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It Takes 4 Repetitions to Learn,

If You Need Less... You’re Gifted,

If You Need More... You’re Not Even Trying.
It Takes 4 Repetitions to Learn,
If You Need Less... You’re Gifted,
Section A If You Need More... You’re Not Even Trying.

4. Diberi bahawa �4 �� ÷ �� �5 = �2 � . Cari 1. 0.00516 – 7.33 x 104 =

nilai a dan nilai b. A 4.427 x 10-2
Given that �4 �� ÷ �� �5 = �2 �. Find the B 4.427 x 10-3
value of a and the value of b. C 5.087 x 10-2
A a=6 b=2 D 5.087 x 10-3
B a=5 b=1
C a=2 b=6 2. Ketebalan sebiji piring ialah 1.2 x 10-1 cm.
D a=1 b=5 Tinggi satu himpunan piring tersebut ialah
750 cm. Berapakah bilangan piring yang ada
5. Diberi bahawa � 4 2� = dalam himpunan itu?
−2 3 The thickness of a plate is 1.2 x 10-1 cm. The
8 4 , cari nilai m dan nilai n. height of one set of plates is 750 cm. How
6 −1
Given that � 4 2� = many plates are in the set?
−2 3 A 6.25 x 102
8 4 , find the value of m and
6 −1 B 6.25 x 103
C 9.0 x 102
A m = -2 n = -3
D 9.0 x 103
B m=3 n=6
C m=4 n=8
3. Encik Eren menyimpan sebanyak Rm 9000
D m=2 n=5 di bank Eldia dengan kadar faedah 3.5 %
setahun. Hitung jumlah simpanan Encik Eren
6. Ringkaskan : selepas beliau menyimpan selama 4 tahun.
Simplify: Mr Eren saves Rm 9 000 in Eldian bank with
an interest rate of 3.5% per year. Calculate
1 3
−6a3 �−6 1 the amount of Mr Eren’s Savings after he
× �2 �3 saved for 4 years.
A RM 1 260
216�9 18�9 �
B RM 2 160
C − �3 C RM 10 260
D RM 12 600
18�9 � 216�9
D − �3

7. Keluasan negara Malaysia ialah 330 803

000 000 m2. Nyatakan keluasan tersebut
dalam bentuk piawai betul kepada tiga
angka bererti.
The land area of Malaysia is 330 803 000
000 m2. State the area in standard form
correct to three significant figures.
A 3.30 x 1012 m2
B 3.31 x 1011 m2
C 3.30 x 1010 m2
D 331 x 109 m2

It Takes 4 Repetitions to Learn,
If You Need Less... You’re Gifted,
If You Need More... You’re Not Even Trying.

10. Mydin melabur dalam Syarikat Megah

8. Skala sebuah peta ialah 1 cm kepada 6 km.
Holdings sebanyak 8 000 unit saham yang
Berapakah jarak, dalam cm, dalam peta bagi
bernilai RM 1.20 seunit. Syarikat itu
dua buah bandar yang berjarak 57 km?
mengistiharkan dividen sebanyak 5%. Selepas
The scale of a map is 1 cm to 6 km. What is
menerima dividen, Mydin menjual semua
the distance, in cm, on the map of two towns
saham dengan harga RM 1.60 seunit. Hitung
57 km apart?
nilai pulangan pelaburan Farhana.
A 8.0
Farhana invested in Megah Holdings company
B 9.5
with 8 000 unit of share worth RM 1.20 per
C 19.0
unit. The company declared a dividend of 5%.
D 34.2
After receiving the dividend, Farhana sold all
the shares for RM 1.60 per unit. Calculate the
9. Skala sebuah peta ialah 4 cm : 1 km. Apakah
value of Farhana’s return on investment?
nisbah termudah yang mungkin?
A 23.75% The scale of a map is 4 cm : 1 km. What is
B 28.75% the simplest possible ratio?
C 33.33% A 1 : 25 000
D 38.33% B 2 : 34 000
C 3 : 56 000
11. Bruce Wang elah membuat simpanan tetap di D 4 : 12 000
bank Miami dengan kadar faedah sebanyak
3.7% setahun dengan kompaun setiap suku
tahun. Beliau mula menyimpan RMx pada
Januari 2018. Pada Januari 2022, simpanannya
menjadi RM 8 111.07. Berapakah simpanan
awal telah disimpan oleh Brute Wang.
Brute Wang has made a fixed deposit to Miami
bank with an interest rate of 3.7% per annum
compounded quarterly. She started saving
RMx in January 2018. In January 2022, her
savings increased to RM 8 111.07. How much
initial savings has Aini saved?
A 6 997
B 7 000
C 7 002
D 7 014

It Takes 4 Repetitions to Learn,
Section B\C If You Need Less... You’re Gifted,
If You Need More... You’re Not Even Trying.

1. Permudahkan / Simplify

(a) a3 x a2

(b) c5 ÷ c-5

(c) (p-2q5)3
(4 markah/ mark)

2 2
2. Diberi bahawa 2433 x 643 = p2 cari nilai p
2 2
Given that 2433 x 643 = p2 find the value of p.

