giving some thought to ways of minimizing future damage
to the fountain, and have decided to contact a specialist local firm to see what can be done
about the graffiti.
F There was a huge response to the Forest Schools activities held at half term. These
will be held again during the Easter holidays on the following dates: 4th, 5th and 11th April
from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for over 8s. On 12th April from 10 am to 12 noon there will be a
Teddy Bears' Picnic for the under 8s. All sessions must be booked in advance and forms
are available at the shop or office.

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G Finally, don't forget the Easter Egg Roll on Bank Holiday Monday, 9th April,
starting at 11 a.m. Bring your £1.00 entry money and your own hard-boiled and decorated
egg to roll down the hill in the woods. The first past the finishing line will win a massive
chocolate egg! This year, due to popular demand, there will also be an Adults' Easter Egg
Roll following the children's competition. We look forward to seeing you all soon, at one
of our many events!

1. fundraising (n) /ˈfʌndˌreɪ.zɪŋ/
the act of collecting or producing money for a particular purpose, especially for a charity:
gây quỹ
Ex: The dinner is a fundraising event for the museum.
2. recognition (n) /ˌrek.əɡˈnɪʃ.ən/
(ACCEPTING) C2 [ S or U ] agreement that something is true or legal: công nhận
Ex: It's a new country, hoping for diplomatic recognition from the international
3. indeed (adv) /ɪnˈdiːd/
B1 really or certainly, often used to emphasize something: quả nhiên, thật vậy
Ex:Indeed, it could be the worst environmental disaster in Europe this century.
4. lap (n) /læp/
RACING) B2 [ C ] a complete trip around a race track that is repeated several times during
a competition: vòng chạy, vòng đua
Ex: He recorded the fastest lap in last weekend's Hungarian Grand Prix.
5. sponsor (v.n) /ˈspɑːn.sɚ/
B2 to support a person, organization, or activity by giving money, encouragement, or other
help: tài trợ
Ex: The team is sponsored by JVC, so the players wear the letters JVC on their shirts.
6. beech (n) /biːtʃ/ a
tree with a smooth, grey trunk and small nuts, or the wood from this tree: cây dẻ gai

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Ex: a row of beeches

7. oak (n) /oʊk/
B2 a large tree that is common in northern countries, or the hard wood of this tree: cây sồi
Ex: The timbers of those old sailing ships were mostly oak.
8. meadow (n) /ˈmed.oʊ/
a field with grass and often wild flowers in it: đồng cỏ
Ex: There was a path through the meadow to the village.
9. ably (adv) /ˈeɪ.bli/
skilfully: có tài, khéo léo, tài tình
Ex: He performs his duties very ably.
10. estate (n) /ɪˈsteɪt ˌeɪ.dʒənt/ (US real estate agent)
a person whose job is to arrange the sale, renting or management of homes, land and
buildings for the owners: đại lý bất động sản
11. take place
B1 to happen: xảy ra
Ex: The concert takes place next Thursday.
12. in touch
communicating or continuing to communicate with someone by phone, email, etc.: giữ liên
Ex: get/keep/stay in touch (with sb) We need to get in touch with our suppliers right away.
13. trustee (n) /ˌtrʌsˈtiː/
a person, often one of a group, who controls property and/or money for another person or
an organization: người được uỷ thác
Ex: the museum's board of trustees
14. graffiti (n) /ɡrəˈfiː.t̬ i/
words or drawings, especially humorous, rude, or political, on walls, doors, etc. in public
places: hình vẽ, chữ viết trên tường
Ex: The subway walls are covered with graffiti.
15. response (n) /rɪˈspɑːns/

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B2 [ C or U ] an answer or reaction: phản hồi

Ex: Responses to our advertisement have been disappointing.
16. session (n) /ˈseʃ.ən/
(FORMAL MEETING) [ C or U ] a formal meeting or series of meetings of an organization
such as a parliament or a law court: phiên họp
Ex: The parliamentary session is due to end on 27 May.
17. in advance
B1 before a particular time, or before doing a particular thing: trước
Ex: If you're going to come, please let me know in advance.
18. roll (v) /roʊl/
to move somewhere easily and without sudden movements: chạy, lăn, chảy
Ex: A tear rolled down his cheek.
19. woods (plural noun) /wʊdz/ (also wood, us/wʊd/)
an area of land covered with a thick growth of trees: rừng
Ex: Shaded from the sun, the woods were cool and quiet.
20. massive (adj) /ˈmæs.ɪv/
B2 very large in size, amount, or number: lớn, đồ sộ, nặng nề, ồ ạt
Ex: They have a massive house.
21. competition (n) /ˌkɑːm.pəˈtɪʃ.ən/
B2 [ U ] a situation in which someone is trying to win something or be more successful
than someone else: cạnh tranh
Ex: Competition for jobs is intense.

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Exercise 2: Questions 1-9

Match each item 1-9 with the correct group A-D. You can use any letter more than once.
1. people feel safe here ....
2. these exist in different forms
3. people support each other
4. it is difficult to say exactly what they are
5. they have a lot to offer their members
6. people can do things on a bigger scale
7. the members meet up in person
8. people are prepared to take on other people's responsibilities
9. people are strangers

This is true for:

a. all communities
b. online communities
c. traditional communities
d. none of the mentioned communities

The importance of community

"Community is not a concept that is easy to define. In this essay, I will examine what
transforms individuals into a community, and discuss some different types. I will also look
at what all communities have in common, the benefits they offer and draw conclusions
about their increasing importance.
The word 'community' may trigger images of traditional communities in the developing
world, where large families live together. Elderly parents live with their children and
grandchildren in one house. Parents have relative freedom: if they leave the house there is
always someone left behind to look after their children. If it is their own parents who need

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to support their older children can take care of this We may also imagine the neighbours as
people who are happy to help out whenever it is needed. The stereotypical view is that of
a village, where people have little but can feel very rich because everyone takes
responsibility for the welfare of the others.
At the other end of the spectrum, there are other types of communities: ultramodern ones,
where the community members are unlikely to have actually met each other. These are
online communities, where people blog or chat about particular issues that are important
to them. They come across others on websites and may develop a relationship there with
like-minded people, discussing the same topics. The view is often that these are artificial
bonds between people who are, in effect, still isolated strangers
In reality, of course, this is not true, as the connections are real. Moreover, there are many
types of communities in between these extremes: people who join sports and leisure clubs,
who sign up with voluntary political, religious or other organizations, who attend events
such as coffee mornings (eg. fundraising circles, mother and baby groups), or who take
part in group discussions in their local area. They may be campaigning about issues or
simply getting together for companionship and support.
Human beings are social by nature, so it should not be a surprise that we organize ourselves
in groups. However, there is more going on these groups provide something that we cannot
achieve on our own. The main benefit of being part of a larger group is strength in numbers.
For example, we can access and share more information, we can take part in team sports,
we can complain and campaign more effectively and even if we are just having a chat,
online or in person, we can feel supported in whatever we do.
The stereotypical views of the happy village and the isolated computer users may not be
completely true, but what we do know is that whatever forms communities take, what
defines them is the sense of identity and security that they provide for their members: the
knowledge that there are people who we have something in common with and who can be
relied on to be there when we need each other.

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1. concept (n) /ˈkɑːn.sept/
B2 a principle or idea: khái niệm, quan niệm
Ex: The concept of free speech is unknown to them.
2. examine (v) /ɪɡˈzæm.ɪn/
(LOOK AT CAREFULLY) B2 to look at or consider a person or thing carefully and in
detail in order to discover something about them: xem xét, kiểm tra
Ex: Forensic scientists are examining the wreckage for clues about the cause of the
3. transform (v) /trænsˈfɔːrm/
B2 to change completely the appearance or character of something or someone, especially
so that that thing or person is improved: thay đổi
Ex: The reorganization will transform the entertainment industry.
4. have sth in common
B1 to share interests, experiences, or other characteristics with someone or something: có
chung điều gì
Ex: We don't really have much in common.
5. trigger (v) /ˈtrɪɡ.ɚ/
C1 to cause something to start: gây ra
Ex: Some people find that certain foods trigger their headaches.
6. relative (adj) /ˈrel.ə.t̬ ɪv/
(COMPARING) C1 being judged or measured in comparison with something else: tương
Ex: We weighed up the relative advantages of driving there or going by train.
7. take care of sb/sth
B1 to protect someone or something and provide the things that that person or thing needs:
chăm sóc
Ex: Take good care of that girl of yours, Patrick - she's very special.
8. stereotype (n) /ˈster.i.ə.taɪp/

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C1 a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like, especially an idea
that is wrong: mẫu rập khuôn
Ex: He doesn't conform to/fit/fill the national stereotype of a Frenchman.
9. welfare (n) /ˈwel.fer/
C2 help given, especially by the state or an organization, to people who need it, especially
because they do not have enough money: phúc lợi
Ex: Your taxes pay for welfare benefits such as unemployment and sickness pay.
10. spectrum (n) /ˈspek.trəm/
(RANGE) C1 a range of different positions, opinions, etc. between two extreme points:
phạm vi
Ex: He has support from across the whole political spectrum.
11. ultra- prefix us /ˌʌl·trə/
extreme or extremely: cực kỳ, cực đoan
Ex: ultramodern
12. like-minded (adj) /ˌlaɪkˈmaɪn.dɪd/
People who are described as like-minded share the same opinions, ideas, or interests: cùng
chí hướng
Ex: A dedicated football fan herself, she started the magazine for like-minded women.
13. artificial (adj) /ˌɑːr.t̬ əˈfɪʃ.əl/
B2 made by people, often as a copy of something natural: nhân tạo
Ex: clothes made of artificial fibres
14. isolated (adj) /ˈaɪ.sə.leɪ.tɪd/
C1 not near to other places: cô lập
Ex: an isolated farm/village
15. leisure (n) /ˈliː.ʒɚ/
B1 the time when you are not working or doing other duties: nhàn rỗi
Ex: leisure activities
16. religious (adj) /rɪˈlɪdʒ.əs/
having a strong belief in a god or gods: thuộc về tôn giao

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Ex: He's deeply religious and goes to church twice a week.

17. campaign (v) /kæmˈpeɪn/
C1 to organize a series of activities to try to achieve something: Đi chiến dịch, tham gia
chiến dịch
Ex: [ + to infinitive ] They've been campaigning for years to get him out of prison.
18. companionship (n) /kəmˈpæn.jən.ʃɪp/
the enjoyment of spending time with other people: tình bằng hữu
Ex: I lived on my own for a while but I missed the companionship of others.
19. complain (v) /kəmˈpleɪn/
B1 to say that something is wrong or not satisfactory: phàn nàn
Ex: Lots of people have complained about the noise.
20. identity (n) /aɪˈden.t̬ ə.t̬ i/
B2 who a person is, or the qualities of a person or group that make them different from
others: nhận dạng
Ex: The man's identity was being kept secret while he was helping police with enquiries.
21. security (n) /səˈkjʊr.ə.t̬ i/
(PROTECTION) B1 [ U ] protection of a person, building, organization, or country against
threats such as crime or attacks by foreign countries: an ninh
Ex: The station was closed for two hours because of a security alert.

