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Si ir TT LUC” METHODS OF CALCULATING NATIONAL TCoMmE H | ©| Name the Metnods of Measuriiy Nationa! 1 Income: ¢ (MeETHoDs] Propoer Merion / VAWE ADDED METHOD Iweome METHOD Expert ope METHOD @ VALUE ThcomE _—EXPEWDT TORE ON Apped = GEWEAATION ~ Frbr Goons & SERVICES @| What is meant by Value Added Method Preduck (netned 2 yeduet Method or value Added method 1 that Method Which measures the Grogs Domestic Product at fnarret Price C4dFpip) aa the dum toto oP value added by ou ‘he producing unita ltthtn the clomepite tenitory oP the Couptig» during the period of an Accounting year. Thue, Gpp__ = VALVE OF _ IHTERMEDEATE Me OvTPLT CoS umPTION. Scanned with CamScanner \. : i Pe Vee oF _ output = Soles + A In Stock + Sales = oo. & Units Bold x Pex Unit qn &) + Atm Stok= coding gtock — opening 4todK * GROSS DomESTIE PREDUCT Te algo nown by QRess VALUE -ADDED - # Thtesmediate Congumbtion Snelndea the Vane GF Paws Imatetot used th the brocays ot production: @|wnor is the prehiem of Double counting? Hew tan we avoid 1%? Expo. D Frsbiom of Doutie countivg occurs when the Value oP some gpede produced fn the Rconomy {4 Counted more than once In tne estimation 4 Nation! Lucome: ¥ To 4veid the brbiem ¢f Boubie Counting, Fuse tethods Ore used — @) Frye. ooreut METH —> According to trie Methed, ' only Pinot Goode avd Zewices aie te be considered tn the Catimation of GDP. Tntermediate Goeda are not to be considered: B Volue AMDED MetHod —> According to thie Method, om! rr Vatue AMidifiona ane A be conatde ~ered Tu the eatimation of Gpes Scanned with CamScanner @] whet is meant by Income Method ? > at Method Which measures national Income ag the Bum totot of factor Incomes (compensation F eenployees, rent, Interest and Profit) eared by nomvod Teri douty 8 a County during ay accounting Year. Sum Totot oF factor Pneomeg Prerated witht the domeetc. Tertitory Pa country Coy the Yeeidents oy hoon = Weetdente) 4A cated Aomatte Income. (Pee). Nat factor Sneome. From Abroad (WFtA) te added 4o NDPpe to find Wationol Tneome: Thus, Theome metiad te 4h NDP. = Comeenicatzen OF Emproypes + OpeRATtHg SoreLvs + Maxep “Dycope here, “| Comperssarizons = Wagae & Salarice In Cash OF EmpLoyees + Employers! Conbidution te fected Aecuriiy Scheme + Retirement, Pongion F Payment 4m tiny kind + OPERATING + “gurpiug = Rent + Twierest + Profit + Reyoty Profit = dividends + Corporate BoR+ tay + Undistibated Profit ~ Corporate Saving] a Scanned with CamScanner iF Income Method te ogo enown dy Dietaduted hare Method or factor Pa ent Thedhod: Wihet is meant by Cxpenditure Method 2 Brparditeae Metiod te trat Meshed which measures the Nationol Lrcome fn terme of expenditure (coneumbtion exbenditure + Dhvertment exbendijure) on the purchase, F Fiat Goede and gowices produced fn the economy during the posted oP an Accounting Yyeors Sum toot of exbenditure on the domesticoty produced YOods ahd Aewices during an Accounting year le called SPFing Thus , V® Geng = Parvare Frm Qiocomprros Ccpeunsture + Goverssmerst Prco. Gpsumpreos Gerensdt TRE + Gross Domesrsc Chertm. 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