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No Basic Advance
1 Sleepy, Drowsy Somnolent
2 Talkative (nonsense) Prattle
3 Boring, dull (uninteresting) Insipid
4 Selective, choosy Isotonic
5 Effusively (adv) Unreserved, extravagant, demonstrative
6 Abysmal (adj) Extremely, bad, deeply terrible
7 Brash (adj) Self-assertive, in a rude, noisy, or overbearing way
8 Relentless (adj) Persistent, constant, continuing
9 Demeaning (adj) Degrading, shameful, humiliating
10 Dogmatic (adj) Opinionated, authoritarian, adamant
11 Invincible (adj) Bulletproof, unbeatable, unstoppable
12 Embank (v) Commence, undertake
13 Formulate (v) Plan, compose, prepare
14 Brag (v) Gloat, boast, show off
15 Trivial (adj) Of little value or importance
16 Polarize (v) Divide or cause division
17 Compromise (v) Agreement/Settlement
18 Multitask (v) To do several jobs at the same time
19 Pontificate (v) Preach, declaim, sermonize
20 Cue (n) Signal, sign, indication
21 Condescending (adj) Patronizing, superior, imperious
22 Bolster (v) Strengthen, support, and reinforce
23 Interpersonal Relating to relationships, between people
24 Vulnerable In danger, at risk, unsafe
25 Brave, courageous (les fear/no Audacious, fearless, daring, bold
fear) not afraid
26 Careful, cautious Prudent
27 Commonplace/worldly Mundane
28 Widely, spread out (v) Diffuse
29 Empower, greater power, langer Aggrandize
30 Mysterious, hand to interpret Enigmatic
31 Free, unrestrained Unfettered
32 Stupid person, dumb or, gross, or Buffoon
usually I’ll, educated
33 Omni potent (all power) The one who is all power (almighty/most powerful)
34 Omni present (all everywhere, all The one who is all over or in all places
35 Omni scient (all knowledge, The all-knowing one
36 Innovation (n) The use of the new idea
37 Flexibility (n) Willingness to change on compromise
38 Complexity (n) Difficulty, problem
39 Accomplish (v) Fulfill, achieve
40 Excellence (n) Brilliance, quality
41 Critically (adv) In a way that expresses disapproval
42 Tend (v) Incline, lean
43 Nostalgia (n) Reminisce, remembrance
44 Consistent (adj) steady, stable
45 Workforce (n) Personnel, staff, worker
45 Mollify To calm, make less severe, fatal
46 Foster Nourish, to grow
47 Lucid Clear, easily understood
48 Probity Honest
49 Deference Respect

Basic parts of the paragraph

1. Topic (main idea, concept, the whole purpose of the paragraph)
2. Controlling ideas (guide for your scope and limitations of the paragraph)
3. Supporting sentences (information, details of the paragraph)
4. Concluding (summary and lessons learned in the paragraph)

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