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NIM. 1732810027






Presented to
State Polytechnics of Malang
In partial fulfillment for the degree of
“Ahli Madya Linguistik” (AMD.Li.) in Applied English





This is to certify that the final project report written by <name of writer> has
been approved by the advisors for further approval by the Board of

Malang, ………………………..
Advisor I,

Retnaning Sekartaji, S.S., M.A., Ph.D.

Malang, ………………………..
Advisor II,

Drs. Susanto Harjowirogo, M.A., Ph.D.

This is to certify that the final project report written by <name of writer>
has been approved by the Board of Examiners on ………….

Malang, ………………………..
Examiner I,

Prof. Siroya Enggarjati, S.Pd., M.A., Ph.D.

Malang, ………………………..
Examiner II,

Retnaning Sekartaji, S.S., M.A., Ph.D.

Malang, ………………………..
Examiner III,

Drs. Susanto Harjowirogo, M.A., Ph.D.


Honesty is my sword and shield.


This final project report is

proudly dedicated to: Puteri
Sarining Tyas Maulidiyah, my
motivator and motivation
booster. Thanks for your
encouragement and guide.
Always be my sunshine
although this writing is

I hereby certify that the final project report I am submitting is entirely my own
original work except where otherwise indicated. I am aware of the regulation of
State Polytechnic of Malang concerning plagiarism, including the ones concerning
disciplinary actions that may result from plagiarism. Any use of other author’s
work is properly acknowledged at its point of use.

Student’s signature: __________________

Name (in capitals) : __________________

Date of submission: __________________


The writer wish to express her gratitude to the Almighty God who has given His
bless to the writer for finishing the final project report. The final project report
GLOSSARY APPLICATION” is submitted as the requiremnt to complete . The
writer would like to say thank you profusely for all the help that has been given,
either directly or indirectly during the preparation and process in this internship
program. In particular gratitudes that are do to :

1. Mr. Dr. Sugeng Hariyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd. as a lecturer who has provided guidance
and encouragement in the preparation and process of this report as well as the
Head of English for Translation and Hospitality Industry Department in Politeknik
Negeri Malang.
2. Mrs. Hilda Cahyani, SS., M.Pd., Ph.D. as the writer’ supervisor, who always gives
the best advice, guidance and encouragement in the process of writing the
internship report.
3. Mr. M. Anshori who had let the writer take this chance to get more exprience in
the real tourism industry.
4. Mbak Dina as the field supervisor from Sunrise Holiday Tour and Travel who
always guides and supports the author during her internship program.
5. The authors’ parents who had been raised and educated, as well as provide
support and prayers to the writer.

The writer realize that this report has not been perfect, the suggestions and
constructive criticisms are expected in the completion of this report. Lastly, the
writer hope that this project can provide things that are useful and add insight to
the reader, especially for the writer.

Malang, October 2019

The writer,

Nurul Kharomah
NIM. 1732810027
Table of contents



List of tables
List of appendices


This chapter covers the discussion on the background of the study, objective of

the study, significance of the study, scope of the study and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

Learning a new language requires the mastery of vocabulary in the target

language. Vocabulary plays an important role in language. It helps people to

communicate and comprehend language well . Vocabulary is one of the essential parts

in understanding a new language. In order to master a new language, second language

learners need to know a very large number of words in the target language (Nation,

2013).When people have a large number of vocabulary in mind, they will select words

easily on certain situations (Rostifa, 2017) . Without having much vocabulary, it is hard

to write, speak and understand the target language. Thus, enriching vocabulary will be

of great benefit in learning a new language, including English. Vocabulary is also the

main requirement in learning English as a Second Language (ESL) and learning English

as a Foreign Language (EFL).

English is a global language. Approximately, there are 470 million people

around the world who speak English and that number is still growing up until now

(Dudeney & Hockly, 2009). As a global language, English is mostly increasingly

treated as “lingua franca” or common language.

As a “lingua franca”or a common language, English can connect people who do

not share the same native languages. It makes people in which English is not their first

language, like Indonesian, can communicate with people who are native speaker of

English. In Indonesia, English is treated as a foreign language. English as a Foreign

Language (EFL) is a term that is used for countries or areas where English is not the

main language that people use for daily communication (Damayanti, 2017). As a

foreign language, English is taught from elementary school as a mandatory subject

(Haidara, 2016) as well as at college in Indonesia. As a compulsory subject, the students

should be able to master English as a foreign language. Mastering English can be done

by enriching the vocabulary in English.

