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Book shop inventory

A Project report submitted



For Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement For
The Award of the Degree

Bachelor of Engineering
Submitted by:
Team Name:
Name: Mirza Ansub Baig
2) M Arif
3) Abdullah
4) Ahmed Baig
5) Mairaj

Under the guidance of:

Miss Subreena

We hereby declare that the details enclosed in the project proposal
entitled “Book Shop Inventory System “carried out by us in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award for degree in Bachelor of
Engineering in electrical are true and correct to the best of our
knowledge and belief is a record of an original work done by us under
the guidance of Miss Subreena ,faculty of computer science &
engineering department and it is also declare that this report has been
prepared for academic purpose alone and has not been/will not be
submitted elsewhere for any other purposes.

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my Computer
Programming Fundamental Teacher “ Miss Subreena” for his able
guidance and support in completing this project.

Secondly, I would also like to thank my parents and friend who helped
me a lot in finishing this project within the limited time. just because
of them a was able to create my project and make it good and
enjoyable experience.

Thanks again to all who helped me during the project.

In today's fast-paced digital era, bookshops face numerous challenges in managing their inventory
effectively. This abstract introduces a comprehensive bookshop inventory system designed to
revolutionize inventory management and enhance overall operational efficiency. By leveraging cutting-
edge technology and intelligent algorithms, this system aims to streamline inventory processes, optimize
stock levels, and improve customer satisfaction.
The proposed bookshop inventory system encompasses a range of features and functionalities tailored to
address the unique requirements of bookstores. It utilizes a centralized database to store and manage
book information, including titles, authors, publication dates, genres, and pricing details. Through an
intuitive user interface, store managers and employees can easily access and update this information,
ensuring real-time accuracy and availability.

The system incorporates automated inventory tracking mechanisms to monitor stock levels, track sales,
and generate alerts when certain books need restocking. By utilizing data analytics and predictive
algorithms, it can accurately forecast demand patterns, enabling store owners to optimize their stock
ordering processes and minimize overstocking or stock outs.

To enhance customer experience and satisfaction, the system incorporates a user-friendly search and
recommendation engine. Customers can search for books based on various criteria, such as title, author,
genre, or keywords, allowing for efficient and personalized book discovery. Furthermore, the system
provides tailored recommendations based on customers' browsing and purchasing history, fostering
engagement and facilitating cross-selling opportunities.

Additionally, the bookshop inventory system offers integration with online marketplaces and e-commerce
platforms, enabling seamless synchronization between physical and online inventories. This integration
enables customers to access real-time stock availability, place online orders for in-store pickup, or have
books shipped directly to their desired location.

By implementing this novel inventory management system, bookshops can experience significant
benefits, including improved inventory accuracy, reduced operational costs, optimized stock levels,
enhanced customer satisfaction, and increased revenue. With its user-friendly interface and advanced
features, this system is poised to revolutionize the way bookshops manage their inventories and adapt to
the evolving demands of the modern market.

List of Figures
Figure No Page No

Figure 3.7 11

Figure 6.2 18
Figure 6.3 18

Figure 6.4 19

Figure 6.5 19


1) CHAPTER: Introduction 7 to 8
2) CHATPER: Requirement 9

3) CHAPTER: Features 10

4) CHAPTER: Header files use 11

5) CHAPTER: Source 13 to 17

6) CHAPTER: Output 18 to 19

7) CHAPTER: Advantage & 20

8) CHAPTER: conclusion 21


Project: Simple Book shop in C++ with source code
1.1 About Project
 This Simple Book shop is based on the concept of managing book records. It doesn’t contain
any login system. The user can easily manage and view all the book records. This mini
project contains limited features, but the essential one.

 Talking about the features of this simple book shop, the user can add book
details by condition. The user can also print out or simply view all the available
book records. Other features include editing book records which is categorized
into different sections such as edit by name, number, cost, publisher and so on.
At last the user can save all the records to file.

 The system creates an external file to store the data permanently. This Simple
Book Shop is developed using C++ Programming Language and different variables,
strings have been used for the development of it. Simple Book Store in C++
Programming with source code..

 Here is another simple C++ project that utilizes graphics. In this application named
bookshop management system project in C++, users can add book records, show
book records, modify book records, delete book records and check availability of the
particular book to buy. File handling has been used to perform all these operations. I
have briefly explained the features and header files of the project in this post.

 The source code for this project is over 400 lines. This bookshop management
system project in C++ is complete and totally error-free.

 A book shop maintains the inventory of books that are being sold at the shop.

 The listincludes details such as author, title, price, publisher and stock position.

 Whenever a customer wants a book, the sales person inputs the title and author and the system

 Searches the list and displays whether it is available or not. If it is not, an appropriatemessage
is displayed.

 If it is, then the system displays the book details and requestsfor the number of copies

 If the requested copies book details and requestsfor the number of copies required.
 If the requested copies are available, the total costof the requested copies is displayed;
otherwise the message “Required copies not instock” is displayed.

 Design a system using a class called books with suitable member functions andConstructors.

 Use new operator in constructors to allocate memory space required.

Implement C++ program for the system.


2.1 Hardware Required
 Printer to print the required documents of the project
 Compact drive
 Processor :intel
 Ram:512 MB or more than 512 MB
 Hard disk :80GB or more than 80 GB

2.2 Software Required

 Operating system :windows XP
 Turbo C++, for execution of program and MS word, for
presentation of output.

3.1 Features:
Listed below are the main features of this C++ project:

3.2 Add Book Records: This feature allows users to add a new book to
bookshop management system application. Information such as name of the book,
name of the author and number of copies should be provided, and the data is stored in

3.3 Show Book Records: The add book records can be listed with this
feature along with the author’s name and number of copies of the book added.

