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Unit 4 Celebrations

1. A: Here we are. Can you turn on the light? My hands are full.
B: Sure.
C: Surprise!
A: Happy anniversary, honey.
B: And I thought you forgot!

2. A: Are you going to Joe's party?

B: Yes, I am.
A: What are you going to bring?
B: I'm going to bring a homemade pizza. How about you?
A: I think I'll bring a dessert—maybe a chocolate cake.

3. A: David, are you doing anything this Saturday?

B: Not a thing. Why?
A: Adam is turning 20, and I'm having a party for him. Can you come?
B: Sure! I can't wait to see him try to blow out twenty candles!
A: Great! Show up at about 7:30.
4. A: Are you going to Sarah's party?
B: Yes, I am.
A: What kind of party is it?
B: Well, I heard she's going to make dinner for everyone. The food will be served
buffet style, I think.
A: Sounds nice.

5. A: Hi, Tom.
B: Hi, Lisa.
A: Hey, are you free on Saturday afternoon?
B: Yeah. What do you have in mind?
A: Well, I'm going down to the park with some friends. We're going to grill some
steaks down there. Why don't you come?
B: Okay. Thanks. I'll bring something to drink.

6. A: Would you like to come for dinner tomorrow night? I'm having a few people
B: Yeah, sure. Is it potluck?
A: Yes, it is.
B: Okay. What should I bring?
A: Well, you could bring dessert if you want.
1. A: Mmm, this is really delicious. Did you make it yourself?
B: Yes, I did.
A: What's it got in it?
B: Chocolate—and more chocolate.

2. A: Do you play?
B: Yes, I do. Well, a little.
A: Why don't you play something for us?
B: Maybe in a while, after I've met a few more people.

3. A: I really like this new game!

B: It's great! Thanks for bringing it to the party.
A: I could play it all day.
B: Oh yeah? But I guess we should give someone else a turn soon.

4. A: Welcome! I'm glad you could come.

B: Thanks for inviting me. These are for you.
A: Thank you. They're lovely.
5. A: Oh, I like this. Who did it?
B: I did.
A: Really? I didn't know you painted.
B: Yes. I do. but this isn't one of my best.

6. A: He's cute. What's his name?

B: Well, it's a "she" really. Her name's Fluffy.
A: Can I hold her?
B: Of course.
A: Ouch! Why'd she do that?
1. Hey, what a great party that was! There were lots of interesting people there,
and some really cute guys. I met one really nice guy named Tom—I think he's
going to call me next week. Anyway, the best thing was the music. Everyone
danced a lot. I'm really glad we didn't have to play party games or sing stupid
songs. The food was good, too. We ate outside—you know, barbecue style.

2. Sam's party was terrible. We had to play all sorts of stupid games, like
memorizing everyone's name. Twenty questions I think. Then we watched a home
movie of Sam's vacation in Hawaii. Boring! Actually, I prefer parties where people
just sit around and talk and eat, but we didn't eat till very late. The worst thing
was when we finally did eat, there wasn't enough food. I was still feeling hungry
when I left.
3. I went to this party on Saturday night. When I arrived, I looked around and I
didn't know anyone there, but everyone was really friendly, and soon I got to
know a lot of people. I really enjoyed myself. I thought it was going to be a dance
party. but no one really felt like dancing. We listened to some nice music, though.
There were some guys from Spain there. One of them had a guitar and could play
it really well. The best thing was he taught us some neat Spanish songs.

4. I went to a school party on Friday. No one had really planned the party. That
was the main problem. Also. I think we were all too tired after exams. The worst
thing was no one brought any music. We just stood around talking and eating junk
food. Someone said, "Let's play some party games," but no one wanted to play
games. Everyone went home before 10:30.

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