There are many ways to enrich vocabulary, one of which is using glossary (Sari,

2016). Originally, glossary is a list of terms that written monolingualy (Crabbe &

Heath, 2017). The simplest form of glossary contains of terms and the meaning of the

terms in certain languages (Bowker & Pearson, 2002, as cited in Crabbe and Heath

(2017). With the advancement of technology, glossary and dictionary not only can be

found in books but also in mobile phones.

Nowadays, mobile phones become one of the essential parts in people’s lives

(Basal, Yilmaz, Tanriverdi, & Sari, 2016). Due to mobile phone’s capacity, there are

various kind of mobile applications which can be found inside the mobile phone (Basal,

Yilmaz, Tanriverdi, & Sari, 2016). Mobile phones have received attention for its

existence and its use in education such as enriching vocabulary using glossary and

electronic dictionary (Rahimi & Miri, 2014).

There are a lot of studies proving the effectiveness of using dictionary or

glossary in assisting students to comprehend text and vocabulary improvement. Study

conducted by Yanti (2016) shows that the use of dictionary is also essential in

vocabulary learning. She mentioned that there is an improvement in mastering the

vocabulary in English using an electronic dictionary. Rezaei and Davoudi (2016)

conducted a study which resulted that using electronic dictionary can enhance

vocabulary learning. Sari (2016) conducted a study which shows that learning

vocabulary can be done using paper-glossary and online-glossary.

To support the improvement in vocabulary learning, glossaries are developed to

suit the need in specific fields. In this research the glossaries were developed for the

Accounting program in the Accounting Department at State Polytechnic of Malang.

State Polytechnic of Malang is a vocational higher education in Malang, East Java. In

2019, State Polytechnic of Malang was ranked in third place as the best polytechnic in

Indonesia by The Ministy of Research and Technology of Republic Indonesia. In the

State Polytechnic of Malang, there are several departments and one of which is the

Accounting Department. In 2019, State Polytechnic Malang started to open five

international classes with one of which is the Accounting Department.

Accounting Department of State Polytechnic of Malang was chosen as this

research setting because the Accounting Department has a large number of students than

other Departments in State Polytechnic of Malang and there is an international class in

this Department. The students from international class in the Accounting Department

are mixed from Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Sudan, Republic of Madagascar and

Republic of Kenya. According to one of the respondents, 90% of the learning activities
are using English. The respondent also stated that all of the textbooks in international

class are written in English and all of the assignments are to be submitted in English as


The situation in international class in Accounting Department was reported not

easy for many Indonesian students who had difficulties in comprehending English text

and using English for communication. Based on the questionnaire which was distributed

during the preliminary study, most Indonesian students in Accounting Department have

basic proficiency in English, especially with limited vocabulary mastery in English for

specific purposes which in this case is in the Accounting field.

In English for Accounting, there are specific terminologies used in this field that

may also cause problems since they may convey different meanings in different fields

of study. For example capital in general means ibu kota while in Accounting it means

modal. Another example is balance which generally means seimbang, while in

Accounting it means Saldo Sisa. As a student in Accounting international class, they

should be able to master the basic knowledge of Accounting in English (Suyadi, 2015).

Mastering the basic knowledge of Accounting in English can be done by

understanding the meaning and the use of certain terms as well as the vocabulary in the

Accounting field. In this research, the use of bilingual glossary was believed to be

effective assistance to comprehend English materials in Accounting. To confirm the

need for the glossary in Accounting department, a preliminary study was conducted

know the need of Accounting glossary both for Accounting students and the lecturers.

As illustrated in the questionnaire which was distributed on 13 March 2020

during the preliminary study in the Accounting Department, the respondents who filled
the questionnaire were both from regular and international classes in Accounting

Department. There are 30.4% of the respondents who have difficulty in understanding

English texts. There are 35.9% of the respondents who stated that they have difficulty in

understanding vocabulary in English text. In relation to the use of technology for a

glossary, 85.7% of the respondents, agreed that mobile phones are the best form of

media to develop an Accounting glossary.

From the questionnaires which were distributed during the preliminary study, it

can be concluded that all of the respondents, students, and lecturers from the

international and regular classes of Accounting Department, preferred to have a

bilingual glossary in Android-based application as an assistance for them in

understanding English Accounting texts. To support the result of the preliminary study,

a bilingual glossary of Accounting terms in an Android-based application was


1.2 Purpose of the Study

This study was aimed to develop a bilingual glossary for Accounting

Department students as integrated into an android e-glossary application which contains

Accounting terms.

1.3 Significance of the Study

This study is expected to be beneficial theoretically and practically.

Theoretically, the use of bilingual glossary for Accounting department students as

integrated into an Android e-glossary application can enrich the students’ knowledge
related to Accounting terminologies and can make students comprehend English texts

much more easily.