3.4 Check Availability: If you want to buy a particular book, this feature first
checks its availability. Name, author and number of copies of the particular book is then

3.5 Modify Book Records: You can modify the information provided while
adding a new book to bookshop management system project in C++. You can edit the
book’s name, author’s name and the number of copies. All modified data are then stored
in file.

3.6 Delete Book Records: To delete book from the file of bookshop

management, this feature is used. For this the book name should be provided, and a
confirmation from the user is asked before deleting the book record.
Fig No 3.7

Header Files Used:

4.1 USES

Note that this project uses graphics’ header file, and runs on Turbo C++. So, if you want
to run the source code in Code::Blocks by making some modifications, you need
to include graphics’ header file in Code::Blocks to run this project. Besides that,
bookshop management system requires the following header files included in
your compiler.

 #include”stdio.h”
 #include”conio.h”
 #include”fstream.h”
 #include”stdlib.h”
 #include”dos.h”
 #include”string.h”
 #include”graphics.h”
 #include”iomanip.h”

File handling has been used to perform all the operations in bookshop management
system project in C++, except the welcome screen., list, modify, search (check
availability) and delete records from file.




using namespace std;

class book {


char *author,*title,*publisher;

float *price;

int *stock;


book() {

author= new char[20];

title=new char[20];

publisher=new char[20];

price= new float;

stock=new int;

void feeddata();

void editdata();

void showdata();
int search(char[],char[]);

void buybook();


void book::feeddata() {


cout<<"\nEnter Author Name: "; cin.getline(author,20);

cout<<"Enter Title Name: "; cin.getline(title,20);

cout<<"Enter Publisher Name: "; cin.getline(publisher,20);

cout<<"Enter Price: "; cin>>*price;

cout<<"Enter Stock Position: "; cin>>*stock;

void book::editdata() {

cout<<"\nEnter Author Name: "; cin.getline(author,20);

cout<<"Enter Title Name: "; cin.getline(title,20);

cout<<"Enter Publisher Name: "; cin.getline(publisher,20);

cout<<"Enter Price: "; cin>>*price;

cout<<"Enter Stock Position: "; cin>>*stock;

void book::showdata() {

cout<<"\nAuthor Name: "<<author;

cout<<"\nTitle Name: "<<title;

cout<<"\nPublisher Name: "<<publisher;

cout<<"\nPrice: "<<*price;

cout<<"\nStock Position: "<<*stock;


int book::search(char tbuy[20],char abuy[20] ) {

if(strcmp(tbuy,title)==0 && strcmp(abuy,author)==0)

return 1;

else return 0;

void book::buybook() {

int count;

cout<<"\nEnter Number Of Books to buy: ";


if(count<=*stock) {


cout<<"\nBooks Bought Sucessfully";

cout<<"\nAmount: Rs. "<<(*price)*count;


cout<<"\nRequired Copies not in Stock";

int main() {

book *B[20];

int i=0,r,t,choice;

char titlebuy[20],authorbuy[20];

while(1) {


<<"\n1. Entry of New Book"

<<"\n2. Buy Book"

<<"\n3. Search For Book"

<<"\n4. Edit Details Of Book"

<<"\n5. Exit"

<<"\n\nEnter your Choice: ";


switch(choice) {

case 1: B[i] = new book;


i++; break;

case 2: cin.ignore();

cout<<"\nEnter Title Of Book: "; cin.getline(titlebuy,20);

cout<<"Enter Author Of Book: "; cin.getline(authorbuy,20);

for(t=0;t<i;t++) {

if(B[t]->search(titlebuy,authorbuy)) {




cout<<"\nThis Book is Not in Stock";


case 3: cin.ignore();

cout<<"\nEnter Title Of Book: "; cin.getline(titlebuy,20);

cout<<"Enter Author Of Book: "; cin.getline(authorbuy,20);

for(t=0;t<i;t++) {

if(B[t]->search(titlebuy,authorbuy)) {

cout<<"\nBook Found Successfully";




cout<<"\nThis Book is Not in Stock";


case 4: cin.ignore();

cout<<"\nEnter Title Of Book: "; cin.getline(titlebuy,20);

cout<<"Enter Author Of Book: "; cin.getline(authorbuy,20);

for(t=0;t<i;t++) {

if(B[t]->search(titlebuy,authorbuy)) {

cout<<"\nBook Found Successfully";




cout<<"\nThis Book is Not in Stock";


case 5: exit(0);

default: cout<<"\nInvalid Choice Entered";

return 0;


6.1 MENU

1. Entry of new book

2. Buy book
3. Search for book
4. Edit Detail of book
5. Exit

Fig no 6.2

Enter you choice: 1

Enter Author Name:Mirza
Enter Title Name: math
Enter Publisher Name:Ansub Baig
Enter Price: 200
Enter Stock Position: 15
Fig no 6.3

Enter your choice: 2

Enter Title of book: math
Enter Author of book: Mirza
Enter Number Of books to buy: 6
Books Bought successfully
Amount: Rs. 1200

Fig no 6.4

Enter your choice: 3

Enter title of book: math
Enter Author of book: Mirza
Book Found Successfully
Author Name: Mirza
Title name: math
Publisher Name : Ansub Baig
Stock Positin:9
Fig no 6.5


Advantage &Disadvantages:
7.1 Advantages:

 Customer does not have to wait in long queues.

 This software reduces paper work.
 It store the details of book purchase
 It is easy to handle customer’s record
 This software saves the time
 Information of the customer stores permanently.

7.2 Disadvantages:
 This system suitable for only small book shops.
 Online facility is not available.

 This software is efficient in maintaining customer’s detail and can easily perform
operation on customer’s record .This software also reduces the work load of the shop
keeper to know the quantity of books available and also keep the records of how many
books are purchased and sold.

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