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English Essay

Author Name:John Deivis rodriguez Teherán

institutional Affiliation: Tweetalig S.A.S

Subject: Level B2

Name Of the Professor: Lc. Brayan Jesus Hernandez Solano

Date: 3/May/2023

The use of email in marketing as a sale strategy

The constant growth of new technological processes leads companies to take advantage

of the opportunities they present, although the change to analog manual processes and obsolete

technologies would lead to a complete restructuring of the business model, mainly focusing on

interaction with customers as the main objective. Investing in a modern strategy would entail

great benefits or conversely, high risks that would lead the company to bankruptcy.

According to Cerón Islas et al. (2010), the strategies that the companies implement are

those that seek to influence the market, having as their main characteristic the identification of

current trends on which marketing works, in such a way that the different strategies that exist in

today's world are defined that allows entities to obtain an advantage over their competitors,

although it is worth mentioning that the tendency is not to compete but to collaborate, that is, to

form alliances that allow them to survive in such a competitive world.

However, Lorente Páramo (2020) states that among the strategies that companies have

been implementing that have allowed them to influence the market and obtain a competitive

advantage over their competitors is “email marketing”; positioning itself as an effective and

highly profitable channel for advertisers. Following, the previous statement, a study conducted

by Comparapps in 2023, reveals that, 89% of marketers use email as their primary channel to

generate leads, while 81% of small businesses rely on email as their source main customer

acquisition channel and 80% as a retention channel, in addition, earnings of $40 are expected for

every $1 invested in email marketing.

For companies, mainly small and medium-sized ones, e-mail marketing has become a

fundamental tool to achieve the proposed market objectives, allowing customer loyalty and the

generation of new ones; its effectiveness becomes a source of opportunity to increase sales, and

an increase in its use is expected by people who manage this type of media, becoming future

customers (Gutiérrez, 2023).

Nonetheless, the main objective of email marketing is to increase sales by attracting new

customers through lists of people from the advertising companies target audience by renting

external lists (not belonging to the advertising company) and customer retention already acquired

through the loyalty of previously acquired lists (Zarta Toledo et al., 2021).

As it is a communication marketing strategy, unlike other media such as television or

radio, in email marketing people have previously permitted the company to receive this type of

communication, providing them with their email so that they can receive it send without having

to buy a large space in the press or spend a lot of money to produce a TV or radio spot (Rangel

Bayte, 2021).

In other words, this type of strategy is focused on using email as the main communication

channel between the organization and the client. Through said interaction, the aim is to gain

visibility, encourage actions or build loyalty through a personalized experience; becoming a

digital communication tool and is widely used and recommended. Email marketing proposes a

clear, effective, and unique way to provide valuable content, differentiating itself from other


Of the above, those advantages that differentiate from the rest of the others, Rangel Bayte

(2021) declares that one of the advantages of this type of tool In the first place, it consists of

achieving the loyalty of the clients or consumers of the products; secondly, it is an effective tool

in the creation and implementation of digital marketing strategies, the purpose of which is to

maintain contact with customers; thirdly, implementation of strategies such as improvement of

customer service in the identification of needs and recommendations provided by consumers;


and finally, the differentiation with Spam is achieved, which is considered a scourge that

contains large amounts of advertisements, emails or unsolicited, irrelevant information, and

without prior consent.

In this way, email marketing does not require any expense other than putting together the

mail, by the same company stands out as a great advantage since the costs of email marketing

can be much lower than other forms of marketing. There are no advertising costs, clicks, or

impressions. In addition, it allows us to assemble and share the number of emails that are

necessary about which segment or niche of clients want to send. Likewise, the databases will be

made up of people who have chosen to receive emails.

On the contrary, it argues that (Noriega, 2021) there is no immediate reaction from the

audience, although it can be added that the clients themselves have not seen the message due to

the saturation of messages and the irritation of the same clients. Thus, the email and the response

from the company are not immediate, which results in the inability to interact with your

customers and, subsequently, the loss of sales or the interest of the same customers.

In conclusion, email marketing is the tool that will boost your business, allow you to

build loyalty, and attract new customers in a simple, economical, and above all effective way.

Any business needs to have satisfied customers. The email application will substantially increase

the number of potential customers who will be able to find out about the products or services,

having an impact on profits in the long run. Furthermore, like any other market strategy, its

application is subject to a latent risk that can mean uncertainty about whether it will occur, or on

the contrary, an opportunity that can positively affect the achievement of objectives or the

continuous improvement in.



Ceròn Islas, A., Alcantara Hernandez, R. J., & Figueroa Velazquez, J. G. (2010).

Marketing: a competitive strategy. Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, 12.

Gutiérrez, P. (2023, January 20). 22 Email Marketing Statistics [2023]. Comparapps.

Retrieved May 2, 2023, from

Lorente Páramo, Á. J. (2020). The effectiveness in email marketing: unified theoretical

model and study of cultural influences. E.T.S.I. Industriales (UPM).

Noriega, D. (2021, April 2). What is email marketing? Advantages and disadvantages.

Diego Noriega. Retrieved May 2, 2023, from


Olivares, D. (2023). Guide: Email marketing from scratch. Free Community Manager

Courses. Retrieved May 2, 2023, from





Zarta Toledo, L. V., Monsalve Bonilla, V., Suárez Rincón, L. F., & Reyes Solano, O. S.




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