Practically, the use of Bilingual Glossary for Accounting Department students as

integrated into an Android e-glossary application would be useful for several parties.

For Accounting students, the e-glossary would assist them so that they can comprehend

English texts better and more easily. For the lecturers, the e-glossary would be the

guideline for them in comprehending English texts better.

For the other researchers, the study could be the references for them to conduct

research related to this study.

1.4 Scope of the Study

This study was conducted with the following scopes:

1. The words which were included in the e-glossary are at least 250 phrases of specific

terms which are frequently used in Accounting texts.

2. The Accounting terms collected in the E-glossary were taken from books and e-

books in the field of Accounting.

3. The e-glossary application is only available for Android Lollipop (5.0) until

Android Pie (9.0) operating system.

4. The study involved the students and lecturers from regular and international class in

Accounting Department of State Polytechnic of Malang.

5. The study was conducted for four months.

1.5 Definition of Key Terms

1. Android
Android is an operational system for mobile phone which is developed by

Google. In this research, Android Lollipop (5.0) until Android Pie (9.0) are the Android

system versions that support the installation of e-glossary application.

2. Bilingual E-Glossary Application

A bilingual glossary is a list of alphabetical terms in spesific terms which has

two languages, English and Indonesian, and the glossary can be accesed through mobile

phones. In this research, the bilingual e-glossary application provides the Accounting

terms in English and the meaning in Indonesian. The bilingual e-glossary application

also provides the example of the Accounting terms in English and Indonesian sentences.


This chapter presents the theories and the previous studies related to the

2.1 English as a Foreign Language

Generally, English is considered as a second language (ESL) and as a

foreign language (EFL) when English is used in the non-English-speaking

countries. (Lowenberg, 1991).

So far, English has been considered as a second language. Therefore, in

some countries, English is treated as a foreign language. As a foreign language,

English is taught in schools but it do not play important role in everyday’s life.

(Broughton, Brumfit, Flavell, Hill, & Pincas, 2003).

In Indonesia, English is treated as a foreign language. It means that the

learning and teaching English activities are mostly done in the classroom, not in

the daily communication (Sulistiyo, 2016). As an obligatory subject, Indonesian

students starting to learn English from fourth grade of elementary school. After

graduating from senior high school, many of Indonesian students keep choosing

English as their major in university (Haidara, 2016).

In State Polytechnic of Malang, English is also taught as a compulsory

subject in every department. Despite being taught in every departement of State

Polytechnic of Malang, English is taught as a foreign language. As a foreign

language, English is only used and taught in the classroom. The students and the

lecturers mostly use their native language for daily communication.


2.2 Vocabulary

Hatch and Brown (1995) defined vocabulary as “Set of words for a particular

language or a list or a set of words that individual speakers of a language might use”

(Hatch & Brown, 1995). Butler et al. (2010) in “A Review of the Current Research” ,

refers vocabulary as “the knowledge of words and word meanings” (Butler et al. (2010).

Butler et al. (2010) also stated that “vocabulary is something that expands and deepens

over time”.

Aside from grammar and pronunciation, vocabulary plays an important role in

learning a foreign language since the meaning of new words is often emphasized either

in books or in a classroom (Alqahtani, 2015). Vocabulary is one of the components

which connect speaking, writing, reading, and listening (Huyen & Nga, 2003). In

understanding difficult reading material, vocabulary is also important (Hyso & Tabaku,


In academic lives of EFL learners, it is undeniable that vocabulary perform

important role (Al-Dersi, 2013). Vocabulary mastery is needed in order to master

English as a foreign language (Zahedi & Abdi, 2012). With vocabulary, it is easy to

learn and understand English as a foreign language because vocabulary is the basic

element in learning and understanding languages.

2.3 Dictionary

Dictionaries are an important device in learning vocabulary and foreign

language (Ali, 2012). A lot of information about words and the usage of words are

provided by dictionaries (Ali, 2012). A dictionary can be found in one of these formats;

a monolingual dictionary (English version), a bilingual dictionary, or the printed


dictionary (Cohen, Tracy, & Cohen, 2017). According to the defining language,

dictionaries can be divided into monolingual dictionary (using one language for its word

and the meaning) and bilingual dictionary (using two differend languages for its word

and the meaning) (Kwary, Rustiningtias & Jurianto 2007).

According to Al Bulushy (2012) there are different formats of dictionary.

1. Printed dictionaries

This type of dictionary which are affordable has various kind of sizes, from

pocket-size until the large size.