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Exam information | Matching headings

In the exam, you may be given a list of headings, and a text divided into sections.
The headings will be in the form of short statements which summarize the
information in a section. You will need to read the text sections and decide which of
the headings best fits that section. This type of task tests whether you understand the
organization of texts and can identify the main idea or topic in a paragraph.

Exercise 1: Read the following paragraphs about British castles. Choose the best
heading from the options.
Beaumaris castle is an impressive castle, built by King Edward I. It is considered one of
the most beautiful medieval castles in Wales, probably because of its symmetrical shapes,
but its purpose was military, the pretty geometrical shapes being rings of defense. Work
started as early as 1295, but although it was done at a fast speed, it was never completed
because of lack of money
A. Beaumaris: a castle of contrasts
B. Beaumaris: a typical medieval castle
C. Beaumaris: the oldest Welsh castle

Scotland is right to be proud of Edinburgh castle. It dominates the city of Edinburgh from
high up on its rock. The history of Castle Rock goes back all the way to the late Bronze
Age (900 BC). when there were already people living there. In the middle ages it became
a royal castle, and this lasted until the 17th century. In the 18th century it became an army
base, but it is now mainly known as a visitor attraction.
A. Is Edinburgh the oldest castle in Britain?
B. Edinburgh Castle: Scotland's pride and joy
C. Edinburgh Castle and its many roles

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1. impressive (adj) /ɪmˈpres.ɪv/
B2 If an object or achievement is impressive, you admire or respect it, usually because it
is special, important, or very large: ấn tượng
Ex: That was an impressive performance from such a young tennis player.
2. castle (n) /ˈkæs.əl/
a large strong building, built in the past by a ruler or important person to protect the people
inside from attack: lâu đài
Ex: The castle is set on a steep hill.
3. consider (v) /kənˈsɪd.ɚ/
to spend time thinking about a possibility or making a decision: cân nhắc
Ex: Don't make any decisions before you've considered the situation.
4. medieval (adj) (also mediaeval) /ˌmed.iˈiː.vəl/
B2 related to the Middle Ages (= the period in European history from about AD 600 to AD
1500): thời trung cổ
Ex: a medieval building/painting/town
5. symmetrical (adj) /sɪˈmet.rɪ.kəl/ (also symmetric, /sɪˈmet.rɪk/)
having two parts that match exactly, either when one half is like an image of the other half
in a mirror, or when one part can take the place of another if it is turned 90° or 180°: đối
Ex: Common skin moles are round and symmetrical.
6. shape (n) /ʃeɪp/
the particular physical form or appearance of something: hình dạng
Ex: Clay can be moulded into almost any shape.
7. purpose (n) /ˈpɝː.pəs/
B1 [ C ] why you do something or why something exists: The purpose of the research is to
try to find out more about the causes of the disease.
8. military (adj) /ˈmɪl.ə.ter.i/
B2 relating to or belonging to the armed forces: quân sự

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Ex: foreign military intervention

9. geometric (adj) /ˌdʒiː.əˈmet.rɪk/ (also geometrical, /ˌdʒiː.əˈmet.rɪ.kəl/)
A geometric pattern or arrangement is made up of shapes such as squares, triangles, or
rectangles: hình học
Ex: a geometric design of overlapping circles
10. defence (n) (US defense) /dɪˈfens/
(PROTECTION) protection or support against attack, criticism, or infection: phòng thủ
Ex: The rebels' only form of defence against the soldiers' guns was sticks and stones.
11. complete (v) /kəmˈpliːt/
to make whole or perfect: hoàn thành
Ex: Complete the sentence with one of the adjectives provided.
12. contrast (n) /ˈkɑːn.træst/
B2 an obvious difference between two or more things: tương phản
Ex: I like the contrast of the white trousers with the black jacket.
13. typical (adj) /ˈtɪp.ɪ.kəl/
B1 showing all the characteristics that you would usually expect from a particular group
of things: điển hình, tiêu biểu
Ex: I must look like the typical tourist with my shorts and my camera.
14. dominate (v) /ˈdɑː.mə.neɪt/
(HAVE CONTROL) B2 [ I or T ] to have control over a place or person: thống trị
Ex: He refuses to let others speak and dominates every meeting.
15. Bronze Age (n) /ˈbrɒnz ˌeɪdʒ/
the time in the past when tools and weapons were made of bronze (= a brown metal made
of copper and tin), before iron was discovered: thời kỳ đồ đồng
Ex: It is thought that Stonehenge was constructed during the Bronze Age.
16. the Middle Ages (n) [ plural ] ˈmɪd.əl ˌeɪ.dʒɪz/
a period in European history, between about AD 1000 and AD 1500, when the power of
kings, people of high rank, and the Christian Church was strong: thời Trung Cổ
17. royal (adj) /ˈrɔɪ.əl/

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B2 (written abbreviation R) belonging or connected to a king or queen or a member of

their family: hoàng gia
Ex: the royal family
18. army (n) /ˈɑːr.mi/
a particular country's fighting force: quân đội
Ex: When did you join the army?
19. base (n) /beɪs/
(MILITARY) a place where there are military buildings and weapons and where members
of the armed forces live: căn cứ
Ex: an old naval/military base
20. tourist attraction (n) – also visitor attraction.
a place that people visit for pleasure and interest, usually while they are on holiday: điểm
thu hút khách du lịch
Ex: major/big/top tourist attraction The Grand Canyon is Arizona's biggest tourist
21. pride (n) /praɪd/
(SATISFACTION) B2 [ U ] a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction that you get because you
or people connected with you have done or got something good: tự hào
Ex: She felt a great sense of pride as she watched him accept the award.
22. joy (n) /dʒɔɪ/
(HAPPINESS) B2 [ U ] great happiness: niềm vui
Ex: They were filled with joy when their first child was born.
23. role (n) /roʊl/
(DUTY) B2 the position or purpose that someone or something has in a situation,
organization, society, or relationship: vai trò
Ex: What is his role in this project?

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Exercise 2: Choose the correct heading for each of the paragraphs A-D from this list.
You will not use them all.


i. Making CCTV effective

ii. Is CCTV really effective?
iii. How CCTV works
iv. Crime fighting with technology
v. The fight against terrorism
vi. The use of CCTV cameras
vii. The police and their opinion

Crime-fighting technology is getting more sophisticated and rightly so. The police need to
be equipped for the 21st century. In Britain we've already got the world's biggest DNA
database. By next year the state will have access to the genetic data of 4.25m people: one
British-based person in 14. Hundreds of thousands of those on the database will never have
been charged with a crime.
Britain is also reported to have more than 4 million CCTV (closed circuit television)
cameras. There is a continuing debate about the effectiveness of CCTV. Some evidence
suggests that it is helpful in reducing shoplifting and car crime. It has also been used to
successfully identify terrorists and murderers.
However, many claim that better lighting is just as effective to prevent crime and that
cameras could displace crime. An internal police report said that only one crime was solved

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for every 1,000 cameras in London in 2007. In short, there is conflicting evidence about
the effectiveness of cameras, so it is likely that the debate will continue.
Professor Mike Press, who has spent the past decade studying how design can contribute
to crime reduction, said that, in order for CCTV to have any effect, it must be used in a
targeted way.

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Exercise 3: Questions 1-6

The reading passage has five sections, A-F. Choose the correct heading for sections A-
F from the list of numbered headings below. Write the correct number i-x next to sections

List of headings

i. the disappearance of traditional playground sports

ii. the disappearance of classic playground games
iii. the dangers of the playground
iv. the best traditional games in Britain
v. possible explanations for the bans
vi. not a very British bulldog
vii. no real support for the bans
viii. differing opinions about the bans
ix. different ways of playing
x. a closer look at some traditional games

1. Section A:………………....
2. Section B:………………....
3. Section C:………………....
4. Section D: ………………....
5. Section E:………………....
6. Section F:………………....

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Is this the end of traditional British playground pastimes?

Section A
A survey has suggested that traditional pastimes are increasingly being banned at break
times in primary schools, Number one on the list is chasing game British Bulldog, followed
by leapfrog and conkers.
Section B
Despite its name, British Bulldog is a game that does not involve animals, and is played
over the world in a number of variations. In its basic form it involves runners trying to get
to the other side of the playground without being caught by the chaser, the 'bulldog! If
caught, they become a bulldog too, until there is only one person left: the winner of the
game. "Conkers' on the other hand, is genuinely British, as it is a game that was invented
in England. The players bring their own 'conker': a horse chestnut attached to a thick piece
of string that goes through the middle of the nut and is knotted underneath. Players pair up,
wrap the string around one of their hands and try up to three times to hit the other person's
conker by swinging their hand back and forth. They take this in turns until one of the
conkers is destroyed. That could be the end of the game, or the winner could go on to 'fight'
others. There are different types of scoring methods in place. The game is also played
outside the school playground, with a world championship taking place in England every
Section C
It will come as no surprise that people have had accidents resulting in a broken arm or leg
while playing British Bulldog, or by simply walking across the playground when a game
is taking place! It is also not difficult to imagine that many conker players manage to hit
their opponent's hand rather than their conker. Horse chestnuts are very hard and being hit
with one hurts, as many school children will - proudly - tell you
Section D
This whole situation is not new. In the past, we have also heard stories about the banning
of kiss chase and of musical chairs. There is also anecdotal evidence that some schools ban
marbles, and even hopscotch duck-duck-goose and skipping. The main reason for

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forbidding these games is again fear of injury. Sometimes the justifications are stranger
and perhaps not actually true. For example, kiss chase, a chase game where the person who
has been caught receives a kiss before becoming the chaser, may pass on germs. And
conkers might also be a problem for children with nut allergies.
Section E
Sporting activities are also becoming rarer on the playground, often because there is a lack
of staff available to supervise them. Apart from banning these, there are also more original
solutions, such as allowing students to play touch rugby only - a form of rugby where
tackles are not allowed, and playing football with a soft ball rather than the traditional
leather one. Having said that, these activities are often not popular with the kids, and this
may discourage them from playing at all.
Section F
Your comments: This is just ridiculous! illnesses and injuries are part of growing up! Sean,
I used to play all these games, and more. I think I split my lip once when I fell over during
a circle game. but so what? It can't compete with the hours of fun I had with my friends.
Susan Bournemouth
I don't think it's wrong to question whether we should allow violent games in schools. After
all, violence should not be tolerated in an educational environment. Perhaps this is
something that could lead to healthy group discussions involving teachers and pupils about
rules and behaviour, but in my opinion this should not result in a ban of healthy running
games such as circle, tag or chase games. Otherwise all PE, and sports activities should
also be banned on health and safety grounds, which would be mad: it's just not necessary
to do any of this Kiran, Cardiff
Let's ban active playground activities. Let's keep the kids inside the classrooms during
break times and pay extra staff to stay indoors to supervise them and keep them safe. Let's
watch them become very fat and very boring adults! A. Watson, Sheffield
Allowing children to play games that involve the occasional risk, such as British Bulldog,
teaches them to make intelligent decisions about their safety. Mohammed, Scotland

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I blame lawyers and society: we always feel somebody should be to blame if anything goes
wrong, so we can sue them for a lot of money. Alison, London.