(3 markah/marks)

3. Sebuah kolam renang mudah alih berukuran 305 cm x 183 cm x 56 cm. Hitung isipadu maksimum air yang boleh diisi
dalam liter. Nyatakan jawapan dalam bentuk piawai dan betul kepada empat angka bererti.
A portable swimming pool measuring 305 cm x 183 cm x 56 cm. Calculate the maximum volume of water that can be
filled in liters. Express the answer in standard form and correct to four significant figures.
(3 markah/marks)

It Takes 4 Repetitions to Learn,
If You Need Less... You’re Gifted,
If You Need More... You’re Not Even Trying.

4. Ikmal ingin memidahkan data berkapasiti 2 terabait kepada pemancu pena yang berkapasiti 32 gigabait. Berapakah
bilangan minimum pemancu pena berkapasiti 32 gigabait yang diperlukan?
Ikmal wants to transfer data with a capacity of 2 terabytes to a pen drive with a capacity of 32 gigabytes. What is the
minimum number of 32 gigabyte capacity thumdrive drives required?
(2 markah/marks)

5. Pada bulan Januari 2017 Encik Khairullah telah menyimpan RM 11 000 dalam akaun simpanan di Bank Maya dengan
kadar 3.25% setahun dan pengkompaunan setiap 3 bulan. Pada bulan Disember 2021, beliau ingin mengeluarkan
keseluruhan simpananya untuk dijadikan modal untuk membayar kos pembinaan bumbung kendang itu. Berdasarkan
jawapan anda di (b)(i), tentukan sama ada keseluruhan simpanan yang dikeluarkanya mencukupi untuk membayar kos
pembinaan yang ditetapkan oleh kontraktor.
In January 2017, Encik Khairullah had saved RM 11 000 in a savings account at Bank Maya at a rate of 3.25% per
annum and compounding every 3 months. In December 2021, he wants to withdraw all of his savings to be used as
capital to pay for the construction cost of the roof of the barn. Based on your answer in (b)(i), determine wheather his
total savings are sufficient to pay for the construction costs set by the contractor.
(3 markah/ marks)

It Takes 4 Repetitions to Learn,
If You Need Less... You’re Gifted,
If You Need More... You’re Not Even Trying.

6. Encik Khairul Aming sangat meminati sebuah kereta terbaru keluaran Syarikat Kereta Juta Berhad yang bernilai RM
270 000. Dia bercadang untuk mendapatkan kereta idamanya itu dalam temph tiga tahun dan dia ingin menyimpan
wang untuk membayar 10% wang pendahuluan. Berapakah simpanan bulanan yang harus disimpan untuk mencapai
matlamat kewangan Encik Khairul Aming. Pada pandangan anda, adakah Encik Khairul Aming mampu membeli
kereta tersebut. Berikan justifikasi anda.
Mr. Khairul Aming is passionate about a new car produced by Syarikat Car Juta Berhad which is worth Rm 270 000.
He plan to his dream car within three years and he want to save money to pay 10% of the down payment. How many
monthly savings should be saved to achieve Mr Khairul Aming’s financial goals. In your opinion, is Mr Khairul
Aming able to afford the car? Give your justification.
(3 markah/mark)

7. Rajah di sebelah menunjukkan lukisan berskala tapak sebuah rumah kedai yang dilukis dengan skala 1 : 400.
The diagram shows the scale drawing of the floor plan of a shophouse that is drawn to a scale of 1 : 400.
a) Hitung luas sebenar bilik stor, dalam m2
Calculate the actual area of the storeroom, in m2.

b) Nyatakan nisbah luas rumah kedai kepada luas bilik stor.

State the ratio of the area of the shophouse to the area of the storeroom.

c) Jika ketinggian sebenar rumah kedai ialah 3.75 m, hitung isi padu,
dalam m3, bentuk tiga dimensi rumah kedai tersebut.
If the actual height of the shophouse is 3.75 m, calculate the volume, in m3,
of the three-dimensional shophouse.

It Takes 4 Repetitions to Learn,
If You Need Less... You’re Gifted,
If You Need More... You’re Not Even Trying.

8. Suatu polygon sekata dengan sudut peluaran 36 ° dilukis semula dengan menggunakan skala 1 : 5. Jika panjang
sebenar sisi polygon sekata itu ialah 10 cm, hitung perimeter lukisan berskala polygon sekata itu.
A regular polygon with an exterior angle of 36° is redrawn using a scale of 1 : 5. If the actual length of sides of the
regular polygon is 10 cm, calculate the perimeter of the scale drawing of the regular polygon.

9. Puan Jisoo ingin membina sebuah taman berbentuk heksagon seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah tersebut.
Mrs Jisoo wants to build a hexagonal garden as shown in diagram below.

Pada grid segi empat sama di ruang jawapan, lukis semula taman itu menggunakan skala 1 : 500.
On the grid of squares in the answer space, redraw the garden using a scale of 1 : 500.

(3 markah/ marks)

It Takes 4 Repetitions to Learn,
NOTES : If You Need Less... You’re Gifted,
If You Need More... You’re Not Even Trying.


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