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COMSATS University Islamabad, Virtual Campus

HUM111 Pakistan Studies

Assignment # 3 (Project)
Spring 2020

Semester Project

Assignment # 3 is in the form of a semester project. This document presents the details and
description for the project.

Main Topic
The main topic for the project is Current Social, Economic and Political Challenges
related to Industrial Sector of Pakistan. You are to select a specific topic relevant to this
main topic. Some sample topics are mentioned in this document.

For the semester project, you are to work individually and pick a topic relevant to the main
topic of “Current Social, Economic and Political Challenges related to Industrial sector
of Pakistan”. After approval of your topic by your moderator, you will form a report on the
specific challenge you have chosen and propose solutions for the challenge.

Total: 50 Marks
CLO: HUM111_CLO2: Share the importance, working, issues and solutions of agricultural
sector and industrial sector. (A3-PLO7)
Justification of CLO: Acknowledge the current challenges faced by the Industrial sector of
Pakistan and describe possible solutions for those challenges.

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How to do the Project

Step 1: Select a Topic

Select a specific challenge faced by Industrial Sector of Pakistan. Your project cannot be on
the main topic, it has to be a particular and current challenge faced by Industrial Sector in any
part of Pakistan. You are welcome to choose a challenge yourself as well.

Whether you choose a topic from the given list or one of your own, you will need to get your
topic approved by your moderator before you start.

Some Sample Topics

The following is a list of sample topics you may take for your project.

 Political and industrial growth regimes

 Production of specialized goods and its action plan/strategy
 Evolution of Industries since the creation of Pakistan.
 An Appraisal of Industrial progress of Pakistan.
 Current Industrial problems/challenges and solutions for Pakistan.
 Importance of public and private industrial partnership in Pakistan.
 Globalization of Industrial products for the growth of Pakistan economy.
 Reforms to revive Industrial sector due to shortage of electricity or power crises in

Step 2: Collect Information and Write the Report

After your topic has been approved, you will then collect information regarding the topic
from valid sources and form a report on your findings.

It is important that you write it in your own words and not plagiarize or copy from anywhere.
For information on plagiarism and how to avoid it, consult your moderator.

The report is worth 50 marks, therefore put proper effort into it and work on it like a project
and not just an assignment and be sure to follow the deadline.

Your report may be structured in the following way.

Briefly describe the project along with the topic. Also mention how the topic is related to the
main topic.

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Findings and Discussion
Describe the challenge faced by Industrial Sector in detail, including where it is being faced
and in general how many of the industries are facing it with facts and figures. You should
include accurate information and the source of the findings. (All sources will be listed at the
Conclusion and Recommendations
Propose solutions to the challenge and describe how it should be implemented.
Use APA style to reference the sources you have used to collect and include information for
your report.

Step 3: Proofread and Submit your Report

Once you are done with your report and have proofread everything. If possible, check for
plagiarism, just to be sure that you are not at risk of losing marks due to it.

When you think, the report is ready for submission, then upload the report on CU Online as
Assignment # 3, before the Deadline.

If there are any further queries about anything related to the project, please contact your

Good Luck!

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