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Exam information | True/False/Not Given

In the exam, you may be asked whether information is correct or not. You will be
given a list of statements. If the text confirms the statement, your answer should be
'TRUE' If the text contradicts the statement your answer should be 'FALSE'. If it is
impossible to know from the text if the statement is true or not, your answer should be
'NOT GIVEN Do not use your own opinion to answer but check in the text.

Exam tip

You should adjust your reading speed throughout the exam. When you are looking for
detailed information leg the writer's opinion, you will need to slow down to make sure
you find the exact answer. When you are asked for more general information leg
matching paragraph headings, you may be able to read faster. By practicing, you will
find the ideal balance between reading slowly enough to understand and fast enough
to finish on time.

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Exercise 1: Read the statements below and write TRUE if the text next to it confirms the
information, FALSE If it contradicts the information, or NOT GIVEN If there is not
enough information.
True/ False/
Text Statements
Not given
1. SOCO means Scenes of Crimes
The Scenes of Crime Officers
(SOCOs) that seal off (= stop people
from entering), record and collect 2. Recording and collecting evidence
evidence from crime scenes are people is important police work.

employed by police forces but not 3. SOCOs analyze evidence from

police officers themselves crime scenes

4. SOCOs have a difficult job to do.

SOCOs are called to crime scenes at
5. SOCOs work regular hours.
any time of the day or night, and may
have to remain there for days or even 6. After a crime, the SOCO's work
weeks so that every piece of evidence continues until the crime is solved.
is collected.
7. SOCOs need to be able to take
Many SOCOs now use photographic
and surveying techniques to produce
virtual reconstructions of crime scenes 8. After a crime, the crime is
that help with their recording and sometimes reconstructed by actors

investigation of the scene. 9. SOCOs have to record and

investigate crime scenes

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Exercise 2: Make a note of your starting time. Read Part 1 as fast as you can, but make
sure you understand what you read. Don't stop for unknown vocabulary. Afterwards,
check your understanding by answering the questions. Make a note of the time when
you finish. Then do the same for Part 2. Check if you managed to complete Part 2 faster
than Part 1
Crime-fighting technology: a necessity?
Part 1
Crime-fighting technology is getting more sophisticated and rightly so. The police need to
be equipped for the 21st century. In Britain we've already got the world's biggest DNA
database. By next year, the state will have access to the genetic data of 4.25m people: one
British-based person in 14. Hundreds of thousands of those on the database will never have
been charged with a crime.
True or False? Most people in Britain are on the British DNA database.
Britain is also reported to have more than four million CCTV (closed circuit television
cameras. There is a continuing debate about the effectiveness of CCTV. Some evidence
suggests that it is helpful in reducing shoplifting and car crime. It has also been used to
successfully identify terrorists and murderers. However, many claim that better lighting is
just as effective to prevent crime, and that cameras could displace crime. An internal police
report said that only one crime was solved for every 1,000 cameras in London in 2007 In
short, there is conflicting evidence about the effectiveness of cameras, so it is likely that
the debate will continue.
True or False? CCTV has helped solve some small and large crimes.
Professor Mike Press, who has spent the past decade studying how design can contribute
to crime reduction, said that, in order for CCTV to have any effect, it must be used in a
targeted way.
True False or Not Given?
Mike Press has been studying the link between design and the amount of crime for ten
Part 2

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Most schemes that simply record city centres continually-often not being watched - do not
produce results, CCTV can also have the opposite effect of that intended, by giving citizens
a false sense of security and encouraging them to be careless with property and personal
True or False CCTV can make people feel safe, which can put them in more danger
Professor Press said: All the evidence suggests that CCTV alone makes no positive impact
on crime reduction and prevention at all. The weight of evidence would suggest the
investment is more or less a waste of money unless you have lots of other things in place.
He believes that much of the increase is driven by the marketing efforts of security
companies who promote the crime-reducing benefits of their products. He described it as
a 'lazy approach to crime prevention and said that authorities should instead be focusing
on how to alter the environment to reduce crime
True or False Professor Press believes that CCTV can help reduce crime but only if
there are also changes to the environment.
But in reality, this is not what is happening. Instead, police are considering using more
technology in the future. Police forces have recently begun experimenting with cameras in
their helmets. The footage will be stored on police computers, along with the footage from
thousands of CCTV cameras and millions of pictures from number plate recognition
cameras used increasingly to check up on motorists
True False or Not Given? The police are already using more technology than before.

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Exercise 3:
Questions 1-8
Do the following statements agree with the information in the text? Write:
TRUE if the text confirms the statement
FALSE if the text contradicts the statement
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to know from the text
1. The police may ask the people who are at the crime scene to wait together until they
can talk to them. ................
2. SOCOs are not normally first at a crime scene ……………….…..
3. Sometimes hair, skin cells, etc. from a SOCO are left at the crime scene, even though
they wear protection to try to stop this …………………….
4. Every item at a crime scene is photographed five times.........................
5. Fibres are an example of trace evidence..............................
6. If evidence is burnt, it cannot be dealt with...........................
7. A SOCOs job is to help get good evidence to court...............................
8. SOCOs may have to go to court to provide evidence……………………

Investigating a crime scene

Assessing the scene
On arrival, the police officer's first job is to carry out an initial assessment of the scene. If
they are at first unsure whether or not a crime has taken place, it's best to assume that it
has. Valuable time and evidence in the investigation could be lost otherwise. First they
must deal with anyone at the scene needing medical help. Any other people present at the
scene must be kept apart, as they may be eyewitnesses or suspects. Witnesses at crime
scenes are not allowed to talk to each other. A person's perception of what happened can
get distorted during conversation.
The police officer then calls for a Scene of Crime Officer (SOCO).
Preserving the scene

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When the SOCO arrives at the crime scene, they put on a full protective body suit, gloves,
a mask, and plastic overshoes. Without this, the SOCO's skin cells, hair, fibres, fingerprints
or shoeprints could be added to the crime scene.
Recording the scene
The SOCO must produce a permanent record of the crime scene, using detailed written
notes, sketches, photographs and videos. It is essential that the original position of items at
the scene is recorded. Some biological and chemical evidence may quickly deteriorate.
Other evidence may be very fragile, and might be destroyed as the SOCO tries to recover
it. Other evidence from the scene of crime will be sent to the forensic lab for analysis.
Photographing the scene
When photographing a crime scene, the SOCO follows four rules:
1. Photograph the whole crime scene.
2. Photograph each item at the scene before doing anything to it.
3. Add a scale and photograph the item again.
4. After collecting trace evidence from the item, or removing it for analysis,
photograph the same part of the crime scene again.
The search for evidence
Any evidence at the crime scene may turn out to be important at some stage in the
investigation, so it's important that the team's search is thorough and systematic.
● Some of the evidence, such as a cigarette butt, may be immediately obvious to the
● Some of the evidence, such as fibres, may be present in very small amounts. This is
called trace evidence
● Other evidence, such as fingerprints, may be invisible to the naked eye, and special
techniques are needed to reveal it.
● Some evidence may have been damaged, for example burnt. Special procedures are
then needed
Storing the evidence P2

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Each item of evidence must be packaged separately, labelled and sealed before it is stored.
Small items, such as hairs, fibres, glass fragments and paint, are put into plastic bags or
bottles and sealed. Clothing and shoes are put into paper sacks. Evidence must be stored in
secure facilities. Most types of evidence are kept in cool, dry rooms. Biological samples
are refrigerated or frozen to prevent their decay.
Using the evidence in a criminal investigation
SOCOs must always use standard methods to process evidence. Only then will it provide
valid information that can be used, or be admissible, in court. If fingerprint and DNA
evidence are absent, incomplete or damaged, other types of evidence may be very
important in solving the crime. The way in which the SOCO team searches for collects,
packages and stores such evidence is important in preserving it. Badly preserved evidence
may not provide useful information for the investigation and may not be admissible in

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Exam information | Yes/No/Not Given

In the exam, you may be asked to demonstrate that you understand the points of view
expressed in a text. You will be given a list of statements which each represents an opinion.
You have to read the text to find out if the writer expresses these opinions or not. If the
writer shares the opinion in the statement, your answer will be YES. If the writer
contradicts the statement, your answer will be NO. If it is impossible to know from the
text what the writer's opinion is about that subject, your answer will be NOT GIVEN. The
information in the text will be in the same order as the list of statements.

Exam tip
To help you determine if something is NOT GIVEN, look for synonyms and paraphrases.
If none appear, the answer will probably be NOT GIVEN. But even if you do find
paraphrases, be careful: it may be that the topic is mentioned but not in relation to the
Throughout the exam, you need to make sure you rely on the information in the passages,
not on your own ideas. This is especially important with this type of question: never be
tempted to reflect your own opinion, always consider only what is in the text.

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Exercise 1: It is important to understand the difference between facts and opinions. An

opinion does not have to be based on fact or knowledge and we cannot prove it right or
Are the following statements facts or opinions?
1. The distance between Birmingham and Cheltenham is about 40 miles....
2. There are currently two areas with roadworks between Birmingham and
3. Cheltenham has music, literature and horseracing festivals, a historic promenade
and award-winning gardens.........................
4. Cheltenham is well worth a visit……………..
5. Birmingham is sometimes compared to Venice because of its many canals...........
6. You can't get from Birmingham to Cheltenham in less than half an hour unless you
break the speed limit.....................
7. Frankley service station, on the M5 near Birmingham, has shops that provide good
value for money…………………

Exercise 2: Read the texts and the statements that follow them. Write YES if the opinion
is expressed in the text (the writer agrees) and NO if the writer disagrees.
Britain never used to have armed police, but when major events are being held, such as the
recent London Olympics, there is a visible presence of armed police in train stations. Do
people using public transport feel reassured when they see armed police? Possibly. But
most of them, especially visitors to the UK, may feel that there is something to worry about,
especially as they would expect British police not to be armed. And if we think about it,
the police, armed or not, cannot protect us from bombers. But what the police can, and
sometimes does do, is make mistakes, and these are always worse when there are firearms
involved. So in the end, arming police may do more harm than good.
1. Most travellers feel protected when they see armed police in train
2. Even police with guns cannot protect us from bombers....................

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3. The police might shoot somebody by accident………….