2. Handheld electronic dictionaries

Handheld dictionaries are small gadget which receive input through the little

keyboard, voice recognition or scanning printed text, and the translation can be seen

through the LCD screen. This device also provides a voice which tells the perfect


3. Dictionary programs

This dictionary programs can be found in computer (software) which allows the

words or phrases are translated on a computer monitor.

4. Online dictionaries

Online dictionaries are not far different from dictionary programs, however this

kind of dictionaries are not credible as the printed dictionaries. Online dictionaries are

easy to find and use but these dictionaries are not always free to use.

5. Visual dictionaries

A visual dictionary is a dictionary that depending on the illustrations which can

tell the user of the dictionary the perfect translations.A visual dictionary usually has four

or more languages containing translations.

Using a dictionary while reading can be the assistance of the learners in

understanding the text as well as learning vocabulary (Liu & Lin, 2011). A dictionary

also can be the tool in finding the exact meaning of a word (Rohmatillah, 2016).

Dictionries are also important for learning English as a foreign language. A dictionary

can be the assitance for the learners in understanding the exact meaning of a word in

certain contexts.

2.4 Glossary

According to Cohen et al. (2017) “Glossaries contain simplifications of non–

content related terms and phrases deemed complex for students. These simplifications

include clarifications of complex sentences and synonyms or specific, context-related

definitions of words”. Bowker & Pearson, 2002, as cited in (Crabbe & Heath) 2017,

stated that a glossary contains a list of terms in one or more languages.

Glossaries and dictionaries are different. The difference between a glossary and

a dictionary is that the definition provided by a glossary is in context (Cohen et al.,

2017). Glosses usually can be found at the end of texts or books in the glossary (Webb,


Glossaries can be found in different kind of formats. Those formats are paper-

based glossary, online-based glossary, and computer programs. With the advancement

of technology, a glossary can also be found in mobile phones application.


2.5 Related Previous Studies

Kwary, Rustiningtias, and Jurianto (2007), conducted a study entitled

“Pengembangan Kamus Elektronik Akuntansi Keuangan Berbasis Korpus”. This study

focuses on developing a Financial Accounting dictionary. This study was conducted at

Airlangga University in Surabaya, East Java. The result of this study was a bilingual

electronic dictionary of Financial Accounting which can be accessed by mobile phones

and computers. The dictionary can be downloaded freely and the user can update the

terms easily.

Ependi and Widayati (2014) conducted a study entitled “Rancang Bangun

Aplikasi Kamus Istilah Akuntansi Pada Smartphone Dengan Metode Extreme

Programming”. The study was conducted at Bina Darma University, Pontianak,

Indonesia. The study developed an electronic dictionary Accounting terms for

smartphone using Extreme Programming Method. The terms in the dictionary can be

used and updated by the user freely.



This chapter discusses the research design, research setting, data

collection, development procedure and product specification of the study.

3.1 Research Design

The research design of this study was Design and Development Research

by Richey and Klein (2014). This research design was choosen because the design

is suitable for thisresearch which focuses on developing product and validating

the product. According to Richey and Klein (2014) Design and Development

Research is a structured study design to establish products and tools. Richey and

Klein (2014) stated the procedures to develop the product are analysis, design,

development, implementation, and evaluation. At the end of the procedures, a

revision was done in order to complete the product development. The procedures

will be explained below:







Figure 3.1 Research procedures

1. Analysis

In the analysis stage, the researcher distributed the questionnaires to the

Accounting department’ students and lecturers. The purpose of the questionnaires was

to figure out the problem that students and lecturers faced in understanding the

Accounting terms in English. The questionnaire was also distributed to discover the

need of bilingual e-glossary of Accounting.

1. Design

In the designing stage, the product was designed designed to develop bilingual

e-glossary which contains Accounting terms in an Android based application.

2. Development

In this stage, the product was developed. In this process, the collected

Accounting terms were input the bilingual e-glossary Android application.

3. Implementation

In this process, the researcher assigned the bilingual e-glossary Android

application to be tested by the students and lecturers from Accounting department.

4. Evaluation

In this stage, the e-glossary Android application got review about the terms

inside the e-glossary application from students as well as the teachers from Accounting

department. The review is also obtained from the IT experts.

5. Revision

In the revision stage, the product was revised after getting review in the

evaluation stage.

3.2 Research Setting

The setting of this study was in international and regular classes of the

Accounting Department of State Polytechnic of Malang. State Polytechnic of Malang is

a vocational higher education located at Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 9 Malang, East Java.

3.3 Data Collection

The data is collected through questionnaires and interview. The questionnaires

were distributed during the preliminary study and during the evaluation procedure to the

lectures and students from international and regular classes of Accounting Department.