4. It is better not to have armed police in Britain. …….........
Instead of complaining about roadworks, the cost of petrol, the price of cars, etc. we need
to think about other options. And I don't mean car sharing or building more motorways. I
say we try to save our environment by campaigning for better bus and train networks and
for different types of transport, such as trams.
5. We should complain about car-related problems………..........
6. The environment is not really in danger………….....
7. Public transport needs to be improved………….
The rise in fuel prices is a very worrying trend. Here are just some examples of the
Elderly people cannot afford to heat their houses, people lose their jobs because they can
no longer afford to commute to work, or because they are made redundant from their jobs
in transport-based businesses such as airlines. Self-employed people often rely on their
own transport for work, e.g. delivery people, florists and taxi drivers, so they may be forced
to close their business. The prices of some food and raw materials also increase as a direct
result of the cost of oil, e.g. the prices of beef and cotton. Against all of that, there is one
possible advantage: car manufacturers are employing more people to design fuel-efficient
cars, which will benefit the environment. But surely, this is not enough. What we need is
international cooperation and political goodwill, to reduce fuel prices and/ or financially
support those who are being affected.
8. We need to be concerned about the increase in the price of fuel. ..........
9. There are more problems caused by increasing fuel prices than the ones mentioned
in the passage...........
10. The price of beef is closely related to the price of oil. .....
11. The rise of fuel prices is not a big problem as the environment is benefitting from
12. If we cannot lower the price of fuel then we need more money so that people can
cope with it.

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Exercise 3: Look back at the third passage in exercise above. Are the following opinions

in the text (✓) or are they NOT GIVEN?

1. Old people may die because they cannot keep warm..................

2. There is more unemployment when fuel prices rise......
3. People who deliver goods may use their personal vehicles to do this.....
4. The price of corn and corn-based foods are related to the price of oil........
5. There already exist some fuel-efficient cars..................
6. Politicians are not working hard enough now to solve fuel price problems.......

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Exercise 4: Read the following passage. Do the statements agree with the views of the
writer? Write:
YES if the statement agrees with the views of the writer
NO if the statement contradicts what the writer thinks
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to know what the writer's point of view is

Yes/ No/
Text Statements
Not given
Despite Victorian times being
1. The romantic poets are not
characterized by romanticism, the
normally described as Victorian
famous British romantic poets belong to
the period before Queen Victoria.
From the same era date famous writers
such as Jane Austen and Mary Shelley 2. Jane Austen and Mary Shelly
(who wrote Frankenstein), and great were two authors who knew each
architects such as James Wyatt and John other well.
And, even if we know they can all be
described as Georgian artists, which
King George does this refer to? 3. The adjective 'Georgian' can
Actually, it refers to four of them refer to people who lived during
(George I, George II, George Ill and the period that King George I
George IV), and thus spans a long ruled.
period incorporating most of the 18th
century and some of the 19th.
The Georgian style incorporates 4. The gothic style came after the
previous styles, including gothic, and Georgian style.

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has its own subdivision, Regency style, 5. George IV was a king who was
which describes the period of George known for his sense of style.

Exercise 5: Read the following passage. Do the statements agree with the views of the
writer? Write:
YES if the statement agrees with the views of the writer
NO if the statement contradicts what the writer thinks
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to know what the writer's point of view is

1. Another name for the East-West trading route is 'silk road'................

2. Zhang Qian is admired by Chinese schoolchildren. .................
3. Zhang Qian was a Chinese adventurer………….
4. At least one German used the silk road in the 19th century………….......
5. Silk was the main material to be traded on this route…………….
6. The silk road was used for trade in natural materials, man-made materials and
7. We know that Zhang Qian was the first person to use the silk road .....................
8. The Romans may well have used the silk road …………......
9. The reports about a 'stone tower' provide evidence that the Romans used the silk
10. Kashgar is a welcoming city.......................
11. People who go in the Taklaman desert never come back out ........................
12. The journey from West to East was so long and difficult that the travellers probably
did not go all the way to China …………..……

Schoolchildren in China learn that the opening of the East-West trading route popularly
known as the silk road occurred in 139 B.C. when Zhang Qian, the Chinese ambassador-
adventurer, travelled westward across the Pamirs, a mountain range in Central Asia. He
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was the first known Chinese person to do so. The term 'silk road' was actually first used
late in the nineteenth century by a German geographer, Baron Ferdinand von Richthofen
(1833-1905). Silk was not the only material that passed along these routes. Other goods are
known to have included ceramics, glass, precious gems and livestock
However, there are reasons to think that these roads were being used centuries, probably
even millennia, earlier than Zhang's expedition. In Roman times, Pliny the Elder reported
a 'stone tower which he said existed on the Pamir Plateau where goods had been
traditionally exchanged between traders from the East and the West. In the early second
century, Maës Titianus, an ancient RomanMacedonian traveller, actually reported reaching
this famous Stone Tower, but its exact location remains uncertain. According to one theory,
it was at Tashkurgan in the Pamirs. (The word 'Tashkurgan' actually means 'stone tower'
or 'stone fortress' in the Uyghur language.) Scholars today, however, believe that its
location was probably somewhere in the Alay Valley. Whatever the truth about the Stone
Tower may be, it seems likely that that some form trade was taking place in this region
millennia before more formal recorded trade took place.
On the other hand, it is difficult to believe that people in those times were able to travel
such huge distances. Travelling from West to East, the trader first had to cross the Pamir
Plateau, through the 20,000-foot-high mountains. If the weather in the mountains had been
kind and the journey undertaken in the right season, the eastward bound traveller would
then finally arrive at the Kashgar, a logical place for trade and rest, where they could
exchange horses or camels and then start on the return journey back over the mountains
before the winter snows started.
It is unlikely that in these earlier times traders or travellers would have continued further
eastwards from Kashgar, as they would have had to go round the Taklamakan Desert.
Going through it was not an option as its name suggests: it literally means 'Go in and you
won't come out'. Beyond this desert, there still would have remained eight hundred miles
of a dangerous journey before they would have found the first true signs of Chinese

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A. Nations and personalities

No Nations Nationalities Nghĩa

1 Australia Australian Nước Úc – người Úc
2 Egypt Egyptian Nước Ai Cập – người Ai cập / tiếng Ai Cập
3 Britain British Vương Quốc Anh – người Vương Quốc Anh
4 Japan Japanese Nước Nhật – người Nhật
5 Pakistan Pakistani Nước Pa-ki-xtan
6 Canada Canadian Nước Can-na-đa – Người Can-na-đa
7 America American Châu Mỹ - người Mỹ
8 Africa African Châu Phi – người Châu Phi
9 Asia Asian Châu Á – người Châu Á
10 Europe European Châu Âu – người Châu
11 Portugal Portuguese Nước Bồ Đào Nha – Người / tiếng Bồ Đào
12 Malaysia Malaysian Nước Mã Lai – Người / tiếng Mã Lai
13 Arab Người Ả Rập
14 Singapore Singaporean Nước Singapore – Người Singgapore
15 South Korea Korean Nước Hoàn Quốc – người / tiếng Hàn
B. Parts of a day

1. Morning: buổi sáng

2. Noon: buổi trưa
3. Afternoon: buổi chiều
4. Evening: buổi tối

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C. Meals

1. Breakfast: bữa ăn sáng

2. Lunch: bữa ăn trưa
3. Dinner: bữa ăn tối
4. Supper: bữa ăn khuya
D. Days of a week

1. Monday: thứ hai

2. Tuesday: thứ ba
3. Wednesday: thứ tư
4. Thursday: thứ năm
5. Friday: thứ sáu
6. Saturday: thứ bảy
7. Sunday: chủ nhật
E. Numbers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

13 30

14 40

15 50

16 60

17 70

18 80

19 90

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F. Letters





G. Jobs

1. Students: học sinh

2. Teacher: giáo viên
3. Waiter: tiếp viên / phục vụ nam
4. Waitress: tiếp viên / phục vụ nữ
5. Manager: giám đốc
6. Doctor: bác sĩ
7. Nurse: y tá
8. Receptionist: tiếp tân
H. Extra vocab

1. Want to do something: muốn làm điều gì đó

2. Check: kiểm tra
3. Flight: chuyến bay
4. Passenger: hành khách
5. Meet: gặp gỡ
6. Go ahead: tiếp tục đi
7. Arrive: đến
8. Delay: hoãn, trì hoãn
9. Land: đáp
10. Terminal: ga
11. News about something: tin tức về điều gì ≠ new: mới

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12. Look forward to doing something: trông đợi làm điều gì đó

13. Airline: hãng hàng không
14. Flight number: số hiệu chuyến bay
15. Get in: đến
16. Line: đường dây điện thoại
17. Fantastic: tuyệt vời
⇨ have a fantastic time: có một khoảng thời gian tuyệt vời
18. Seat: chỗ ngồi
19. First class: hạng nhất
20. On the bus: trên xe buýt
21. Plane: máy bay
22. Train: xe lửa / tàu hoả
23. Leave: rời khỏi

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1. Complete the following sentences about national airlines with the correct

2. Listen and complete the notes (Track 01)

Spanish flight arrived at (1) _______________

Flight CCA1550 from (2) ______________ arrived at 6.00

Emirati flight no. (3) _______________ delayed.

Flight TAP1330 due 7.30 from (4) _______________ landed Terminal (5)

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1. how can I help you? Tôi có thể giúp gì cho bạn không?
2. Book a taxi: đặt xe taxi
3. Postcode: mã bưu điện
4. Contact number: số điện thoại liên hệ
5. Pick someone up: đón ai đó
6. Fill in a form: điền vào mẫu đơn
7. Landing card: thẻ hạ cánh
8. I’m afraid not.: tôi e rằng không
9. Question: câu hỏi (v) hỏi
10. Quite: khá, tương đối
11. Family name = surname: họ
12. First name: tên
13. Passport: hộ chiếu
14. Date of birth: ngày sinh
15. Mean: có nghĩa là
16. Date: ngày
17. Understand: hiểu
18. Certainly: dĩ nhiên, chắc chắn
19. Single room: phòng đơn
20. Double room: phòng đôi (1 giường dành cho 2 người)
21. twin bed: phòng đôi (2 giường đơn)
22. king sized bed: phòng cỡ lớn
23. available: có sẵn
24. avenue: địa điểm
25. reserve: đặt chỗ
26. parking space: chỗ đậu xe

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27. actually: thật sự

28. take a taxi: đón taxi
29. station: trạm tàu xe
30. confirm: xác nhận
31. change: thay đổi
32. recommend: đề xuất
33. mile: dặm (đơn vị tính khoảng cách)
34. make a reservation: đặt chỗ
35. leave a message: để lại lời nhắn
36. detail: chi tiết, thông tin
II. Exercises

1. Listen and fill in the blanks. (Track 07)

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2. Listen and complete the form (Track 08)

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3. IELTS Listening Part 1 (Track 09)

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1. Types of Food

Meat: thịt

1. Pork: thịt heo

2. Beef: thịt bò
3. Chicken: thịt gà
4. Fish: cá
5. Turkey: gà tây
6. Lamb: thịt cừu
7. Egg: trứng
Dairy product: sản phẩm từ sữa

1. Milk: sữa
2. Cheese: phô mai
3. Butter: bơ
4. Yogurt
Vegetables: rau củ
5. Potato: khoai tây
6. Carrot: cà rốt
7. Cabbage: bắp cải
8. Salad: rau trộn
9. Cucumber: dưa leo
10. Tomato: cà chua
11. Bean: đậu que
12. Pea: đậu hạt

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Fruit: trái cây

1. Banana: chuối
2. Strawberry: dâu tây
3. Cherry: quả anh đào
4. Apple: táo
5. Pineapple: thơm / dứa
Ingredient: nguyên liệu

1. Onion: hành tây

2. Pepper: tiêu
3. Cooking oil: dầu ăn
4. Sugar: đường
5. Salt: muối
6. Flour: bột
2. Methods of cooking: phương pháp nấu ăn

1. Roast: nướng (trong lò)

2. Steam: hấp
3. Fry: chiên
4. Grill: nướng (trên lửa trực tiếp)
5. Boil: luộc
3. Expressions of quantity

1. A quarter: 1/4
2. Three quarter: 3/4
3. A third: 1/3
4. A half: 1/2
5. Gram: gram (đơn vị tính khối lượng)
6. Kilogram: kí lô (đơn vị tính khối lượng)
7. Milliliter: mi li lít (đơn vị tính thể tích)

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8. Liter: lít (đơn vị tính thể tích)

4. Extra vocab

1. Prefer: thích
2. Pay attention (to sth): chú ý (vào)
3. Popular: phổ biến
4. Dish: món ăn, cái đĩa
5. Recipe: công thức nấu ăn
6. Vary from sth to sth: khác nhau
7. Basic: cơ bản
8. Flavour: hương vị
9. Spice: gia vị
10. Taste: nếm

11. Weigh: cân

12. Uncooked: chưa được nấu chín
13. Sauce: nước xốt
14. Don’t forget to: đừng quên
15. Bring: mang theo
16. Favourite: yêu thích
17. Daily: hằng ngày
18. Variety: sự đa dạng
19. Be bored with: chán
20. Cereal: ngũ cốc

21. University: trường đại học

22. Otherwise: mặt khác
23. Properly: hợp lý
24. Carefully: thận trọng

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25. Bowl: cái tô

26. Liquid: dung dịch
27. Mixture: hỗn hợp
28. Smooth: trơn tru
29. Thick: dày
30. Consistency: tính thống nhất
31. Stir: khuấy
32. Heat: nhiệt độ, gia nhiệt
33. Frying pan: chảo chiên
34. Grease: mỡ
35. Lightly: nhẹ
36. Melt: tan chảy
37. Pour: rót
38. Spoonful: 1 muống đầy
39. Edge: cạnh, bờ, mép
40. At that point: vào lúc đó, ở đó
41. Flip: lật
42. Plate: cái dĩa
43. Serve: phục vụ
44. Syrup: si rô
45. Let’s get straight on with: hãy bắt đầu ngay với
46. Peel: gọt vỏ
47. Cut sth into slices: cắt lát
⇨ cut them into slices
48. Take sth out of sth: lấy / tách
⇨ take the middle out of the apple
49. A baking dish: cái dĩa nướng
50. Rub: chà
51. Tiny: nhỏ, tí hon
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52. Breadcrumbs: vụn bánh mỳ

53. On the top of sth: hơn hết, hơn thế nữa

1. Complete the table by putting the following foods into the correct column

2. Write the correct letter next to each method of cooking

3. Complete these equivalents

4. You will hear a list of ingredients. Circle the correct quantity. Then write a
different way to express the same quantity. (Track 11)

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5. You will hear a chef giving her students a list of ingredients for a regional dish.
Match the ingredients with the quantities. You will not use all the quantities. Before
you begin, read through the answer options and think of different ways to express
the same quantities. (Track 12)

6. Listen to the recording and put the photos in the correct order. (Track 13)

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7. Now you will hear someone describing how to cook a traditional dessert. Before
you listen, read and think about which words might go in the gaps. Then listen and
complete the flow chart. Write NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS for each answer.
(Track 14)

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1. Adapt to sth: thích nghi với

2. Hear of sth: nghe về
⇨ hear – heard – heard
3. Healthy: lành mạnh
4. Especially: đặc biệt là
5. Traditional: truyền thống
6. Roast meat: thịt nướng
7. In the western world: trong thế giới phương tây
8. Lecture: bài giảng
9. Divide sth into sth: phân chia thành
10. Define: định nghĩa
11. Go on to do sth: tiếp tục với
12. Improve: cải thiện
13. Situation: tình huống
14. Vegetarian: người ăn chay
15. Agree with sth: đồng ý về điều gì
16. Unhealthy: không lành mạnh
17. Eat a balanced diet: ăn uống cân bằng
⇨ eating a balanced diet
18. The amount of sth: (số) lượng
⇨ the amount of food
19. A variety of: nhiều, đa dạng
20. Decide: quyết định
21. Depend on sth: phụ thuộc vào
22. Now on to my next point: tiếp tục, điều tiếp theo là
23. Plan sth: lên kế hoạch

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⇨ have to plan your meals

24. In advance: trước
25. Take time to do sth: tốn thời gian làm gì đó
⇨ take time to cook it
26. Be busy doing sth: bận làm gì đó
⇨ so busy working
27. End up doing sth: cuối cùng lại
⇨ end up buying fast food
28. Packet: gói
29. Packet food: thức ăn đóng gói
30. Fresh: tươi, mới
31. In my opinion: theo tôi
32. Educate: giáo dục
33. Pupil: học sinh (nhỏ)
34. Healthy eating habit: thói quen ăn uống lành mạnh
35. Main: chính
36. Government: chính phủ
37. To start with: bắt đầu
38. Self-service: tự phục vụ
39. Machine: máy móc
40. Soft drink: nước uống giải khát
41. Crisps: khoai tây chiên
42. Sweet: kẹo / ngọt
43. Briefly: ngắn gọn
44. Mention: đề cập
45. Measure: đo lường
46. Encourage: khuyến khích
47. Limit: giới hạn
48. Go into more detail about: nói thêm về
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1. You will hear a student representative welcoming new students to the university
and explaining a little about traditional English meals. First read the notes below.
Then listen and complete them. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A
NUMBER for each answer. (Track 15)

Very popular dish: fish and chips: fried in (1)_______________

- not (2) _______________ popular esp. (3) _______________

Another traditional meal: Sunday lunch

(4) _______________ meat with (5) _______________

Traditionally eaten (6) _______________

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2. You will hear a talk on nutrition. Complete the notes. Write NO MORE THAN
TWO WORDS for each answer. (Track 16)
Topic: Healthy eating

● Definition

● Reasons why people don’t (1)_______________

● Ideas for (2) _______________

Healthy eating is:

● Balanced diet

● Eating the (3) _______________

Note: balanced diet incl. meat, veg., fruit, cereals and (4) _______________

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3. Listen to the next part of the talk. Choose THREE letters a-h. Give three reasons
why the speaker thinks so many people have an unhealthy diet. (Homework)

4. Listen to the last part of the recording and complete the table. Write NO MORE
THAN ONE WORD for each answer. (Homework)

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1. Introduce – introduction: giới thiệu – phần giới thiệu
2. Present – presentation: trình bày – bài thuyết trình
3. Suggest – suggestion: đề nghị - lời đề nghị
4. Project – projector: dự đoán, lên kế hoạch – máy chiếu
5. Inform – information: thông báo – thông tin
6. Explain – explanation: giải thích – lời / sự giải thích
7. Slide: slide thuyết trình
8. Topic: chủ đề
9. Exactly: chính xác
10. Course: khoá học
11. Subject: môn học
12. Particular: cụ thể
13. Concentrate on sth: tập trung vào
14. Painter: hoạ sĩ, thợ sơn
15. On the one hand: một mặt
16. On the other hand: mặt khác
17. Discuss: thảo luận
18. Artist: nghệ sĩ
19. Make comparisons: so sánh
20. Difference: sự khác nhau
21. Decide: quyết định
22. Definitely: chắc chắn
23. Include: bao gồm
24. Paint: sơn
25. Ceiling: trần nhà
26. Famous: nổi tiếng
27. Suppose: cho rằng
28. Choose: chọn lựa
29. Have a look at sth: nhìn vào gì đó
⇨ have a look at what we’re going to put in the slides
30. Title: tiêu đề
31. Make a list of sth: lên danh sách
32. Bullet point: chấm đầu dòng
⇨ make a list of bullet points
33. Probably: dường như, có thể
34. Conclusion: kết luận
35. Fair: công bằng, thích hợp, hợp lý

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⇨ that sounds fair enough

36. The rest of sth: phần còn lại của gì đó
⇨ the rest of the slides
37. Start off with sth: bắt đầu với
⇨ start off with the introduction
38. Summary: bản tóm tắt
39. At the end: cuối cùng
40. A couple of: 1 đôi, 1 vài
41. Show: cho thấy
42. Design: thiết kế
43. Icon: biểu tượng
44. Match: ghép, nối
1. You will hear a group of students talking about a project they are planning to
present. Choose the correct letter, a, b or c. (Track 21)

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2. Now you will hear the students planning the slides they are going to prepare for
their group presentation. Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO
WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer. (Track 22)

Intro: Michelangelo and Botticelli: (1)_______________

Total: no.of slides (2)_______________
 2 slides each Michelangelo and Botticelli
 2 slides: How Michelangelo and Botticelli are (3)_______________ and how they
are (4)_______________

3. Listen to the four students discussing their presentation and underline the TWO
correct answers. (Track 23)

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1. Agree: đồng ý
2. Order: thứ tự
3. Introduction: phần giới thiệu
4. Conclusion: phần kết luận
5. At the beginning: lúc đầu, ban đầu
6. Compare: so sánh
7. Artist: nghệ sĩ
8. Go after: theo sao, theo dõi
9. Hear of sth: nghe về
⇨ heard of him:
10. Sensible: hợp lý, thích hợp
11. Was / were born: được sinh ra
12. Earlier: sớm hơn
13. Topic: chủ đề
14. Exactly: chính xác
15. Actually: thật sự
16. Explain: giải thích
17. Danger: sự nguy hiểm
18. Section: phần
19. Audience: khán giả
20. Dangerous: nguy hiểm
21. Go into more detail: tập trung vào chi tiết
22. Mention: đề cập
23. Advantage: thuận lợi
24. Balance: cân bằng
25. Argument: luận điểm
26. Memory stick: thẻ nhớ
27. Plenty of: nhiều
28. Mixed up: trộn lẫn, kết hợp
29. At the moment: hiện tại
30. Headache: đau đầu
31. Rob: cướp
32. In the street: trên đường
33. Separate: cách biệt, tách ra
34. Security: an ninh
35. Stay away from: tránh khỏi
36. Be able to do sth: có thể làm