The interview was conducted for the student from international class during the

preliminary study. The interview was also conducted to the IT experts.

3.4 Development Procedure

The first procedure in developing the study was analysis. In analysis procedure,

the questionnaires were distributed to both the lectures and students from international

and regular class of Accounting Departments in order to know the problem and the need

of the bilingual e-glossary of Accounting application.

The next procedure was designing the product. In the designing procedure, the

specification of the product was decided during this process. The terms of the product

were collected in this process. The contents were collected from Accounting related

books which were provided by State Polytechnic of Malang’s library. The books which

were used to find the Accounting term were, Buku Ajar Akuntansi “Siklus Akuntansi

Perusahaan Jasa & Dagang”, Akuntansi Keuangan Lanjutan Ed.1,and Pengantar


Akuntansi Adaptasi Indonesia. The terms were also colleted through e-books. The e-

books are Intermediate Accounting Second Ed. and Accounting Principles.

In the development process, the terms for the bilingual e-glossary of Accounting

application which were already collected were added into an Excel document. The

Excel document which contains Accounting terms was added into the bilingual e-

glossary application with the assistance of IT expert who input the terms into the


The next procedure was the implementation of the product. In this process, the

bilingual e-glossary application of Accounting will be tested by the users which were

the students from regular and international classes and the lecturers from the

Accounting Department of State Polytechnic of Malang.

The next procedure was evaluation. In this process, the students and the lecturers

from Accounting Department as well as the IT expert reviewed the product. The review

is about whether the bilingual e-glossary application of Accounting already meets the

criteria or not.

The last procedure was product revision. In this stage, the product was improved

based on the reviews which were gained during the evaluation procedure.

3.5 Product Specification

The result of this study was a bilingual e-glossary application which contains

250 Accounting terms. The example of the usage of the term in sentences are in English

and Indonesian language. The pictures which are related to the terms are input in the

bilingual e-glossary application. Android Lollipop (5.0) until Android Pie (9.0) is the

Android operating systems that support the installation of the bilingual e-glossary



This chapter covers the development result and discussion of the study.

4.1 Development Process

There were six stages implemented to develop the bilingual e-glossary

application of Accounting of the current study. Those stages included Analysis, Design,

Development, Implementation, Evaluation and Revision. All the six stages are

presented in detail below.

4.1.1 Analysis

In the stage of Analysis, the researcher did a preliminary study which was aimed

to identify and confirm the need to develop the bilingual e-glossary application of

Accounting. The data were collected through the distribution of questionnaires to

respondents who were the students and lecturers of Accounting Department of State

Polytechnic of Malang. The distribution of questionnairer was conducted within 13

days, from 13 March to 31 March 2020. There were 14 questions asked to respondents,

including questions about their knowledge about a glossary in general, the need for

bilingual glossary, and their preferred format of the glossary.

There were 56 respondents responded the online questionnaires; they were 37

students of regular class, 17 students of international class from Accounting Department

and 2 lecturers from Accounting Department of State Polytechnic of Malang.

Findings of the submitted responses are as below:

Table 4.1 ……..

No Questions Responses Summary


1 2 3 4 5 6
1. How often do you
read English
texts / books /
2. Do you encounter
any obstacles in
English texts?
3. How often do you
encounter the
obstacles in
reading English
texts? (In terms
of vocabulary)
4. How often do you
encounter the
following obstacles
in reading English
texts? (In terms of
6. In your experience,
can the Glossary
help you find the
meaning of terms
in the field of
(Example =
Balance Sheet =
Balance Sheet /
Position Report)

Regular Class International Class



Did you know that the glossary is a short dictionary that contains a short list of

important words or terms arranged alphabetically and is equipped with definitions or

explanations in certain fields? (Example: Glossary for Accounting)




Yes No


1: Strongly disagree

6: strongly agree

As presented on Table 4.1, it can be seen that most respondents faced problems in

vocabulary and grammar while reading English texts with vocabulary the most frequent


Terakhir harus disimpulkan bahwa memang perlu dilakukan penelitian pengembangan


4.1.2 Design

Diputuskan ada beberapa item terkait E-glossary, yakni, kosa kata dalam bahasa Inggris,

contoh kalimat dlm bhs inggris, terjemahan dalam bahasa Indoensia, contoh kalimat

dlm bhs Indonesia serta gambar yang mengilustrasikan kosa kata tersebut.

4.1.3 Development

Mencari textx berbahsa Inggris, ada brp?

Menyusun daftar kosa kata baru

Mengartikan ke dalam bhs Indonesia ….


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