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37. Carefully: cẩn thận

38. For instance: ví dụ
1. Listen to the four students discussing their presentation and underline the TWO
correct answers. (Track 24)

2. Listen to the recording of three students talking to their tutor about the
presentation they are planning. Choose the correct letter, a, b or c. (Track 25)

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Anh Ngữ PMP

3. Listen to the next part of the recording and complete the slides. Write ONE
WORD ONLY. (Track 26)

4. Listen to the last part of the recording and complete the sentences. Write NO

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1. Student union: hội học sinh
2. Representative: đại diện
3. Student societies = clubs: câu lạc bộ
4. Employment opportunity = job opportunity: cơ hội việc làm, cơ hội nghề nghiệp
5. Industry: công nghiệp, ngành công nghiệp
6. Corporation = company: công ty, tập đoàn
7. University careers officer: nhân viên tư vấn – giới thiệu việc làm ở trường đại học
8. Discuss: thảo luận
9. Private: riêng tư
10. Cover: bao gồm
11. Institution: học viện
12. Further education: cao học
13. Job satisfaction = job fulfilment: sự thoả mãn trong công việc
14. Find a job = find employment: tìm việc làm
15. Farm: nông trường, nông trại
16. South: phía nam
17. East: phía đông
18. North: phía bắc
19. West: phía tây
⇨ in the south east of England
20. Mostly: hầu như, gần như
21. Grow: trồng, phát triển
22. Keep chickens: nuôi gà
23. Dairy cows: bò sữa
24. Feed animals: cho động vật ăn
25. Fruit picker: người hái quả
26. Deliver: giao hàng
27. Supermarket: siêu thị
28. Supply sb with sth: cung cấp
⇨ supply local shops with our milk
29. Produce: sản xuất
30. The public: công chúng
31. Businessman: doanh nhân
32. Graduate in major: tốt nghiệp chuyên ngành …
33. Information technology: công nghệ thông tin
34. Work in a company: làm việc ở công ty
35. Ambition: tham vọng

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36. Earn a living through doing sth: kiếm sống bằng việc
⇨ earn a living through trade:
37. Get some experience: tích góp kinh nghiệm
38. Start one’s own business: mở việc kinh doanh riêng
⇨ start my own small company:
39. Set up: thành lập
⇨ set up an office
40. Computer part: linh kiện máy tính
41. Computer industry: ngành công nghiệp máy tính
42. Salesman: người bán hàng
⇨ salesmen
43. Receptionist: lễ tân
44. Look after: chăm sóc
45. Be out on sales trips: ra ngoài bán hàng
46. Be one’s own boss: tự làm chủ
⇨ be my own boss
47. Make all the decisions: quyết định tất cả
48. Goods: hàng hoá
49. Find sth adj to do sth: nhận thấy điều gì như thế nào
⇨ find it very difficult to work in a big company

1. Listen and complete the notes about each topic. Write ONE word only. (Track 31)
1._______________ you can join at university.
2. working in a small _______________
3. jobs that involve spending a lot of time _______________
4. employment in _______________
5. job _______________
6. how to find _______________

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3. You will hear an extract from two interviews with people about their work.
Complete the notes. Write no more than TWO WORDS for each answer. (Track 32
– 33)

4. You will hear Khalidah talking about the patients, doctors and nurses in the
Accident and Emergency Unit. Write a letter a-f next to each group of people. You
will not use all the options. (Track 34)

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1. Give a talk: thuyết trình
2. Series: chuỗi
3. Employment: công việc
4. Be interested in: thích thú / hứng thú về
5. Law: luật
6. Realize: nhận ra
7. Practical: thực tế
8. Theory: lý thuyết
9. Apply sth to sth: áp dụng vào
10. Police force: lực lượng cảnh sát
11. In one’s spare time: vào thời gian rãnh
a. in my spare time
12. As soon as: ngay khi
a. as soon as I graduated
13. Accept: chấp nhận
14. As you know / As you may know: như bạn biết
15. Criminal: tội phạm
16. Defend = protect: bảo vệ
17. Occasion: buổi / dịp
18. Extra work: việc ngoài giờ
19. Especially: đặc biệt là
20. Celebrate: tổ chức, kỷ niệm
21. Working hours: giờ làm việc
22. Disadvantage: bất lợi
23. Avoid: tránh
24. Prevent: ngăn cản
25. Trouble = problem: vấn đề
26. Arrest: bắt giữ
27. Attack: tấn công
28. Well-paid: lương cao
29. Celebrity: người nỏi tiếng
30. Detective: thám tử

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1. You will hear a woman talking to some students about her job. Complete the
notes with words from the recording. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for
each answer. (Track 35)

2. Now you will hear the next part of the talk. Answer the question. Choose THREE
answers from a-f. (Track 36)

4. Listen to the last part of the recording and answer the questions. Write no more
than TWO WORDS. (Track 37)

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1. Sports center: trung tâm thể thao
2. Path = footpath: đường mòn
3. On the left: bên trái
4. On the right: bên phải
5. On the other side of sth: ở bên mặt kia của
a. on the other side of the wood
6. The Law school: trường luật
7. Lecture theater: khu giảng đường
8. On the first floor: ở tầng 1
9. On the ground floor: ở tầng trệt
10. Campus: khuôn viên trường
11. The business school: trường kinh doanh
12. Round sth: xung quanh
a. round the lake
13. By any chance: nếu có thể
14. Across sth: đi xuyên qua
a. across the green
15. Cash: tiền mặt
16. Owe sb money: nợ tiền ai đó
a. owe you £10
17. (at) the end of sth: cuối gì đó
a. the end of the path
18. On the corner: ở góc
19. How’s it going?: khoẻ không
20. Think of sth: nghĩ về
a. think of the campus
21. Library: thư viện
22. Have a break: nghỉ ngơi
23. Leave somewhere: rời khỏi
a. leave the library
24. Meet one’s friends: gặp gỡ bạn bè của
a. meet my friends
25. Upset: thất vọng
26. Go upstairs: lên lầu
27. The silent zone: khu vực đọc sách, khu yên tĩnh
28. A hall of residence: toà nhà chung cư
29. Pretty: khá / đẹp

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30. Tend to do something: có khuynh hướng

a. tend to be a bit quieter
31. On the pitch: trên sân bóng

1. You will hear six short conversations, where one person is explaining to another
how to find different places on campus. Before you listen, make a note of some of the
expressions you expect to hear. Complete the sentences as you listen. Pay attention to
your spelling and grammar, and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. (Track

2. Listen to Sandra and Tom talking about the facilities on campus and answer the
questions. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS. (Track 39)

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3. Listen to two students talking about the different food outlets on a university
campus and label the plan below. (Track 40)

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1. You will hear Lily explaining to Chen how to use the library. Label the plan of the
library. (Track 41)

2. Listen to the next part of the recording and complete the sentences. Write only
TWO WORDS. (Track 42)

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3. Listen to the last part of the recording and answer the questions. WRITE NO

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1. Arrive at somewhere: đến
⇨ arrived at Goodmead primary school
2. Break into – broke into – broken into: đột nhập
⇨ broke into the office
3. Steal – stole – stolen: trộm
⇨ stole several laptops
4. Crime scene: cảnh tội ác
5. Advise sb to do sth: khuyên
⇨ advised her to make sure
6. Lock up: tra
7. Watch out for sb/sth: cẩn thận, cảnh giác
⇨ watch out for any strangers
8. Nearby: gần
9. Take sb to court: kiện
10. Thank sb for doing sth: cám ơn
⇨ thank you for inviting me
11. A chance of doing sth: cơ hội làm gì đó
⇨ a chance of making
12. The most common crime: tội ác phổ biến nhất
13. Theft: tội trộm
14. Robbery: tội cướp
15. Grab: bắt, chụp, túm
16. Handbag: túi xách
17. Run away: chạy khỏi
18. Burglary: tội trộm
19. Property: tài sản
20. Safety: sự an toàn
21. On holiday: đi nghỉ mát
22. Probably: có lẽ, có thể
23. Abroad: nước ngoài
24. Be in much more danger of sth: bị nguy hiểm về
⇨ you’re in much more danger of
25. Area: khu vực
26. Safe (n) két sắt
27. Take sth with sb: mang theo
⇨ take an old mobile with you
28. Be popular with: phổ biến

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29. Emergency: khẩn cấp

30. Completely: hoàn toàn
31. In case: trong trường hợp, đề phòng
32. Nervous about: lo lắng về
⇨ nervous about going home alone
33. By the way: tiện thể, nhân tiện
34. React: phản ứng
II. Exercises
1. Complete the text with appropriate words. Check that your verb tenses are

2. Listen to the recording and check your answers. (Track 44)

3. Listen to the recording and answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN
FOUR WORDS. (Track 46)

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4. Listen to a talk about emergency phone numbers in different countries and

complete the table. (Track 47) (Homework)

5. You will hear a talk about staying safe on campus. Choose a, b or c. (Track 48)

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1. Do a little research on sth: nghiên cứu 1 ít về
⇨ do a little research on where students like to go for their holidays
2. Come up with sth: nảy ra ý tưởng
⇨ came up with two continents
3. Crime figure: số liệu về tội phạm
4. Give sb some advice about: cho lời khuyên về
⇨ give you some advice about
5. Avoid doing sth: tránh
⇨ avoid becoming a victim of crime
6. Victim: nạn nhân
7. Commit a crime: thực hiện tội ác, phạm tội
8. Generally: nhìn chung
9. Individual: cá nhân
10. Increase in sth: tăng lên về
11. In recent years: trong những năm gần đây
12. Keep an eye on sth: chú ý
⇨ keep an eye on your bag
13. In a high percentage of sth: tỉ lệ phần trăm cao
⇨ in a high percentage of crimes
14. Across the continent: khắp các châu lục
15. Throughout: trong suốt (khoảng thời gian)
16. The authorities: chính quyền
17. Jewellry: trang sức
18. Certainly: dĩ nhiên, chắc chắn
19. A cash machine: máy rút tiền mặt
20. Go on an organized tour: đi du lịch theo tour
21. Definitely: dĩ nhiên, chắc chắn
22. A tour guide: hướng dẫn viên du lịch
23. Warn sb (not) to do sth: cảnh báo không làm gì
⇨ warn us not to go off with strangers

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1. You will hear a talk about safety in different regions. Complete the table about
crime in two different holiday destinations. Write NO MORE THAN TWO

2. Listen to the next part of the recording and answer the questions. Write NO

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3. Listen to the last part of the recording and choose the correct answer to the
questions. (Track 51)

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I. Vocabulary
1. keep up with: bắt kịp
2. make a note of: ghi chú
3. summarize: tóm tắt
4. old-fashioned: lỗi thời
5. note-taking: ghi chú
6. go through: đọc qua
7. revise: ôn tập
=> revision: sự ôn tập
8. go blank: trống rỗng
9. try out: thử
10. concentrate: tập trung
11. locker: tủ khoá
12. corridor: hành lang
13. exam hall: toà nhà thi
14. supervisor: người canh thi
15. student identity card: thẻ sinh viên
16. examination number: số báo danh thi
17. hint: gợi ý
18. roughly: khoảng

1. Listen to this conversation about studying and match the name of each person to
the study technique they prefer. (Track 52)

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2. Now you will hear a group of students talking about their revision techniques and
write the correct endings for each of the sentences. Write NO MORE THAN
THREE WORDS. (Track 53)

3. Look at the pictures that show students what to do when they go for an exam.
Listen to the recording and complete the instructions. Write NO MORE THAN
THREE WORDS for each answer. Check that your answers are grammatically
correct. (Track 54)

4. Listen to three students talking about how they prepare for an exam and complete
the flow chart with the missing letters below. (Track 55)

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1. Exam technique: kỹ năng làm bài thi
2. Find out: tìm ra
3. Exam paper: đề thi
4. Examination number: mã số kì thi
5. Answer sheet: phiếu trả lời
6. Apart from: ngoài ra
7. Instruction: hướng dẫn
8. Make sure that: đảm bảo rằng
a. make sure that you know how long the exam is: đảm bảo rằng bạn biết rõ kì
thi kéo dài trong bao lâu
9. Manage: cố gắng (để hoàn thành một việc gì)
10. Properly: đúng
11. Realize: nhận ra
12. Jot down: tốc kí
13. Appear: xuất hiện
14. Leave: rời khỏi
15. Worth: đáng giá (thời gian, tiền bạc)
16. Mark: chấm điểm
17. Lose: mất
18. Percent: phần trăm
19. Get round to: find time to do sth: sắp xếp thời gian để làm việc gì
20. Explain: giải thích
21. Afterwards: từ đó về sau

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1. You will hear three students discussing exam techniques with their tutor.
Complete the flow chart. Write no more than THREE words. (Track 01 – CD2)

2. Now you will hear the next part of the recording. Complete the sentences. Write
no more than THREE words for each answer. (Track 02 – CD2)

3. Listen to the last part of the recording and answer the questions. Write no more
than THREE words or a number. (Homework)

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1. Sale: doanh số
2. Department store: cửa hàng bán lẻ
3. Customer service: dịch vụ khách hàng
4. Credit card: thẻ tín dụng
5. Worried: lo lắng
6. Train ticket: vé tàu hỏa
7. Student discount: giảm giá cho sinh viên
8. Do the shopping: mua sắm
9. Depend on: phụ thuộc vào
10. Organized: có tổ chức
11. Shopping list: danh mục mua sắm
12. Save sth: tiết kiệm (thời gian, tiền bạc…)
a. save money: tiết kiệm tiền
13. Shopping mall: trung tâm thương mại
14. On the spur of the moment: ngay tức khắc
15. Refund: hoàn tiền
16. Embarrassing: bối rối
17. Advertising: quảng cáo
18. Term: điều khoản
19. Shopping habit: thói quen mua sắm
20. Do the grocery shopping: mua hàng tạp hóa
21. Survey: cuộc khảo sát
22. As we all know: như chúng ta đều biết
23. Population: dân số
24. Statement: lời tuyên bố
25. Expect: hy vọng
26. Special offer: lời đề nghị đặc biệt
27. Boutique: cửa hàng nhỏ bán quần áo, giày dép, trang sức
28. Specialist shop: cửa hàng chuyên doanh 1 mặt hàng

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1. Listen and fill in the blank (Track 04)
1. I bought this_________ in a sale.
2. My brother thinks _________ is much quicker than going to the _________.
3. The good thing about shopping in a _________ is that you can get _________ in one
4. The last time I took something back to a shop, the _________ manager wasn't there.
5. I lost my _________ the other day. I was really _________ someone else would use
6. Have you ever bought a _________ with a student discount? It's so much _________.

2. Listen to a recording of an interview in a survey of shopping habits. Miriam is

talking about who does the shopping in her family. Complete the notes. (Track 05)
 Four people in the family – only two (1) ______________
 Mother buys the food. Makes (2) ______________ first.
Goes to (3) ______________ weekly.
 Miriam (4) ______________ most. Sometimes buys clothes she does like. Takes
them back and asks for (5) ______________

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3. Listen and complete the notes (Track 06)

Who does the shopping?

 In the UK (1) ______________ % food bought by women.

 In some countries (2) ______________ % men do grocery shopping
 Habits changing – US (3) ______________ % of men shop for food.

Where do people shop?

 In cities (4) ______________

 In country (5) ______________ and (6) ______________

4. You will hear a lecture about shopping habits. Choose THREE statements that are
correct. Before you listen, make a note of what you think the answers might be. (Track

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1. Compare: so sánh
2. Age group: nhóm tuổi
3. Mature: trưởng thành
4. Male: nam
5. Female: nữ
6. Spending pattern: hình mẫu chi tiêu
7. To start with: bắt đầu với
8. Divide sth into: chia cái gì thành
a. divide the population into three sections: chia dân số thành 3 nhóm
9. Does that make sense?: Điều đó có nghĩa hay không?
10. Entertainment: giải trí
11. Surprising: ngạc nhiên
12. Admit: thừa nhận
13. Naturally: một cách tự nhiên
14. Furniture: nội thất
15. Kitchen equipment: thiết bị nhà bếp
16. Logical: lô-ríc
17. Improve: cải thiện
18. Household equipment: thiết bị gia dụng
19. Electronic equipment: thiết bị điện tử
20. Gardening: làm vườn
21. Tool: công cụ
22. Figure: số liệu
23. Beauty treatment: làm đẹp
24. As though: như thể
25. Concerned about sth: bận tâm về điều gì
a. concerned about their diet: bận tâm về chế độ ăn uống của họ
26. Organic food: thực phẩm hữu cơ

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II. Exercises
1. You will hear the introduction to a lecture about consumer habits. Complete the

Point 1
Three age groups:
 Young people,
 Families,
 (1) ______________

Point 2

 Male and female (2) ______________

Three age groups are

 Young people aged (3) ______________

 Families aged from 30 – 55
 Mature adults (4) ______________

172 Hotline: 0935 889 878
Anh Ngữ PMP

2. Now you will hear the next part of the recording and answer the question. Select
THREE correct options from the list (a-g). (Track 09)

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Anh Ngữ PMP

3. Now you will hear the last part of the recording. Answer the questions. Write NO
MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER for eating in restaurants. (Track
10 – CD2)

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Anh Ngữ PMP


1. Go swimming: đi bơi
2. Go running: chạy bộ
3. Practice for the marathon: luyện tập ma-ra-ton
4. Go to the cinema: đi xem phim
5. There’s a really good film on: có một bộ phim hay trên
6. Go to a concert: đi nghe buổi hòa nhạc
7. Vacation: kì nghỉ
8. Travel around Europe: du lịch vòng quanh châu Âu
9. For a while: một lúc
10. Be keen on: rất thích
11. To be honest: thành thật thì
12. Spend time / money doing sth: dành thời gian/tiền bạc để làm việc gì
a. spend my vacation gardening: dành kì nghỉ của tôi để làm vườn
13. Go cycling: đạp xe
14. Have got a lot of cooking: tất bật với việc nấu nướng
15. What do you do in your free time?: bạn làm gì vào thời gian rảnh
16. At the moment: ngay bây giờ
17. I’m traning to be a private pilot: tôi đang học để trở thành một phi công tư nhân
18. Fly a plane: lái máy bay
19. It’s worth sth / doing sth: điều gì đó đáng giá để làm
a. it’s worth it: nó đáng giá đấy
20. An amazing experience: một trải nghiệm ngạc nhiên
21. What do you do for leisure?: bạn giải trí như thế nào?
22. Exciting: phấn khích
23. Play ice hockey: chơi khúc côn cầu trên băng
24. In my spare time: vào thời gian rảnh
25. Captain: đội trưởng
26. Lead a team: dẫn dắt một đội
27. Collect stamps: sưu tầm tem
28. Tropical bird: chim vùng nhiệt đới
29. Look for: tìm kiếm
30. Collector: người sưu tầm
31. Brilliant: thông minh
32. Issue (v): phát hành

175 Hotline: 0935 889 878
Anh Ngữ PMP

II. Exercises
1. You will hear some people talking about what they are planning to do in their free
time. Write the activity next to the speaker in each conversation. Check that your
spelling is correct. Use only one word for each answer. (Track 11 – CD2)

2. Listen to the recording and circle the word you hear. You will hear the words
twice. (Track 12 – CD2)

3. You are going to hear a boy talking to a friend about his stamp collection. Listen
and complete the table about the stamps. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS

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1. Are you interested in sth: bạn có quan tâm đến
a. are you interested in climbing?: bạn có quan tâm đến leo trèo không?
2. Actually: thực sự
3. Think about: nghĩ về
4. Join a club: tham gia một CLB
5. Fill in the form: điền vào mẫu
6. Health problem: vấn đề về sức khỏe
7. Have a look at: xem
8. Order (n): lời đề nghị
9. Cost: chi phí
10. Membership: tư cách hội viên
11. Probably: có thể
12. Do street dance: nhảy đường phố
13. Shall we start with…: chúng ta sẽ bắt đầu với
a. shall we start with your interests?: chúng ta sẽ bắt đầu với các mối quan của
bạn nhé?
14. What do you like doing best?: bạn thích làm gì nhất?
15. Photography: thuật nhiếp ảnh
16. Seriously: thật ư
17. Imagine doing sth: tưởng tượng làm điều gì
a. imagine belonging to a club: tưởng tượng gia nhập một CLB
18. Take photographs: chụp hình
19. Go on long walks: đi bộ xa
20. On one’s own: một mình
a. on my own: mình tôi
21. I’m afraid: tôi e là
22. Practice yoga: luyện tập yoga
23. on and off for years: thi thoảng
24. sign up: đăng kí
25. that sounds good: nghe có vẻ tốt
26. contemporary: đương đại, hiện đại
contemporary dance: nhảy hiện đại
27. jazz and tap dance: nhảy theo phong cách nhạc jazz

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Anh Ngữ PMP

1. Now you will hear a young man talking to the administrator of a climbing club.
Complete his application form. (Track 15 – CD2)

2. You will hear two students talking about university clubs and societies. Complete
the table. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER. (Track 16 –

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Anh Ngữ PMP

3. Now you will hear the next part of the recording. Choose THREE letters a-g.
(Track 17 – CD2)

179 Hotline: 0935 889 878
Anh Ngữ PMP

4. Listen to the last part of the recording and complete the form. Write no more than
TWO words or a number. (Track 18 – CD2)

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Anh Ngữ PMP


1. Balance: sự cân bằng
2. Spend time / money (on) doing sth: dành thời gian/tiền bạc đề làm việc gì
a. the time you spend on studying: dành thời gian cho việc học
3. In fact: trên thực tế
4. Manage: cố gắng (hoàn thành việc gì đó)
5. Understandable: có thể hiểu được
6. At university: ở trường đại học
7. Tutor: gia sư
8. Expect sb to do sth: ky vọng ai đó làm việc gì
a. expect you to study: kỳ vọng bạn học tập
9. On one’s hands: đổ lỗi cho ai đó
a. on your hands: lỗi của bạn
10. Deal with: xử lý
11. To be honest: thành thực mà nói
12. Timetable: thời gian biểu
13. Alert sb on sth: thông báo việc gì cho ai đó
a. alert you on your mobile: thông báo cho bạn trên di động
14. Apart from that: ngoài
15. Try doing sth: thử làm việc gì đó
a. try not going out during the week: đừng thử đi ra ngoài trong tuần
16. Social life: đời sống xã hội
17. Have a lot of trouble with sth
a. having a lot of troubl with my work-life balance
18. Fixed hours: giờ cố định
19. On the dot = exactly: chính xác
20. Complicated: phức tạp
21. Finish sth off: hoàn tất việc gì đó
22. Draw the line between sth and sth: phân định rạch ròi giữa A và B
a. draw the line between work and home: phân định giữa công việc và nhà
23. Chart: biểu đồ
24. Project: dự án
25. Survey: khảo sát
26. Start date: ngày bắt đầu
27. Draft: bản nháp
28. Questionaire: bảng hỏi
29. Outline: phác thảo
30. Complete: hoàn thành

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Anh Ngữ PMP

31. Milestone: cột mốc

32. Database: cơ sở dữ liệu
33. Phase: giai đoạn
34. Involve: liên quan đến
35. Deadline: hạn chót
36. Client: khách hàng

1. You will hear a lecturer giving some students advice on how to balance their
studies and their free time. Select the correct completed sentences. (Track 21 – CD2)

182 Hotline: 0935 889 878
Anh Ngữ PMP

2. You are going to hear a recording of a new employee describing the problems she
has with time management. Listen and complete the sentences with words from the
text. Write no more than THREE WORDS or a NUMBER. (Track 22 – CD2)

3. Now listen to the market researcher describing how he plans a project. Label the
diagram below. Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letters A-
G next to the questions. (Track 23 – CD2)

183 Hotline: 0935 889 878
Anh Ngữ PMP


1. Employee: người lao động
2. Productive: năng suất
3. Naturally: một cách tự nhiên
4. Make a profit: có lợi nhuận
5. Physical and mental health: sức khỏe thể chất và tinh thần
6. A policy of sth: chính sách
a. a policy of helping them: chính sách giúp đỡ họ
7. Fair: công bằng
8. Private: riêng tư
9. Look after: chăm sóc
10. Work flexible hours: giờ làm việc linh hoạt
11. Work part time: làm việc bán thời gian
12. Generous: hào phóng
13. Maternity leave package: nghỉ sanh
14. Carry out: tiến hành
15. Find out: tìm ra
16. Working pattern: hình mẫu làm việc
17. In general: nói chung
18. Prefer to do sth: thích làm việc gì
a. perfer to work at the office: thích làm việc ở văn phòng
19. Option: quan điểm
20. Job sharing: chia sẻ công việc
21. Responsibility: trách nhiệm
22. On the whole: tổng thể
23. When it comes to sth: khi nói về điều gì đó
a. when it comes to working part-time: khi nói về làm việc bán thời gian
24. Benefit (v) mang lại lợi ích
25. Assistant: người hỗ trợ
26. Accounting: kế toán
27. Nursery: nhà trẻ
28. Make up: chiếm

184 Hotline: 0935 889 878
Anh Ngữ PMP

II. Exercises
1. You will hear a human resource manager talking about her company’s work-life
balance policy. Complete the sentences. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS
OR A NUMBER. (Track 24 – CD2)

2. Listen to the next part of the recording and label the pie chart. Write NO MORE

3. Listen to the last part of the recording and complete the notes. Write NO MORE

185 Hotline: 0935 889 878
Anh Ngữ PMP


1. Have you ever been to…?: bạn đã từng tới
a. Have you ever been to Thailand?: bạn đã từng tới Thái Lan chưa?
2. Wonder whether: tự hỏi rằng
a. wondering whether Thai food is was the same as Chinese: tự hỏi thức ăn
của Thái Lan có giống thức ăn của Trung Quốc
3. a healthy diet: chế độ ăn lành mạnh
4. vegetables: rau
5. hot and spicy: nóng và cay
6. do you have a moment?: tôi xin một ít phút có được không?
7. Research: nghiên cứu
8. Block of flats: dãy chung cư
9. How’s sth going?: việc gì đó tiến triển ra sao
a. How’s your Japanese language project going?: dự án tiếng Nhật của bạn
tiến triển thế nào rồi?
10. Alphabet: bảng chữ cái
11. Varieties: sự đa dạng
12. Region: vùng
13. National costume: trang phục truyền thống quốc gia
14. Basically: về cơ bản
15. Decorate sth with sth: trang trí cái gì đó với
a. decorate it with gold patterns around the sleeves and neck: trang trí nó với
hình vàng xung quanh ống tay và cổ
16. Sleeve: ống
17. Neck: cổ
18. Attitude: thái độ
19. Stranger: người lạ
20. Open (a): mở
21. In comparison with: so sánh với
22. Give a presentation about sth: thuyết trình về
23. Toast: nướng

186 Hotline: 0935 889 878
Anh Ngữ PMP

1. You will hear four conversations between students discussing their projects on
world cultures. Circle the topic of each conversation from the key words in the word
map. (Track 27 – CD2)

2. You will hear a conversation between a tutor and a student about a project on how
much people talk in public in different countries. Underline the comparing and
contrasting words that you hear in the conversation. (Track 28 – CD2)

3. You will hear three people discussing eating habits in their home countries. Choose
THREE letters (a-g). Listen carefully for the relevant part of the conversation. (Track
29 – CD2)

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Anh Ngữ PMP


1. Material: nguyên liệu
2. Marriage custom: phong tục cưới xin
3. Expense: chi phí
4. Partner: đối tác
5. Independently: một cách độc lập
6. Celebration: lễ hội
7. Origin: nguồn gốc
8. Connection between: sự kết nối giữa
9. Similarity: tương đồng
10. Apart (a) riêng rẽ
11. Mask: mặt nạ
12. Go by: đi bằng
13. Purpose: mục đích
14. Religious: tôn giáo
15. Discover: khám phá
16. Splash: giật gân
17. Make sense: có nghĩa
18. Look into: nhìn vào
19. Involve: liên quan đến
20. Reference: tham khảo
21. Society: xã hội
22. Wealth: của cái
23. Up to now: cho đến nay
24. Ancient tradition: truyền thống cổ đại

188 Hotline: 0935 889 878
Anh Ngữ PMP

1. Listen to two students comparing marriage customs in their countries and choose
a, b or c. (Track 30 – CD2)

2. You will hear two students discussing a project on international festivals with their
tutor. Complete the sentences with the correct answer from the list. (Track 31 – CD2)

189 Hotline: 0935 889 878
Anh Ngữ PMP

3. Now you will hear the next part of the recording. Choose THREE letters (a-g).
(Track 32 – CD2)

4. Listen to the next part of the recording and answer the questions. Write no more
than THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER. (Track 33 – CD2)

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Anh Ngữ PMP


1. Structure: cấu trúc
2. Off-shore: xa bờ
3. Oil rig: giàn khoan dầu
4. To be accurate: chính xác là
5. Oil platform: giếng dầu
6. Diagram: biểu đồ
7. Float: nổi
8. On the surface of sth: trên bề mặt của cái gì
9. Derrick: cần trục
10. Drilling machinery: máy khoan
11. Lifting equipment: thiết bị nâng
12. Helicopter: trực thăng
13. Helicopter pad: bệ trực thăng
14. Transport: giao thông
15. Underneath = below: bên dưới
16. Support tower: tháp hỗ trợ
17. Metal (a): kim loại
18. Be attached to sth: đính kèm với cái gì
19. Sea bed: đáy biển
20. Cable: cáp
21. Crane: máy trục
22. Construction: xây dựng
23. Specialist equipment: thiết bị đặc dụng
24. Spare: mảnh
25. Expert: chuyên gia
26. Generate: tạo ra
27. Electricity: điện năng
28. Capacity: công suất
29. Wave energy: năng lượng sóng
30. Tidal energy: năng lượng dòng biển
31. Rise – rose – risen: tăng (hiện tại – quá khứ đơn – quá khứ hoàn thành)
32. Marine power: năng lượng đại dương
33. Dramatically: một cách đáng kể
34. Figure: số liệu
35. Consistently: một cách nhất quán
36. Drop: giảm
37. Alternative: phương án thay thế

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Anh Ngữ PMP

38. Power source: nguồn năng lượng

39. As a consequence: như là một hệ quả
40. Steadily: đều
41. Theme: chủ đề
42. Timeline: dòng thời gian
43. Exploration vessel: tàu khảo sát
44. Manned: có người lái
45. Descent: hạ xuống
46. Impressive: ấn tượng
47. Submarine: dưới đại dương
48. Investigate: nghiên cứu

192 Hotline: 0935 889 878
Anh Ngữ PMP

1. Listen to the talk about the structure of an offshore oil rig and label the diagram.
(Track 34 – CD2)

2. You will hear an engineer talking about using the sea to generate electricity.
Complete the values for the capacity in megawatts in the years below (1-4). Then
plot the points on the graph and draw the trend line. (Track 35 – CD2)

193 Hotline: 0935 889 878
Anh Ngữ PMP

3. You will hear a recording of a lecture on deep sea exploration. Listen to the first
part of the lecture and complete the timeline using NO MORE THAN TWO

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Anh Ngữ PMP


1. Chamber: khoang
2. Spin: quay
3. Out of control: vượt khỏi tầm kiểm soát
4. Fin: vây
5. To conclude: kết luận
6. Is it worth the expense?: nó có đáng bỏ chi phí không?
7. Justification: sự biện minh
8. Form: hình thành
9. Behave: hành xử
10. Consequence: hệ quả
11. Earthquake: động đất
12. Warning system: hệ thống cảnh báo
13. Consider: cân nhắc
14. Valuable: giá trị
15. Unknown: không biết
16. Availability: tính sẵn có
17. Lead to sth: dẫn đến
18. In the long run: về dài hạn

195 Hotline: 0935 889 878
Anh Ngữ PMP

1. You will hear a part of a lecture. Label the diagram of the Deep Sea Challenger.

2. Now listen to the final part of the lecture and complete the notes. WRITE NO

196 Hotline: 0935 889 878
Anh Ngữ PMP

[1] Collins, Get Ready for IELTS Reading Pre-Intermediate A2+

197 Hotline: 0935 889 878

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